/* * This file is part of Applied Energistics 2. * Copyright (c) 2013 - 2015, AlgorithmX2, All rights reserved. * * Applied Energistics 2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Applied Energistics 2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with Applied Energistics 2. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl>. */ package appeng.core.features.registries; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import net.minecraft.init.Blocks; import net.minecraft.init.Items; import net.minecraft.item.Item; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidContainerRegistry; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry; import net.minecraftforge.oredict.OreDictionary; import appeng.api.AEApi; import appeng.api.config.TunnelType; import appeng.api.definitions.IBlocks; import appeng.api.definitions.IDefinitions; import appeng.api.definitions.IItemDefinition; import appeng.api.definitions.IParts; import appeng.api.features.IP2PTunnelRegistry; import appeng.api.util.AEColor; import appeng.util.Platform; public final class P2PTunnelRegistry implements IP2PTunnelRegistry { private static final int INITIAL_CAPACITY = 40; private final Map<ItemStack, TunnelType> tunnels = new HashMap<ItemStack, TunnelType>( INITIAL_CAPACITY ); public void configure() { /** * light! */ this.addNewAttunement( new ItemStack( Blocks.TORCH ), TunnelType.LIGHT ); this.addNewAttunement( new ItemStack( Blocks.GLOWSTONE ), TunnelType.LIGHT ); /** * attune based on most redstone base items. */ this.addNewAttunement( new ItemStack( Items.REDSTONE ), TunnelType.REDSTONE ); this.addNewAttunement( new ItemStack( Items.REPEATER ), TunnelType.REDSTONE ); this.addNewAttunement( new ItemStack( Blocks.REDSTONE_LAMP ), TunnelType.REDSTONE ); this.addNewAttunement( new ItemStack( Blocks.UNPOWERED_COMPARATOR ), TunnelType.REDSTONE ); this.addNewAttunement( new ItemStack( Blocks.POWERED_COMPARATOR ), TunnelType.REDSTONE ); this.addNewAttunement( new ItemStack( Blocks.POWERED_REPEATER ), TunnelType.REDSTONE ); this.addNewAttunement( new ItemStack( Blocks.UNPOWERED_REPEATER ), TunnelType.REDSTONE ); this.addNewAttunement( new ItemStack( Blocks.DAYLIGHT_DETECTOR ), TunnelType.REDSTONE ); this.addNewAttunement( new ItemStack( Blocks.REDSTONE_WIRE ), TunnelType.REDSTONE ); this.addNewAttunement( new ItemStack( Blocks.REDSTONE_BLOCK ), TunnelType.REDSTONE ); this.addNewAttunement( new ItemStack( Blocks.LEVER ), TunnelType.REDSTONE ); this.addNewAttunement( this.getModItem( "EnderIO", "itemRedstoneConduit", OreDictionary.WILDCARD_VALUE ), TunnelType.REDSTONE ); /** * attune based on lots of random item related stuff */ final IDefinitions definitions = AEApi.instance().definitions(); final IBlocks blocks = definitions.blocks(); final IParts parts = definitions.parts(); this.addNewAttunement( blocks.iface(), TunnelType.ITEM ); this.addNewAttunement( parts.iface(), TunnelType.ITEM ); this.addNewAttunement( parts.storageBus(), TunnelType.ITEM ); this.addNewAttunement( parts.importBus(), TunnelType.ITEM ); this.addNewAttunement( parts.exportBus(), TunnelType.ITEM ); this.addNewAttunement( new ItemStack( Blocks.HOPPER ), TunnelType.ITEM ); this.addNewAttunement( new ItemStack( Blocks.CHEST ), TunnelType.ITEM ); this.addNewAttunement( new ItemStack( Blocks.TRAPPED_CHEST ), TunnelType.ITEM ); this.addNewAttunement( this.getModItem( "ExtraUtilities", "extractor_base", 0 ), TunnelType.ITEM ); this.addNewAttunement( this.getModItem( "Mekanism", "PartTransmitter", 9 ), TunnelType.ITEM ); this.addNewAttunement( this.getModItem( "EnderIO", "itemItemConduit", OreDictionary.WILDCARD_VALUE ), TunnelType.ITEM ); this.addNewAttunement( this.getModItem( "ThermalDynamics", "ThermalDynamics_32", 0 ), TunnelType.ITEM ); /** * attune based on lots of random item related stuff */ this.addNewAttunement( new ItemStack( Items.BUCKET ), TunnelType.FLUID ); this.addNewAttunement( new ItemStack( Items.LAVA_BUCKET ), TunnelType.FLUID ); this.addNewAttunement( new ItemStack( Items.MILK_BUCKET ), TunnelType.FLUID ); this.addNewAttunement( new ItemStack( Items.WATER_BUCKET ), TunnelType.FLUID ); this.addNewAttunement( this.getModItem( "Mekanism", "MachineBlock2", 11 ), TunnelType.FLUID ); this.addNewAttunement( this.getModItem( "Mekanism", "PartTransmitter", 4 ), TunnelType.FLUID ); this.addNewAttunement( this.getModItem( "ExtraUtilities", "extractor_base", 6 ), TunnelType.FLUID ); this.addNewAttunement( this.getModItem( "ExtraUtilities", "drum", OreDictionary.WILDCARD_VALUE ), TunnelType.FLUID ); this.addNewAttunement( this.getModItem( "EnderIO", "itemLiquidConduit", OreDictionary.WILDCARD_VALUE ), TunnelType.FLUID ); this.addNewAttunement( this.getModItem( "ThermalDynamics", "ThermalDynamics_16", 0 ), TunnelType.FLUID ); for( final AEColor c : AEColor.values() ) { this.addNewAttunement( parts.cableGlass().stack( c, 1 ), TunnelType.ME ); this.addNewAttunement( parts.cableCovered().stack( c, 1 ), TunnelType.ME ); this.addNewAttunement( parts.cableSmart().stack( c, 1 ), TunnelType.ME ); this.addNewAttunement( parts.cableDense().stack( c, 1 ), TunnelType.ME ); } } @Override public void addNewAttunement( @Nullable final ItemStack trigger, @Nullable final TunnelType type ) { if( type == null || trigger == null ) { return; } this.tunnels.put( trigger, type ); } @Nullable @Override public TunnelType getTunnelTypeByItem( final ItemStack trigger ) { if( trigger != null ) { if( FluidContainerRegistry.isContainer( trigger ) ) { return TunnelType.FLUID; } for( final ItemStack is : this.tunnels.keySet() ) { if( is.getItem() == trigger.getItem() && is.getItemDamage() == OreDictionary.WILDCARD_VALUE ) { return this.tunnels.get( is ); } if( Platform.itemComparisons().isEqualItem( is, trigger ) ) { return this.tunnels.get( is ); } } } return null; } @Nullable private ItemStack getModItem( final String modID, final String name, final int meta ) { final Item item = GameRegistry.findItem( modID, name ); if( item == null ) { return null; } final ItemStack myItemStack = new ItemStack( item, 1, meta ); return myItemStack; } private void addNewAttunement( final IItemDefinition definition, final TunnelType type ) { definition.maybeStack( 1 ).ifPresent( definitionStack -> addNewAttunement( definitionStack, type ) ); } }