package com.flansmod.common.driveables; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf; import net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import net.minecraft.util.ChatComponentText; import net.minecraft.util.DamageSource; import net.minecraft.util.MathHelper; import net.minecraft.util.Vec3; import; import com.flansmod.api.IExplodeable; import com.flansmod.common.FlansMod; import; import; import; import com.flansmod.common.teams.TeamsManager; import; import com.flansmod.common.vector.Vector3f; import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.Side; import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; public class EntityVehicle extends EntityDriveable implements IExplodeable { /** Weapon delays */ public int shellDelay, gunDelay; /** Position of looping sounds */ public int soundPosition; /** Front wheel yaw, used to control the vehicle steering */ public float wheelsYaw; /** Despawn time */ private int ticksSinceUsed = 0; /** Aesthetic door switch */ public boolean varDoor; /** Wheel rotation angle. Only applies to vehicles that set a rotating wheels flag */ public float wheelsAngle; /** Delayer for door button */ public int toggleTimer = 0; public EntityVehicle(World world) { super(world); stepHeight = 1.0F; } //This one deals with spawning from a vehicle spawner public EntityVehicle(World world, double x, double y, double z, VehicleType type, DriveableData data) { super(world, type, data); stepHeight = 1.0F; setPosition(x, y, z); initType(type, false); } //This one allows you to deal with spawning from items public EntityVehicle(World world, double x, double y, double z, EntityPlayer placer, VehicleType type, DriveableData data) { super(world, type, data); stepHeight = 1.0F; setPosition(x, y, z); rotateYaw(placer.rotationYaw + 90F); initType(type, false); } @Override protected void initType(DriveableType type, boolean clientSide) { super.initType(type, clientSide); } @Override public void readSpawnData(ByteBuf data) { super.readSpawnData(data); } @Override protected void writeEntityToNBT(NBTTagCompound tag) { super.writeEntityToNBT(tag); tag.setBoolean("VarDoor", varDoor); } @Override protected void readEntityFromNBT(NBTTagCompound tag) { super.readEntityFromNBT(tag); varDoor = tag.getBoolean("VarDoor"); } /** * Called with the movement of the mouse. Used in controlling vehicles if need be. * @param deltaY * @param deltaX */ @Override public void onMouseMoved(int deltaX, int deltaY) { } @Override public void setPositionRotationAndMotion(double x, double y, double z, float yaw, float pitch, float roll, double motX, double motY, double motZ, float velYaw, float velPitch, float velRoll, float throt, float steeringYaw) { super.setPositionRotationAndMotion(x, y, z, yaw, pitch, roll, motX, motY, motZ, velYaw, velPitch, velRoll, throt, steeringYaw); wheelsYaw = steeringYaw; } @Override public boolean interactFirst(EntityPlayer entityplayer) { if(isDead) return false; if(worldObj.isRemote) return false; //If they are using a repair tool, don't put them in ItemStack currentItem = entityplayer.getCurrentEquippedItem(); if(currentItem != null && currentItem.getItem() instanceof ItemTool && ((ItemTool)currentItem.getItem()).type.healDriveables) return true; VehicleType type = getVehicleType(); //Check each seat in order to see if the player can sit in it for(int i = 0; i <= type.numPassengers; i++) { if(seats[i].interactFirst(entityplayer)) { if(i == 0) { shellDelay = type.vehicleShellDelay; FlansMod.proxy.doTutorialStuff(entityplayer, this); } return true; } } return false; } @Override public boolean pressKey(int key, EntityPlayer player) { VehicleType type = getVehicleType(); //Send keys which require server side updates to the server if(worldObj.isRemote && (key == 6 || key == 8 || key == 9)) { FlansMod.getPacketHandler().sendToServer(new PacketDriveableKey(key)); return true; } switch(key) { case 0 : //Accelerate : Increase the throttle, up to 1. { throttle += 0.01F; if(throttle > 1F) throttle = 1F; return true; } case 1 : //Decelerate : Decrease the throttle, down to -1, or 0 if the vehicle cannot reverse { throttle -= 0.01F; if(throttle < -1F) throttle = -1F; if(throttle < 0F && type.maxNegativeThrottle == 0F) throttle = 0F; return true; } case 2 : //Left : Yaw the wheels left { wheelsYaw -= 1F; return true; } case 3 : //Right : Yaw the wheels right { wheelsYaw += 1F; return true; } case 4 : //Up : Brake { throttle *= 0.8F; if(onGround) { motionX *= 0.8F; motionZ *= 0.8F; } return true; } case 5 : //Down : Do nothing { return true; } case 6 : //Exit : Get out { seats[0].riddenByEntity.mountEntity(null); return true; } case 7 : //Inventory { if(worldObj.isRemote) { FlansMod.proxy.openDriveableMenu((EntityPlayer)seats[0].riddenByEntity, worldObj, this); } return true; } case 8 : //Shoot shell case 9 : //Shoot bullet { return super.pressKey(key, player); } case 10 : //Change control mode : Do nothing { return true; } case 11 : //Roll left : Do nothing { return true; } case 12 : //Roll right : Do nothing { return true; } case 13 : // Gear : Do nothing { return true; } case 14 : // Door { if(toggleTimer <= 0) { varDoor = !varDoor; if(type.hasDoor) player.addChatMessage(new ChatComponentText("Doors " + (varDoor ? "open" : "closed"))); toggleTimer = 10; FlansMod.getPacketHandler().sendToServer(new PacketVehicleControl(this)); } return true; } case 15 : // Wing : Do nothing { return true; } case 16 : // Trim Button { //applyTorque(new Vector3f(axes.getRoll() / 10, 0F, 0F)); return true; } case 17 : //Park { break; } } return false; } @Override public Vector3f getLookVector(DriveablePosition dp) { return rotate(seats[0].looking.getXAxis()); } @Override public void onUpdate() { super.onUpdate(); //Get vehicle type VehicleType type = this.getVehicleType(); DriveableData data = getDriveableData(); if(type == null) { FlansMod.log("Vehicle type null. Not ticking vehicle"); return; } //Work out if this is the client side and the player is driving boolean thePlayerIsDrivingThis = worldObj.isRemote && seats[0] != null && seats[0].riddenByEntity instanceof EntityPlayer && FlansMod.proxy.isThePlayer((EntityPlayer)seats[0].riddenByEntity); //Despawning ticksSinceUsed++; if(!worldObj.isRemote && seats[0].riddenByEntity != null) ticksSinceUsed = 0; if(!worldObj.isRemote && TeamsManager.vehicleLife > 0 && ticksSinceUsed > TeamsManager.vehicleLife * 20) { setDead(); } //Shooting, inventories, etc. //Decrement shell and gun timers if(shellDelay > 0) shellDelay--; if(gunDelay > 0) gunDelay--; if(toggleTimer > 0) toggleTimer--; if(soundPosition > 0) soundPosition--; //Aesthetics //Rotate the wheels if(hasEnoughFuel()) { wheelsAngle += throttle * 0.2F; } //Return the wheels to their resting position wheelsYaw *= 0.9F; //Limit wheel angles if(wheelsYaw > 20) wheelsYaw = 20; if(wheelsYaw < -20) wheelsYaw = -20; //Player is not driving this. Update its position from server update packets if(worldObj.isRemote && !thePlayerIsDrivingThis) { //The driveable is currently moving towards its server position. Continue doing so. if (serverPositionTransitionTicker > 0) { double x = posX + (serverPosX - posX) / serverPositionTransitionTicker; double y = posY + (serverPosY - posY) / serverPositionTransitionTicker; double z = posZ + (serverPosZ - posZ) / serverPositionTransitionTicker; double dYaw = MathHelper.wrapAngleTo180_double(serverYaw - axes.getYaw()); double dPitch = MathHelper.wrapAngleTo180_double(serverPitch - axes.getPitch()); double dRoll = MathHelper.wrapAngleTo180_double(serverRoll - axes.getRoll()); rotationYaw = (float)(axes.getYaw() + dYaw / serverPositionTransitionTicker); rotationPitch = (float)(axes.getPitch() + dPitch / serverPositionTransitionTicker); float rotationRoll = (float)(axes.getRoll() + dRoll / serverPositionTransitionTicker); --serverPositionTransitionTicker; setPosition(x, y, z); setRotation(rotationYaw, rotationPitch, rotationRoll); //return; } //If the driveable is at its server position and does not have the next update, it should just simulate itself as a server side driveable would, so continue } //Movement Vector3f amountToMoveCar = new Vector3f(); for(EntityWheel wheel : wheels) { if(wheel != null && worldObj != null) { wheel.prevPosX = wheel.posX; wheel.prevPosY = wheel.posY; wheel.prevPosZ = wheel.prevPosZ; } } for(EntityWheel wheel : wheels) { if(wheel == null) continue; //Hacky way of forcing the car to step up blocks onGround = true; wheel.onGround = true; //Update angles wheel.rotationYaw = axes.getYaw(); //Front wheels if(!type.tank && (wheel.ID == 2 || wheel.ID == 3)) { wheel.rotationYaw += wheelsYaw; } wheel.motionX *= 0.9F; wheel.motionY *= 0.9F; wheel.motionZ *= 0.9F; //Apply gravity wheel.motionY -= 0.98F / 20F; //Apply velocity //If the player driving this is in creative, then we can thrust, no matter what boolean canThrustCreatively = !TeamsManager.vehiclesNeedFuel || (seats != null && seats[0] != null && seats[0].riddenByEntity instanceof EntityPlayer && ((EntityPlayer)seats[0].riddenByEntity).capabilities.isCreativeMode); //Otherwise, check the fuel tanks! if(canThrustCreatively || data.fuelInTank > data.engine.fuelConsumption * throttle) { if(getVehicleType().tank) { boolean left = wheel.ID == 0 || wheel.ID == 3; float turningDrag = 0.02F; wheel.motionX *= 1F - (Math.abs(wheelsYaw) * turningDrag); wheel.motionZ *= 1F - (Math.abs(wheelsYaw) * turningDrag); float velocityScale = 0.04F * (throttle > 0 ? type.maxThrottle : type.maxNegativeThrottle) * data.engine.engineSpeed; float steeringScale = 0.1F * (wheelsYaw > 0 ? type.turnLeftModifier : type.turnRightModifier); float effectiveWheelSpeed = (throttle + (wheelsYaw * (left ? 1 : -1) * steeringScale)) * velocityScale; wheel.motionX += effectiveWheelSpeed * Math.cos(wheel.rotationYaw * 3.14159265F / 180F); wheel.motionZ += effectiveWheelSpeed * Math.sin(wheel.rotationYaw * 3.14159265F / 180F); } else { //if(getVehicleType().fourWheelDrive || wheel.ID == 0 || wheel.ID == 1) { float velocityScale = 0.1F * throttle * (throttle > 0 ? type.maxThrottle : type.maxNegativeThrottle) * data.engine.engineSpeed; wheel.motionX += Math.cos(wheel.rotationYaw * 3.14159265F / 180F) * velocityScale; wheel.motionZ += Math.sin(wheel.rotationYaw * 3.14159265F / 180F) * velocityScale; } //Apply steering if(wheel.ID == 2 || wheel.ID == 3) { float velocityScale = 0.01F * (wheelsYaw > 0 ? type.turnLeftModifier : type.turnRightModifier) * (throttle > 0 ? 1 : -1); wheel.motionX -= wheel.getSpeedXZ() * Math.sin(wheel.rotationYaw * 3.14159265F / 180F) * velocityScale * wheelsYaw; wheel.motionZ += wheel.getSpeedXZ() * Math.cos(wheel.rotationYaw * 3.14159265F / 180F) * velocityScale * wheelsYaw; } else { wheel.motionX *= 0.9F; wheel.motionZ *= 0.9F; } } } if(type.floatOnWater && worldObj.isAnyLiquid(wheel.getEntityBoundingBox())) { wheel.motionY += type.buoyancy; } wheel.moveEntity(wheel.motionX, wheel.motionY, wheel.motionZ); //Pull wheels towards car Vector3f targetWheelPos = axes.findLocalVectorGlobally(getVehicleType().wheelPositions[wheel.ID].position); Vector3f currentWheelPos = new Vector3f(wheel.posX - posX, wheel.posY - posY, wheel.posZ - posZ); Vector3f dPos = ((Vector3f)Vector3f.sub(targetWheelPos, currentWheelPos, null).scale(getVehicleType().wheelSpringStrength)); if(dPos.length() > 0.001F) { wheel.moveEntity(dPos.x, dPos.y, dPos.z); dPos.scale(0.5F); Vector3f.sub(amountToMoveCar, dPos, amountToMoveCar); } } moveEntity(amountToMoveCar.x, amountToMoveCar.y, amountToMoveCar.z); if(wheels[0] != null && wheels[1] != null && wheels[2] != null && wheels[3] != null) { Vector3f frontAxleCentre = new Vector3f((wheels[2].posX + wheels[3].posX) / 2F, (wheels[2].posY + wheels[3].posY) / 2F, (wheels[2].posZ + wheels[3].posZ) / 2F); Vector3f backAxleCentre = new Vector3f((wheels[0].posX + wheels[1].posX) / 2F, (wheels[0].posY + wheels[1].posY) / 2F, (wheels[0].posZ + wheels[1].posZ) / 2F); Vector3f leftSideCentre = new Vector3f((wheels[0].posX + wheels[3].posX) / 2F, (wheels[0].posY + wheels[3].posY) / 2F, (wheels[0].posZ + wheels[3].posZ) / 2F); Vector3f rightSideCentre = new Vector3f((wheels[1].posX + wheels[2].posX) / 2F, (wheels[1].posY + wheels[2].posY) / 2F, (wheels[1].posZ + wheels[2].posZ) / 2F); float dx = frontAxleCentre.x - backAxleCentre.x; float dy = frontAxleCentre.y - backAxleCentre.y; float dz = frontAxleCentre.z - backAxleCentre.z; float drx = leftSideCentre.x - rightSideCentre.x; float dry = leftSideCentre.y - rightSideCentre.y; float drz = leftSideCentre.z - rightSideCentre.z; float dxz = (float)Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dz * dz); float drxz = (float)Math.sqrt(drx * drx + drz * drz); float yaw = (float)Math.atan2(dz, dx); float pitch = -(float)Math.atan2(dy, dxz); float roll = 0F; if(type.canRoll){ roll = -(float)Math.atan2(dry, drxz); } if(type.tank) { yaw = (float)Math.atan2(wheels[3].posZ - wheels[2].posZ, wheels[3].posX - wheels[2].posX) + (float)Math.PI / 2F; } axes.setAngles(yaw * 180F / 3.14159F, pitch * 180F / 3.14159F, roll * 180F / 3.14159F); } checkForCollisions(); //Sounds //Starting sound if (throttle > 0.01F && throttle < 0.2F && soundPosition == 0 && hasEnoughFuel()) { PacketPlaySound.sendSoundPacket(posX, posY, posZ, 50, dimension, type.startSound, false); soundPosition = type.startSoundLength; } //Flying sound if (throttle > 0.2F && soundPosition == 0 && hasEnoughFuel()) { PacketPlaySound.sendSoundPacket(posX, posY, posZ, 50, dimension, type.engineSound, false); soundPosition = type.engineSoundLength; } for(EntitySeat seat : seats) { if(seat != null) seat.updatePosition(); } //Calculate movement on the client and then send position, rotation etc to the server if(thePlayerIsDrivingThis) { FlansMod.getPacketHandler().sendToServer(new PacketVehicleControl(this)); serverPosX = posX; serverPosY = posY; serverPosZ = posZ; serverYaw = axes.getYaw(); } //If this is the server, send position updates to everyone, having received them from the driver if(!worldObj.isRemote && ticksExisted % 5 == 0) { FlansMod.getPacketHandler().sendToAllAround(new PacketVehicleControl(this), posX, posY, posZ, FlansMod.driveableUpdateRange, dimension); } int animSpeed = 4; //Change animation speed based on our current throttle if((throttle > 0.05 && throttle <= 0.33) || (throttle < -0.05 && throttle >= -0.33)){ animSpeed = 3; } else if((throttle > 0.33 && throttle <= 0.66) || (throttle < -0.33 && throttle >= -0.66)){ animSpeed = 2; } else if((throttle > 0.66 && throttle <= 0.9) || (throttle < -0.66 && throttle >= -0.9)){ animSpeed = 1; } else if((throttle > 0.9 && throttle <= 1) || (throttle < -0.9 && throttle >= -1)){ animSpeed = 0; } if(throttle > 0.05){ animCount --; } else if (throttle < -0.05){ animCount ++; } if(animCount <= 0){ animCount = animSpeed; animFrame ++; } if(throttle < 0){ if(animCount >= animSpeed){ animCount = 0; animFrame --; } } //Cycle the animation frame, but only if we have anything to cycle if(type.animFrames != 0){ if(animFrame > type.animFrames){ animFrame = 0; } if(animFrame < 0){ animFrame = type.animFrames; } } } private float averageAngles(float a, float b) { FlansMod.log("Pre " + a + " " + b); float pi = (float)Math.PI; for(; a > b + pi; a -= 2 * pi) ; for(; a < b - pi; a += 2 * pi) ; float avg = (a + b) / 2F; for(; avg > pi; avg -= 2 * pi) ; for(; avg < -pi; avg += 2 * pi) ; FlansMod.log("Post " + a + " " + b + " " + avg); return avg; } private Vec3 subtract(Vec3 a, Vec3 b) { return new Vec3(a.xCoord - b.xCoord, a.yCoord - b.yCoord, a.zCoord - b.zCoord); } private Vec3 crossProduct(Vec3 a, Vec3 b) { return new Vec3(a.yCoord * b.zCoord - a.zCoord * b.yCoord, a.zCoord * b.xCoord - a.xCoord * b.zCoord, a.xCoord * b.yCoord - a.yCoord * b.xCoord); } @Override public boolean landVehicle() { return true; } @Override public boolean attackEntityFrom(DamageSource damagesource, float i) { if(worldObj.isRemote || isDead) return true; VehicleType type = getVehicleType(); if(damagesource.damageType.equals("player") && damagesource.getEntity().onGround && (seats[0] == null || seats[0].riddenByEntity == null)) { ItemStack vehicleStack = new ItemStack(type.item, 1, driveableData.paintjobID); NBTTagCompound tags = new NBTTagCompound(); vehicleStack.setTagCompound(tags); driveableData.writeToNBT(tags); entityDropItem(vehicleStack, 0.5F); setDead(); } return true; } public VehicleType getVehicleType() { return VehicleType.getVehicle(driveableType); } @Override public float getPlayerRoll() { return axes.getRoll(); } @Override protected void dropItemsOnPartDeath(Vector3f midpoint, DriveablePart part) { } @Override public String getBombInventoryName() { return "Mines"; } @Override public String getMissileInventoryName() { return "Shells"; } @Override public boolean hasMouseControlMode() { return false; } @Override @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public EntityLivingBase getCamera() { return null; } @Override public void setDead() { super.setDead(); for(EntityWheel wheel : wheels) if(wheel != null) wheel.setDead(); } }