package com.flansmod.common.driveables;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
import net.minecraft.util.ChatComponentText;
import net.minecraft.util.DamageSource;
import net.minecraft.util.MathHelper;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler;
import com.flansmod.common.FlansMod;
import com.flansmod.common.teams.TeamsManager;
import com.flansmod.common.vector.Matrix4f;
import com.flansmod.common.vector.Vector3f;
public class EntityPlane extends EntityDriveable
/** The flap positions, used for renderering and for controlling the plane rotations */
public float flapsYaw, flapsPitchLeft, flapsPitchRight;
/** Position of looping engine sound */
public int soundPosition;
/** The angle of the propeller for the renderer */
public float propAngle;
/** Weapon delays */
public int bombDelay, gunDelay;
/** Despawn timer */
public int ticksSinceUsed = 0;
/** Mostly aesthetic model variables. Gear actually has a variable hitbox */
public boolean varGear = true, varDoor = false, varWing = false;
/** Delayer for gear, door and wing buttons */
public int toggleTimer = 0;
/** Current plane mode */
public EnumPlaneMode mode;
public EntityPlane(World world)
public EntityPlane(World world, double x, double y, double z, PlaneType type, DriveableData data)
super(world, type, data);
setPosition(x, y, z);
prevPosX = x;
prevPosY = y;
prevPosZ = z;
initType(type, false);
public EntityPlane(World world, double x, double y, double z, EntityPlayer placer, PlaneType type, DriveableData data)
this(world, x, y, z, type, data);
rotateYaw(placer.rotationYaw + 90F);
public void initType(DriveableType type, boolean clientSide)
super.initType(type, clientSide);
mode = (((PlaneType)type).mode == EnumPlaneMode.HELI ? EnumPlaneMode.HELI : EnumPlaneMode.PLANE);
protected void writeEntityToNBT(NBTTagCompound tag)
tag.setTag("Pos", this.newDoubleNBTList(this.posX, this.posY + 1D, this.posZ));
tag.setBoolean("VarGear", varGear);
tag.setBoolean("VarDoor", varDoor);
tag.setBoolean("VarWing", varWing);
protected void readEntityFromNBT(NBTTagCompound tag)
varGear = tag.getBoolean("VarGear");
varDoor = tag.getBoolean("VarDoor");
varWing = tag.getBoolean("VarWing");
* Called with the movement of the mouse. Used in controlling vehicles if need be.
* @param deltaY
* @param deltaX
public void onMouseMoved(int deltaX, int deltaY)
float sensitivity = 0.02F;
flapsPitchLeft -= sensitivity * deltaY;
flapsPitchRight -= sensitivity * deltaY;
flapsPitchLeft -= sensitivity * deltaX;
flapsPitchRight += sensitivity * deltaX;
public void setPositionRotationAndMotion(double x, double y, double z, float yaw, float pitch, float roll, double motX, double motY, double motZ, float velYaw, float velPitch, float velRoll, float throt, float steeringYaw)
super.setPositionRotationAndMotion(x, y, z, yaw, pitch, roll, motX, motY, motZ, velYaw, velPitch, velRoll, throt, steeringYaw);
flapsYaw = steeringYaw;
public boolean interactFirst(EntityPlayer entityplayer)
return false;
return false;
//If they are using a repair tool, don't put them in
ItemStack currentItem = entityplayer.getCurrentEquippedItem();
if(currentItem != null && currentItem.getItem() instanceof ItemTool && ((ItemTool)currentItem.getItem()).type.healDriveables)
return true;
PlaneType type = this.getPlaneType();
//Check each seat in order to see if the player can sit in it
for(int i = 0; i <= type.numPassengers; i++)
if(i == 0)
bombDelay = type.planeBombDelay;
FlansMod.proxy.doTutorialStuff(entityplayer, this);
return true;
return false;
public boolean pressKey(int key, EntityPlayer player)
PlaneType type = this.getPlaneType();
//Send keys which require server side updates to the server
if(worldObj.isRemote && (key == 6 || key == 8 || key == 9))
FlansMod.getPacketHandler().sendToServer(new PacketDriveableKey(key));
return true;
boolean canThrust = ((seats[0] != null && seats[0].riddenByEntity instanceof EntityPlayer && ((EntityPlayer)seats[0].riddenByEntity).capabilities.isCreativeMode) || getDriveableData().fuelInTank > 0) && hasWorkingProp();
case 0 : //Accelerate : Increase the throttle, up to 1.
if(canThrust || throttle < 0F)
throttle += 0.002F;
if(throttle > 1F)
throttle = 1F;
return true;
case 1 : //Decelerate : Decrease the throttle, down to -1, or 0 if the plane cannot reverse
if(canThrust || throttle > 0F)
throttle -= 0.005F;
if(throttle < -1F)
throttle = -1F;
if(throttle < 0F && type.maxNegativeThrottle == 0F)
throttle = 0F;
return true;
case 2 : //Left : Yaw the flaps left
flapsYaw -= 1F;
return true;
case 3 : //Right : Yaw the flaps right
flapsYaw += 1F;
return true;
case 4 : //Up : Pitch the flaps up
flapsPitchLeft += 1F;
flapsPitchRight += 1F;
return true;
case 5 : //Down : Pitch the flaps down
flapsPitchLeft -= 1F;
flapsPitchRight -= 1F;
return true;
case 6 : //Exit : Get out
if(seats[0].riddenByEntity != null)
return true;
case 7 : //Inventory : Check to see if this plane allows in-flight inventory editing or if the plane is on the ground
if(worldObj.isRemote && (type.invInflight || (Math.abs(throttle) < 0.1F && onGround)))
FlansMod.proxy.openDriveableMenu((EntityPlayer)seats[0].riddenByEntity, worldObj, this);
return true;
case 8 : //Drop bomb
case 9 : //Shoot bullet
return super.pressKey(key, player);
case 10 : //Change control mode
return true;
case 11 : //Roll left
flapsPitchLeft += 1F;
flapsPitchRight -= 1F;
return true;
case 12 : //Roll right
flapsPitchLeft -= 1F;
flapsPitchRight += 1F;
return true;
case 13 : // Gear
if(toggleTimer <= 0)
varGear = !varGear;
player.addChatMessage(new ChatComponentText("Landing gear " + (varGear ? "down" : "up")));
toggleTimer = 10;
FlansMod.getPacketHandler().sendToServer(new PacketDriveableControl(this));
return true;
case 14 : // Door
if(toggleTimer <= 0)
varDoor = !varDoor;
player.addChatMessage(new ChatComponentText("Doors " + (varDoor ? "open" : "closed")));
toggleTimer = 10;
FlansMod.getPacketHandler().sendToServer(new PacketDriveableControl(this));
return true;
case 15 : // Wing
if(toggleTimer <= 0)
varWing = !varWing;
player.addChatMessage(new ChatComponentText("Switching mode"));
if(type.mode == EnumPlaneMode.VTOL)
if(mode == EnumPlaneMode.HELI)
mode = EnumPlaneMode.PLANE;
else mode = EnumPlaneMode.HELI;
player.addChatMessage(new ChatComponentText(mode == EnumPlaneMode.HELI ? "Entering hover mode" : "Entering plane mode"));
toggleTimer = 10;
FlansMod.getPacketHandler().sendToServer(new PacketDriveableControl(this));
return true;
case 16 : // Trim Button
axes.setAngles(axes.getYaw(), 0, 0);
return true;
case 17 : //Park
return false;
public void updateKeyHeldState(int key, boolean held)
super.updateKeyHeldState(key, held);
//On the server. For semi-auto weapons, shoot!
case 9 : //Left Mouse
case 8 : //Right Mouse
public void onUpdate()
//Get plane type
PlaneType type = getPlaneType();
DriveableData data = getDriveableData();
if(type == null)
FlansMod.log("Plane type null. Not ticking plane");
//Work out if this is the client side and the player is driving
boolean thePlayerIsDrivingThis = worldObj.isRemote && seats[0] != null && seats[0].riddenByEntity instanceof EntityPlayer && FlansMod.proxy.isThePlayer((EntityPlayer)seats[0].riddenByEntity);
if(!worldObj.isRemote && seats[0].riddenByEntity != null)
ticksSinceUsed = 0;
if(!worldObj.isRemote && TeamsManager.planeLife > 0 && ticksSinceUsed > TeamsManager.planeLife * 20)
//Shooting, inventories, etc.
//Decrement bomb and gun timers
if(bombDelay > 0)
if(gunDelay > 0)
if(toggleTimer > 0)
//Rotate the propellers
propAngle += (Math.pow(throttle, 0.4))*1.5;
//Return the flaps to their resting position
flapsYaw *= 0.9F;
flapsPitchLeft *= 0.9F;
flapsPitchRight *= 0.9F;
//Limit flap angles
if(flapsYaw > 20)
flapsYaw = 20;
if(flapsYaw < -20)
flapsYaw = -20;
if(flapsPitchRight > 20)
flapsPitchRight = 20;
if(flapsPitchRight < -20)
flapsPitchRight = -20;
if(flapsPitchLeft > 20)
flapsPitchLeft = 20;
if(flapsPitchLeft < -20)
flapsPitchLeft = -20;
//Player is not driving this. Update its position from server update packets
if(worldObj.isRemote && !thePlayerIsDrivingThis)
//The driveable is currently moving towards its server position. Continue doing so.
if (serverPositionTransitionTicker > 0)
double x = posX + (serverPosX - posX) / serverPositionTransitionTicker;
double y = posY + (serverPosY - posY) / serverPositionTransitionTicker;
double z = posZ + (serverPosZ - posZ) / serverPositionTransitionTicker;
double dYaw = MathHelper.wrapAngleTo180_double(serverYaw - axes.getYaw());
double dPitch = MathHelper.wrapAngleTo180_double(serverPitch - axes.getPitch());
double dRoll = MathHelper.wrapAngleTo180_double(serverRoll - axes.getRoll());
rotationYaw = (float)(axes.getYaw() + dYaw / serverPositionTransitionTicker);
rotationPitch = (float)(axes.getPitch() + dPitch / serverPositionTransitionTicker);
float rotationRoll = (float)(axes.getRoll() + dRoll / serverPositionTransitionTicker);
setPosition(x, y, z);
setRotation(rotationYaw, rotationPitch, rotationRoll);
//If the driveable is at its server position and does not have the next update, it should just simulate itself as a server side plane would, so continue
//Throttle handling
//Without a player, default to 0
//With a player default to 0.5 for helicopters (hover speed)
//And default to the range 0.25 ~ 0.5 for planes (taxi speed ~ take off speed)
float throttlePull = 0.99F;
if(seats[0] != null && seats[0].riddenByEntity != null && mode == EnumPlaneMode.HELI && canThrust())
throttle = (throttle - 0.5F) * throttlePull + 0.5F;
//Get the speed of the plane
float lastTickSpeed = (float)getSpeedXYZ();
//Alter angles
//Sensitivity function
float sensitivityAdjust = (throttle > 0.5F ? 1.5F - throttle : 4F * throttle - 1F);
if(sensitivityAdjust < 0F)
sensitivityAdjust = 0F;
sensitivityAdjust *= 0.125F;
float yaw = flapsYaw * (flapsYaw > 0 ? type.turnLeftModifier : type.turnRightModifier) * sensitivityAdjust;
//if(throttle < 0.2F)
// sensitivityAdjust = throttle * 2.5F;
//Pitch according to the sum of flapsPitchLeft and flapsPitchRight / 2
float flapsPitch = (flapsPitchLeft + flapsPitchRight) / 2F;
float pitch = flapsPitch * (flapsPitch > 0 ? type.lookUpModifier : type.lookDownModifier) * sensitivityAdjust;
//Roll according to the difference between flapsPitchLeft and flapsPitchRight / 2
float flapsRoll = (flapsPitchRight - flapsPitchLeft) / 2F;
float roll = flapsRoll * (flapsRoll > 0 ? type.rollLeftModifier : type.rollRightModifier) * sensitivityAdjust;
//Damage modifiers
if(mode == EnumPlaneMode.PLANE)
yaw = 0;
pitch = 0;
roll = 0;
roll -= 7F * getSpeedXZ();
roll += 7F * getSpeedXZ();
if(worldObj.isRemote && !FlansMod.proxy.mouseControlEnabled())
//axes.rotateGlobalRoll(-axes.getRoll() * 0.1F);
//Some constants
float g = 0.98F / 10F;
float drag = 1F - (0.05F * type.drag);
float wobbleFactor = 0F;//.005F;
float throttleScaled = 0.01F * (type.maxThrottle + (data.engine == null ? 0 : data.engine.engineSpeed));
throttleScaled = 0;
int numPropsWorking = 0;
int numProps = 0;
float fuelConsumptionMultiplier = 2F;
case HELI :
//Count the number of working propellers
for(Propeller prop : type.heliPropellers)
numProps = type.heliPropellers.size();
Vector3f up = axes.getYAxis();
throttleScaled *= numProps == 0 ? 0 : numPropsWorking / numProps * 2F;
float upwardsForce = throttle * throttleScaled + (g - throttleScaled / 2F);
if(throttle < 0.5F)
upwardsForce = g * throttle * 2F;
upwardsForce = 0F;
//Move up
//Throttle - 0.5 means that the positive throttle scales from -0.5 to +0.5. Thus it accounts for gravity-ish
motionX += upwardsForce * up.x * 0.5F;
motionY += upwardsForce * up.y;
motionZ += upwardsForce * up.z * 0.5F;
//Apply gravity
motionY -= g;
//Apply wobble
//motionX += rand.nextGaussian() * wobbleFactor;
//motionY += rand.nextGaussian() * wobbleFactor;
//motionZ += rand.nextGaussian() * wobbleFactor;
//Apply drag
motionX *= drag;
motionY *= drag;
motionZ *= drag;
data.fuelInTank -= upwardsForce * fuelConsumptionMultiplier * data.engine.fuelConsumption;
case PLANE :
//Count the number of working propellers
for(Propeller prop : type.propellers)
numProps = type.propellers.size();
float throttleTemp = throttle * (numProps == 0 ? 0 : numPropsWorking / numProps * 2F);
//Apply forces
Vector3f forwards = (Vector3f)axes.getXAxis().normalise();
//Sanity limiter
if(lastTickSpeed > 2F)
lastTickSpeed = 2F;
float newSpeed = lastTickSpeed + throttleScaled * 2F;
//Calculate the amount to alter motion by
float proportionOfMotionToCorrect = 2F * throttleTemp - 0.5F;
if(proportionOfMotionToCorrect < 0F)
proportionOfMotionToCorrect = 0F;
if(proportionOfMotionToCorrect > 0.5F)
proportionOfMotionToCorrect = 0.5F;
//Apply gravity
g = 0.98F / 20F;
motionY -= g;
//Apply lift
int numWingsIntact = 0;
if(isPartIntact(EnumDriveablePart.rightWing)) numWingsIntact++;
if(isPartIntact(EnumDriveablePart.leftWing)) numWingsIntact++;
float amountOfLift = 2F * g * throttleTemp * numWingsIntact / 2F;
if(amountOfLift > g)
amountOfLift = g;
amountOfLift *= 0.75F;
motionY += amountOfLift;
//Cut out some motion for correction
motionX *= 1F - proportionOfMotionToCorrect;
motionY *= 1F - proportionOfMotionToCorrect;
motionZ *= 1F - proportionOfMotionToCorrect;
//Add the corrected motion
motionX += proportionOfMotionToCorrect * newSpeed * forwards.x;
motionY += proportionOfMotionToCorrect * newSpeed * forwards.y;
motionZ += proportionOfMotionToCorrect * newSpeed * forwards.z;
//Apply drag
motionX *= drag;
motionY *= drag;
motionZ *= drag;
data.fuelInTank -= throttleScaled * fuelConsumptionMultiplier * data.engine.fuelConsumption;
double motion = Math.sqrt(motionX * motionX + motionY * motionY + motionZ * motionZ);
if(motion > 10)
motionX *= 10 / motion;
motionY *= 10 / motion;
motionZ *= 10 / motion;
for(EntityWheel wheel : wheels)
if(wheel != null && worldObj != null)
wheel.prevPosX = wheel.posX;
wheel.prevPosY = wheel.posY;
wheel.prevPosZ = wheel.posZ;
for(EntityWheel wheel : wheels)
if(wheel != null && worldObj != null)
if(type.floatOnWater && worldObj.isAnyLiquid(wheel.getEntityBoundingBox()))
motionY += type.buoyancy;
//Move the wheels first
for(EntityWheel wheel : wheels)
if(wheel != null)
wheel.prevPosY = wheel.posY;
wheel.moveEntity(motionX, motionY, motionZ);
//Update wheels
for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
Vector3f amountToMoveCar = new Vector3f(motionX / 2F, motionY / 2F, motionZ / 2F);
for(EntityWheel wheel : wheels)
if(wheel == null)
//Hacky way of forcing the car to step up blocks
onGround = true;
wheel.onGround = true;
//Update angles
wheel.rotationYaw = axes.getYaw();
//Pull wheels towards car
Vector3f targetWheelPos = axes.findLocalVectorGlobally(getPlaneType().wheelPositions[wheel.ID].position);
Vector3f currentWheelPos = new Vector3f(wheel.posX - posX, wheel.posY - posY, wheel.posZ - posZ);
float targetWheelLength = targetWheelPos.length();
float currentWheelLength = currentWheelPos.length();
float dLength = targetWheelLength - currentWheelLength;
float dAngle = Vector3f.angle(targetWheelPos, currentWheelPos);
//Now Lerp by wheelSpringStrength and work out the new positions
float newLength = currentWheelLength + dLength * type.wheelSpringStrength;
Vector3f rotateAround = Vector3f.cross(targetWheelPos, currentWheelPos, null);
Matrix4f mat = new Matrix4f();
mat.m00 = currentWheelPos.x;
mat.m10 = currentWheelPos.y;
mat.m20 = currentWheelPos.z;
mat.rotate(dAngle * type.wheelSpringStrength, rotateAround);
axes.rotateGlobal(-dAngle * type.wheelSpringStrength, rotateAround);
Vector3f newWheelPos = new Vector3f(mat.m00, mat.m10, mat.m20);
//The proportion of the spring adjustment that is applied to the wheel. 1 - this is applied to the plane
float wheelProportion = 0.75F;
//wheel.motionX = (newWheelPos.x - currentWheelPos.x) * wheelProportion;
//wheel.motionY = (newWheelPos.y - currentWheelPos.y) * wheelProportion;
//wheel.motionZ = (newWheelPos.z - currentWheelPos.z) * wheelProportion;
Vector3f amountToMoveWheel = new Vector3f();
amountToMoveWheel.x = (newWheelPos.x - currentWheelPos.x) * (1F - wheelProportion);
amountToMoveWheel.y = (newWheelPos.y - currentWheelPos.y) * (1F - wheelProportion);
amountToMoveWheel.z = (newWheelPos.z - currentWheelPos.z) * (1F - wheelProportion);
amountToMoveCar.x -= (newWheelPos.x - currentWheelPos.x) * (1F - wheelProportion);
amountToMoveCar.y -= (newWheelPos.y - currentWheelPos.y) * (1F - wheelProportion);
amountToMoveCar.z -= (newWheelPos.z - currentWheelPos.z) * (1F - wheelProportion);
//The difference between how much the wheel moved and how much it was meant to move. i.e. the reaction force from the block
//amountToMoveCar.x += ((wheel.posX - wheel.prevPosX) - (motionX)) * 0.616F / wheels.length;
amountToMoveCar.y += ((wheel.posY - wheel.prevPosY) - (motionY)) * 0.5F / wheels.length;
//amountToMoveCar.z += ((wheel.posZ - wheel.prevPosZ) - (motionZ)) * 0.0616F / wheels.length;
wheel.moveEntity(amountToMoveWheel.x, amountToMoveWheel.y, amountToMoveWheel.z);
moveEntity(amountToMoveCar.x, amountToMoveCar.y, amountToMoveCar.z);
//Starting sound
if (throttle > 0.01F && throttle < 0.2F && soundPosition == 0 && hasEnoughFuel())
PacketPlaySound.sendSoundPacket(posX, posY, posZ, FlansMod.soundRange, dimension, type.startSound, false);
soundPosition = type.startSoundLength;
//Flying sound
if (throttle > 0.2F && soundPosition == 0 && hasEnoughFuel())
PacketPlaySound.sendSoundPacket(posX, posY, posZ, FlansMod.soundRange, dimension, type.engineSound, false);
soundPosition = type.engineSoundLength;
//Sound decrementer
if(soundPosition > 0)
for(EntitySeat seat : seats)
if(seat != null)
//Calculate movement on the client and then send position, rotation etc to the server
FlansMod.getPacketHandler().sendToServer(new PacketPlaneControl(this));
serverPosX = posX;
serverPosY = posY;
serverPosZ = posZ;
serverYaw = axes.getYaw();
//If this is the server, send position updates to everyone, having received them from the driver
float updateSpeed = 0.01F;
if(!worldObj.isRemote)// && (Math.abs(posX - prevPosX) > updateSpeed || Math.abs(posY - prevPosY) > updateSpeed || Math.abs(posZ - prevPosZ) > updateSpeed))
FlansMod.getPacketHandler().sendToAllAround(new PacketPlaneControl(this), posX, posY, posZ, FlansMod.driveableUpdateRange, dimension);
public boolean canThrust()
return (seats[0] != null && seats[0].riddenByEntity instanceof EntityPlayer && ((EntityPlayer)seats[0].riddenByEntity).capabilities.isCreativeMode) || driveableData.fuelInTank > 0;
public void setDead()
for(EntityWheel wheel : wheels)
if(wheel != null)
public boolean gearDown()
return varGear;
private boolean hasWorkingProp()
PlaneType type = getPlaneType();
if(type.mode == EnumPlaneMode.HELI || type.mode == EnumPlaneMode.VTOL)
for(Propeller prop : type.heliPropellers)
return true;
if(type.mode == EnumPlaneMode.PLANE || type.mode == EnumPlaneMode.VTOL)
for(Propeller prop : type.propellers)
return true;
return false;
public boolean attackEntityFrom(DamageSource damagesource, float i, boolean doDamage)
if(worldObj.isRemote || isDead)
return true;
PlaneType type = PlaneType.getPlane(driveableType);
if(damagesource.damageType.equals("player") && damagesource.getEntity().onGround && (seats[0] == null || seats[0].riddenByEntity == null))
ItemStack planeStack = new ItemStack(type.item, 1, driveableData.paintjobID);
NBTTagCompound tags = new NBTTagCompound();
entityDropItem(planeStack, 0.5F);
return true;
public boolean canHitPart(EnumDriveablePart part)
return varGear || (part != EnumDriveablePart.coreWheel && part != EnumDriveablePart.leftWingWheel && part != EnumDriveablePart.rightWingWheel && part != EnumDriveablePart.tailWheel);
public boolean attackEntityFrom(DamageSource damagesource, float i)
return attackEntityFrom(damagesource, i, true);
public PlaneType getPlaneType()
return PlaneType.getPlane(driveableType);
protected void dropItemsOnPartDeath(Vector3f midpoint, DriveablePart part)
public String getBombInventoryName()
return "Bombs";
public String getMissileInventoryName()
return "Missiles";
public boolean hasMouseControlMode()
return true;