/* * This file is part of Applied Energistics 2. * Copyright (c) 2013 - 2014, AlgorithmX2, All rights reserved. * * Applied Energistics 2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Applied Energistics 2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with Applied Energistics 2. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl>. */ package appeng.client.gui.implementations; import java.io.IOException; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import com.google.common.base.Joiner; import org.lwjgl.input.Mouse; import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiButton; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.GlStateManager; import net.minecraft.entity.player.InventoryPlayer; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import appeng.api.AEApi; import appeng.api.storage.ITerminalHost; import appeng.api.storage.data.IAEItemStack; import appeng.api.storage.data.IItemList; import appeng.client.gui.AEBaseGui; import appeng.client.gui.widgets.GuiScrollbar; import appeng.container.implementations.ContainerCraftConfirm; import appeng.core.AELog; import appeng.core.localization.GuiText; import appeng.core.sync.GuiBridge; import appeng.core.sync.network.NetworkHandler; import appeng.core.sync.packets.PacketSwitchGuis; import appeng.core.sync.packets.PacketValueConfig; import appeng.helpers.WirelessTerminalGuiObject; import appeng.parts.reporting.PartCraftingTerminal; import appeng.parts.reporting.PartPatternTerminal; import appeng.parts.reporting.PartTerminal; import appeng.util.Platform; public class GuiCraftConfirm extends AEBaseGui { private final ContainerCraftConfirm ccc; private final int rows = 5; private final IItemList<IAEItemStack> storage = AEApi.instance().storage().createItemList(); private final IItemList<IAEItemStack> pending = AEApi.instance().storage().createItemList(); private final IItemList<IAEItemStack> missing = AEApi.instance().storage().createItemList(); private final List<IAEItemStack> visual = new ArrayList<IAEItemStack>(); private GuiBridge OriginalGui; private GuiButton cancel; private GuiButton start; private GuiButton selectCPU; private int tooltip = -1; public GuiCraftConfirm( final InventoryPlayer inventoryPlayer, final ITerminalHost te ) { super( new ContainerCraftConfirm( inventoryPlayer, te ) ); this.xSize = 238; this.ySize = 206; final GuiScrollbar scrollbar = new GuiScrollbar(); this.setScrollBar( scrollbar ); this.ccc = (ContainerCraftConfirm) this.inventorySlots; if( te instanceof WirelessTerminalGuiObject ) { this.OriginalGui = GuiBridge.GUI_WIRELESS_TERM; } if( te instanceof PartTerminal ) { this.OriginalGui = GuiBridge.GUI_ME; } if( te instanceof PartCraftingTerminal ) { this.OriginalGui = GuiBridge.GUI_CRAFTING_TERMINAL; } if( te instanceof PartPatternTerminal ) { this.OriginalGui = GuiBridge.GUI_PATTERN_TERMINAL; } } boolean isAutoStart() { return ( (ContainerCraftConfirm) this.inventorySlots ).isAutoStart(); } @Override public void initGui() { super.initGui(); this.start = new GuiButton( 0, this.guiLeft + 162, this.guiTop + this.ySize - 25, 50, 20, GuiText.Start.getLocal() ); this.start.enabled = false; this.buttonList.add( this.start ); this.selectCPU = new GuiButton( 0, this.guiLeft + ( 219 - 180 ) / 2, this.guiTop + this.ySize - 68, 180, 20, GuiText.CraftingCPU.getLocal() + ": " + GuiText.Automatic ); this.selectCPU.enabled = false; this.buttonList.add( this.selectCPU ); if( this.OriginalGui != null ) { this.cancel = new GuiButton( 0, this.guiLeft + 6, this.guiTop + this.ySize - 25, 50, 20, GuiText.Cancel.getLocal() ); } this.buttonList.add( this.cancel ); } @Override public void drawScreen( final int mouseX, final int mouseY, final float btn ) { this.updateCPUButtonText(); this.start.enabled = !( this.ccc.hasNoCPU() || this.isSimulation() ); this.selectCPU.enabled = !this.isSimulation(); final int gx = ( this.width - this.xSize ) / 2; final int gy = ( this.height - this.ySize ) / 2; this.tooltip = -1; final int offY = 23; int y = 0; int x = 0; for( int z = 0; z <= 4 * 5; z++ ) { final int minX = gx + 9 + x * 67; final int minY = gy + 22 + y * offY; if( minX < mouseX && minX + 67 > mouseX ) { if( minY < mouseY && minY + offY - 2 > mouseY ) { this.tooltip = z; break; } } x++; if( x > 2 ) { y++; x = 0; } } super.drawScreen( mouseX, mouseY, btn ); } private void updateCPUButtonText() { String btnTextText = GuiText.CraftingCPU.getLocal() + ": " + GuiText.Automatic.getLocal(); if( this.ccc.getSelectedCpu() >= 0 )// && status.selectedCpu < status.cpus.size() ) { if( this.ccc.getName().length() > 0 ) { final String name = this.ccc.getName().substring( 0, Math.min( 20, this.ccc.getName().length() ) ); btnTextText = GuiText.CraftingCPU.getLocal() + ": " + name; } else { btnTextText = GuiText.CraftingCPU.getLocal() + ": #" + this.ccc.getSelectedCpu(); } } if( this.ccc.hasNoCPU() ) { btnTextText = GuiText.NoCraftingCPUs.getLocal(); } this.selectCPU.displayString = btnTextText; } private boolean isSimulation() { return ( (ContainerCraftConfirm) this.inventorySlots ).isSimulation(); } @Override public void drawFG( final int offsetX, final int offsetY, final int mouseX, final int mouseY ) { final long BytesUsed = this.ccc.getUsedBytes(); final String byteUsed = NumberFormat.getInstance().format( BytesUsed ); final String Add = BytesUsed > 0 ? ( byteUsed + ' ' + GuiText.BytesUsed.getLocal() ) : GuiText.CalculatingWait.getLocal(); this.fontRendererObj.drawString( GuiText.CraftingPlan.getLocal() + " - " + Add, 8, 7, 4210752 ); String dsp = null; if( this.isSimulation() ) { dsp = GuiText.Simulation.getLocal(); } else { dsp = this.ccc.getCpuAvailableBytes() > 0 ? ( GuiText.Bytes.getLocal() + ": " + this.ccc.getCpuAvailableBytes() + " : " + GuiText.CoProcessors.getLocal() + ": " + this.ccc.getCpuCoProcessors() ) : GuiText.Bytes.getLocal() + ": N/A : " + GuiText.CoProcessors.getLocal() + ": N/A"; } final int offset = ( 219 - this.fontRendererObj.getStringWidth( dsp ) ) / 2; this.fontRendererObj.drawString( dsp, offset, 165, 4210752 ); final int sectionLength = 67; int x = 0; int y = 0; final int xo = 9; final int yo = 22; final int viewStart = this.getScrollBar().getCurrentScroll() * 3; final int viewEnd = viewStart + 3 * this.rows; String dspToolTip = ""; final List<String> lineList = new LinkedList<String>(); int toolPosX = 0; int toolPosY = 0; final int offY = 23; for( int z = viewStart; z < Math.min( viewEnd, this.visual.size() ); z++ ) { final IAEItemStack refStack = this.visual.get( z );// repo.getReferenceItem( z ); if( refStack != null ) { GlStateManager.pushMatrix(); GlStateManager.scale( 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 ); final IAEItemStack stored = this.storage.findPrecise( refStack ); final IAEItemStack pendingStack = this.pending.findPrecise( refStack ); final IAEItemStack missingStack = this.missing.findPrecise( refStack ); int lines = 0; if( stored != null && stored.getStackSize() > 0 ) { lines++; } if( missingStack != null && missingStack.getStackSize() > 0 ) { lines++; } if( pendingStack != null && pendingStack.getStackSize() > 0 ) { lines++; } final int negY = ( ( lines - 1 ) * 5 ) / 2; int downY = 0; if( stored != null && stored.getStackSize() > 0 ) { String str = Long.toString( stored.getStackSize() ); if( stored.getStackSize() >= 10000 ) { str = Long.toString( stored.getStackSize() / 1000 ) + 'k'; } if( stored.getStackSize() >= 10000000 ) { str = Long.toString( stored.getStackSize() / 1000000 ) + 'm'; } str = GuiText.FromStorage.getLocal() + ": " + str; final int w = 4 + this.fontRendererObj.getStringWidth( str ); this.fontRendererObj.drawString( str, (int) ( ( x * ( 1 + sectionLength ) + xo + sectionLength - 19 - ( w * 0.5 ) ) * 2 ), ( y * offY + yo + 6 - negY + downY ) * 2, 4210752 ); if( this.tooltip == z - viewStart ) { lineList.add( GuiText.FromStorage.getLocal() + ": " + Long.toString( stored.getStackSize() ) ); } downY += 5; } boolean red = false; if( missingStack != null && missingStack.getStackSize() > 0 ) { String str = Long.toString( missingStack.getStackSize() ); if( missingStack.getStackSize() >= 10000 ) { str = Long.toString( missingStack.getStackSize() / 1000 ) + 'k'; } if( missingStack.getStackSize() >= 10000000 ) { str = Long.toString( missingStack.getStackSize() / 1000000 ) + 'm'; } str = GuiText.Missing.getLocal() + ": " + str; final int w = 4 + this.fontRendererObj.getStringWidth( str ); this.fontRendererObj.drawString( str, (int) ( ( x * ( 1 + sectionLength ) + xo + sectionLength - 19 - ( w * 0.5 ) ) * 2 ), ( y * offY + yo + 6 - negY + downY ) * 2, 4210752 ); if( this.tooltip == z - viewStart ) { lineList.add( GuiText.Missing.getLocal() + ": " + Long.toString( missingStack.getStackSize() ) ); } red = true; downY += 5; } if( pendingStack != null && pendingStack.getStackSize() > 0 ) { String str = Long.toString( pendingStack.getStackSize() ); if( pendingStack.getStackSize() >= 10000 ) { str = Long.toString( pendingStack.getStackSize() / 1000 ) + 'k'; } if( pendingStack.getStackSize() >= 10000000 ) { str = Long.toString( pendingStack.getStackSize() / 1000000 ) + 'm'; } str = GuiText.ToCraft.getLocal() + ": " + str; final int w = 4 + this.fontRendererObj.getStringWidth( str ); this.fontRendererObj.drawString( str, (int) ( ( x * ( 1 + sectionLength ) + xo + sectionLength - 19 - ( w * 0.5 ) ) * 2 ), ( y * offY + yo + 6 - negY + downY ) * 2, 4210752 ); if( this.tooltip == z - viewStart ) { lineList.add( GuiText.ToCraft.getLocal() + ": " + Long.toString( pendingStack.getStackSize() ) ); } } GlStateManager.popMatrix(); final int posX = x * ( 1 + sectionLength ) + xo + sectionLength - 19; final int posY = y * offY + yo; final ItemStack is = refStack.copy().getItemStack(); if( this.tooltip == z - viewStart ) { dspToolTip = Platform.getItemDisplayName( is ); if( lineList.size() > 0 ) { dspToolTip = dspToolTip + '\n' + Joiner.on( "\n" ).join( lineList ); } toolPosX = x * ( 1 + sectionLength ) + xo + sectionLength - 8; toolPosY = y * offY + yo; } this.drawItem( posX, posY, is ); if( red ) { final int startX = x * ( 1 + sectionLength ) + xo; final int startY = posY - 4; drawRect( startX, startY, startX + sectionLength, startY + offY, 0x1AFF0000 ); } x++; if( x > 2 ) { y++; x = 0; } } } if( this.tooltip >= 0 && !dspToolTip.isEmpty() ) { this.drawTooltip( toolPosX, toolPosY + 10, dspToolTip ); } } @Override public void drawBG( final int offsetX, final int offsetY, final int mouseX, final int mouseY ) { this.setScrollBar(); this.bindTexture( "guis/craftingreport.png" ); this.drawTexturedModalRect( offsetX, offsetY, 0, 0, this.xSize, this.ySize ); } private void setScrollBar() { final int size = this.visual.size(); this.getScrollBar().setTop( 19 ).setLeft( 218 ).setHeight( 114 ); this.getScrollBar().setRange( 0, ( size + 2 ) / 3 - this.rows, 1 ); } public void postUpdate( final List<IAEItemStack> list, final byte ref ) { switch( ref ) { case 0: for( final IAEItemStack l : list ) { this.handleInput( this.storage, l ); } break; case 1: for( final IAEItemStack l : list ) { this.handleInput( this.pending, l ); } break; case 2: for( final IAEItemStack l : list ) { this.handleInput( this.missing, l ); } break; } for( final IAEItemStack l : list ) { final long amt = this.getTotal( l ); if( amt <= 0 ) { this.deleteVisualStack( l ); } else { final IAEItemStack is = this.findVisualStack( l ); is.setStackSize( amt ); } } this.setScrollBar(); } private void handleInput( final IItemList<IAEItemStack> s, final IAEItemStack l ) { IAEItemStack a = s.findPrecise( l ); if( l.getStackSize() <= 0 ) { if( a != null ) { a.reset(); } } else { if( a == null ) { s.add( l.copy() ); a = s.findPrecise( l ); } if( a != null ) { a.setStackSize( l.getStackSize() ); } } } private long getTotal( final IAEItemStack is ) { final IAEItemStack a = this.storage.findPrecise( is ); final IAEItemStack c = this.pending.findPrecise( is ); final IAEItemStack m = this.missing.findPrecise( is ); long total = 0; if( a != null ) { total += a.getStackSize(); } if( c != null ) { total += c.getStackSize(); } if( m != null ) { total += m.getStackSize(); } return total; } private void deleteVisualStack( final IAEItemStack l ) { final Iterator<IAEItemStack> i = this.visual.iterator(); while( i.hasNext() ) { final IAEItemStack o = i.next(); if( o.equals( l ) ) { i.remove(); return; } } } private IAEItemStack findVisualStack( final IAEItemStack l ) { for( final IAEItemStack o : this.visual ) { if( o.equals( l ) ) { return o; } } final IAEItemStack stack = l.copy(); this.visual.add( stack ); return stack; } @Override protected void keyTyped( final char character, final int key ) throws IOException { if( !this.checkHotbarKeys( key ) ) { if( key == 28 ) { this.actionPerformed( this.start ); } super.keyTyped( character, key ); } } @Override protected void actionPerformed( final GuiButton btn ) throws IOException { super.actionPerformed( btn ); final boolean backwards = Mouse.isButtonDown( 1 ); if( btn == this.selectCPU ) { try { NetworkHandler.instance().sendToServer( new PacketValueConfig( "Terminal.Cpu", backwards ? "Prev" : "Next" ) ); } catch( final IOException e ) { AELog.debug( e ); } } if( btn == this.cancel ) { NetworkHandler.instance().sendToServer( new PacketSwitchGuis( this.OriginalGui ) ); } if( btn == this.start ) { try { NetworkHandler.instance().sendToServer( new PacketValueConfig( "Terminal.Start", "Start" ) ); } catch( final Throwable e ) { AELog.debug( e ); } } } }