/* * TreeModelParser.java * * Copyright (c) 2002-2015 Alexei Drummond, Andrew Rambaut and Marc Suchard * * This file is part of BEAST. * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership and licensing. * * BEAST is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * BEAST is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with BEAST; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ package dr.evomodelxml.tree; import dr.evolution.tree.NodeRef; import dr.evolution.tree.Tree; import dr.evolution.tree.TreeUtils; import dr.evolution.util.Date; import dr.evolution.util.Taxon; import dr.evolution.util.TaxonList; import dr.evomodel.tree.TreeModel; import dr.inference.model.CompoundParameter; import dr.inference.model.Parameter; import dr.inference.model.ParameterParser; import dr.xml.*; import java.util.logging.Logger; /** * @author Alexei Drummond */ public class TreeModelParser extends AbstractXMLObjectParser { public static final String ROOT_HEIGHT = "rootHeight"; public static final String LEAF_HEIGHT = "leafHeight"; public static final String LEAF_TRAIT = "leafTrait"; public static final String NODE_HEIGHTS = "nodeHeights"; public static final String NODE_RATES = "nodeRates"; public static final String NODE_TRAITS = "nodeTraits"; public static final String MULTIVARIATE_TRAIT = "traitDimension"; public static final String INITIAL_VALUE = "initialValue"; public static final String AS_MATRIX = "asMatrix"; public static final String ROOT_NODE = "rootNode"; public static final String INTERNAL_NODES = "internalNodes"; public static final String LEAF_NODES = "leafNodes"; public static final String LEAF_HEIGHTS = "leafHeights"; public static final String FIRE_TREE_EVENTS = "fireTreeEvents"; public static final String FIX_HEIGHTS = "fixHeights"; public static final String FIX_TREE = "fixTree"; public static final String TAXON = "taxon"; public static final String NAME = "name"; public TreeModelParser() { rules = new XMLSyntaxRule[]{ new ElementRule(Tree.class), new ElementRule(ROOT_HEIGHT, Parameter.class, "A parameter definition with id only (cannot be a reference!)", false), AttributeRule.newBooleanRule(FIX_HEIGHTS, true), AttributeRule.newBooleanRule(FIX_TREE, true), new ElementRule(NODE_HEIGHTS, new XMLSyntaxRule[]{ AttributeRule.newBooleanRule(ROOT_NODE, true, "If true the root height is included in the parameter"), AttributeRule.newBooleanRule(INTERNAL_NODES, true, "If true the internal node heights (minus the root) are included in the parameter"), new ElementRule(Parameter.class, "A parameter definition with id only (cannot be a reference!)") }, 1, Integer.MAX_VALUE), new ElementRule(LEAF_HEIGHT, new XMLSyntaxRule[]{ AttributeRule.newStringRule(TAXON, false, "The name of the taxon for the leaf"), new ElementRule(Parameter.class, "A parameter definition with id only (cannot be a reference!)") }, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE), new ElementRule(NODE_TRAITS, new XMLSyntaxRule[]{ AttributeRule.newStringRule(NAME, false, "The name of the trait attribute in the taxa"), AttributeRule.newBooleanRule(ROOT_NODE, true, "If true the root trait is included in the parameter"), AttributeRule.newBooleanRule(INTERNAL_NODES, true, "If true the internal node traits (minus the root) are included in the parameter"), AttributeRule.newBooleanRule(LEAF_NODES, true, "If true the leaf node traits are included in the parameter"), AttributeRule.newIntegerRule(MULTIVARIATE_TRAIT, true, "The number of dimensions (if multivariate)"), AttributeRule.newDoubleRule(INITIAL_VALUE, true, "The initial value(s)"), AttributeRule.newBooleanRule(FIRE_TREE_EVENTS, true, "Whether to fire tree events if the traits change"), AttributeRule.newBooleanRule(AS_MATRIX, true, "Whether to return parameter as a matrix"), new ElementRule(Parameter.class, "A parameter definition with id only (cannot be a reference!)") }, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE), new ElementRule(NODE_RATES, new XMLSyntaxRule[]{ AttributeRule.newBooleanRule(ROOT_NODE, true, "If true the root rate is included in the parameter"), AttributeRule.newBooleanRule(INTERNAL_NODES, true, "If true the internal node rate (minus the root) are included in the parameter"), AttributeRule.newBooleanRule(LEAF_NODES, true, "If true the leaf node rate are included in the parameter"), AttributeRule.newDoubleRule(INITIAL_VALUE, true, "The initial value(s)"), new ElementRule(Parameter.class, "A parameter definition with id only (cannot be a reference!)") }, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE), new ElementRule(LEAF_TRAIT, new XMLSyntaxRule[]{ AttributeRule.newStringRule(TAXON, false, "The name of the taxon for the leaf"), AttributeRule.newStringRule(NAME, false, "The name of the trait attribute in the taxa"), new ElementRule(Parameter.class, "A parameter definition with id only (cannot be a reference!)") }, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE), new ElementRule(LEAF_HEIGHTS, new XMLSyntaxRule[]{ new ElementRule(TaxonList.class, "A set of taxa for which leaf heights are required"), new ElementRule(Parameter.class, "A compound parameter containing the leaf heights") }, true) }; } public String getParserName() { return TreeModel.TREE_MODEL; } /** * @return a tree object based on the XML element it was passed. */ public Object parseXMLObject(XMLObject xo) throws XMLParseException { Tree tree = (Tree) xo.getChild(Tree.class); boolean fixHeights = xo.getAttribute(FIX_HEIGHTS, false); boolean fixTree = xo.getAttribute(FIX_TREE, false); TreeModel treeModel = new TreeModel(xo.getId(), tree, fixHeights, fixTree); Logger.getLogger("dr.evomodel").info("\nCreating the tree model, '" + xo.getId() + "'"); for (int i = 0; i < xo.getChildCount(); i++) { if (xo.getChild(i) instanceof XMLObject) { XMLObject cxo = (XMLObject) xo.getChild(i); if (cxo.getName().equals(ROOT_HEIGHT)) { ParameterParser.replaceParameter(cxo, treeModel.getRootHeightParameter()); } else if (cxo.getName().equals(LEAF_HEIGHT)) { String taxonName; if (cxo.hasAttribute(TAXON)) { taxonName = cxo.getStringAttribute(TAXON); } else { throw new XMLParseException("taxa element missing from leafHeight element in treeModel element"); } int index = treeModel.getTaxonIndex(taxonName); if (index == -1) { throw new XMLParseException("taxon " + taxonName + " not found for leafHeight element in treeModel element"); } NodeRef node = treeModel.getExternalNode(index); Parameter newParameter = treeModel.getLeafHeightParameter(node); ParameterParser.replaceParameter(cxo, newParameter); Taxon taxon = treeModel.getTaxon(index); setPrecisionBounds(newParameter, taxon); } else if (cxo.getName().equals(LEAF_HEIGHTS)) { // get a set of leaf height parameters out as a compound parameter... TaxonList taxa = (TaxonList)cxo.getChild(TaxonList.class); Parameter offsetParameter = (Parameter)cxo.getChild(Parameter.class); CompoundParameter leafHeights = new CompoundParameter("leafHeights"); for (Taxon taxon : taxa) { int index = treeModel.getTaxonIndex(taxon); if (index == -1) { throw new XMLParseException("taxon " + taxon.getId() + " not found for leafHeight element in treeModel element"); } NodeRef node = treeModel.getExternalNode(index); Parameter newParameter = treeModel.getLeafHeightParameter(node); leafHeights.addParameter(newParameter); setPrecisionBounds(newParameter, taxon); } ParameterParser.replaceParameter(cxo, leafHeights); } else if (cxo.getName().equals(NODE_HEIGHTS)) { boolean rootNode = cxo.getAttribute(ROOT_NODE, false); boolean internalNodes = cxo.getAttribute(INTERNAL_NODES, false); boolean leafNodes = cxo.getAttribute(LEAF_NODES, false); if (!rootNode && !internalNodes && !leafNodes) { throw new XMLParseException("one or more of root, internal or leaf nodes must be selected for the nodeHeights element"); } ParameterParser.replaceParameter(cxo, treeModel.createNodeHeightsParameter(rootNode, internalNodes, leafNodes)); } else if (cxo.getName().equals(NODE_RATES)) { boolean rootNode = cxo.getAttribute(ROOT_NODE, false); boolean internalNodes = cxo.getAttribute(INTERNAL_NODES, false); boolean leafNodes = cxo.getAttribute(LEAF_NODES, false); double[] initialValues = null; if (cxo.hasAttribute(INITIAL_VALUE)) { initialValues = cxo.getDoubleArrayAttribute(INITIAL_VALUE); } if (!rootNode && !internalNodes && !leafNodes) { throw new XMLParseException("one or more of root, internal or leaf nodes must be selected for the nodeRates element"); } ParameterParser.replaceParameter(cxo, treeModel.createNodeRatesParameter(initialValues, rootNode, internalNodes, leafNodes)); } else if (cxo.getName().equals(NODE_TRAITS)) { boolean rootNode = cxo.getAttribute(ROOT_NODE, false); boolean internalNodes = cxo.getAttribute(INTERNAL_NODES, false); boolean leafNodes = cxo.getAttribute(LEAF_NODES, false); boolean fireTreeEvents = cxo.getAttribute(FIRE_TREE_EVENTS, false); boolean asMatrix = cxo.getAttribute(AS_MATRIX, false); String name = cxo.getAttribute(NAME, "trait"); int dim = cxo.getAttribute(MULTIVARIATE_TRAIT, 1); double[] initialValues = null; if (cxo.hasAttribute(INITIAL_VALUE)) { initialValues = cxo.getDoubleArrayAttribute(INITIAL_VALUE); } if (!rootNode && !internalNodes && !leafNodes) { throw new XMLParseException("one or more of root, internal or leaf nodes must be selected for the nodeTraits element"); } Parameter newParameter = asMatrix ? treeModel.createNodeTraitsParameterAsMatrix(name, dim, initialValues, rootNode, internalNodes, leafNodes, fireTreeEvents) : treeModel.createNodeTraitsParameter(name, dim, initialValues, rootNode, internalNodes, leafNodes, fireTreeEvents); ParameterParser.replaceParameter(cxo, newParameter); } else if (cxo.getName().equals(LEAF_TRAIT)) { String name = cxo.getAttribute(NAME, "trait"); String taxonName; if (cxo.hasAttribute(TAXON)) { taxonName = cxo.getStringAttribute(TAXON); } else { throw new XMLParseException("taxa element missing from leafTrait element in treeModel element"); } int index = treeModel.getTaxonIndex(taxonName); if (index == -1) { throw new XMLParseException("taxon '" + taxonName + "' not found for leafTrait element in treeModel element"); } NodeRef node = treeModel.getExternalNode(index); Parameter parameter = treeModel.getNodeTraitParameter(node, name); if (parameter == null) throw new XMLParseException("trait '" + name + "' not found for leafTrait (taxon, " + taxonName + ") element in treeModel element"); ParameterParser.replaceParameter(cxo, parameter); } else { throw new XMLParseException("illegal child element in " + getParserName() + ": " + cxo.getName()); } } else if (xo.getChild(i) instanceof Tree) { // do nothing - already handled } else { throw new XMLParseException("illegal child element in " + getParserName() + ": " + xo.getChildName(i) + " " + xo.getChild(i)); } } // AR this is doubling up the number of bounds on each node. // treeModel.setupHeightBounds(); //System.err.println("done constructing treeModel"); Logger.getLogger("dr.evomodel").info(" initial tree topology = " + TreeUtils.uniqueNewick(treeModel, treeModel.getRoot())); Logger.getLogger("dr.evomodel").info(" tree height = " + treeModel.getNodeHeight(treeModel.getRoot())); return treeModel; } private void setPrecisionBounds(Parameter newParameter, Taxon taxon) { Date date = taxon.getDate(); if (date != null) { double precision = date.getPrecision(); if (precision > 0.0) { // taxon date not specified to exact value so add appropriate bounds double upper = Taxon.getHeightFromDate(date); double lower = Taxon.getHeightFromDate(date); if (date.isBackwards()) { upper += precision; } else { lower -= precision; } // set the bounds for the given precision newParameter.addBounds(new Parameter.DefaultBounds(upper, lower, 1)); // set the initial value to be mid-point newParameter.setParameterValue(0, (upper + lower) / 2); } } } //************************************************************************ // AbstractXMLObjectParser implementation //************************************************************************ public String getParserDescription() { return "This element represents a model of the tree. The tree model includes and attributes of the nodes " + "including the age (or <i>height</i>) and the rate of evolution at each node in the tree."; } public String getExample() { return "<!-- the tree model as special sockets for attaching parameters to various aspects of the tree -->\n" + "<!-- The treeModel below shows the standard setup with a parameter associated with the root height -->\n" + "<!-- a parameter associated with the internal node heights (minus the root height) and -->\n" + "<!-- a parameter associates with all the internal node heights -->\n" + "<!-- Notice that these parameters are overlapping -->\n" + "<!-- The parameters are subsequently used in operators to propose changes to the tree node heights -->\n" + "<treeModel id=\"treeModel1\">\n" + " <tree idref=\"startingTree\"/>\n" + " <rootHeight>\n" + " <parameter id=\"treeModel1.rootHeight\"/>\n" + " </rootHeight>\n" + " <nodeHeights internalNodes=\"true\" rootNode=\"false\">\n" + " <parameter id=\"treeModel1.internalNodeHeights\"/>\n" + " </nodeHeights>\n" + " <nodeHeights internalNodes=\"true\" rootNode=\"true\">\n" + " <parameter id=\"treeModel1.allInternalNodeHeights\"/>\n" + " </nodeHeights>\n" + "</treeModel>"; } public Class getReturnType() { return TreeModel.class; } public XMLSyntaxRule[] getSyntaxRules() { return rules; } private final XMLSyntaxRule[] rules; }