/* * UniformizedSubstitutionModel.java * * Copyright (c) 2002-2015 Alexei Drummond, Andrew Rambaut and Marc Suchard * * This file is part of BEAST. * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership and licensing. * * BEAST is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * BEAST is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with BEAST; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ package dr.evomodel.substmodel; import dr.inference.markovjumps.MarkovJumpsType; import dr.inference.markovjumps.StateHistory; import dr.inference.markovjumps.SubordinatedProcess; import dr.inference.markovjumps.UniformizedStateHistory; import dr.inference.model.Model; import java.util.logging.Logger; /** * A class extension for implementing Markov chain-induced counting processes (markovjumps) * via uniformization in BEAST using BEAGLE * <p/> * This work is supported by NSF grant 0856099 * <p/> * Minin VN and Suchard MA (2008) Counting labeled transitions in continuous-time Markov models of evolution. * Journal of Mathematical Biology, 56, 391-412. * <p/> * Rodrigue N, Philippe H and Lartillot N (2006) Uniformization for sampling realizations of Markov processes: * applications to Bayesian implementations of codon substitution models. Bioinformatics, 24, 56-62. * <p/> * Hobolth A and Stone E (2009) Simulation from endpoint-conditioned, continuous-time Markov chains on a finite * state space, with applications to molecular evolution. Annals of Applied Statistics, 3, 1204-1231. * * @author Marc Suchard * @author Vladimir Minin */ public class UniformizedSubstitutionModel extends MarkovJumpsSubstitutionModel { public UniformizedSubstitutionModel(SubstitutionModel substModel) { this(substModel, MarkovJumpsType.COUNTS); } public UniformizedSubstitutionModel(SubstitutionModel substModel, MarkovJumpsType type) { this(substModel, type, 1); } public UniformizedSubstitutionModel(SubstitutionModel substModel, MarkovJumpsType type, int numSimulants) { super(substModel, type); this.numSimulants = numSimulants; updateSubordinator = true; } protected void setupStorage() { super.setupStorage(); tmp = new double[stateCount * stateCount]; } protected void storeState() { storedSubordinator = subordinator; } protected void restoreState() { subordinator = storedSubordinator; } private void constructSubordinator() { substModel.getInfinitesimalMatrix(tmp); subordinator = new SubordinatedProcess(tmp, stateCount); updateSubordinator = false; } protected void handleModelChangedEvent(Model model, Object object, int index) { if (model == substModel) { updateSubordinator = true; } super.handleModelChangedEvent(model, object, index); } public void setSaveCompleteHistory(boolean in) { saveCompleteHistory = in; } public void computeCondStatMarkovJumps(double time, double[] countMatrix) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not implemented for UniformizedSubstitutionModel"); } public void computeCondStatMarkovJumps(double time, double[] transitionProbs, double[] countMatrix) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not implemented for UniformizedSubstitutionModel"); } public void computeJointStatMarkovJumps(double time, double[] countMatrix) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not implemented for UniformizedSubstitutionModel"); } public double computeCondStatMarkovJumps(int startingState, int endingState, double time) { substModel.getTransitionProbabilities(time, tmp); return computeCondStatMarkovJumps(startingState, endingState, time, tmp[startingState * stateCount + endingState]); } public String getCompleteHistory() { return getCompleteHistory(null, null); } public String getCompleteHistory(Double newStartTime, Double newEndTime) { return getCompleteHistory(-1, newStartTime, newEndTime); } public String getCompleteHistory(int site, Double newStartTime, Double newEndTime) { if (newStartTime != null && newEndTime != null) { // Rescale time of events completeHistory.rescaleTimesOfEvents(newStartTime, newEndTime); } return completeHistory.toStringChanges(site, dataType); //, 0.0); } public int getNumberOfJumpsInCompleteHistory() { return completeHistory == null ? -1 : completeHistory.getNumberOfJumps(); } public double computeCondStatMarkovJumps(int startingState, int endingState, double time, double transitionProbability) { if (updateSubordinator) { constructSubordinator(); } double total = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numSimulants; i++) { StateHistory history = null; try { history = UniformizedStateHistory.simulateConditionalOnEndingState( 0.0, startingState, time, endingState, transitionProbability, stateCount, subordinator ); } catch (SubordinatedProcess.Exception e) { if (RETURN_NAN) { if (reportWarning) { Logger.getLogger("dr.app.beagle").info( "Unable to compute a robust count; this is most likely due to poor starting values." ); } reportWarning = false; return Double.NaN; } // Error in uniformization; try rejection sampling System.err.println("Attempting rejection sampling after uniformization failure"); substModel.getInfinitesimalMatrix(tmp); int attempts = 0; boolean success = false; while (!success) { if (attempts >= maxRejectionAttempts) { throw new RuntimeException("Rejection sampling failure, after uniformization failure"); } history = StateHistory.simulateUnconditionalOnEndingState(0.0, startingState, time, tmp, stateCount); if (history.getEndingState() == endingState) { success = true; } attempts++; } } total += getProcessForSimulant(history); if (saveCompleteHistory) { if (numSimulants == 1) { completeHistory = history; } else { throw new RuntimeException("Use single simulant when saving complete histories"); } } } return total / (double) numSimulants; } public StateHistory getStateHistory() { return completeHistory; } private final int numSimulants; private boolean updateSubordinator; private SubordinatedProcess subordinator; private SubordinatedProcess storedSubordinator; private boolean saveCompleteHistory = false; private StateHistory completeHistory = null; private double[] tmp; private static int maxRejectionAttempts = 100000; private static final boolean RETURN_NAN = true; private static boolean reportWarning = true; }