//This File was created with the Minecraft-SMP Modelling Toolbox // Copyright (C) 2015 Minecraft-SMP.de // This file is for Flan's Flying Mod Version 4.0.x+ package com.flansmod.client.model.mw; //Path where the model is located import com.flansmod.client.model.ModelPlane; import com.flansmod.client.tmt.ModelRendererTurbo; import com.flansmod.client.tmt.Coord2D; import com.flansmod.client.tmt.Shape2D; public class ModelF22 extends ModelPlane //Same as Filename { int textureX = 2048; int textureY = 2048; public ModelF22() //Same as Filename { bodyModel = new ModelRendererTurbo[61]; bodyModel[0] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 0, 344, textureX, textureY); // Box 6 bodyModel[1] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 58, 344, textureX, textureY); // Box 7 bodyModel[2] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 134, 344, textureX, textureY); // Box 8 bodyModel[3] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 0, 434, textureX, textureY); // Box 10 bodyModel[4] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 58, 434, textureX, textureY); // Box 11 bodyModel[5] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 134, 434, textureX, textureY); // Box 12 bodyModel[6] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 246, 344, textureX, textureY); // Box 13 bodyModel[7] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 176, 628, textureX, textureY); // Box 14 bodyModel[8] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 0, 751, textureX, textureY); // Box 15 bodyModel[9] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 285, 628, textureX, textureY); // Box 20 bodyModel[10] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 149, 751, textureX, textureY); // Box 21 bodyModel[11] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 246, 434, textureX, textureY); // Box 28 bodyModel[12] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 178, 687, textureX, textureY); // Box 30 bodyModel[13] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 285, 687, textureX, textureY); // Box 31 bodyModel[14] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 149, 810, textureX, textureY); // Box 32 bodyModel[15] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 0, 810, textureX, textureY); // Box 33 bodyModel[16] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 184, 344, textureX, textureY); // Box 40 bodyModel[17] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 122, 628, textureX, textureY); // Box 41 bodyModel[18] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 0, 628, textureX, textureY); // Box 42 bodyModel[19] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 184, 434, textureX, textureY); // Box 45 bodyModel[20] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 398, 628, textureX, textureY); // Box 46 bodyModel[21] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 310, 751, textureX, textureY); // Box 47 bodyModel[22] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 0, 376, textureX, textureY); // Box 54 bodyModel[23] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 58, 376, textureX, textureY); // Box 56 bodyModel[24] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 134, 376, textureX, textureY); // Box 57 bodyModel[25] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 246, 377, textureX, textureY); // Box 58 bodyModel[26] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 134, 465, textureX, textureY); // Box 59 bodyModel[27] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 58, 465, textureX, textureY); // Box 60 bodyModel[28] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 0, 465, textureX, textureY); // Box 61 bodyModel[29] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 58, 502, textureX, textureY); // Box 63 bodyModel[30] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 0, 502, textureX, textureY); // Box 64 bodyModel[31] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 129, 204, textureX, textureY); // Box 65 bodyModel[32] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 0, 65, textureX, textureY); // Box 0 bodyModel[33] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 0, 65, textureX, textureY); // Box 1 bodyModel[34] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 64, 65, textureX, textureY); // Box 2 bodyModel[35] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 64, 65, textureX, textureY); // Box 3 bodyModel[36] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 64, 65, textureX, textureY); // Box 4 bodyModel[37] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 0, 65, textureX, textureY); // Box 5 bodyModel[38] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 0, 65, textureX, textureY); // Box 6 bodyModel[39] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 0, 65, textureX, textureY); // Box 23 bodyModel[40] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 0, 65, textureX, textureY); // Box 26 bodyModel[41] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 134, 65, textureX, textureY); // Box 30 bodyModel[42] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 0, 65, textureX, textureY); // Box 31 bodyModel[43] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 254, 65, textureX, textureY); // Box 32 bodyModel[44] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 64, 65, textureX, textureY); // Box 44 bodyModel[45] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 0, 530, textureX, textureY); // Box 66 bodyModel[46] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 100, 530, textureX, textureY); // Box 67 bodyModel[47] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 192, 530, textureX, textureY); // Box 68 bodyModel[48] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 355, 530, textureX, textureY); // Box 69 bodyModel[49] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 263, 530, textureX, textureY); // Box 70 bodyModel[50] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 192, 574, textureX, textureY); // Box 72 bodyModel[51] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 263, 574, textureX, textureY); // Box 73 bodyModel[52] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 355, 574, textureX, textureY); // Box 75 bodyModel[53] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 100, 574, textureX, textureY); // Box 114 bodyModel[54] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 75, 209, textureX, textureY); // Box 143 bodyModel[55] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 0, 209, textureX, textureY); // Box 145 bodyModel[56] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 39, 209, textureX, textureY); // Box 146 bodyModel[57] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 182, 209, textureX, textureY); // Box 0 bodyModel[58] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 239, 209, textureX, textureY); // Box 2 bodyModel[59] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 239, 209, textureX, textureY); // Box 4 bodyModel[60] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 239, 209, textureX, textureY); // Box 5 bodyModel[0].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 15, 11, 10, 0F, 0F, -1F, -10F, 0F, 0F, -6F, 0F, 0F, -3F, 0F, -1F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -1F, 0F, -1F, 0F, 0F, -1F, -3F, 0F, 0F, 0F); // Box 6 bodyModel[0].setRotationPoint(-112F, -35F, -14F); bodyModel[1].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 21, 12, 8, 0F, 0F, -2F, -7F, 0F, 0F, -7F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -2F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -1F, 0F, -2F, 0F, 0F, -2F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F); // Box 7 bodyModel[1].setRotationPoint(-97F, -37F, -15F); bodyModel[2].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 10, 15, 11, 0F, 0F, -5F, -7F, 0F, 0F, -11F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -5F, -3F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -3F); // Box 8 bodyModel[2].setRotationPoint(-76F, -42F, -15F); bodyModel[3].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 15, 11, 10, 0F, 0F, -1F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -3F, 0F, 0F, -6F, 0F, -1F, -10F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -1F, -3F, 0F, -1F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -1F); // Box 10 bodyModel[3].setRotationPoint(-112F, -35F, 4F); bodyModel[4].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 21, 12, 8, 0F, 0F, -2F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -7F, 0F, -2F, -7F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -2F, 0F, 0F, -2F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -1F); // Box 11 bodyModel[4].setRotationPoint(-97F, -37F, 7F); bodyModel[5].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 10, 15, 11, 0F, 0F, -5F, -3F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -11F, 0F, -5F, -7F, 0F, 0F, -3F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F); // Box 12 bodyModel[5].setRotationPoint(-76F, -42F, 4F); bodyModel[6].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 20, 15, 12, 0F, 0F, 0F, -11F, 0F, -4F, -3F, 0F, -4F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 8F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F); // Box 13 bodyModel[6].setRotationPoint(-66F, -42F, -15F); bodyModel[7].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 31, 3, 15, 0F, 0F, 0F, -3F, 0F, -2F, -3F, 0F, -2F, -3F, 0F, 0F, -3F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F); // Box 14 bodyModel[7].setRotationPoint(-46F, -38F, -15F); bodyModel[8].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 54, 1, 15, 0F, 0F, 0F, -3F, 0F, 0F, -3F, 0F, 0F, -3F, 0F, 0F, -3F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F); // Box 15 bodyModel[8].setRotationPoint(-15F, -36F, -15F); bodyModel[9].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 31, 29, 22, 0F, 0F, -11F, -3F, 0F, -10F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -1F, -13F, 0F, 0F, -13F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -1F, 0F); // Box 20 bodyModel[9].setRotationPoint(-46F, -35F, -37F); bodyModel[10].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 54, 29, 22, 0F, 0F, -10F, 0F, 0F, -10F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -13F, 0F, 0F, -13F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F); // Box 21 bodyModel[10].setRotationPoint(-15F, -35F, -37F); bodyModel[11].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 20, 15, 12, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -4F, 0F, 0F, -4F, -3F, 0F, 0F, -11F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 8F, 0F, 0F, 0F); // Box 28 bodyModel[11].setRotationPoint(-66F, -42F, 3F); bodyModel[12].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 31, 3, 15, 0F, 0F, 0F, -3F, 0F, -2F, -3F, 0F, -2F, -3F, 0F, 0F, -3F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F); // Box 30 bodyModel[12].setRotationPoint(-46F, -38F, 0F); bodyModel[13].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 31, 29, 22, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -10F, 0F, 0F, -11F, -3F, 0F, -1F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -13F, 0F, -1F, -13F); // Box 31 bodyModel[13].setRotationPoint(-46F, -35F, 15F); bodyModel[14].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 54, 29, 22, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -10F, 0F, 0F, -10F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -13F, 0F, 0F, -13F); // Box 32 bodyModel[14].setRotationPoint(-15F, -35F, 15F); bodyModel[15].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 54, 1, 15, 0F, 0F, 0F, -3F, 0F, 0F, -3F, 0F, 0F, -3F, 0F, 0F, -3F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F); // Box 33 bodyModel[15].setRotationPoint(-15F, -36F, 0F); bodyModel[16].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 20, 5, 7, 0F, -2F, 0F, -7F, 0F, -2F, -7F, 0F, -2F, 0F, -2F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -4F, -3F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -4F, 0F); // Box 40 bodyModel[16].setRotationPoint(-66F, -43F, -7F); bodyModel[17].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 12, 6, 14, 0F, 0F, 0F, -7F, 0F, -2F, -7F, 0F, -2F, -7F, 0F, 0F, -7F, 0F, 0F, 7F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 7F); // Box 41 bodyModel[17].setRotationPoint(-46F, -41F, -7F); bodyModel[18].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 52, 3, 6, 0F, 0F, 0F, -3F, 0F, -4F, -3F, 0F, -4F, -3F, 0F, 0F, -3F, 0F, 0F, 2.2F, 0F, 2F, -3F, 0F, 2F, -3F, 0F, 0F, 2.2F); // Box 42 bodyModel[18].setRotationPoint(-34F, -39F, -3F); bodyModel[19].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 20, 5, 7, 0F, -2F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -2F, 0F, 0F, -2F, -7F, -2F, 0F, -7F, 0F, -4F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -4F, -3F); // Box 45 bodyModel[19].setRotationPoint(-66F, -43F, 0F); bodyModel[20].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 31, 29, 30, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -1F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -1F, 0F); // Box 46 bodyModel[20].setRotationPoint(-46F, -35F, -15F); bodyModel[21].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 54, 29, 30, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F); // Box 47 bodyModel[21].setRotationPoint(-15F, -35F, -15F); bodyModel[22].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 15, 16, 10, 0F, 0F, -1F, -1F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -3F, 0F, -1F, 0F, 0F, -2F, -10F, 0F, -1F, -9F, 0F, -1F, 0F, 0F, -3F, 0F); // Box 54 bodyModel[22].setRotationPoint(-112F, -25F, -14F); bodyModel[23].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 21, 19, 8, 0F, 0F, -2F, -1F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -2F, 0F, 0F, -2F, -10F, 0F, -1F, -8F, 0F, -1F, 0F, 0F, -2F, 3F); // Box 56 bodyModel[23].setRotationPoint(-97F, -27F, -15F); bodyModel[24].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 10, 17, 11, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -3F, 0F, 1F, -8F, 0F, 1F, -8F, 0F, 1F, 0F, 0F, 1F, -3F); // Box 57 bodyModel[24].setRotationPoint(-76F, -27F, -15F); bodyModel[25].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 20, 20, 34, 0F, 0F, 0F, -2F, 0F, 0F, 7F, 0F, 0F, 7F, 0F, 0F, -2F, 0F, -2F, -10F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -2F, -10F); // Box 58 bodyModel[25].setRotationPoint(-66F, -27F, -17F); bodyModel[26].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 10, 17, 11, 0F, 0F, 0F, -3F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 1F, -3F, 0F, 1F, 0F, 0F, 1F, -8F, 0F, 1F, -8F); // Box 59 bodyModel[26].setRotationPoint(-76F, -27F, 4F); bodyModel[27].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 21, 19, 8, 0F, 0F, -2F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -2F, -1F, 0F, -2F, 3F, 0F, -2F, 0F, 0F, -1F, -8F, 0F, -2F, -10F); // Box 60 bodyModel[27].setRotationPoint(-97F, -27F, 7F); bodyModel[28].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 15, 16, 10, 0F, 0F, -1F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -3F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -1F, -1F, 0F, -3F, 0F, 0F, -1F, 0F, 0F, -1F, -9F, 0F, -2F, -10F); // Box 61 bodyModel[28].setRotationPoint(-112F, -25F, 4F); bodyModel[29].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 21, 11, 14, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -1F, -2F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -1F, -2F); // Box 63 bodyModel[29].setRotationPoint(-97F, -20F, -7F); bodyModel[30].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 15, 11, 10, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 1F, 0F, 0F, 1F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -2F, -1F, 0F, -1F, 0F, 0F, -1F, 0F, 0F, -2F, -1F); // Box 64 bodyModel[30].setRotationPoint(-112F, -20F, -5F); bodyModel[31].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 10, 28, 14, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 5F, -3F, 0F, 5F, -3F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -3F, 0F, 0F, -3F, 0F, 0F, 0F); // Box 65 bodyModel[31].setRotationPoint(-76F, -37F, -7F); bodyModel[32].addBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 16, 3, 14, 0F); // Box 0 bodyModel[32].setRotationPoint(-97F, -23F, -7F); bodyModel[33].addBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 1, 3, 12, 0F); // Box 1 bodyModel[33].setRotationPoint(-83F, -23F, -6F); bodyModel[34].addBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 7, 1, 10, 0F); // Box 2 bodyModel[34].setRotationPoint(-95F, -24F, -5F); bodyModel[35].addBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 2, 1, 4, 0F); // Box 3 bodyModel[35].setRotationPoint(-97F, -24F, -5F); bodyModel[36].addBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 2, 1, 4, 0F); // Box 4 bodyModel[36].setRotationPoint(-97F, -24F, 1F); bodyModel[37].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 1, 14, 12, 0F, -1F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -1F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F); // Box 5 bodyModel[37].setRotationPoint(-83F, -37F, -6F); bodyModel[38].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 5, 17, 12, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -1F, 0F, 0F, -1F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F); // Box 6 bodyModel[38].setRotationPoint(-82F, -37F, -6F); bodyModel[39].addBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 3, 1, 1, 0F); // Box 23 bodyModel[39].setRotationPoint(-100F, -21F, -7F); bodyModel[40].addBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 3, 1, 1, 0F); // Box 26 bodyModel[40].setRotationPoint(-100F, -21F, 6F); bodyModel[41].addShapeBox(-1F, 0F, 0F, 2, 11, 10, 0F, -1F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -1F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F); // Box 30 bodyModel[41].setRotationPoint(-83F, -36F, -5F); bodyModel[42].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 3, 17, 12, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -1F, 0F, 0F, -1F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F); // Box 31 bodyModel[42].setRotationPoint(-82F, -37F, -6F); bodyModel[43].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 4, 8, 10, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F); // Box 32 bodyModel[43].setRotationPoint(-81F, -45F, -5F); bodyModel[44].addBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 5, 1, 10, 0F); // Box 44 bodyModel[44].setRotationPoint(-88F, -24F, -5F); bodyModel[45].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 20, 9, 27, 0F, -20F, -8F, 0F, 0F, -8F, 0F, 0F, 2F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -20F, 0F, -0.9F, 0.3F, 0F, -0.8F, 0F, -10F, 0F, 0F, -8F, 0F); // Box 66 bodyModel[45].setRotationPoint(-82F, -32F, -33F); bodyModel[46].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 16, 10, 28, 0F, 0F, -10F, -1F, 0F, -10F, 0F, 0F, 1F, -9F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -1F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -9F, 0F, 0F, -9F, 0F); // Box 67 bodyModel[46].setRotationPoint(-62F, -34F, -34F); bodyModel[47].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 16, 17, 15, 0F, 0F, 0F, -1F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -13F, 0F, 0F, -13F, -5F, -3F, -13F, 0F, 0F, -10F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -5F, -3F, 0F); // Box 68 bodyModel[47].setRotationPoint(-62F, -24F, -34F); bodyModel[48].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 11, 17, 17, 0F, 0F, 0F, -5F, 0F, -3F, -2F, 0F, -3F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -16F, -5F, 0F, -13F, -2F, 0F, -13F, 0F, 0F, -16F, 0F); // Box 69 bodyModel[48].setRotationPoint(-57F, -11F, -26F); bodyModel[49].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 23, 6, 19, 0F, 0F, 0F, -19F, 0F, -5F, -4.2F, 0F, -5F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -5F, -19F, 0F, 0F, -5F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -5F, 0F); // Box 70 bodyModel[49].setRotationPoint(-80F, -16F, -26F); bodyModel[50].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 16, 17, 15, 0F, 0F, 0F, -13F, 0F, 0F, -13F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -1F, -5F, -3F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -10F, -5F, -3F, -13F); // Box 72 bodyModel[50].setRotationPoint(-62F, -24F, 19F); bodyModel[51].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 23, 6, 19, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -5F, 0F, 0F, -5F, -4.2F, 0F, 0F, -19F, 0F, -5F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -5F, 0F, -5F, -19F); // Box 73 bodyModel[51].setRotationPoint(-80F, -16F, 7F); bodyModel[52].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 11, 17, 17, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -3F, 0F, 0F, -3F, -2F, 0F, 0F, -5F, 0F, -16F, 0F, 0F, -13F, 0F, 0F, -13F, -2F, 0F, -16F, -5F); // Box 75 bodyModel[52].setRotationPoint(-57F, -11F, 9F); bodyModel[53].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 16, 10, 28, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 1F, -9F, 0F, -10F, 0F, 0F, -10F, -1F, 0F, -9F, 0F, 0F, -9F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -1F); // Box 114 bodyModel[53].setRotationPoint(-62F, -34F, 6F); bodyModel[54].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 5, 4, 6, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F); // Box 143 bodyModel[54].setRotationPoint(-103F, -24F, -3F); bodyModel[55].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 5, 14, 8, 0F, 0F, -1F, -4F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -1F, -4F, 0F, 0F, -4F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -4F); // Box 145 bodyModel[55].setRotationPoint(-117F, -35F, -4F); bodyModel[56].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 7, 3, 7, 0F, -2F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -2F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F); // Box 146 bodyModel[56].setRotationPoint(-107F, -38F, -3.5F); bodyModel[57].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 13, 17, 14, 0F, 0F, -2F, -3F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -2F, -3F, 0F, 0F, -3F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -3F); // Box 0 bodyModel[57].setRotationPoint(-112F, -37F, -7F); bodyModel[58].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 2, 5, 1, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F); // Box 2 bodyModel[58].setRotationPoint(-103F, -43F, -3.5F); bodyModel[59].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 2, 5, 1, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F); // Box 4 bodyModel[59].setRotationPoint(-103F, -43F, 2.5F); bodyModel[60].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 2, 1, 7, 0F, 0F, 0F, -1F, 0F, 0F, -1F, 0F, 0F, -1F, 0F, 0F, -1F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F); // Box 5 bodyModel[60].setRotationPoint(-103F, -44F, -3.5F); noseModel = new ModelRendererTurbo[7]; noseModel[0] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 0, 260, textureX, textureY); // Box 0 noseModel[1] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 68, 260, textureX, textureY); // Box 2 noseModel[2] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 139, 260, textureX, textureY); // Box 4 noseModel[3] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 237, 260, textureX, textureY); // Box 9 noseModel[4] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 0, 295, textureX, textureY); // Box 51 noseModel[5] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 68, 295, textureX, textureY); // Box 52 noseModel[6] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 139, 295, textureX, textureY); // Box 53 noseModel[0].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 15, 7, 16, 0F, 0F, -6.9999F, -7.9999F, 0F, -1F, -5F, 0F, -1F, -5F, 0F, -6.9999F, -7.9999F, 0F, 0F, -7.9999F, 0F, -1F, 0F, 0F, -1F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -7.9999F); // Box 0 noseModel[0].setRotationPoint(-158F, -28F, -8F); noseModel[1].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 12, 9, 20, 0F, 0F, -4F, -7F, 0F, 0F, -6F, 0F, 0F, -6F, 0F, -4F, -7F, 0F, 0F, -2F, 0F, -1F, 0F, 0F, -1F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -2F); // Box 2 noseModel[1].setRotationPoint(-143F, -31F, -10F); noseModel[2].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 19, 11, 13, 0F, 0F, -3F, -9F, 0F, 0F, -9F, -5F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -3F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -3F, 0F, -1F, 0F, 0F, -1F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F); // Box 4 noseModel[2].setRotationPoint(-131F, -34F, -13F); noseModel[3].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 19, 11, 13, 0F, 0F, -3F, 0F, -5F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -9F, 0F, -3F, -9F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -1F, 0F, 0F, -1F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -3F); // Box 9 noseModel[3].setRotationPoint(-131F, -34F, 0F); noseModel[4].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 15, 7, 16, 0F, 0F, -1F, -7.9999F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -1F, -7.9999F, 0F, -5.9999F, -7.9999F, 0F, 0F, -6F, 0F, 0F, -6F, 0F, -5.9999F, -7.9999F); // Box 51 noseModel[4].setRotationPoint(-158F, -22F, -8F); noseModel[5].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 12, 9, 20, 0F, 0F, -1F, -2F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -1F, -2F, 0F, -1F, -8F, 0F, 1F, -7F, 0F, 1F, -7F, 0F, -1F, -8F); // Box 52 noseModel[5].setRotationPoint(-143F, -23F, -10F); noseModel[6].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 19, 13, 26, 0F, 0F, -1F, -3F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -1F, -3F, 0F, -2F, -10F, 0F, 0F, -9F, 0F, 0F, -9F, 0F, -2F, -10F); // Box 53 noseModel[6].setRotationPoint(-131F, -24F, -13F); tailModel = new ModelRendererTurbo[40]; tailModel[0] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 0, 872, textureX, textureY); // Box 16 tailModel[1] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 205, 872, textureX, textureY); // Box 22 tailModel[2] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 168, 996, textureX, textureY); // Box 23 tailModel[3] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 91, 996, textureX, textureY); // Box 25 tailModel[4] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 113, 872, textureX, textureY); // Box 26 tailModel[5] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 205, 928, textureX, textureY); // Box 35 tailModel[6] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 113, 928, textureX, textureY); // Box 36 tailModel[7] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 91, 1034, textureX, textureY); // Box 37 tailModel[8] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 330, 872, textureX, textureY); // Box 48 tailModel[9] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 0, 928, textureX, textureY); // Box 49 tailModel[10] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 0, 1034, textureX, textureY); // Box 50 tailModel[11] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 281, 996, textureX, textureY); // Box 76 tailModel[12] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 121, 1116, textureX, textureY); // Box 77 tailModel[13] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 0, 1085, textureX, textureY); // Box 78 tailModel[14] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 0, 1085, textureX, textureY); // Box 79 tailModel[15] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 370, 996, textureX, textureY); // Box 80 tailModel[16] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 370, 1034, textureX, textureY); // Box 81 tailModel[17] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 194, 1116, textureX, textureY); // Box 82 tailModel[18] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 0, 1116, textureX, textureY); // Box 83 tailModel[19] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 56, 1116, textureX, textureY); // Box 84 tailModel[20] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 168, 1034, textureX, textureY); // Box 85 tailModel[21] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 0, 996, textureX, textureY); // Box 88 tailModel[22] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 95, 1085, textureX, textureY); // Box 89 tailModel[23] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 154, 1085, textureX, textureY); // Box 90 tailModel[24] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 154, 1085, textureX, textureY); // Box 91 tailModel[25] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 95, 1085, textureX, textureY); // Box 92 tailModel[26] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 201, 1085, textureX, textureY); // Box 93 tailModel[27] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 201, 1085, textureX, textureY); // Box 94 tailModel[28] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 254, 1085, textureX, textureY); // Box 95 tailModel[29] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 254, 1085, textureX, textureY); // Box 96 tailModel[30] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 0, 1496, textureX, textureY); // Box 97 tailModel[31] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 167, 1496, textureX, textureY); // Box 98 tailModel[32] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 301, 1496, textureX, textureY); // Box 99 tailModel[33] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 0, 1549, textureX, textureY); // Box 101 tailModel[34] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 167, 1549, textureX, textureY); // Box 102 tailModel[35] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 301, 1549, textureX, textureY); // Box 103 tailModel[36] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 0, 1164, textureX, textureY); // Box 117 tailModel[37] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 223, 1164, textureX, textureY); // Box 118 tailModel[38] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 0, 1141, textureX, textureY); // Box 264 tailModel[39] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 56, 1141, textureX, textureY); // Box 265 tailModel[0].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 38, 1, 15, 0F, 0F, 0F, -3F, 0F, -1F, 0F, 0F, -1F, -4F, 0F, 0F, -3F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -4F, 0F, 0F, 0F); // Box 16 tailModel[0].setRotationPoint(39F, -36F, -15F); tailModel[1].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 38, 29, 22, 0F, 0F, -10F, 0F, 0F, -10F, -5F, 0F, -1F, -4F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -13F, 0F, -7F, -13F, 0F, -7F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F); // Box 22 tailModel[1].setRotationPoint(39F, -35F, -37F); tailModel[2].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 38, 21, 13, 0F, 0F, -9F, 0F, 0F, -6F, 0F, 0F, -6F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -8F, 0F, -8F, -4F, 0F, -8F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F); // Box 23 tailModel[2].setRotationPoint(77F, -34F, -32F); tailModel[3].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 31, 7, 4, 0F, 0F, -1F, 0F, 0F, -5.9F, 0F, 0F, -5F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F); // Box 25 tailModel[3].setRotationPoint(77F, -35F, -19F); tailModel[4].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 38, 22, 4, 0F, 0F, 0F, -4F, 0F, -1F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F); // Box 26 tailModel[4].setRotationPoint(39F, -35F, -19F); tailModel[5].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 38, 29, 22, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -1F, -4F, 0F, -10F, -5F, 0F, -10F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -7F, 0F, 0F, -7F, -13F, 0F, 0F, -13F); // Box 35 tailModel[5].setRotationPoint(39F, -35F, 15F); tailModel[6].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 38, 22, 4, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -1F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -4F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F); // Box 36 tailModel[6].setRotationPoint(39F, -35F, 15F); tailModel[7].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 31, 7, 4, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -5F, 0F, 0F, -5.9F, 0F, 0F, -1F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F); // Box 37 tailModel[7].setRotationPoint(77F, -35F, 15F); tailModel[8].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 38, 29, 30, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -7F, 0F, 0F, -7F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F); // Box 48 tailModel[8].setRotationPoint(39F, -35F, -15F); tailModel[9].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 38, 1, 15, 0F, 0F, 0F, -3F, 0F, -1F, -4F, 0F, -1F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -3F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -4F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F); // Box 49 tailModel[9].setRotationPoint(39F, -36F, 0F); tailModel[10].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 31, 7, 12, 0F, 0F, 0F, -1F, 0F, -5F, -4F, 0F, -5F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F); // Box 50 tailModel[10].setRotationPoint(77F, -35F, 3F); tailModel[11].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 31, 22, 8, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -6F, 0F, 0F, -6F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -7F, 0F, 0F, -7F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F); // Box 76 tailModel[11].setRotationPoint(77F, -35F, -4F); tailModel[12].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 26, 9, 8, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -3F, 0F, 0F, -3F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -3F, 0F, 0F, -3F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F); // Box 77 tailModel[12].setRotationPoint(108F, -29F, -4F); tailModel[13].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 28, 7, 15, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F); // Box 78 tailModel[13].setRotationPoint(80F, -28F, -19F); tailModel[14].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 28, 7, 15, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F); // Box 79 tailModel[14].setRotationPoint(80F, -28F, 4F); tailModel[15].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 31, 8, 15, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -7F, -2F, 0F, -7F, -2F, 0F, 0F, 0F); // Box 80 tailModel[15].setRotationPoint(77F, -21F, -19F); tailModel[16].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 31, 8, 15, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -7F, -2F, 0F, -7F, -2F, 0F, 0F, 0F); // Box 81 tailModel[16].setRotationPoint(77F, -21F, 4F); tailModel[17].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 2, 3, 8, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -0.5F, -3.9999F, 0F, -0.5F, -3.9999F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -0.5F, -3.9999F, 0F, -0.5F, -3.9999F, 0F, 0F, 0F); // Box 82 tailModel[17].setRotationPoint(134F, -26F, -4F); tailModel[18].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 13, 7, 13, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -1F, 0F, 0F, -1F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -4F, 0F, -2F, -2F, 0F, -2F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F); // Box 83 tailModel[18].setRotationPoint(115F, -28F, -32F); tailModel[19].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 17, 4, 13, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -10F, -0.5F, 0F, -10F, -2F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -2F, 0F, -2F, 0F, -10F, -2F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F); // Box 84 tailModel[19].setRotationPoint(128F, -27F, -32F); tailModel[20].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 38, 21, 13, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -6F, 0F, 0F, -6F, 0F, 0F, -9F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -8F, 0F, 0F, -8F, -4F, 0F, 0F, -8F); // Box 85 tailModel[20].setRotationPoint(77F, -34F, 19F); tailModel[21].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 31, 7, 12, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -5F, 0F, 0F, -5F, -4F, 0F, 0F, -1F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F); // Box 88 tailModel[21].setRotationPoint(77F, -35F, -15F); tailModel[22].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 10, 3, 15, 0F, 0F, 0F, -4F, 0F, -1F, -5F, 0F, -1F, -5F, 0F, 0F, -3F, 0F, -2F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -2F, 0F); // Box 89 tailModel[22].setRotationPoint(108F, -30F, -19F); tailModel[23].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 6, 2, 15, 0F, 0F, 0F, -5F, 0F, -2F, -7.5F, 0F, -2F, -7.5F, 0F, 0F, -5F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -7.5F, 0F, 0F, -7.5F, 0F, 0F, 0F); // Box 90 tailModel[23].setRotationPoint(118F, -29F, -19F); tailModel[24].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 6, 2, 15, 0F, 0F, 0F, -5F, 0F, -2F, -7.5F, 0F, -2F, -7.5F, 0F, 0F, -5F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -7.5F, 0F, 0F, -7.5F, 0F, 0F, 0F); // Box 91 tailModel[24].setRotationPoint(118F, -29F, 4F); tailModel[25].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 10, 3, 15, 0F, 0F, 0F, -3F, 0F, -1F, -5F, 0F, -1F, -5F, 0F, 0F, -4F, 0F, -2F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -2F, 0F); // Box 92 tailModel[25].setRotationPoint(108F, -30F, 4F); tailModel[26].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 10, 3, 15, 0F, 0F, -2F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -2F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -2F, 0F, -1F, -5F, 0F, -1F, -5F, 0F, 0F, -2F); // Box 93 tailModel[26].setRotationPoint(108F, -23F, -19F); tailModel[27].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 10, 3, 15, 0F, 0F, -2F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -2F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -2F, 0F, -1F, -5F, 0F, -1F, -5F, 0F, 0F, -2F); // Box 94 tailModel[27].setRotationPoint(108F, -23F, 4F); tailModel[28].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 6, 2, 15, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -7.5F, 0F, 0F, -7.5F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -5F, 0F, -2F, -7.5F, 0F, -2F, -7.5F, 0F, 0F, -5F); // Box 95 tailModel[28].setRotationPoint(118F, -23F, -19F); tailModel[29].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 6, 2, 15, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -7.5F, 0F, 0F, -7.5F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -5F, 0F, -2F, -7.5F, 0F, -2F, -7.5F, 0F, 0F, -5F); // Box 96 tailModel[29].setRotationPoint(118F, -23F, 4F); tailModel[30].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 34, 2, 44, 0F, -34F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -34F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F); // Box 97 tailModel[30].setRotationPoint(94F, -26F, -75F); tailModel[31].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 30, 2, 29, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -8F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -8F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F); // Box 98 tailModel[31].setRotationPoint(128F, -26F, -75F); tailModel[32].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 30, 2, 14, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -13F, -0.6F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 1F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -13F, -1F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 1F); // Box 99 tailModel[32].setRotationPoint(128F, -26F, -46F); tailModel[33].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 34, 2, 44, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -34F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -34F, 0F, 0F); // Box 101 tailModel[33].setRotationPoint(94F, -26F, 31F); tailModel[34].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 30, 2, 29, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -8F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -8F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F); // Box 102 tailModel[34].setRotationPoint(128F, -26F, 46F); tailModel[35].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 30, 2, 14, 0F, 0F, 0F, 1F, -13F, -0.6F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 1F, -13F, -1F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F); // Box 103 tailModel[35].setRotationPoint(128F, -26F, 32F); tailModel[36].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 72, 51, 31, 0F, -26F, -1F, 0F, -23F, -1F, 0F, -23F, 0F, -30F, -26F, 0F, -30F, 0F, 0F, -27F, 0F, 0F, -27F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F); // Box 117 tailModel[36].setRotationPoint(57F, -76F, -51F); tailModel[37].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 72, 51, 31, 0F, -26F, 0F, -30F, -23F, 0F, -30F, -23F, -1F, 0F, -26F, -1F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -27F, 0F, 0F, -27F); // Box 118 tailModel[37].setRotationPoint(57F, -76F, 20F); tailModel[38].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 13, 7, 13, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -1F, 0F, 0F, -1F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -2F, 0F, 0F, -2F, -2F, 0F, 0F, -4F); // Box 264 tailModel[38].setRotationPoint(115F, -28F, 19F); tailModel[39].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 17, 4, 13, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -10F, -2F, 0F, -10F, -0.5F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -10F, -2F, 0F, 0F, -2F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -2F); // Box 265 tailModel[39].setRotationPoint(128F, -27F, 19F); leftWingModel = new ModelRendererTurbo[4]; leftWingModel[0] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 0, 1263, textureX, textureY); // Box 104 leftWingModel[1] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 693, 1263, textureX, textureY); // Box 105 leftWingModel[2] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 1105, 1263, textureX, textureY); // Box 106 leftWingModel[3] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 406, 1263, textureX, textureY); // Box 108 leftWingModel[0].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 104, 10, 95, 0F, -85F, -9F, 0F, 0F, -9F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -7F, 0F, -85F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -2F, 0F); // Box 104 leftWingModel[0].setRotationPoint(-31F, -33F, -114F); leftWingModel[1].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 104, 4, 95, 0F, -85F, -2F, 0F, 0F, -2F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -85F, -2F, 0F, 0F, -2F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F); // Box 105 leftWingModel[1].setRotationPoint(-31F, -25F, -114F); leftWingModel[2].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 42, 2, 95, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -28F, 0F, -15F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -2F, 0F, -28F, -2F, -15F, 0F, -2F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F); // Box 106 leftWingModel[2].setRotationPoint(73F, -23F, -114F); leftWingModel[3].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 42, 10, 95, 0F, 0F, -9F, 0F, -28F, -9F, -15F, 0F, -9F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -28F, 0F, -15F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F); // Box 108 leftWingModel[3].setRotationPoint(73F, -33F, -114F); rightWingModel = new ModelRendererTurbo[4]; rightWingModel[0] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 1105, 1376, textureX, textureY); // Box 109 rightWingModel[1] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 0, 1376, textureX, textureY); // Box 110 rightWingModel[2] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 406, 1376, textureX, textureY); // Box 111 rightWingModel[3] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 693, 1376, textureX, textureY); // Box 112 rightWingModel[0].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 42, 2, 95, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -28F, 0F, -15F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -2F, 0F, -28F, -2F, -15F, 0F, -2F, 0F); // Box 109 rightWingModel[0].setRotationPoint(73F, -23F, 19F); rightWingModel[1].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 104, 10, 95, 0F, 0F, -7F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -9F, 0F, -85F, -9F, 0F, 0F, -2F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -85F, 0F, 0F); // Box 110 rightWingModel[1].setRotationPoint(-31F, -33F, 19F); rightWingModel[2].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 42, 10, 95, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -9F, 0F, -28F, -9F, -15F, 0F, -9F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -28F, 0F, -15F, 0F, 0F, 0F); // Box 111 rightWingModel[2].setRotationPoint(73F, -33F, 19F); rightWingModel[3].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 104, 4, 95, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -2F, 0F, -85F, -2F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -2F, 0F, -85F, -2F, 0F); // Box 112 rightWingModel[3].setRotationPoint(-31F, -25F, 19F); yawFlapModel = new ModelRendererTurbo[1]; yawFlapModel[0] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 100, 209, textureX, textureY); // Box 144 yawFlapModel[0].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 10, 1, 1, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F); // Box 144 yawFlapModel[0].setRotationPoint(-100F, -24F, -0.5F); yawFlapModel[0].rotateAngleZ = 1.04719755F; bodyWheelModel = new ModelRendererTurbo[9]; bodyWheelModel[0] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 112, 165, textureX, textureY); // Box 119 bodyWheelModel[1] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 112, 155, textureX, textureY); // Box 121 bodyWheelModel[2] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 112, 155, textureX, textureY); // Box 123 bodyWheelModel[3] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 62, 155, textureX, textureY); // Box 129 bodyWheelModel[4] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 73, 155, textureX, textureY); // Box 130 bodyWheelModel[5] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 90, 155, textureX, textureY); // Box 131 bodyWheelModel[6] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 90, 155, textureX, textureY); // Box 132 bodyWheelModel[7] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 0, 155, textureX, textureY); // Box 137 bodyWheelModel[8] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 0, 166, textureX, textureY); // Box 138 bodyWheelModel[0].addBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 10, 3, 3, 0F); // Box 119 bodyWheelModel[0].setRotationPoint(-67.5F, 3F, -1.5F); bodyWheelModel[1].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 10, 3, 3, 0F, -3F, 0F, 0F, -3F, 0F, 0F, -3F, 0F, 0F, -3F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F); // Box 121 bodyWheelModel[1].setRotationPoint(-67.5F, 0F, -1.5F); bodyWheelModel[2].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 10, 3, 3, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -3F, 0F, 0F, -3F, 0F, 0F, -3F, 0F, 0F, -3F, 0F, 0F); // Box 123 bodyWheelModel[2].setRotationPoint(-67.5F, 6F, -1.5F); bodyWheelModel[3].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 2, 8, 2, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F); // Box 129 bodyWheelModel[3].setRotationPoint(-63.5F, -9F, -1F); bodyWheelModel[4].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 2, 7, 4, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F); // Box 130 bodyWheelModel[4].setRotationPoint(-63.5F, -1F, -2F); bodyWheelModel[5].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 8, 1, 1, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F); // Box 131 bodyWheelModel[5].setRotationPoint(-60.5F, -10F, -0.5F); bodyWheelModel[5].rotateAngleZ = -1.22173048F; bodyWheelModel[6].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 4, 1, 1, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F); // Box 132 bodyWheelModel[6].setRotationPoint(-62.5F, -2F, -0.5F); bodyWheelModel[6].rotateAngleZ = 0.31415927F; bodyWheelModel[7].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 28, 4, 1, 0F, -5F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -5F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F); // Box 137 bodyWheelModel[7].setRotationPoint(-84.5F, -10F, -4F); bodyWheelModel[8].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 28, 4, 1, 0F, -5F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -5F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F); // Box 138 bodyWheelModel[8].setRotationPoint(-84.5F, -10F, 3F); leftWingWheelModel = new ModelRendererTurbo[7]; leftWingWheelModel[0] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 146, 191, textureX, textureY); // Box 120 leftWingWheelModel[1] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 146, 179, textureX, textureY); // Box 124 leftWingWheelModel[2] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 146, 179, textureX, textureY); // Box 125 leftWingWheelModel[3] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 97, 179, textureX, textureY); // Box 133 leftWingWheelModel[4] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 123, 179, textureX, textureY); // Box 134 leftWingWheelModel[5] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 0, 179, textureX, textureY); // Box 260 leftWingWheelModel[6] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 56, 179, textureX, textureY); // Box 261 leftWingWheelModel[0].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 12, 4, 5, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F); // Box 120 leftWingWheelModel[0].setRotationPoint(33F, 1F, -30F); leftWingWheelModel[1].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 12, 4, 5, 0F, -4F, 0F, 0F, -4F, 0F, 0F, -4F, 0F, 0F, -4F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F); // Box 124 leftWingWheelModel[1].setRotationPoint(33F, -3F, -30F); leftWingWheelModel[2].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 12, 4, 5, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -4F, 0F, 0F, -4F, 0F, 0F, -4F, 0F, 0F, -4F, 0F, 0F); // Box 125 leftWingWheelModel[2].setRotationPoint(33F, 5F, -30F); leftWingWheelModel[3].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 2, 14, 9, 0F, 0F, 0F, -7F, 0F, 0F, -7F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -7F, 0F, 0F, -7F); // Box 133 leftWingWheelModel[3].setRotationPoint(38F, -8F, -29F); leftWingWheelModel[4].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 1, 14, 8, 0F, 0F, 0F, -7F, 0F, 0F, -7F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -7F, 0F, 0F, -7F); // Box 134 leftWingWheelModel[4].setRotationPoint(38.5F, -8F, -26F); leftWingWheelModel[5].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 16, 11, 10, 0F, 0F, 0F, -9F, 0F, 0F, -9F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -9F, 0F, 0F, -9F); // Box 260 leftWingWheelModel[5].setRotationPoint(31F, -10F, -34F); leftWingWheelModel[6].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 16, 8, 1, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F); // Box 261 leftWingWheelModel[6].setRotationPoint(31F, -8F, -18F); rightWingWheelModel = new ModelRendererTurbo[7]; rightWingWheelModel[0] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 146, 179, textureX, textureY); // Box 126 rightWingWheelModel[1] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 146, 191, textureX, textureY); // Box 127 rightWingWheelModel[2] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 146, 179, textureX, textureY); // Box 128 rightWingWheelModel[3] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 97, 179, textureX, textureY); // Box 135 rightWingWheelModel[4] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 123, 179, textureX, textureY); // Box 136 rightWingWheelModel[5] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 56, 179, textureX, textureY); // Box 262 rightWingWheelModel[6] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 0, 179, textureX, textureY); // Box 263 rightWingWheelModel[0].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 12, 4, 5, 0F, -4F, 0F, 0F, -4F, 0F, 0F, -4F, 0F, 0F, -4F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F); // Box 126 rightWingWheelModel[0].setRotationPoint(33F, -3F, 25F); rightWingWheelModel[1].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 12, 4, 5, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F); // Box 127 rightWingWheelModel[1].setRotationPoint(33F, 1F, 25F); rightWingWheelModel[2].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 12, 4, 5, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -4F, 0F, 0F, -4F, 0F, 0F, -4F, 0F, 0F, -4F, 0F, 0F); // Box 128 rightWingWheelModel[2].setRotationPoint(33F, 5F, 25F); rightWingWheelModel[3].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 2, 14, 9, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -7F, 0F, 0F, -7F, 0F, 0F, -7F, 0F, 0F, -7F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F); // Box 135 rightWingWheelModel[3].setRotationPoint(38F, -8F, 20F); rightWingWheelModel[4].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 1, 14, 8, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -7F, 0F, 0F, -7F, 0F, 0F, -7F, 0F, 0F, -7F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F); // Box 136 rightWingWheelModel[4].setRotationPoint(38.5F, -8F, 18F); rightWingWheelModel[5].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 16, 8, 1, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F); // Box 262 rightWingWheelModel[5].setRotationPoint(31F, -8F, 17F); rightWingWheelModel[6].addShapeBox(0F, 0F, 0F, 16, 11, 10, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, -9F, 0F, 0F, -9F, 0F, 0F, -9F, 0F, 0F, -9F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F); // Box 263 rightWingWheelModel[6].setRotationPoint(31F, -10F, 24F); hudModel = new ModelRendererTurbo[1]; hudModel[0] = new ModelRendererTurbo(this, 262, 209, textureX, textureY); // Box 6 hudModel[0].addShapeBox(0F, -2F, -3F, 0, 5, 6, 0F, 0F, -1F, -1.5F, 0F, -1F, -1.5F, 0F, -1F, -1.5F, 0F, -1F, -1.5F, 0F, -1F, -1.5F, 0F, -1F, -1.5F, 0F, -1F, -1.5F, 0F, -1F, -1.5F); // Box 6 hudModel[0].setRotationPoint(-101.5F, -41F, 0F); translateAll(0F, 0F, 0F); flipAll(); } }