Anti Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) For Java Web Application
In this tutorial, I am showing how to protect cross site scripting (xss) attacks for a java web application.
Cross-site scripting (XSS) happens, when an attacker injects malicious client sides scripts in the application.
How can we prevent Cross-site scripting (XSS)?
We can prevent xss attacks through hibernate validator’s @safehtml, which prevents HTML tags for XSS protection. @safehtml ensure that it contains no malicious code, such as embedded <script> elements.
Hibernate Many To Many Relation Mapping Example
Hibernate Many To Many Relation Mapping Example explains about how to implement a Many to Many relationship by using Hibernate
many-to-many entity relationship, each record of an entity have multiple records in other associated entity and vice versa
On this standalone Hibernate Many To Many Mapping Example, we are using Hibernate With MySQL Database.
Hibernate Many To One Relation Mapping Example
Hibernate Many To One Relation Mapping Example explains about how to implement a Many To One relationship by using Hibernate
many-to-one entity relationship, multiple records of an entity have single record in other associated entity
On this standalone Hibernate Many To One Mapping Example, we are using Hibernate With MySQL Database.
Hibernate One To Many Relation Mapping Example
Hibernate One To Many Relation Mapping Example explains about how to implement a One To Many relationship by using Hibernate
one-to-many entity relationship, each record of an entity have multiple records in other associated entity
On this standalone Hibernate One To Many Relation Mapping Example, we are using Hibernate With MySQL Database.
Hibernate One To One Relation Mapping Example
Hibernate One To One Relation Mapping Example explains about how to implement a One To One relationship by using Hibernate
one-to-one entity relationship, each record of an entity have single records in other associated entity
On this standalone Hibernate One To One Relation Mapping Example, we are using Hibernate With MySQL Database.
Hibernate Query Tutorial
Hibernate Query Tutorial explains step by step details of setting / configuring Hibernate Query with Eclipse
Hibernate is popular open source ORM (Object Relation Mapping) tool for Java platform, for mapping an entity to a traditional relational database like Oracle, MySQL etc
By using Hibernate, we can done database operations like Create, Read, Update & Delete etc, with very little code.
On this Tutorial, You can see Read, Update & Delete operations by using Hibernate Query Language
You can also view some examples of a) Hibernate Tutorial b) Hibernate Annotations Tutorial
Hibernate Tutorial
Hibernate Tutorial explains step by step details of setting / configuring Hibernate with Eclipse
Hibernate is popular open source ORM (Object Relation Mapping) tool for Java platform, for mapping an entity to a traditional relational database like Oracle, MySQL etc
By using Hibernate, we can done database operations like Create, Read, Update & Delete etc, with very little code.
We can also use Hibernate Query Language (HQL) for the jdbc operation, you can see an example of Hibernate Query Tutorial
If you want to configure Hibernate using annotations, then you can follow this example Hibernate Annotations Tutorial
Hibernate Annotations Tutorial
Hibernate Annotations Tutorial explains step by step details of setting / configuring Hibernate with Eclipse
Hibernate is popular open source ORM (Object Relation Mapping) tool for Java platform, for mapping an entity to a traditional relational database like Oracle, MySQL etc
By using Hibernate, we can done database operations like Create, Read, Update & Delete etc, with very little code.
We can also use Hibernate Query Language (HQL) for the jdbc operation, if you are using HQL, then you can follow this example of Hibernate Query Tutorial
You can also view Hibernate Tutorial