/* * This file is part of Applied Energistics 2. * Copyright (c) 2013 - 2014, AlgorithmX2, All rights reserved. * * Applied Energistics 2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Applied Energistics 2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with Applied Energistics 2. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl>. */ package appeng.me.cache; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import appeng.api.networking.IGrid; import appeng.api.networking.IGridHost; import appeng.api.networking.IGridNode; import appeng.api.networking.IGridStorage; import appeng.api.networking.events.MENetworkBootingStatusChange; import appeng.api.networking.events.MENetworkEventSubscribe; import appeng.api.networking.spatial.ISpatialCache; import appeng.api.util.DimensionalCoord; import appeng.api.util.IReadOnlyCollection; import appeng.core.AEConfig; import appeng.me.cluster.implementations.SpatialPylonCluster; import appeng.tile.spatial.TileSpatialIOPort; import appeng.tile.spatial.TileSpatialPylon; public class SpatialPylonCache implements ISpatialCache { private final IGrid myGrid; private long powerRequired = 0; private double efficiency = 0.0; private DimensionalCoord captureMin; private DimensionalCoord captureMax; private boolean isValid = false; private List<TileSpatialIOPort> ioPorts = new LinkedList<TileSpatialIOPort>(); private HashMap<SpatialPylonCluster, SpatialPylonCluster> clusters = new HashMap<SpatialPylonCluster, SpatialPylonCluster>(); public SpatialPylonCache( final IGrid g ) { this.myGrid = g; } @MENetworkEventSubscribe public void bootingRender( final MENetworkBootingStatusChange c ) { this.reset( this.myGrid ); } private void reset( final IGrid grid ) { this.clusters = new HashMap<SpatialPylonCluster, SpatialPylonCluster>(); this.ioPorts = new LinkedList<TileSpatialIOPort>(); for( final IGridNode gm : grid.getMachines( TileSpatialIOPort.class ) ) { this.ioPorts.add( (TileSpatialIOPort) gm.getMachine() ); } final IReadOnlyCollection<IGridNode> set = grid.getMachines( TileSpatialPylon.class ); for( final IGridNode gm : set ) { if( gm.meetsChannelRequirements() ) { final SpatialPylonCluster c = ( (TileSpatialPylon) gm.getMachine() ).getCluster(); if( c != null ) { this.clusters.put( c, c ); } } } this.captureMax = null; this.captureMin = null; this.isValid = true; int pylonBlocks = 0; for( final SpatialPylonCluster cl : this.clusters.values() ) { if( this.captureMax == null ) { this.captureMax = cl.getMax().copy(); } if( this.captureMin == null ) { this.captureMin = cl.getMin().copy(); } pylonBlocks += cl.tileCount(); this.captureMin.x = Math.min( this.captureMin.x, cl.getMin().x ); this.captureMin.y = Math.min( this.captureMin.y, cl.getMin().y ); this.captureMin.z = Math.min( this.captureMin.z, cl.getMin().z ); this.captureMax.x = Math.max( this.captureMax.x, cl.getMax().x ); this.captureMax.y = Math.max( this.captureMax.y, cl.getMax().y ); this.captureMax.z = Math.max( this.captureMax.z, cl.getMax().z ); } double maxPower = 0; double minPower = 0; if( this.hasRegion() ) { this.isValid = this.captureMax.x - this.captureMin.x > 1 && this.captureMax.y - this.captureMin.y > 1 && this.captureMax.z - this.captureMin.z > 1; for( final SpatialPylonCluster cl : this.clusters.values() ) { switch( cl.getCurrentAxis() ) { case X: this.isValid = this.isValid && ( ( this.captureMax.y == cl.getMin().y || this.captureMin.y == cl.getMax().y ) || ( this.captureMax.z == cl.getMin().z || this.captureMin.z == cl.getMax().z ) ) && ( ( this.captureMax.y == cl.getMax().y || this.captureMin.y == cl.getMin().y ) || ( this.captureMax.z == cl.getMax().z || this.captureMin.z == cl.getMin().z ) ); break; case Y: this.isValid = this.isValid && ( ( this.captureMax.x == cl.getMin().x || this.captureMin.x == cl.getMax().x ) || ( this.captureMax.z == cl.getMin().z || this.captureMin.z == cl.getMax().z ) ) && ( ( this.captureMax.x == cl.getMax().x || this.captureMin.x == cl.getMin().x ) || ( this.captureMax.z == cl.getMax().z || this.captureMin.z == cl.getMin().z ) ); break; case Z: this.isValid = this.isValid && ( ( this.captureMax.y == cl.getMin().y || this.captureMin.y == cl.getMax().y ) || ( this.captureMax.x == cl.getMin().x || this.captureMin.x == cl.getMax().x ) ) && ( ( this.captureMax.y == cl.getMax().y || this.captureMin.y == cl.getMin().y ) || ( this.captureMax.x == cl.getMax().x || this.captureMin.x == cl.getMin().x ) ); break; case UNFORMED: this.isValid = false; break; } } final int reqX = this.captureMax.x - this.captureMin.x; final int reqY = this.captureMax.y - this.captureMin.y; final int reqZ = this.captureMax.z - this.captureMin.z; final int requirePylonBlocks = Math.max( 6, ( ( reqX * reqZ + reqX * reqY + reqY * reqZ ) * 3 ) / 8 ); this.efficiency = (double) pylonBlocks / (double) requirePylonBlocks; if( this.efficiency > 1.0 ) { this.efficiency = 1.0; } if( this.efficiency < 0.0 ) { this.efficiency = 0.0; } minPower = (double) reqX * (double) reqY * reqZ * AEConfig.instance().getSpatialPowerMultiplier(); maxPower = Math.pow( minPower, AEConfig.instance().getSpatialPowerExponent() ); } final double affective_efficiency = Math.pow( this.efficiency, 0.25 ); this.powerRequired = (long) ( affective_efficiency * minPower + ( 1.0 - affective_efficiency ) * maxPower ); for( final SpatialPylonCluster cl : this.clusters.values() ) { final boolean myWasValid = cl.isValid(); cl.setValid( this.isValid ); if( myWasValid != this.isValid ) { cl.updateStatus( false ); } } } @Override public boolean hasRegion() { return this.captureMin != null; } @Override public boolean isValidRegion() { return this.hasRegion() && this.isValid; } @Override public DimensionalCoord getMin() { return this.captureMin; } @Override public DimensionalCoord getMax() { return this.captureMax; } @Override public long requiredPower() { return this.powerRequired; } @Override public float currentEfficiency() { return (float) this.efficiency * 100; } @Override public void onUpdateTick() { } @Override public void removeNode( final IGridNode node, final IGridHost machine ) { } @Override public void addNode( final IGridNode node, final IGridHost machine ) { } @Override public void onSplit( final IGridStorage storageB ) { } @Override public void onJoin( final IGridStorage storageB ) { } @Override public void populateGridStorage( final IGridStorage storage ) { } }