package com.flansmod.common.teams; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft; import net.minecraft.entity.Entity; import net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityItem; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.nbt.CompressedStreamTools; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import; import net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer; import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity; import net.minecraft.util.BlockPos; import net.minecraft.util.ChatComponentText; import net.minecraft.util.ClassInheritanceMultiMap; import net.minecraft.util.DamageSource; import net.minecraft.util.EntityDamageSource; import net.minecraft.util.MathHelper; import net.minecraft.util.Vec3; import; import; import; import net.minecraftforge.common.MinecraftForge; import net.minecraftforge.event.entity.EntityJoinWorldEvent; import net.minecraftforge.event.entity.item.ItemTossEvent; import; import; import net.minecraftforge.event.entity.player.EntityInteractEvent; import net.minecraftforge.event.entity.player.EntityItemPickupEvent; import net.minecraftforge.event.entity.player.PlayerDropsEvent; import net.minecraftforge.event.entity.player.PlayerInteractEvent; import net.minecraftforge.event.entity.player.PlayerInteractEvent.Action; import; import; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.Event; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.SubscribeEvent; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.gameevent.PlayerEvent; import com.flansmod.common.FlansMod; import com.flansmod.common.PlayerData; import com.flansmod.common.PlayerHandler; import com.flansmod.common.driveables.ItemPlane; import com.flansmod.common.driveables.ItemVehicle; import com.flansmod.common.guns.GunType; import com.flansmod.common.guns.ItemAAGun; import com.flansmod.common.guns.ItemBullet; import com.flansmod.common.guns.ItemGun; import com.flansmod.common.guns.ItemShootable; import com.flansmod.common.guns.ShootableType; import; import; import; import; import; import com.flansmod.common.types.InfoType; public class TeamsManager { /** Overall switch for teams mod */ public static boolean enabled = true; /** The instance */ public static TeamsManager instance; //Configuration variables // Player changeable stuff public static boolean voting = false, explosions = true, driveablesBreakBlocks = true, bombsEnabled = true, shellsEnabled = true, missilesEnabled = true, bulletsEnabled = true, forceAdventureMode = true, canBreakGuns = true, canBreakGlass = true, armourDrops = true, vehiclesNeedFuel = true, overrideHunger = true; public static int weaponDrops = 1; //0 = no drops, 1 = drops, 2 = smart drops //Life of certain entity types. 0 is eternal. public static int mgLife = 0, planeLife = 0, vehicleLife = 0, mechaLove = 0, aaLife = 0; /** The number of ticks for which to display the round summary page */ public static int scoreDisplayTime = 200; /** The number of ticks for which to display the voting box, if enabled */ public static int votingTime = 200; /** The number of ticks for which to display the rank update page */ public static int rankUpdateTime = 200; /** The current round in play. This class replaces the old set of 3 fields "currentGametype", "currentMap" and "teams" */ public TeamsRound currentRound; /** This contains a list of all the valid rounds, similar to the old RotationEntry and map rotation */ public ArrayList<TeamsRound> rounds; /** The list of all available maps */ public HashMap<String, TeamsMap> maps; /** For assigning base IDs to bases. Used primarily in client-server syncing and saving */ private int nextBaseID = 1; public ArrayList<ITeamBase> bases; public ArrayList<ITeamObject> objects; protected long time; /** A downwards counter that times the round (in ticks) */ public int roundTimeLeft; /** A downwards counter that times inter-round phases (in ticks) */ public int interRoundTimeLeft; /** The list of rounds currently being voted upon */ public TeamsRound[] voteOptions; /** For forcing the next round. Not normally used */ public TeamsRound nextRound; /** Whether to use autobalance */ public static boolean autoBalance; /** Time between autobalance attempts */ public static int autoBalanceInterval; /** The current message of the day. Displays at the top of the landing page */ public String motd = "Welcome to the Teams server"; //Disused. Delete when done //public Gametype currentGametype; //public TeamsMap currentMap; //public Team[] teams; //public List<RotationEntry> rotation; //public int currentRotationEntry; public TeamsManager() { instance = this; MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(this); FMLCommonHandler.instance().bus().register(this); //Init arrays bases = new ArrayList<ITeamBase>(); objects = new ArrayList<ITeamObject>(); maps = new HashMap<String, TeamsMap>(); rounds = new ArrayList<TeamsRound>(); //rotation = new ArrayList<RotationEntry>(); //currentMap = TeamsMap.def; //Testing stuff. TODO : Replace with automatic Gametype loader new GametypeTDM(); new GametypeZombies(); //new GametypeConquest(); new GametypeDM(); new GametypeCTF(); //new GametypeNerf(); //----- } public void reset() { //currentGametype = null; //currentMap = TeamsMap.def; //teams = null; currentRound = null; bases = new ArrayList<ITeamBase>(); objects = new ArrayList<ITeamObject>(); maps = new HashMap<String, TeamsMap>(); rounds = new ArrayList<TeamsRound>(); //rotation = new ArrayList<RotationEntry>(); } public static TeamsManager getInstance() { return instance; } public void tick() { //Send a full team info update to players every 2 seconds. if(time % 40 == 0) { FlansMod.INSTANCE.getPacketHandler().sendToAll(new PacketTeamInfo()); showTeamsMenuToAll(true); } if(!enabled) return; if(currentRound != null) currentRound.gametype.tick(); time++; //Tick bases and objects for(ITeamBase base : bases) base.tick(); for(ITeamObject object : objects) object.tick(); if(overrideHunger && currentRound != null) for(World world : MinecraftServer.getServer().worldServers) for(Object player : world.playerEntities) ((EntityPlayer)player).getFoodStats().addStats(20, 10F); //Check round timer //If inbetween rounds if(interRoundTimeLeft > 0) { interRoundTimeLeft--; //If we're done showing scores, show the voting box if(voting) { //If the next round is forced, go to it if(nextRound != null) { startNextRound(); interRoundTimeLeft = 0; return; } else { if(interRoundTimeLeft == votingTime) pickVoteOptions(); if(interRoundTimeLeft <= votingTime) { if(voteOptions == null) pickVoteOptions(); displayVotingGUI(); } } } //If the timer is finished, start the next round if(interRoundTimeLeft == 0) { startNextRound(); } } //If in a round if(currentRound != null && roundTimeLeft > 0) { //10 seconds before autobalance, display a message if(autoBalance() && time % autoBalanceInterval == autoBalanceInterval - 200 && needAutobalance()) { TeamsManager.messageAll("\u00a7fAutobalancing teams..."); } if(autoBalance() && time % autoBalanceInterval == 0 && needAutobalance()) { autobalance(); } roundTimeLeft--; boolean roundEnded = roundTimeLeft == 0; if(roundEnded) messageAll(randomTimeOutString()); for(Team team : currentRound.teams) { if(currentRound.gametype.teamHasWon(team)) { roundEnded = true; messageAll( + " won the round!"); } } if(roundEnded) { OnRoundEnded(); } } } protected void OnRoundEnded() { //The round has ended on a timer, so display the scoreboard summary roundTimeLeft = 0; interRoundTimeLeft = scoreDisplayTime + rankUpdateTime; if(voting) interRoundTimeLeft += votingTime; displayScoreboardGUI(); currentRound.gametype.roundEnd(); PlayerHandler.roundEnded(); } public boolean needAutobalance() { if(!autoBalance() || currentRound == null || currentRound.teams.length != 2) return false; int membersTeamA = currentRound.teams[0].members.size(); int membersTeamB = currentRound.teams[1].members.size(); if(Math.abs(membersTeamA - membersTeamB) > 1) return true; return false; } public void autobalance() { if(!autoBalance() || currentRound == null || currentRound.teams.length != 2) return; int membersTeamA = currentRound.teams[0].members.size(); int membersTeamB = currentRound.teams[1].members.size(); if(membersTeamA - membersTeamB > 1) { for(int i = 0; i < (membersTeamA - membersTeamB) / 2; i++) { //My goodness this is convoluted... EntityPlayerMP playerToKick = getPlayer(currentRound.teams[1].addPlayer(currentRound.teams[0].removeWorstPlayer())); this.messagePlayer(playerToKick, "You were moved to the other team by the autobalancer."); sendClassMenuToPlayer(playerToKick); } } if(membersTeamB - membersTeamA > 1) { for(int i = 0; i < (membersTeamB - membersTeamA) / 2; i++) { EntityPlayerMP playerToKick = getPlayer(currentRound.teams[0].addPlayer(currentRound.teams[1].removeWorstPlayer())); this.messagePlayer(playerToKick, "You were moved to the other team by the autobalancer."); sendClassMenuToPlayer(playerToKick); } } } public String randomTimeOutString() { switch(Gametype.rand.nextInt(4)) { case 0 : return "That's time!"; case 1 : return "How dull; a tie..."; case 2 : return "Everybody's a loser but the clock."; default : return "Time up."; } } public void displayScoreboardGUI() { /* for(EntityPlayer player : getPlayers()) { PlayerData data = PlayerHandler.getPlayerData(player); if(!data.builder) sendPacketToPlayer(new PacketRoundFinished(scoreDisplayTime), (EntityPlayerMP)player); } */ } public void displayVotingGUI() { } public void pickVoteOptions() { Collections.sort(rounds); voteOptions = new TeamsRound[Math.min(5, rounds.size())]; for(int i = 0; i < voteOptions.length; i++) { voteOptions[i] = rounds.get(i); } //Wildcard option! voteOptions[Gametype.rand.nextInt(voteOptions.length)] = rounds.get(Gametype.rand.nextInt(rounds.size())); } public void start() { if(!enabled || rounds.size() == 0) return; //Can only start once //if(currentRound != null) // return; if(currentRound != null) { currentRound.gametype.roundCleanup(); resetScores(); } currentRound = rounds.get(0); startRound(); } public void startNextRound() { if(!enabled || rounds.size() == 0) return; //If the next round has not been forced if(nextRound == null) { if(voting) { //Gather votes and decide which map to play int winner = 0; int mostVotes = 0; //Collect the votes from player data int[] numVotes = new int[voteOptions.length]; for(PlayerData data : PlayerHandler.serverSideData.values()) { if( > 0) numVotes[ - 1]++; } //Find the highest one for(int i = 0; i < voteOptions.length; i++) { if(numVotes[i] > mostVotes) { mostVotes = numVotes[i]; winner = i; } } nextRound = voteOptions[winner]; //Update ratings for(TeamsRound round : rounds) round.roundsSincePlayed++; for(int i = 0; i < voteOptions.length; i++) { if(i == winner) { voteOptions[i].popularity = 1F - (1F - voteOptions[i].popularity) * 0.8F; voteOptions[i].roundsSincePlayed = 0; } else { voteOptions[i].popularity *= 0.9F; voteOptions[i].popularity += 0.01F; } } //Clear votes for(PlayerData data : PlayerHandler.serverSideData.values()) = 0; } else //Use standard rotation. Go to next map { int lastRoundID = rounds.indexOf(currentRound); int nextRoundID = ++lastRoundID % rounds.size(); nextRound = rounds.get(nextRoundID); } } //End the last round if(currentRound != null) { for(ITeamBase base : base.roundCleanup(); currentRound.gametype.roundCleanup(); } resetScores(); //Advance to next round if(nextRound != null) currentRound = nextRound; //Note that if nextRound is null, we stay on the round we just played //Begin the next round startRound(); //Reset this. Used for round forcing only. nextRound = null; } public void startRound() { currentRound.gametype.roundStart(); roundTimeLeft = currentRound.timeLimit * 60 * 20; for(ITeamBase base : bases) { base.startRound(); } for(EntityPlayer player : getPlayers()) forceRespawn((EntityPlayerMP)player); showTeamsMenuToAll(); messageAll("\u00a7fA new round has started!"); } /** Called at the start of a round. Shows all players the team selection menu. Exludes people on the building / op team */ public void showTeamsMenuToAll() { showTeamsMenuToAll(false); } public void showTeamsMenuToAll(boolean info) { for(EntityPlayer player : getPlayers()) { PlayerData data = PlayerHandler.getPlayerData(player); //Catch for broken player data if(data == null) continue; //Catch for people not on a team, such as builders if(data.builder && playerIsOp(player)) continue; sendTeamsMenuToPlayer((EntityPlayerMP)player, info); } } @SubscribeEvent public void onPlayerInteract(EntityInteractEvent event) { if(event.entityPlayer.inventory.getCurrentItem() != null && event.entityPlayer.inventory.getCurrentItem().getItem() instanceof ItemOpStick) ((ItemOpStick)event.entityPlayer.inventory.getCurrentItem().getItem()).clickedEntity(event.entityPlayer.worldObj, event.entityPlayer,; } /** Stop damage being taken when it shouldn't * N - NoTeam, S - Spectator, 1 - Team 1, 2 - Team 2, O - Other (mobs and world inflicted damage etc) * * | N S O 1 2 * ------------ * N| y n y n n * S| n n n n n * O| y n y y y * 1| n n y G G * 2| n n y G G * * y - yes, can hurt * n - no, can't hurt * G - decided by gametype * */ @SubscribeEvent public void onEntityHurt(LivingAttackEvent event) { if(!enabled || currentRound == null) return; if(event.entity instanceof EntityPlayerMP) { EntityPlayerMP player = (EntityPlayerMP)event.entity; PlayerData data = PlayerHandler.getPlayerData(player); DamageSource source = event.source; if( == Team.spectators && source != DamageSource.generic) { event.setCanceled(true); return; } if(source instanceof EntityDamageSource && source.getEntity() instanceof EntityPlayerMP) { EntityPlayerMP attacker = ((EntityPlayerMP) source.getEntity()); PlayerData attackerData = PlayerHandler.getPlayerData(attacker); if(attackerData == null) return; //Can hurt self if(attacker == player) return; //Cannot be attacked by a spectator if( == Team.spectators) { event.setCanceled(true); return; } //Cannot be fights between people in the game and outside the game if(( == null && != null) || ( != null && == null)) { event.setCanceled(true); return; } //Final case. Either the two players are not in the game (in which case, ignore) or they are both in the game. //At this point, we pass over to the gametype if( != null && != null) { //The roundTimeLeft check ensures that players do not fight during the cooldown period if(roundTimeLeft > 0 && !currentRound.gametype.playerCanAttack(attacker,, player, { event.setCanceled(true); } } } else { //Not being attacked by a player, so this is fine } } } /** Handles entity deaths. Passes information to gametype for scoring */ @SubscribeEvent public void onEntityKilled(LivingDeathEvent event) { if(!enabled) return; if(currentRound != null) { currentRound.gametype.entityKilled(event.entity, event.source); } if(event.entity instanceof EntityPlayerMP) { OnPlayerKilled((EntityPlayerMP)event.entity, event.source); } } public void OnPlayerKilled(EntityPlayerMP player, DamageSource source) { if(currentRound != null) { currentRound.gametype.playerKilled(player, source); } } /** Base and object gathering hooks for entities, not tile entities */ @SubscribeEvent public void entityJoinedWorld(EntityJoinWorldEvent event) { if(event.entity instanceof ITeamBase) { registerBase((ITeamBase)event.entity); } if(event.entity instanceof ITeamObject) { objects.add((ITeamObject)event.entity); } } @SubscribeEvent public void playerUseEntity(EntityInteractEvent event) { if(!enabled) return; if(event.entityPlayer.worldObj.isRemote) return; ItemStack currentItem = event.entityPlayer.getCurrentEquippedItem(); if(currentItem != null && currentItem.getItem() != null && currentItem.getItem() instanceof ItemOpStick) { //if( instanceof ITeamObject) // ((ItemOpStick)currentItem.getItem()).clickedObject(event.entityPlayer.worldObj, (EntityPlayerMP)event.entityPlayer, (ITeamObject); //if( instanceof ITeamBase) // ((ItemOpStick)currentItem.getItem()).clickedBase(event.entityPlayer.worldObj, (EntityPlayerMP)event.entityPlayer, (ITeamBase); } else if(currentRound != null) { if( instanceof ITeamObject) currentRound.gametype.objectClickedByPlayer((ITeamObject), (EntityPlayerMP)event.entityPlayer); if( instanceof ITeamBase) currentRound.gametype.baseClickedByPlayer((ITeamBase), (EntityPlayerMP)event.entityPlayer); } } @SubscribeEvent public void playerInteracted(PlayerInteractEvent event) { if(!enabled) return; if(event.action == Action.LEFT_CLICK_BLOCK && event.entityPlayer.getCurrentEquippedItem() != null && event.entityPlayer.getCurrentEquippedItem().getItem() instanceof ItemGun) { event.setCanceled(true); return; } if(event.entityPlayer.worldObj.isRemote) return; TileEntity te = event.entityPlayer.worldObj.getTileEntity(event.pos); if(te != null) { ItemStack currentItem = event.entityPlayer.getCurrentEquippedItem(); if(currentItem != null && currentItem.getItem() != null && currentItem.getItem() instanceof ItemOpStick) { if(te instanceof ITeamObject) ((ItemOpStick)currentItem.getItem()).clickedObject(event.entityPlayer.worldObj, (EntityPlayerMP)event.entityPlayer, (ITeamObject)te); if(te instanceof ITeamBase) ((ItemOpStick)currentItem.getItem()).clickedBase(event.entityPlayer.worldObj, (EntityPlayerMP)event.entityPlayer, (ITeamBase)te); } else if(currentRound != null) { if(te instanceof ITeamObject) currentRound.gametype.objectClickedByPlayer((ITeamObject)te, (EntityPlayerMP)event.entityPlayer); if(te instanceof ITeamBase) currentRound.gametype.baseClickedByPlayer((ITeamBase)te, (EntityPlayerMP)event.entityPlayer); } } } @SubscribeEvent public void playerDrops(PlayerDropsEvent event) { ArrayList<EntityItem> dropsToThrow = new ArrayList<EntityItem>(); //First collect together guns and ammo if smart drops are enabled if(weaponDrops == 2) { for(EntityItem entity : event.drops) { ItemStack stack = entity.getEntityItem(); if(stack != null && stack.getItem() != null) { if(stack.getItem() instanceof ItemGun) { EntityGunItem gunEntity = new EntityGunItem(entity); stack.stackSize = 0; boolean alreadyAdded = false; for(EntityItem check : dropsToThrow) { if(((ItemGun)stack.getItem()).GetType() == ((ItemGun)check.getEntityItem().getItem()).GetType()) alreadyAdded = true; } if(!alreadyAdded) { event.entityPlayer.worldObj.spawnEntityInWorld(gunEntity); dropsToThrow.add(gunEntity); } } } } } //Now iterate again and look for ammo for(EntityItem entity : dropsToThrow) { EntityGunItem gunEntity = (EntityGunItem)entity; GunType gunType = ((ItemGun)gunEntity.getEntityItem().getItem()).GetType(); for(EntityItem ammoEntity : event.drops) { ItemStack ammoItemstack = ammoEntity.getEntityItem(); if(ammoItemstack != null && ammoItemstack.getItem() instanceof ItemShootable) { ShootableType bulletType = ((ItemShootable)ammoItemstack.getItem()).type; if(gunType.isAmmo(bulletType)) { gunEntity.ammoStacks.add(ammoItemstack.copy()); ammoItemstack.stackSize = 0; } } } } //Now check the remaining items to see if they should be dropped for(EntityItem entity : event.drops) { ItemStack stack = entity.getEntityItem(); if(stack != null && stack.getItem() != null && stack.stackSize > 0) { if(stack.getItem() instanceof ItemGun || stack.getItem() instanceof ItemPlane || stack.getItem() instanceof ItemVehicle || stack.getItem() instanceof ItemAAGun || stack.getItem() instanceof ItemBullet) { if(weaponDrops != 1) dropsToThrow.add(entity); } else if(stack.getItem() instanceof ItemTeamArmour) { if(!armourDrops) dropsToThrow.add(entity); } } } event.drops.removeAll(dropsToThrow); } /** Stop spectators looting items */ @SubscribeEvent public void playerLoot(EntityItemPickupEvent event) { if(event.entity instanceof EntityPlayer) { ItemStack itemStack = event.item.getEntityItem(); PlayerData data = PlayerHandler.getPlayerData(event.entityPlayer); if(enabled && currentRound != null && data != null) { if( == Team.spectators || !currentRound.gametype.playerCanLoot(itemStack, InfoType.getType(itemStack), event.entityPlayer, event.setCanceled(true); } } } @SubscribeEvent public void onPlayerRespawn(PlayerEvent event) { if(event instanceof PlayerEvent.PlayerRespawnEvent) respawnPlayer(event.player, false); if(event instanceof PlayerEvent.PlayerLoggedOutEvent) onPlayerLogout(event.player); if(event instanceof PlayerEvent.PlayerLoggedInEvent) onPlayerLogin(event.player); } public void onPlayerLogin(EntityPlayer player) { if(!enabled || currentRound == null) return; if(player instanceof EntityPlayerMP) { EntityPlayerMP playerMP = (EntityPlayerMP)player; sendTeamsMenuToPlayer(playerMP); currentRound.gametype.playerJoined(playerMP); } } public void onPlayerLogout(EntityPlayer player) { for(Team team : Team.teams) team.removePlayer(player); } public void respawnPlayer(EntityPlayer player, boolean firstSpawn) { if(player.worldObj.isRemote) return; if(!enabled || currentRound == null) return; EntityPlayerMP playerMP = ((EntityPlayerMP)player); PlayerData data = PlayerHandler.getPlayerData(playerMP); if(data == null || (data.builder && playerIsOp(playerMP))) return; //On the first spawn, we don't kill the player, we simply move them over, so do a /tp like command if(firstSpawn) { Vec3 spawnPoint = currentRound.gametype.getSpawnPoint(playerMP); if(spawnPoint != null) { //player.setPositionAndUpdate(spawnPoint.xCoord, spawnPoint.yCoord, spawnPoint.zCoord); playerMP.mountEntity((Entity)null); EnumSet enumset = EnumSet.noneOf(S08PacketPlayerPosLook.EnumFlags.class); playerMP.playerNetServerHandler.setPlayerLocation(spawnPoint.xCoord, spawnPoint.yCoord, spawnPoint.zCoord, 0F, 0F, enumset); //playerMP.setRotationYawHead(f); } } //To set their next spawn position, override their bed position setPlayersNextSpawnpoint(playerMP); if(forceAdventureMode) player.setGameType(GameType.ADVENTURE); resetInventory(player); currentRound.gametype.playerRespawned((EntityPlayerMP)player); } private void setPlayersNextSpawnpoint(EntityPlayerMP player, BlockPos pos, int dimension) { player.setSpawnChunk(pos, true, dimension); } private void setPlayersNextSpawnpoint(EntityPlayerMP player) { if(!enabled || currentRound == null) return; PlayerData data = PlayerHandler.getPlayerData(player); Vec3 spawnPoint = currentRound.gametype.getSpawnPoint(player); if(spawnPoint != null) setPlayersNextSpawnpoint(player, new BlockPos(MathHelper.floor_double(spawnPoint.xCoord), MathHelper.floor_double(spawnPoint.yCoord) + 1, MathHelper.floor_double(spawnPoint.zCoord)), 0); else FlansMod.log("Could not find spawn point for " + player.getDisplayName() + " on team " + (data.newTeam == null ? "null" :; } /** Force a respawn */ public void forceRespawn(EntityPlayerMP player) { if(playerIsOp(player) && PlayerHandler.getPlayerData(player).builder) return; player.inventory.armorInventory = new ItemStack[4]; player.inventory.mainInventory = new ItemStack[36]; player.heal(9001); if(forceAdventureMode) player.setGameType(GameType.ADVENTURE); respawnPlayer(player, true); } public void sendTeamsMenuToPlayer(EntityPlayerMP player) { sendTeamsMenuToPlayer(player, false); } public void sendTeamsMenuToPlayer(EntityPlayerMP player, boolean info) { if(!enabled || currentRound == null || currentRound.teams == null) return; //Get the available teams from the gametype Team[] availableTeams = currentRound.gametype.getTeamsCanSpawnAs(currentRound, player); //Add in the spectators as an option and "none" if the player is an op boolean playerIsOp = MinecraftServer.getServer().getConfigurationManager().canSendCommands(player.getGameProfile()); Team[] allAvailableTeams = new Team[availableTeams.length + (playerIsOp ? 2 : 1)]; System.arraycopy(availableTeams, 0, allAvailableTeams, 0, availableTeams.length); allAvailableTeams[availableTeams.length] = Team.spectators; sendPacketToPlayer(new PacketTeamSelect(allAvailableTeams, info), player); } public void sendClassMenuToPlayer(EntityPlayerMP player) { Team team = PlayerHandler.getPlayerData(player).newTeam; if(team == null) { sendTeamsMenuToPlayer(player); } else if(team != Team.spectators && team.classes.size() > 0) { sendPacketToPlayer(new PacketTeamSelect(team.classes.toArray(new PlayerClass[team.classes.size()])), player); } } public boolean playerIsOp(EntityPlayer player) { return MinecraftServer.getServer().getConfigurationManager().canSendCommands(player.getGameProfile()); } public boolean autoBalance() { return !(currentRound != null && !currentRound.gametype.shouldAutobalance()) && autoBalance; } // public void playerSelectedTeam(EntityPlayerMP player, String teamName) { if(!enabled || currentRound == null) return; PlayerData data = PlayerHandler.getPlayerData(player); data.builder = false; //The player picked the op / builder team if(teamName.equals("null")) { if(playerIsOp(player)) { = null; data.builder = true; return; } else teamName = "spectators"; } //The team the player selected Team selectedTeam = Team.getTeam(teamName); //They cannot pick no team if(selectedTeam == null) selectedTeam = Team.spectators; //Validate the selected team boolean isValid = selectedTeam == Team.spectators; Team[] validTeams = currentRound.gametype.getTeamsCanSpawnAs(currentRound, player); for (Team validTeam : validTeams) { if (selectedTeam == validTeam) isValid = true; } //Default to spectator if(!isValid) { player.addChatMessage(new ChatComponentText("You may not join " + + " for it is invalid. Please try again")); FlansMod.log(player.getName() + " tried to spawn on an invalid team : " +; selectedTeam = Team.spectators; } //Spawn spectators immediately if(selectedTeam == Team.spectators) { messageAll(player.getName() + " joined \u00a7" + selectedTeam.textColour +; if( != null); data.newTeam = = Team.spectators; player.inventory.armorInventory = new ItemStack[4]; player.inventory.mainInventory = new ItemStack[36];; player.heal(9001); respawnPlayer(player, true); } //Give other players the chance to select a class else { Team otherTeam = currentRound.getOtherTeam(selectedTeam); if(autoBalance() && selectedTeam.members.size() > otherTeam.members.size() + 1) { player.addChatMessage(new ChatComponentText("You may not join " + + " due to imbalance. Please try again")); sendTeamsMenuToPlayer(player); return; } data.newTeam = selectedTeam; sendClassMenuToPlayer(player); } currentRound.gametype.playerChoseTeam(player,, selectedTeam); } public void playerSelectedClass(EntityPlayerMP player, String className) { if(!enabled || currentRound == null) return; //Get player class requested PlayerClass playerClass = PlayerClass.getClass(className); PlayerData data = PlayerHandler.getPlayerData(player); //Validate class if(!data.newTeam.classes.contains(playerClass)) { player.addChatMessage(new ChatComponentText("You may not select " + + ". Please try again")); FlansMod.log(player.getName() + " tried to pick an invalid class : " +; //sendClassMenuToPlayer(player); return; } playerSelectedClass(player, playerClass); } public void playerSelectedClass(EntityPlayerMP player, IPlayerClass playerClass) { if(playerClass == null) { FlansMod.log("Error in class selection"); return; } PlayerData data = PlayerHandler.getPlayerData(player); //Check cases //1 : Player switched class only if( == data.newTeam && data.playerClass != null && !data.playerClass.GetShortName().equals(playerClass.GetShortName())) { currentRound.gametype.playerChoseNewClass(player, playerClass); data.newPlayerClass = playerClass; player.addChatMessage(new ChatComponentText("You will respawn with the " + playerClass.GetName() + " class")); } //2 : Player switched team else if( != null && != data.newTeam) { messageAll(player.getName() + " switched to \u00a7" + data.newTeam.textColour +; currentRound.gametype.playerDefected(player,, data.newTeam); setPlayersNextSpawnpoint(player); player.attackEntityFrom(DamageSource.generic, 10000F); if( != null); data.newTeam.addPlayer(player); = data.newTeam; data.newPlayerClass = playerClass; } //3 : Player has only just joined else if( == null) { if(data.newTeam == null) { FlansMod.Assert(false, "NULL TEAM"); } else { messageAll(player.getName() + " joined \u00a7" + data.newTeam.textColour +; currentRound.gametype.playerEnteredTheGame(player, data.newTeam, playerClass); data.newTeam.addPlayer(player); = data.newTeam; data.newPlayerClass = playerClass; currentRound.gametype.playerChoseNewClass(player, playerClass); respawnPlayer(player, true); } } } public void resetInventory(EntityPlayer player) { Team team = PlayerHandler.getPlayerData(player).team; IPlayerClass playerClass = PlayerHandler.getPlayerData(player).getPlayerClass(); if(team == null) return; player.inventory.armorInventory = new ItemStack[4]; player.inventory.mainInventory = new ItemStack[36]; //Set team armour if(team.hat != null) player.inventory.armorInventory[3] = team.hat.copy(); if(team.chest != null) player.inventory.armorInventory[2] = team.chest.copy(); if(team.legs != null) player.inventory.armorInventory[1] = team.legs.copy(); if( != null) player.inventory.armorInventory[0] =; if(playerClass == null) return; //Override with class armour if(playerClass.GetHat() != null) player.inventory.armorInventory[3] = playerClass.GetHat().copy(); if(playerClass.GetChest() != null) player.inventory.armorInventory[2] = playerClass.GetChest().copy(); if(playerClass.GetLegs() != null) player.inventory.armorInventory[1] = playerClass.GetLegs().copy(); if(playerClass.GetShoes() != null) player.inventory.armorInventory[0] = playerClass.GetShoes().copy(); for(ItemStack stack : playerClass.GetStartingItems()) { player.inventory.addItemStackToInventory(stack.copy()); //Load up as many guns as possible } //Preload each gun for(int i = 0; i < player.inventory.getSizeInventory(); i++) { ItemStack stack = player.inventory.getStackInSlot(i); if(stack != null && stack.getItem() instanceof ItemGun) { ((ItemGun)stack.getItem()).Reload(stack, player.worldObj, player, player.inventory, false, false, true, false); } } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // Saving and Loading //--------------------------------------------------------- @SubscribeEvent public void chunkLoaded(ChunkDataEvent event) { Chunk chunk = event.getChunk(); for(ClassInheritanceMultiMap list : chunk.getEntityLists()) { Iterator it = list.iterator(); Entity entity; while(it.hasNext()) { entity = (Entity); if(entity instanceof ITeamBase) { bases.add((ITeamBase)entity); if(((ITeamBase)entity).getBaseID() > nextBaseID) { FlansMod.log("Loaded base with ID higher than the supposed highest ID. Adjusted highest ID"); nextBaseID = ((ITeamBase)entity).getBaseID(); } } if(entity instanceof ITeamObject) objects.add((ITeamObject)entity); } } } @SubscribeEvent public void worldData(WorldEvent event) { if( return; if(event instanceof WorldEvent.Load) { loadPerWorldData(event,; savePerWorldData(event,; } if(event instanceof WorldEvent.Save) { savePerWorldData(event,; } } private void loadPerWorldData(Event event, World world) { //Reset the teams manager before loading a new world reset(); //Read the teams dat file File file = new File(world.getSaveHandler().getWorldDirectory(), "teams_" + world.provider.getDimensionName() + ".dat"); if(!checkFileExists(file)) return; try { NBTTagCompound tags = DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(file))); ReadFromNBT(tags, world); //Start the rotation if(enabled && rounds.size() > 0) start(); } catch(Exception e) { FlansMod.log("Failed to load from teams.dat"); e.printStackTrace(); } //Reset all infotypes. Specifically, send this to player classes so that they may create itemstacks from strings regarding attachments for guns for(InfoType type : InfoType.infoTypes.values()) type.onWorldLoad(world); } private void savePerWorldData(Event event, World world) { File file = new File(world.getSaveHandler().getWorldDirectory(), "teams_" + world.provider.getDimensionName() + ".dat"); checkFileExists(file); try { NBTTagCompound tags = new NBTTagCompound(); WriteToNBT(tags); CompressedStreamTools.write(tags, new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file))); } catch(Exception e) { FlansMod.log("Failed to save to teams.dat"); e.printStackTrace(); } } protected void ReadFromNBT(NBTTagCompound tags, World world) { nextBaseID = tags.getInteger("NextBaseID"); //Read maps for(int i = 0; i < tags.getInteger("NumberOfMaps"); i++) { TeamsMap map = new TeamsMap(world, tags.getCompoundTag("Map_" + i)); maps.put(map.shortName, map); } int dimension = 0; //TODO : FIX THIS if(maps.size() == 0) { maps.put("default" + dimension, new TeamsMap(world, "default" + dimension, "Default " + world.getWorldInfo().getWorldName())); } //Read the rounds list for(int i = 0; i < tags.getInteger("RoundsSize"); i++) { TeamsRound round = new TeamsRound(tags.getCompoundTag("Round_" + i)); rounds.add(round); } //Read variables enabled = tags.getBoolean("Enabled"); voting = tags.getBoolean("Voting"); votingTime = tags.getInteger("VotingTime"); scoreDisplayTime = tags.getInteger("ScoreTime"); rankUpdateTime = tags.getInteger("RankUpdateTime"); bombsEnabled = tags.getBoolean("Bombs"); bulletsEnabled = tags.getBoolean("Bullets"); explosions = tags.getBoolean("Explosions"); forceAdventureMode = tags.getBoolean("ForceAdventure"); canBreakGuns = tags.getBoolean("CanBreakGuns"); canBreakGlass = tags.getBoolean("CanBreakGlass"); armourDrops = tags.getBoolean("ArmourDrops"); weaponDrops = tags.getInteger("WeaponDrops"); vehiclesNeedFuel = tags.getBoolean("NeedFuel"); mgLife = tags.getInteger("MGLife"); aaLife = tags.getInteger("AALife"); vehicleLife = tags.getInteger("VehicleLife"); mechaLove = tags.getInteger("MechaLove"); planeLife = tags.getInteger("PlaneLife"); driveablesBreakBlocks = tags.getBoolean("BreakBlocks"); } protected void WriteToNBT(NBTTagCompound tags) { tags.setInteger("NextBaseID", nextBaseID); //Changed name so that it does not try to read old maps tags.setInteger("NumberOfMaps", maps.size()); //Write the maps to memory if(maps != null) { int i = 0; for(TeamsMap map : maps.values()) { NBTTagCompound mapTags = new NBTTagCompound(); map.writeToNBT(mapTags); tags.setTag("Map_" + i, mapTags); i++; } } //Write the rounds list to memory if(rounds != null) { tags.setInteger("RoundsSize", rounds.size()); for(int i = 0; i < rounds.size(); i++) { TeamsRound entry = rounds.get(i); if(entry != null) { NBTTagCompound roundTags = new NBTTagCompound(); entry.writeToNBT(roundTags); tags.setTag("Round_" + i, roundTags); } } } else tags.setInteger("RoundsSize", 0); //Write the current round to memory if(currentRound != null) tags.setInteger("CurrentRound", rounds.indexOf(currentRound)); //Save gametype settings to memory for(Gametype gametype : Gametype.gametypes.values()) { gametype.saveToNBT(tags); } //Save variables tags.setBoolean("Enabled", enabled); tags.setBoolean("Voting", voting); tags.setInteger("VotingTime", votingTime); tags.setInteger("ScoreTime", scoreDisplayTime); tags.setInteger("RankUpdateTime", rankUpdateTime); tags.setBoolean("Bombs", bombsEnabled); tags.setBoolean("Bullets", bulletsEnabled); tags.setBoolean("Explosions", explosions); tags.setBoolean("ForceAdventure", forceAdventureMode); tags.setBoolean("CanBreakGuns", canBreakGuns); tags.setBoolean("CanBreakGlass", canBreakGlass); tags.setBoolean("ArmourDrops", armourDrops); tags.setInteger("WeaponDrops", weaponDrops); tags.setBoolean("NeedFuel", vehiclesNeedFuel); tags.setInteger("MGLife", mgLife); tags.setInteger("AALife", aaLife); tags.setInteger("VehicleLife", vehicleLife); tags.setInteger("MechaLove", mechaLove); tags.setInteger("PlaneLife", planeLife); tags.setBoolean("BreakBlocks", driveablesBreakBlocks); } private boolean checkFileExists(File file) { if(!file.exists()) { try { file.createNewFile(); FlansMod.log("Created new file"); } catch(Exception e) { FlansMod.log("Failed to create file"); FlansMod.log(file.getAbsolutePath()); e.printStackTrace(); } return false; } return true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Getters, setters, registers, loggers and the likes //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ public void resetScores() { for(Team team : Team.teams) { team.score = 0; team.members.clear(); } for(EntityPlayer player : getPlayers()) if(PlayerHandler.getPlayerData(player) != null) PlayerHandler.getPlayerData(player).resetScore(); } public ITeamBase getBase(int ID) { for(ITeamBase base : bases) { if(base.getBaseID() == ID) return base; } return null; } public void registerBase(ITeamBase base) { if(base.getBaseID() == 0) base.setBaseID(nextBaseID++); bases.add(base); } public void registerObject(ITeamObject obj) { objects.add(obj); } public static EntityPlayerMP getPlayer(String username) { return MinecraftServer.getServer().getConfigurationManager().getPlayerByUsername(username); } public static void log(String s) { FlansMod.log("Teams Info : " + s); } public static void messagePlayer(EntityPlayerMP player, String s) { player.addChatComponentMessage(new ChatComponentText(s)); } public static void messageAll(String s) { FlansMod.log("Teams Announcement : " + s); for(EntityPlayerMP player : (List<EntityPlayerMP>)MinecraftServer.getServer().getConfigurationManager().playerEntityList) { player.addChatComponentMessage(new ChatComponentText(s)); } } public static void sendPacketToPlayer(PacketBase packet, EntityPlayerMP player) { FlansMod.getPacketHandler().sendTo(packet, player); } public static List<EntityPlayerMP> getPlayers() { return MinecraftServer.getServer().getConfigurationManager().playerEntityList; } /** Returns the team associated with the given ID */ public Team getTeam(int spawnerTeamID) { if(!enabled || currentRound == null || spawnerTeamID == 0) return null; if(spawnerTeamID == 1) return Team.spectators; return currentRound.teams[spawnerTeamID - 2]; } /** The maps HashMap is indexed by shortName, not full name, so this method helps there */ public TeamsMap getMapFromFullName(String string) { for(TeamsMap map : maps.values()) { if( return map; } return null; } public void SelectTeam(Team team) { FlansMod.getPacketHandler().sendToServer(new PacketTeamSelect(team == null ? "null" : team.shortName, false)); Minecraft.getMinecraft().displayGuiScreen(null); } }