/* * This file is part of Applied Energistics 2. * Copyright (c) 2013 - 2015, AlgorithmX2, All rights reserved. * * Applied Energistics 2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Applied Energistics 2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with Applied Energistics 2. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl>. */ package appeng.client.gui; import java.io.IOException; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import com.google.common.base.Joiner; import com.google.common.base.Stopwatch; import com.google.common.collect.Lists; import org.lwjgl.input.Keyboard; import org.lwjgl.input.Mouse; import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11; import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft; import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiButton; import net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiContainer; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.GlStateManager; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.RenderHelper; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.Tessellator; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.VertexBuffer; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.vertex.DefaultVertexFormats; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.inventory.ClickType; import net.minecraft.inventory.Container; import net.minecraft.inventory.Slot; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation; import net.minecraft.util.text.TextFormatting; import appeng.api.storage.data.IAEItemStack; import appeng.client.gui.widgets.GuiScrollbar; import appeng.client.gui.widgets.ITooltip; import appeng.client.me.InternalSlotME; import appeng.client.me.SlotDisconnected; import appeng.client.me.SlotME; import appeng.client.render.StackSizeRenderer; import appeng.container.AEBaseContainer; import appeng.container.slot.AppEngCraftingSlot; import appeng.container.slot.AppEngSlot; import appeng.container.slot.AppEngSlot.hasCalculatedValidness; import appeng.container.slot.OptionalSlotFake; import appeng.container.slot.SlotCraftingTerm; import appeng.container.slot.SlotDisabled; import appeng.container.slot.SlotFake; import appeng.container.slot.SlotInaccessible; import appeng.container.slot.SlotOutput; import appeng.container.slot.SlotPatternTerm; import appeng.container.slot.SlotRestrictedInput; import appeng.core.AELog; import appeng.core.AppEng; import appeng.core.sync.network.NetworkHandler; import appeng.core.sync.packets.PacketInventoryAction; import appeng.core.sync.packets.PacketSwapSlots; import appeng.helpers.InventoryAction; public abstract class AEBaseGui extends GuiContainer { private static boolean switchingGuis; private final List<InternalSlotME> meSlots = new LinkedList<InternalSlotME>(); // drag y private final Set<Slot> drag_click = new HashSet<Slot>(); private final StackSizeRenderer stackSizeRenderer = new StackSizeRenderer(); private GuiScrollbar myScrollBar = null; private boolean disableShiftClick = false; private Stopwatch dbl_clickTimer = Stopwatch.createStarted(); private ItemStack dbl_whichItem; private Slot bl_clicked; private boolean subGui; public AEBaseGui( final Container container ) { super( container ); this.subGui = switchingGuis; switchingGuis = false; } protected static String join( final Collection<String> toolTip, final String delimiter ) { final Joiner joiner = Joiner.on( delimiter ); return joiner.join( toolTip ); } protected int getQty( final GuiButton btn ) { try { final DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat( "+#;-#" ); return df.parse( btn.displayString ).intValue(); } catch( final ParseException e ) { return 0; } } public boolean isSubGui() { return this.subGui; } @Override public void initGui() { super.initGui(); final List<Slot> slots = this.getInventorySlots(); final Iterator<Slot> i = slots.iterator(); while( i.hasNext() ) { if( i.next() instanceof SlotME ) { i.remove(); } } for( final InternalSlotME me : this.meSlots ) { slots.add( new SlotME( me ) ); } } @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" ) private List<Slot> getInventorySlots() { return this.inventorySlots.inventorySlots; } @Override public void drawScreen( final int mouseX, final int mouseY, final float btn ) { super.drawScreen( mouseX, mouseY, btn ); for( final Object c : this.buttonList ) { if( c instanceof ITooltip ) { final ITooltip tooltip = (ITooltip) c; final int x = tooltip.xPos(); // ((GuiImgButton) c).xPosition; int y = tooltip.yPos(); // ((GuiImgButton) c).yPosition; if( x < mouseX && x + tooltip.getWidth() > mouseX && tooltip.isVisible() ) { if( y < mouseY && y + tooltip.getHeight() > mouseY ) { if( y < 15 ) { y = 15; } final String msg = tooltip.getMessage(); if( msg != null ) { this.drawTooltip( x + 11, y + 4, msg ); } } } } } } protected void drawTooltip( int x, int y, String message ) { String[] lines = message.split( "\n" ); this.drawTooltip( x, y, Arrays.asList( lines ) ); } protected void drawTooltip( int x, int y, List<String> lines ) { if( lines.isEmpty() ) { return; } // For an explanation of the formatting codes, see http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Formatting_codes lines = Lists.newArrayList( lines ); // Make a copy // Make the first line white lines.set( 0, TextFormatting.WHITE + lines.get( 0 ) ); // All lines after the first are colored gray for( int i = 1; i < lines.size(); i++ ) { lines.set( i, TextFormatting.GRAY + lines.get( i ) ); } this.drawHoveringText( lines, x, y, fontRendererObj ); } @Override protected final void drawGuiContainerForegroundLayer( final int x, final int y ) { final int ox = this.guiLeft; // (width - xSize) / 2; final int oy = this.guiTop; // (height - ySize) / 2; GlStateManager.color( 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F ); if( this.getScrollBar() != null ) { this.getScrollBar().draw( this ); } this.drawFG( ox, oy, x, y ); } public abstract void drawFG( int offsetX, int offsetY, int mouseX, int mouseY ); @Override protected final void drawGuiContainerBackgroundLayer( final float f, final int x, final int y ) { final int ox = this.guiLeft; // (width - xSize) / 2; final int oy = this.guiTop; // (height - ySize) / 2; GlStateManager.color( 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F ); this.drawBG( ox, oy, x, y ); final List<Slot> slots = this.getInventorySlots(); for( final Slot slot : slots ) { if( slot instanceof OptionalSlotFake ) { final OptionalSlotFake fs = (OptionalSlotFake) slot; if( fs.renderDisabled() ) { if( fs.isEnabled() ) { this.drawTexturedModalRect( ox + fs.xDisplayPosition - 1, oy + fs.yDisplayPosition - 1, fs.getSourceX() - 1, fs.getSourceY() - 1, 18, 18 ); } else { GlStateManager.color( 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 0.4F ); GlStateManager.enableBlend(); this.drawTexturedModalRect( ox + fs.xDisplayPosition - 1, oy + fs.yDisplayPosition - 1, fs.getSourceX() - 1, fs.getSourceY() - 1, 18, 18 ); GlStateManager.color( 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F ); } } } } } @Override protected void mouseClicked( final int xCoord, final int yCoord, final int btn ) throws IOException { this.drag_click.clear(); if( btn == 1 ) { for( final Object o : this.buttonList ) { final GuiButton guibutton = (GuiButton) o; if( guibutton.mousePressed( this.mc, xCoord, yCoord ) ) { super.mouseClicked( xCoord, yCoord, 0 ); return; } } } if( this.getScrollBar() != null ) { this.getScrollBar().click( this, xCoord - this.guiLeft, yCoord - this.guiTop ); } super.mouseClicked( xCoord, yCoord, btn ); } @Override protected void mouseClickMove( final int x, final int y, final int c, final long d ) { final Slot slot = this.getSlot( x, y ); final ItemStack itemstack = this.mc.thePlayer.inventory.getItemStack(); if( this.getScrollBar() != null ) { this.getScrollBar().click( this, x - this.guiLeft, y - this.guiTop ); } if( slot instanceof SlotFake && itemstack != null ) { this.drag_click.add( slot ); if( this.drag_click.size() > 1 ) { for( final Slot dr : this.drag_click ) { final PacketInventoryAction p = new PacketInventoryAction( c == 0 ? InventoryAction.PICKUP_OR_SET_DOWN : InventoryAction.PLACE_SINGLE, dr.slotNumber, 0 ); NetworkHandler.instance().sendToServer( p ); } } } else { super.mouseClickMove( x, y, c, d ); } } // TODO 1.9.4 aftermath - Whole ClickType thing, to be checked. @Override protected void handleMouseClick( final Slot slot, final int slotIdx, final int mouseButton, final ClickType clickType ) { final EntityPlayer player = Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer; if( slot instanceof SlotFake ) { final InventoryAction action = mouseButton == 1 ? InventoryAction.SPLIT_OR_PLACE_SINGLE : InventoryAction.PICKUP_OR_SET_DOWN; if( this.drag_click.size() > 1 ) { return; } final PacketInventoryAction p = new PacketInventoryAction( action, slotIdx, 0 ); NetworkHandler.instance().sendToServer( p ); return; } if( slot instanceof SlotPatternTerm ) { if( mouseButton == 6 ) { return; // prevent weird double clicks.. } try { NetworkHandler.instance().sendToServer( ( (SlotPatternTerm) slot ).getRequest( isShiftKeyDown() ) ); } catch( final IOException e ) { AELog.debug( e ); } } else if( slot instanceof SlotCraftingTerm ) { if( mouseButton == 6 ) { return; // prevent weird double clicks.. } InventoryAction action = null; if( isShiftKeyDown() ) { action = InventoryAction.CRAFT_SHIFT; } else { // Craft stack on right-click, craft single on left-click action = ( mouseButton == 1 ) ? InventoryAction.CRAFT_STACK : InventoryAction.CRAFT_ITEM; } final PacketInventoryAction p = new PacketInventoryAction( action, slotIdx, 0 ); NetworkHandler.instance().sendToServer( p ); return; } if( Keyboard.isKeyDown( Keyboard.KEY_SPACE ) ) { if( this.enableSpaceClicking() ) { IAEItemStack stack = null; if( slot instanceof SlotME ) { stack = ( (SlotME) slot ).getAEStack(); } int slotNum = this.getInventorySlots().size(); if( !( slot instanceof SlotME ) && slot != null ) { slotNum = slot.slotNumber; } ( (AEBaseContainer) this.inventorySlots ).setTargetStack( stack ); final PacketInventoryAction p = new PacketInventoryAction( InventoryAction.MOVE_REGION, slotNum, 0 ); NetworkHandler.instance().sendToServer( p ); return; } } if( slot instanceof SlotDisconnected ) { InventoryAction action = null; switch( clickType ) { case PICKUP: // pickup / set-down. action = ( mouseButton == 1 ) ? InventoryAction.SPLIT_OR_PLACE_SINGLE : InventoryAction.PICKUP_OR_SET_DOWN; break; case QUICK_MOVE: action = ( mouseButton == 1 ) ? InventoryAction.PICKUP_SINGLE : InventoryAction.SHIFT_CLICK; break; case CLONE: // creative dupe: if( player.capabilities.isCreativeMode ) { action = InventoryAction.CREATIVE_DUPLICATE; } break; default: case THROW: // drop item: } if( action != null ) { final PacketInventoryAction p = new PacketInventoryAction( action, slot.getSlotIndex(), ( (SlotDisconnected) slot ).getSlot().getId() ); NetworkHandler.instance().sendToServer( p ); } return; } if( slot instanceof SlotME ) { InventoryAction action = null; IAEItemStack stack = null; switch( clickType ) { case PICKUP: // pickup / set-down. action = ( mouseButton == 1 ) ? InventoryAction.SPLIT_OR_PLACE_SINGLE : InventoryAction.PICKUP_OR_SET_DOWN; stack = ( (SlotME) slot ).getAEStack(); if( stack != null && action == InventoryAction.PICKUP_OR_SET_DOWN && stack.getStackSize() == 0 && player.inventory.getItemStack() == null ) { action = InventoryAction.AUTO_CRAFT; } break; case QUICK_MOVE: action = ( mouseButton == 1 ) ? InventoryAction.PICKUP_SINGLE : InventoryAction.SHIFT_CLICK; stack = ( (SlotME) slot ).getAEStack(); break; case CLONE: // creative dupe: stack = ( (SlotME) slot ).getAEStack(); if( stack != null && stack.isCraftable() ) { action = InventoryAction.AUTO_CRAFT; } else if( player.capabilities.isCreativeMode ) { final IAEItemStack slotItem = ( (SlotME) slot ).getAEStack(); if( slotItem != null ) { action = InventoryAction.CREATIVE_DUPLICATE; } } break; default: case THROW: // drop item: } if( action != null ) { ( (AEBaseContainer) this.inventorySlots ).setTargetStack( stack ); final PacketInventoryAction p = new PacketInventoryAction( action, this.getInventorySlots().size(), 0 ); NetworkHandler.instance().sendToServer( p ); } return; } if( !this.disableShiftClick && isShiftKeyDown() ) { this.disableShiftClick = true; if( this.dbl_whichItem == null || this.bl_clicked != slot || this.dbl_clickTimer.elapsed( TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS ) > 150 ) { // some simple double click logic. this.bl_clicked = slot; this.dbl_clickTimer = Stopwatch.createStarted(); if( slot != null ) { this.dbl_whichItem = slot.getHasStack() ? slot.getStack().copy() : null; } else { this.dbl_whichItem = null; } } else if( this.dbl_whichItem != null ) { // a replica of the weird broken vanilla feature. final List<Slot> slots = this.getInventorySlots(); for( final Slot inventorySlot : slots ) { if( inventorySlot != null && inventorySlot.canTakeStack( this.mc.thePlayer ) && inventorySlot.getHasStack() && inventorySlot.inventory == slot.inventory && Container.canAddItemToSlot( inventorySlot, this.dbl_whichItem, true ) ) { this.handleMouseClick( inventorySlot, inventorySlot.slotNumber, 1, clickType ); } } } this.disableShiftClick = false; } super.handleMouseClick( slot, slotIdx, mouseButton, clickType ); } @Override protected boolean checkHotbarKeys( final int keyCode ) { final Slot theSlot = this.getSlotUnderMouse(); if( this.mc.thePlayer.inventory.getItemStack() == null && theSlot != null ) { for( int j = 0; j < 9; ++j ) { if( keyCode == this.mc.gameSettings.keyBindsHotbar[j].getKeyCode() ) { final List<Slot> slots = this.getInventorySlots(); for( final Slot s : slots ) { if( s.getSlotIndex() == j && s.inventory == ( (AEBaseContainer) this.inventorySlots ).getPlayerInv() ) { if( !s.canTakeStack( ( (AEBaseContainer) this.inventorySlots ).getPlayerInv().player ) ) { return false; } } } if( theSlot.getSlotStackLimit() == 64 ) { this.handleMouseClick( theSlot, theSlot.slotNumber, j, ClickType.SWAP ); return true; } else { for( final Slot s : slots ) { if( s.getSlotIndex() == j && s.inventory == ( (AEBaseContainer) this.inventorySlots ).getPlayerInv() ) { NetworkHandler.instance().sendToServer( new PacketSwapSlots( s.slotNumber, theSlot.slotNumber ) ); return true; } } } } } } return false; } @Override public void onGuiClosed() { super.onGuiClosed(); this.subGui = true; // in case the gui is reopened later ( i'm looking at you NEI ) } protected Slot getSlot( final int mouseX, final int mouseY ) { final List<Slot> slots = this.getInventorySlots(); for( final Slot slot : slots ) { // isPointInRegion if( this.isPointInRegion( slot.xDisplayPosition, slot.yDisplayPosition, 16, 16, mouseX, mouseY ) ) { return slot; } } return null; } public abstract void drawBG( int offsetX, int offsetY, int mouseX, int mouseY ); @Override public void handleMouseInput() throws IOException { super.handleMouseInput(); final int i = Mouse.getEventDWheel(); if( i != 0 && isShiftKeyDown() ) { final int x = Mouse.getEventX() * this.width / this.mc.displayWidth; final int y = this.height - Mouse.getEventY() * this.height / this.mc.displayHeight - 1; this.mouseWheelEvent( x, y, i / Math.abs( i ) ); } else if( i != 0 && this.getScrollBar() != null ) { this.getScrollBar().wheel( i ); } } private void mouseWheelEvent( final int x, final int y, final int wheel ) { final Slot slot = this.getSlot( x, y ); if( slot instanceof SlotME ) { final IAEItemStack item = ( (SlotME) slot ).getAEStack(); if( item != null ) { ( (AEBaseContainer) this.inventorySlots ).setTargetStack( item ); final InventoryAction direction = wheel > 0 ? InventoryAction.ROLL_DOWN : InventoryAction.ROLL_UP; final int times = Math.abs( wheel ); final int inventorySize = this.getInventorySlots().size(); for( int h = 0; h < times; h++ ) { final PacketInventoryAction p = new PacketInventoryAction( direction, inventorySize, 0 ); NetworkHandler.instance().sendToServer( p ); } } } } protected boolean enableSpaceClicking() { return true; } public void bindTexture( final String base, final String file ) { final ResourceLocation loc = new ResourceLocation( base, "textures/" + file ); this.mc.getTextureManager().bindTexture( loc ); } protected void drawItem( final int x, final int y, final ItemStack is ) { this.zLevel = 100.0F; this.itemRender.zLevel = 100.0F; RenderHelper.enableGUIStandardItemLighting(); GlStateManager.enableDepth(); this.itemRender.renderItemAndEffectIntoGUI( is, x, y ); GlStateManager.disableDepth(); this.itemRender.zLevel = 0.0F; this.zLevel = 0.0F; } protected String getGuiDisplayName( final String in ) { return this.hasCustomInventoryName() ? this.getInventoryName() : in; } private boolean hasCustomInventoryName() { if( this.inventorySlots instanceof AEBaseContainer ) { return ( (AEBaseContainer) this.inventorySlots ).getCustomName() != null; } return false; } private String getInventoryName() { return ( (AEBaseContainer) this.inventorySlots ).getCustomName(); } /** * This overrides the base-class method through some access transformer hackery... */ @Override public void drawSlot( Slot s ) { if( s instanceof SlotME ) { try { this.zLevel = 100.0F; this.itemRender.zLevel = 100.0F; if( !this.isPowered() ) { drawRect( s.xDisplayPosition, s.yDisplayPosition, 16 + s.xDisplayPosition, 16 + s.yDisplayPosition, 0x66111111 ); } this.zLevel = 0.0F; this.itemRender.zLevel = 0.0F; // Annoying but easier than trying to splice into render item super.drawSlot( new Size1Slot( s ) ); stackSizeRenderer.renderStackSize( fontRendererObj, ( (SlotME) s ).getAEStack(), s.getStack(), s.xDisplayPosition, s.yDisplayPosition ); } catch( final Exception err ) { AELog.warn( "[AppEng] AE prevented crash while drawing slot: " + err.toString() ); } return; } else { try { final ItemStack is = s.getStack(); if( s instanceof AppEngSlot && ( ( (AppEngSlot) s ).renderIconWithItem() || is == null ) && ( ( (AppEngSlot) s ).shouldDisplay() ) ) { final AppEngSlot aes = (AppEngSlot) s; if( aes.getIcon() >= 0 ) { this.bindTexture( "guis/states.png" ); try { final int uv_y = (int) Math.floor( aes.getIcon() / 16 ); final int uv_x = aes.getIcon() - uv_y * 16; GlStateManager.enableBlend(); GlStateManager.disableLighting(); GlStateManager.enableTexture2D(); GlStateManager.blendFunc( GL11.GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL11.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA ); GlStateManager.color( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f ); final float par1 = aes.xDisplayPosition; final float par2 = aes.yDisplayPosition; final float par3 = uv_x * 16; final float par4 = uv_y * 16; final Tessellator tessellator = Tessellator.getInstance(); final VertexBuffer vb = tessellator.getBuffer(); vb.begin( GL11.GL_QUADS, DefaultVertexFormats.POSITION_TEX_COLOR ); final float f1 = 0.00390625F; final float f = 0.00390625F; final float par6 = 16; vb.pos( par1 + 0, par2 + par6, this.zLevel ).tex( ( par3 + 0 ) * f, ( par4 + par6 ) * f1 ).color( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, aes.getOpacityOfIcon() ).endVertex(); final float par5 = 16; vb.pos( par1 + par5, par2 + par6, this.zLevel ).tex( ( par3 + par5 ) * f, ( par4 + par6 ) * f1 ).color( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, aes.getOpacityOfIcon() ).endVertex(); vb.pos( par1 + par5, par2 + 0, this.zLevel ).tex( ( par3 + par5 ) * f, ( par4 + 0 ) * f1 ).color( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, aes.getOpacityOfIcon() ).endVertex(); vb.pos( par1 + 0, par2 + 0, this.zLevel ).tex( ( par3 + 0 ) * f, ( par4 + 0 ) * f1 ).color( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, aes.getOpacityOfIcon() ).endVertex(); tessellator.draw(); } catch( final Exception err ) { } } } if( is != null && s instanceof AppEngSlot ) { if( ( (AppEngSlot) s ).getIsValid() == hasCalculatedValidness.NotAvailable ) { boolean isValid = s.isItemValid( is ) || s instanceof SlotOutput || s instanceof AppEngCraftingSlot || s instanceof SlotDisabled || s instanceof SlotInaccessible || s instanceof SlotFake || s instanceof SlotRestrictedInput || s instanceof SlotDisconnected; if( isValid && s instanceof SlotRestrictedInput ) { try { isValid = ( (SlotRestrictedInput) s ).isValid( is, this.mc.theWorld ); } catch( final Exception err ) { AELog.debug( err ); } } ( (AppEngSlot) s ).setIsValid( isValid ? hasCalculatedValidness.Valid : hasCalculatedValidness.Invalid ); } if( ( (AppEngSlot) s ).getIsValid() == hasCalculatedValidness.Invalid ) { this.zLevel = 100.0F; this.itemRender.zLevel = 100.0F; GlStateManager.disableLighting(); drawRect( s.xDisplayPosition, s.yDisplayPosition, 16 + s.xDisplayPosition, 16 + s.yDisplayPosition, 0x66ff6666 ); GlStateManager.enableLighting(); this.zLevel = 0.0F; this.itemRender.zLevel = 0.0F; } } if( s instanceof AppEngSlot ) { ( (AppEngSlot) s ).setDisplay( true ); super.drawSlot( s ); } else { super.drawSlot( s ); } return; } catch( final Exception err ) { AELog.warn( "[AppEng] AE prevented crash while drawing slot: " + err.toString() ); } } // do the usual for non-ME Slots. super.drawSlot( s ); } protected boolean isPowered() { return true; } public void bindTexture( final String file ) { final ResourceLocation loc = new ResourceLocation( AppEng.MOD_ID, "textures/" + file ); this.mc.getTextureManager().bindTexture( loc ); } protected GuiScrollbar getScrollBar() { return this.myScrollBar; } protected void setScrollBar( final GuiScrollbar myScrollBar ) { this.myScrollBar = myScrollBar; } protected List<InternalSlotME> getMeSlots() { return this.meSlots; } public static final synchronized boolean isSwitchingGuis() { return switchingGuis; } public static final synchronized void setSwitchingGuis( final boolean switchingGuis ) { AEBaseGui.switchingGuis = switchingGuis; } }