/* * This file is part of Applied Energistics 2. * Copyright (c) 2013 - 2014, AlgorithmX2, All rights reserved. * * Applied Energistics 2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Applied Energistics 2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with Applied Energistics 2. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl>. */ package appeng.parts; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Random; import com.google.common.base.Preconditions; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf; import net.minecraft.crash.CrashReportCategory; import net.minecraft.entity.Entity; import net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.inventory.IInventory; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity; import net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing; import net.minecraft.util.EnumHand; import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos; import net.minecraft.util.math.Vec3d; import net.minecraft.world.World; import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.Side; import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; import appeng.api.AEApi; import appeng.api.config.Upgrades; import appeng.api.definitions.IDefinitions; import appeng.api.implementations.IUpgradeableHost; import appeng.api.implementations.items.IMemoryCard; import appeng.api.implementations.items.MemoryCardMessages; import appeng.api.networking.IGridNode; import appeng.api.networking.security.IActionHost; import appeng.api.parts.BusSupport; import appeng.api.parts.IPart; import appeng.api.parts.IPartCollisionHelper; import appeng.api.parts.IPartHost; import appeng.api.parts.PartItemStack; import appeng.api.util.AECableType; import appeng.api.util.AEColor; import appeng.api.util.AEPartLocation; import appeng.api.util.DimensionalCoord; import appeng.api.util.IConfigManager; import appeng.helpers.ICustomNameObject; import appeng.helpers.IPriorityHost; import appeng.items.parts.ItemPart; import appeng.items.parts.PartType; import appeng.me.helpers.AENetworkProxy; import appeng.me.helpers.IGridProxyable; import appeng.parts.networking.PartCable; import appeng.tile.inventory.AppEngInternalAEInventory; import appeng.util.Platform; import appeng.util.SettingsFrom; public abstract class AEBasePart implements IPart, IGridProxyable, IActionHost, IUpgradeableHost, ICustomNameObject { private final AENetworkProxy proxy; private final ItemStack is; private TileEntity tile = null; private IPartHost host = null; private AEPartLocation side = null; public AEBasePart( final ItemStack is ) { Preconditions.checkNotNull( is ); this.is = is; this.proxy = new AENetworkProxy( this, "part", is, this instanceof PartCable ); this.proxy.setValidSides( EnumSet.noneOf( EnumFacing.class ) ); } public IPartHost getHost() { return this.host; } public PartType getType() { return ItemPart.instance.getTypeByStack( is ); } @Override public IGridNode getGridNode( final AEPartLocation dir ) { return this.proxy.getNode(); } @Override public AECableType getCableConnectionType( final AEPartLocation dir ) { return AECableType.GLASS; } @Override public void securityBreak() { if( this.getItemStack().stackSize > 0 ) { final List<ItemStack> items = new ArrayList<ItemStack>(); items.add( this.is.copy() ); this.host.removePart( this.side, false ); Platform.spawnDrops( this.tile.getWorld(), this.tile.getPos(), items ); this.is.stackSize = 0; } } protected AEColor getColor() { if( this.host == null ) { return AEColor.TRANSPARENT; } return this.host.getColor(); } @Override public void getBoxes( final IPartCollisionHelper bch ) { } @Override public int getInstalledUpgrades( final Upgrades u ) { return 0; } @Override public TileEntity getTile() { return this.tile; } @Override public AENetworkProxy getProxy() { return this.proxy; } @Override public DimensionalCoord getLocation() { return new DimensionalCoord( this.tile ); } @Override public void gridChanged() { } @Override public IGridNode getActionableNode() { return this.proxy.getNode(); } public void saveChanges() { this.host.markForSave(); } @Override public String getCustomName() { return this.getItemStack().getDisplayName(); } @Override public boolean hasCustomName() { return this.getItemStack().hasDisplayName(); } public void addEntityCrashInfo( final CrashReportCategory crashreportcategory ) { crashreportcategory.addCrashSection( "Part Side", this.getSide() ); } @Override public ItemStack getItemStack( final PartItemStack type ) { if( type == PartItemStack.NETWORK ) { final ItemStack copy = this.is.copy(); copy.setTagCompound( null ); return copy; } return this.is; } @Override public boolean isSolid() { return false; } @Override public void onNeighborChanged() { } @Override public boolean canConnectRedstone() { return false; } @Override public void readFromNBT( final NBTTagCompound data ) { this.proxy.readFromNBT( data ); } @Override public void writeToNBT( final NBTTagCompound data ) { this.proxy.writeToNBT( data ); } @Override public int isProvidingStrongPower() { return 0; } @Override public int isProvidingWeakPower() { return 0; } @Override public void writeToStream( final ByteBuf data ) throws IOException { } @Override public boolean readFromStream( final ByteBuf data ) throws IOException { return false; } @Override public IGridNode getGridNode() { return this.proxy.getNode(); } @Override public void onEntityCollision( final Entity entity ) { } @Override public void removeFromWorld() { this.proxy.invalidate(); } @Override public void addToWorld() { this.proxy.onReady(); } @Override public void setPartHostInfo( final AEPartLocation side, final IPartHost host, final TileEntity tile ) { this.setSide( side ); this.tile = tile; this.host = host; } @Override public IGridNode getExternalFacingNode() { return null; } @Override @SideOnly( Side.CLIENT ) public void randomDisplayTick( final World world, final BlockPos pos, final Random r ) { } @Override public int getLightLevel() { return 0; } @Override public void getDrops( final List<ItemStack> drops, final boolean wrenched ) { } @Override public float getCableConnectionLength( AECableType cable ) { return 3; } @Override public boolean isLadder( final EntityLivingBase entity ) { return false; } @Override public IConfigManager getConfigManager() { return null; } @Override public IInventory getInventoryByName( final String name ) { return null; } /** * depending on the from, different settings will be accepted, don't call this with null * * @param from source of settings * @param compound compound of source */ private void uploadSettings( final SettingsFrom from, final NBTTagCompound compound ) { if( compound != null ) { final IConfigManager cm = this.getConfigManager(); if( cm != null ) { cm.readFromNBT( compound ); } } if( this instanceof IPriorityHost ) { final IPriorityHost pHost = (IPriorityHost) this; pHost.setPriority( compound.getInteger( "priority" ) ); } final IInventory inv = this.getInventoryByName( "config" ); if( inv instanceof AppEngInternalAEInventory ) { final AppEngInternalAEInventory target = (AppEngInternalAEInventory) inv; final AppEngInternalAEInventory tmp = new AppEngInternalAEInventory( null, target.getSizeInventory() ); tmp.readFromNBT( compound, "config" ); for( int x = 0; x < tmp.getSizeInventory(); x++ ) { target.setInventorySlotContents( x, tmp.getStackInSlot( x ) ); } } } /** * null means nothing to store... * * @param from source of settings * * @return compound of source */ private NBTTagCompound downloadSettings( final SettingsFrom from ) { final NBTTagCompound output = new NBTTagCompound(); final IConfigManager cm = this.getConfigManager(); if( cm != null ) { cm.writeToNBT( output ); } if( this instanceof IPriorityHost ) { final IPriorityHost pHost = (IPriorityHost) this; output.setInteger( "priority", pHost.getPriority() ); } final IInventory inv = this.getInventoryByName( "config" ); if( inv instanceof AppEngInternalAEInventory ) { ( (AppEngInternalAEInventory) inv ).writeToNBT( output, "config" ); } return output.hasNoTags() ? null : output; } public boolean useStandardMemoryCard() { return true; } private boolean useMemoryCard( final EntityPlayer player ) { final ItemStack memCardIS = player.inventory.getCurrentItem(); if( memCardIS != null && this.useStandardMemoryCard() && memCardIS.getItem() instanceof IMemoryCard ) { final IMemoryCard memoryCard = (IMemoryCard) memCardIS.getItem(); ItemStack is = this.getItemStack( PartItemStack.NETWORK ); // Blocks and parts share the same soul! final IDefinitions definitions = AEApi.instance().definitions(); if( definitions.parts().iface().isSameAs( is ) ) { Optional<ItemStack> iface = definitions.blocks().iface().maybeStack( 1 ); if( iface.isPresent() ) { is = iface.get(); } } final String name = is.getUnlocalizedName(); if( player.isSneaking() ) { final NBTTagCompound data = this.downloadSettings( SettingsFrom.MEMORY_CARD ); if( data != null ) { memoryCard.setMemoryCardContents( memCardIS, name, data ); memoryCard.notifyUser( player, MemoryCardMessages.SETTINGS_SAVED ); } } else { final String storedName = memoryCard.getSettingsName( memCardIS ); final NBTTagCompound data = memoryCard.getData( memCardIS ); if( name.equals( storedName ) ) { this.uploadSettings( SettingsFrom.MEMORY_CARD, data ); memoryCard.notifyUser( player, MemoryCardMessages.SETTINGS_LOADED ); } else { memoryCard.notifyUser( player, MemoryCardMessages.INVALID_MACHINE ); } } return true; } return false; } @Override public final boolean onActivate( final EntityPlayer player, final EnumHand hand, final Vec3d pos ) { if( this.useMemoryCard( player ) ) { return true; } return this.onPartActivate( player, hand, pos ); } @Override public final boolean onShiftActivate( final EntityPlayer player, final EnumHand hand, final Vec3d pos ) { if( this.useMemoryCard( player ) ) { return true; } return this.onPartShiftActivate( player, hand, pos ); } public boolean onPartActivate( final EntityPlayer player, final EnumHand hand, final Vec3d pos ) { return false; } public boolean onPartShiftActivate( final EntityPlayer player, final EnumHand hand, final Vec3d pos ) { return false; } @Override public void onPlacement( final EntityPlayer player, final EnumHand hand, final ItemStack held, final AEPartLocation side ) { this.proxy.setOwner( player ); } @Override public boolean canBePlacedOn( final BusSupport what ) { return what == BusSupport.CABLE; } @Override public boolean requireDynamicRender() { return false; } public AEPartLocation getSide() { return this.side; } private void setSide( final AEPartLocation side ) { this.side = side; } public ItemStack getItemStack() { return this.is; } }