/* * This file is part of Applied Energistics 2. * Copyright (c) 2013 - 2014, AlgorithmX2, All rights reserved. * * Applied Energistics 2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Applied Energistics 2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with Applied Energistics 2. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl>. */ package appeng.me.storage; import java.util.HashSet; import net.minecraft.inventory.IInventory; import net.minecraft.item.Item; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTBase; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import net.minecraftforge.oredict.OreDictionary; import appeng.api.AEApi; import appeng.api.config.Actionable; import appeng.api.config.FuzzyMode; import appeng.api.exceptions.AppEngException; import appeng.api.implementations.items.IStorageCell; import appeng.api.networking.security.BaseActionSource; import appeng.api.storage.ICellInventory; import appeng.api.storage.IMEInventory; import appeng.api.storage.IMEInventoryHandler; import appeng.api.storage.ISaveProvider; import appeng.api.storage.StorageChannel; import appeng.api.storage.data.IAEItemStack; import appeng.api.storage.data.IItemList; import appeng.core.AEConfig; import appeng.core.AELog; import appeng.util.Platform; import appeng.util.item.AEItemStack; public class CellInventory implements ICellInventory { private static final String ITEM_TYPE_TAG = "it"; private static final String ITEM_COUNT_TAG = "ic"; private static final String ITEM_SLOT = "#"; private static final String ITEM_SLOT_COUNT = "@"; private static final String ITEM_PRE_FORMATTED_COUNT = "PF"; private static final String ITEM_PRE_FORMATTED_SLOT = "PF#"; private static final String ITEM_PRE_FORMATTED_NAME = "PN"; private static final String ITEM_PRE_FORMATTED_FUZZY = "FP"; private static final HashSet<Integer> BLACK_LIST = new HashSet<Integer>(); private static String[] itemSlots; private static String[] itemSlotCount; private final NBTTagCompound tagCompound; private final ISaveProvider container; private int maxItemTypes = 63; private short storedItems = 0; private int storedItemCount = 0; private IItemList<IAEItemStack> cellItems; private ItemStack i; private IStorageCell cellType; protected CellInventory( final NBTTagCompound data, final ISaveProvider container ) { this.tagCompound = data; this.container = container; } private CellInventory( final ItemStack o, final ISaveProvider container ) throws AppEngException { if( itemSlots == null ) { itemSlots = new String[this.maxItemTypes]; itemSlotCount = new String[this.maxItemTypes]; for( int x = 0; x < this.maxItemTypes; x++ ) { itemSlots[x] = ITEM_SLOT + x; itemSlotCount[x] = ITEM_SLOT_COUNT + x; } } if( o == null ) { throw new AppEngException( "ItemStack was used as a cell, but was not a cell!" ); } this.cellType = null; this.i = o; final Item type = this.i.getItem(); if( type instanceof IStorageCell ) { this.cellType = (IStorageCell) this.i.getItem(); this.maxItemTypes = this.cellType.getTotalTypes( this.i ); } if( this.cellType == null ) { throw new AppEngException( "ItemStack was used as a cell, but was not a cell!" ); } if( !this.cellType.isStorageCell( this.i ) ) { throw new AppEngException( "ItemStack was used as a cell, but was not a cell!" ); } if( this.maxItemTypes > 63 ) { this.maxItemTypes = 63; } if( this.maxItemTypes < 1 ) { this.maxItemTypes = 1; } this.container = container; this.tagCompound = Platform.openNbtData( o ); this.storedItems = this.tagCompound.getShort( ITEM_TYPE_TAG ); this.storedItemCount = this.tagCompound.getInteger( ITEM_COUNT_TAG ); this.cellItems = null; } public static IMEInventoryHandler getCell( final ItemStack o, final ISaveProvider container2 ) { try { return new CellInventoryHandler( new CellInventory( o, container2 ) ); } catch( final AppEngException e ) { return null; } } private static boolean isStorageCell( final ItemStack i ) { if( i == null ) { return false; } try { final Item type = i.getItem(); if( type instanceof IStorageCell ) { return !( (IStorageCell) type ).storableInStorageCell(); } } catch( final Throwable err ) { return true; } return false; } public static boolean isCell( final ItemStack i ) { if( i == null ) { return false; } final Item type = i.getItem(); if( type instanceof IStorageCell ) { return ( (IStorageCell) type ).isStorageCell( i ); } return false; } public static void addBasicBlackList( final int itemID, final int meta ) { BLACK_LIST.add( ( meta << Platform.DEF_OFFSET ) | itemID ); } private static boolean isBlackListed( final IAEItemStack input ) { if( BLACK_LIST.contains( ( OreDictionary.WILDCARD_VALUE << Platform.DEF_OFFSET ) | Item.getIdFromItem( input.getItem() ) ) ) { return true; } return BLACK_LIST.contains( ( input.getItemDamage() << Platform.DEF_OFFSET ) | Item.getIdFromItem( input.getItem() ) ); } private boolean isEmpty( final IMEInventory meInventory ) { return meInventory.getAvailableItems( AEApi.instance().storage().createItemList() ).isEmpty(); } @Override public IAEItemStack injectItems( final IAEItemStack input, final Actionable mode, final BaseActionSource src ) { if( input == null ) { return null; } if( input.getStackSize() == 0 ) { return null; } if( isBlackListed( input ) || this.cellType.isBlackListed( this.i, input ) ) { return input; } final ItemStack sharedItemStack = input.getItemStack(); if( CellInventory.isStorageCell( sharedItemStack ) ) { final IMEInventory meInventory = getCell( sharedItemStack, null ); if( meInventory != null && !this.isEmpty( meInventory ) ) { return input; } } final IAEItemStack l = this.getCellItems().findPrecise( input ); if( l != null ) { final long remainingItemSlots = this.getRemainingItemCount(); if( remainingItemSlots < 0 ) { return input; } if( input.getStackSize() > remainingItemSlots ) { final IAEItemStack r = input.copy(); r.setStackSize( r.getStackSize() - remainingItemSlots ); if( mode == Actionable.MODULATE ) { l.setStackSize( l.getStackSize() + remainingItemSlots ); this.updateItemCount( remainingItemSlots ); this.saveChanges(); } return r; } else { if( mode == Actionable.MODULATE ) { l.setStackSize( l.getStackSize() + input.getStackSize() ); this.updateItemCount( input.getStackSize() ); this.saveChanges(); } return null; } } if( this.canHoldNewItem() ) // room for new type, and for at least one item! { final int remainingItemCount = (int) this.getRemainingItemCount() - this.getBytesPerType() * 8; if( remainingItemCount > 0 ) { if( input.getStackSize() > remainingItemCount ) { final ItemStack toReturn = Platform.cloneItemStack( sharedItemStack ); toReturn.stackSize = sharedItemStack.stackSize - remainingItemCount; if( mode == Actionable.MODULATE ) { final ItemStack toWrite = Platform.cloneItemStack( sharedItemStack ); toWrite.stackSize = remainingItemCount; this.cellItems.add( AEItemStack.create( toWrite ) ); this.updateItemCount( toWrite.stackSize ); this.saveChanges(); } return AEItemStack.create( toReturn ); } if( mode == Actionable.MODULATE ) { this.updateItemCount( input.getStackSize() ); this.cellItems.add( input ); this.saveChanges(); } return null; } } return input; } @Override public IAEItemStack extractItems( final IAEItemStack request, final Actionable mode, final BaseActionSource src ) { if( request == null ) { return null; } final long size = Math.min( Integer.MAX_VALUE, request.getStackSize() ); IAEItemStack Results = null; final IAEItemStack l = this.getCellItems().findPrecise( request ); if( l != null ) { Results = l.copy(); if( l.getStackSize() <= size ) { Results.setStackSize( l.getStackSize() ); if( mode == Actionable.MODULATE ) { this.updateItemCount( -l.getStackSize() ); l.setStackSize( 0 ); this.saveChanges(); } } else { Results.setStackSize( size ); if( mode == Actionable.MODULATE ) { l.setStackSize( l.getStackSize() - size ); this.updateItemCount( -size ); this.saveChanges(); } } } return Results; } IItemList<IAEItemStack> getCellItems() { if( this.cellItems == null ) { this.cellItems = AEApi.instance().storage().createItemList(); this.loadCellItems(); } return this.cellItems; } private void updateItemCount( final long delta ) { this.storedItemCount += delta; this.tagCompound.setInteger( ITEM_COUNT_TAG, this.storedItemCount ); } void saveChanges() { // cellItems.clean(); int itemCount = 0; // add new pretty stuff... int x = 0; for( final IAEItemStack v : this.cellItems ) { itemCount += v.getStackSize(); final NBTBase c = this.tagCompound.getTag( itemSlots[x] ); if( c instanceof NBTTagCompound ) { v.writeToNBT( (NBTTagCompound) c ); } else { final NBTTagCompound g = new NBTTagCompound(); v.writeToNBT( g ); this.tagCompound.setTag( itemSlots[x], g ); } /* * NBTBase tagSlotCount = tagCompound.getTag( itemSlotCount[x] ); if ( tagSlotCount instanceof * NBTTagInt ) ((NBTTagInt) tagSlotCount).data = (int) v.getStackSize(); else */ this.tagCompound.setInteger( itemSlotCount[x], (int) v.getStackSize() ); x++; } // NBTBase tagType = tagCompound.getTag( ITEM_TYPE_TAG ); // NBTBase tagCount = tagCompound.getTag( ITEM_COUNT_TAG ); final short oldStoredItems = this.storedItems; /* * if ( tagType instanceof NBTTagShort ) ((NBTTagShort) tagType).data = storedItems = (short) cellItems.size(); * else */ this.storedItems = (short) this.cellItems.size(); if( this.cellItems.isEmpty() ) { this.tagCompound.removeTag( ITEM_TYPE_TAG ); } else { this.tagCompound.setShort( ITEM_TYPE_TAG, this.storedItems ); } /* * if ( tagCount instanceof NBTTagInt ) ((NBTTagInt) tagCount).data = storedItemCount = itemCount; else */ this.storedItemCount = itemCount; if( itemCount == 0 ) { this.tagCompound.removeTag( ITEM_COUNT_TAG ); } else { this.tagCompound.setInteger( ITEM_COUNT_TAG, itemCount ); } // clean any old crusty stuff... for( ; x < oldStoredItems && x < this.maxItemTypes; x++ ) { this.tagCompound.removeTag( itemSlots[x] ); this.tagCompound.removeTag( itemSlotCount[x] ); } if( this.container != null ) { this.container.saveChanges( this ); } } protected void loadCellItems() { if( this.cellItems == null ) { this.cellItems = AEApi.instance().storage().createItemList(); } this.cellItems.resetStatus(); // clears totals and stuff. final int types = (int) this.getStoredItemTypes(); for( int slot = 0; slot < types; slot++ ) { NBTTagCompound compoundTag = this.tagCompound.getCompoundTag( itemSlots[slot] ); int stackSize = this.tagCompound.getInteger( itemSlotCount[slot] ); loadCellItem( compoundTag, stackSize ); } // cellItems.clean(); } private void loadCellItem( NBTTagCompound compoundTag, int stackSize ) { // Now load the item stack final ItemStack t; try { t = ItemStack.loadItemStackFromNBT( compoundTag ); if( t == null ) { AELog.warn( "Removing item " + compoundTag + " from storage cell because the associated item type couldn't be found." ); return; } } catch( Throwable ex ) { if( AEConfig.instance().isRemoveCrashingItemsOnLoad() ) { AELog.warn( ex, "Removing item " + compoundTag + " from storage cell because loading the ItemStack crashed." ); return; } throw ex; } t.stackSize = stackSize; if( t.stackSize > 0 ) { try { this.cellItems.add( AEItemStack.create( t ) ); } catch( Throwable ex ) { if( AEConfig.instance().isRemoveCrashingItemsOnLoad() ) { AELog.warn( ex, "Removing item " + t + " from storage cell because processing the loaded item crashed." ); return; } throw ex; } } } @Override public IItemList getAvailableItems( final IItemList out ) { for( final IAEItemStack i : this.getCellItems() ) { out.add( i ); } return out; } @Override public StorageChannel getChannel() { return StorageChannel.ITEMS; } @Override public ItemStack getItemStack() { return this.i; } @Override public double getIdleDrain() { return this.cellType.getIdleDrain(); } @Override public FuzzyMode getFuzzyMode() { return this.cellType.getFuzzyMode( this.i ); } @Override public IInventory getConfigInventory() { return this.cellType.getConfigInventory( this.i ); } @Override public IInventory getUpgradesInventory() { return this.cellType.getUpgradesInventory( this.i ); } @Override public int getBytesPerType() { return this.cellType.getBytesPerType( this.i ); } @Override public boolean canHoldNewItem() { final long bytesFree = this.getFreeBytes(); return ( bytesFree > this.getBytesPerType() || ( bytesFree == this.getBytesPerType() && this.getUnusedItemCount() > 0 ) ) && this.getRemainingItemTypes() > 0; } @Override public long getTotalBytes() { return this.cellType.getBytes( this.i ); } @Override public long getFreeBytes() { return this.getTotalBytes() - this.getUsedBytes(); } @Override public long getUsedBytes() { final long bytesForItemCount = ( this.getStoredItemCount() + this.getUnusedItemCount() ) / 8; return this.getStoredItemTypes() * this.getBytesPerType() + bytesForItemCount; } @Override public long getTotalItemTypes() { return this.maxItemTypes; } @Override public long getStoredItemCount() { return this.storedItemCount; } @Override public long getStoredItemTypes() { return this.storedItems; } @Override public long getRemainingItemTypes() { final long basedOnStorage = this.getFreeBytes() / this.getBytesPerType(); final long baseOnTotal = this.getTotalItemTypes() - this.getStoredItemTypes(); return basedOnStorage > baseOnTotal ? baseOnTotal : basedOnStorage; } @Override public long getRemainingItemCount() { final long remaining = this.getFreeBytes() * 8 + this.getUnusedItemCount(); return remaining > 0 ? remaining : 0; } @Override public int getUnusedItemCount() { final int div = (int) ( this.getStoredItemCount() % 8 ); if( div == 0 ) { return 0; } return 8 - div; } @Override public int getStatusForCell() { if( this.canHoldNewItem() ) { return 1; } if( this.getRemainingItemCount() > 0 ) { return 2; } return 3; } }