/* * This file is part of Applied Energistics 2. * Copyright (c) 2013 - 2014, AlgorithmX2, All rights reserved. * * Applied Energistics 2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Applied Energistics 2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with Applied Energistics 2. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl>. */ package appeng.parts.automation; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import net.minecraft.util.EnumHand; import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation; import net.minecraft.util.math.Vec3d; import appeng.api.config.Actionable; import appeng.api.config.FuzzyMode; import appeng.api.config.PowerMultiplier; import appeng.api.config.RedstoneMode; import appeng.api.config.SchedulingMode; import appeng.api.config.Settings; import appeng.api.config.Upgrades; import appeng.api.config.YesNo; import appeng.api.networking.IGridNode; import appeng.api.networking.crafting.ICraftingGrid; import appeng.api.networking.crafting.ICraftingLink; import appeng.api.networking.crafting.ICraftingRequester; import appeng.api.networking.energy.IEnergyGrid; import appeng.api.networking.security.BaseActionSource; import appeng.api.networking.security.MachineSource; import appeng.api.networking.ticking.TickRateModulation; import appeng.api.networking.ticking.TickingRequest; import appeng.api.parts.IPartCollisionHelper; import appeng.api.parts.IPartModel; import appeng.api.storage.IMEInventory; import appeng.api.storage.IMEMonitor; import appeng.api.storage.data.IAEItemStack; import appeng.api.util.AECableType; import appeng.core.AELog; import appeng.core.AppEng; import appeng.core.settings.TickRates; import appeng.core.sync.GuiBridge; import appeng.helpers.MultiCraftingTracker; import appeng.helpers.Reflected; import appeng.items.parts.PartModels; import appeng.me.GridAccessException; import appeng.parts.PartModel; import appeng.util.InventoryAdaptor; import appeng.util.Platform; import appeng.util.item.AEItemStack; public class PartExportBus extends PartSharedItemBus implements ICraftingRequester { public static final ResourceLocation MODEL_BASE = new ResourceLocation( AppEng.MOD_ID, "part/export_bus_base" ); @PartModels public static final IPartModel MODELS_OFF = new PartModel( MODEL_BASE, new ResourceLocation( AppEng.MOD_ID, "part/export_bus_off" ) ); @PartModels public static final IPartModel MODELS_ON = new PartModel( MODEL_BASE, new ResourceLocation( AppEng.MOD_ID, "part/export_bus_on" ) ); @PartModels public static final IPartModel MODELS_HAS_CHANNEL = new PartModel( MODEL_BASE, new ResourceLocation( AppEng.MOD_ID, "part/export_bus_has_channel" ) ); private final MultiCraftingTracker craftingTracker = new MultiCraftingTracker( this, 9 ); private final BaseActionSource mySrc; private long itemToSend = 1; private boolean didSomething = false; private int nextSlot = 0; @Reflected public PartExportBus( final ItemStack is ) { super( is ); this.getConfigManager().registerSetting( Settings.REDSTONE_CONTROLLED, RedstoneMode.IGNORE ); this.getConfigManager().registerSetting( Settings.FUZZY_MODE, FuzzyMode.IGNORE_ALL ); this.getConfigManager().registerSetting( Settings.CRAFT_ONLY, YesNo.NO ); this.getConfigManager().registerSetting( Settings.SCHEDULING_MODE, SchedulingMode.DEFAULT ); this.mySrc = new MachineSource( this ); } @Override public void readFromNBT( final NBTTagCompound extra ) { super.readFromNBT( extra ); this.craftingTracker.readFromNBT( extra ); this.nextSlot = extra.getInteger( "nextSlot" ); } @Override public void writeToNBT( final NBTTagCompound extra ) { super.writeToNBT( extra ); this.craftingTracker.writeToNBT( extra ); extra.setInteger( "nextSlot", this.nextSlot ); } @Override protected TickRateModulation doBusWork() { if( !this.getProxy().isActive() || !this.canDoBusWork() ) { return TickRateModulation.IDLE; } this.itemToSend = this.calculateItemsToSend(); this.didSomething = false; try { final InventoryAdaptor destination = this.getHandler(); final IMEMonitor<IAEItemStack> inv = this.getProxy().getStorage().getItemInventory(); final IEnergyGrid energy = this.getProxy().getEnergy(); final ICraftingGrid cg = this.getProxy().getCrafting(); final FuzzyMode fzMode = (FuzzyMode) this.getConfigManager().getSetting( Settings.FUZZY_MODE ); final SchedulingMode schedulingMode = (SchedulingMode) this.getConfigManager().getSetting( Settings.SCHEDULING_MODE ); if( destination != null ) { int x = 0; for( x = 0; x < this.availableSlots() && this.itemToSend > 0; x++ ) { final int slotToExport = this.getStartingSlot( schedulingMode, x ); final IAEItemStack ais = this.getConfig().getAEStackInSlot( slotToExport ); if( ais == null || this.itemToSend <= 0 || this.craftOnly() ) { if( this.isCraftingEnabled() ) { this.didSomething = this.craftingTracker.handleCrafting( slotToExport, this.itemToSend, ais, destination, this.getTile().getWorld(), this.getProxy().getGrid(), cg, this.mySrc ) || this.didSomething; } continue; } final long before = this.itemToSend; if( this.getInstalledUpgrades( Upgrades.FUZZY ) > 0 ) { for( final IAEItemStack o : ImmutableList.copyOf( inv.getStorageList().findFuzzy( ais, fzMode ) ) ) { this.pushItemIntoTarget( destination, energy, inv, o ); if( this.itemToSend <= 0 ) { break; } } } else { this.pushItemIntoTarget( destination, energy, inv, ais ); } if( this.itemToSend == before && this.isCraftingEnabled() ) { this.didSomething = this.craftingTracker.handleCrafting( slotToExport, this.itemToSend, ais, destination, this.getTile().getWorld(), this.getProxy().getGrid(), cg, this.mySrc ) || this.didSomething; } } this.updateSchedulingMode( schedulingMode, x ); } else { return TickRateModulation.SLEEP; } } catch( final GridAccessException e ) { // :P } return this.didSomething ? TickRateModulation.FASTER : TickRateModulation.SLOWER; } @Override public void getBoxes( final IPartCollisionHelper bch ) { bch.addBox( 4, 4, 12, 12, 12, 14 ); bch.addBox( 5, 5, 14, 11, 11, 15 ); bch.addBox( 6, 6, 15, 10, 10, 16 ); bch.addBox( 6, 6, 11, 10, 10, 12 ); } @Override public float getCableConnectionLength( AECableType cable ) { return 5; } @Override public boolean onPartActivate( final EntityPlayer player, final EnumHand hand, final Vec3d pos ) { if( !player.isSneaking() ) { if( Platform.isClient() ) { return true; } Platform.openGUI( player, this.getHost().getTile(), this.getSide(), GuiBridge.GUI_BUS ); return true; } return false; } @Override public TickingRequest getTickingRequest( final IGridNode node ) { return new TickingRequest( TickRates.ExportBus.getMin(), TickRates.ExportBus.getMax(), this.isSleeping(), false ); } @Override public RedstoneMode getRSMode() { return (RedstoneMode) this.getConfigManager().getSetting( Settings.REDSTONE_CONTROLLED ); } @Override public TickRateModulation tickingRequest( final IGridNode node, final int ticksSinceLastCall ) { return this.doBusWork(); } @Override public ImmutableSet<ICraftingLink> getRequestedJobs() { return this.craftingTracker.getRequestedJobs(); } @Override public IAEItemStack injectCraftedItems( final ICraftingLink link, final IAEItemStack items, final Actionable mode ) { final InventoryAdaptor d = this.getHandler(); try { if( d != null && this.getProxy().isActive() ) { final IEnergyGrid energy = this.getProxy().getEnergy(); final double power = items.getStackSize(); if( energy.extractAEPower( power, mode, PowerMultiplier.CONFIG ) > power - 0.01 ) { if( mode == Actionable.MODULATE ) { return AEItemStack.create( d.addItems( items.getItemStack() ) ); } return AEItemStack.create( d.simulateAdd( items.getItemStack() ) ); } } } catch( final GridAccessException e ) { AELog.debug( e ); } return items; } @Override public void jobStateChange( final ICraftingLink link ) { this.craftingTracker.jobStateChange( link ); } @Override protected boolean isSleeping() { return this.getHandler() == null || super.isSleeping(); } private boolean craftOnly() { return this.getConfigManager().getSetting( Settings.CRAFT_ONLY ) == YesNo.YES; } private boolean isCraftingEnabled() { return this.getInstalledUpgrades( Upgrades.CRAFTING ) > 0; } private void pushItemIntoTarget( final InventoryAdaptor d, final IEnergyGrid energy, final IMEInventory<IAEItemStack> inv, IAEItemStack ais ) { final ItemStack is = ais.getItemStack(); is.stackSize = (int) this.itemToSend; final ItemStack o = d.simulateAdd( is ); final long canFit = o == null ? this.itemToSend : this.itemToSend - o.stackSize; if( canFit > 0 ) { ais = ais.copy(); ais.setStackSize( canFit ); final IAEItemStack itemsToAdd = Platform.poweredExtraction( energy, inv, ais, this.mySrc ); if( itemsToAdd != null ) { this.itemToSend -= itemsToAdd.getStackSize(); final ItemStack failed = d.addItems( itemsToAdd.getItemStack() ); if( failed != null ) { ais.setStackSize( failed.stackSize ); inv.injectItems( ais, Actionable.MODULATE, this.mySrc ); } else { this.didSomething = true; } } } } private int getStartingSlot( final SchedulingMode schedulingMode, final int x ) { if( schedulingMode == SchedulingMode.RANDOM ) { return Platform.getRandom().nextInt( this.availableSlots() ); } if( schedulingMode == SchedulingMode.ROUNDROBIN ) { return ( this.nextSlot + x ) % this.availableSlots(); } return x; } private void updateSchedulingMode( final SchedulingMode schedulingMode, final int x ) { if( schedulingMode == SchedulingMode.ROUNDROBIN ) { this.nextSlot = ( this.nextSlot + x ) % this.availableSlots(); } } @Override public IPartModel getStaticModels() { if( isActive() && isPowered() ) { return MODELS_HAS_CHANNEL; } else if( isPowered() ) { return MODELS_ON; } else { return MODELS_OFF; } } }