* WilsonBalding.java
* Copyright (c) 2002-2015 Alexei Drummond, Andrew Rambaut and Marc Suchard
* This file is part of BEAST.
* See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional
* information regarding copyright ownership and licensing.
* BEAST is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* BEAST is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
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package dr.evomodel.operators;
import dr.evolution.tree.NodeRef;
import dr.evomodel.tree.TreeModel;
import dr.evomodelxml.operators.WilsonBaldingParser;
import dr.math.MathUtils;
* Implements the unweighted wilson-balding branch swapping move.
* @author Alexei Drummond
* @version $Id: WilsonBalding.java,v 1.38 2005/06/14 10:40:34 rambaut Exp $
public class WilsonBalding extends AbstractTreeOperator {
private TreeModel tree = null;
private final int tipCount;
public WilsonBalding(TreeModel tree, double weight) {
this.tree = tree;
tipCount = tree.getExternalNodeCount();
public double doOperation() {
double logq = proposeTree();
if (tree.getExternalNodeCount() != tipCount) {
int newCount = tree.getExternalNodeCount();
throw new RuntimeException("Lost some tips in modified SPR! (" +
tipCount + "-> " + newCount + ")");
//System.out.println("last accepted deviation: " + getDeviation());
//System.out.println("logq=" + logq);
return logq;
* WARNING: Assumes strictly bifurcating tree.
public double proposeTree() {
NodeRef i;
double oldMinAge, newMinAge, newRange, oldRange, newAge, q;
//for (int n =0; n < tree.getNodeCount(); n++) {
// System.out.println(n + " " + ( (tree.getNode(n) == null) ? "null" : tree.getNode(n).getId()));
// choose a random node avoiding root
final int nodeCount = tree.getNodeCount();
do {
i = tree.getNode(MathUtils.nextInt(nodeCount));
} while (tree.getRoot() == i);
final NodeRef iP = tree.getParent(i);
// choose another random node to insert i above
NodeRef j = tree.getNode(MathUtils.nextInt(nodeCount));
NodeRef k = tree.getParent(j);
// make sure that the target branch <k, j> is above the subtree being moved
while ((k != null && tree.getNodeHeight(k) <= tree.getNodeHeight(i)) || (i == j)) {
j = tree.getNode(MathUtils.nextInt(nodeCount));
k = tree.getParent(j);
// disallow moves that change the root.
if (j == tree.getRoot() || iP == tree.getRoot()) {
if (k == iP || j == iP || k == i) {
final NodeRef CiP = getOtherChild(tree, iP, i);
NodeRef PiP = tree.getParent(iP);
// ConstantPopulation demoFunc = null;
// if (demoModel != null && demoModel.getDemographicFunction() instanceof ConstantPopulation) {
// demoFunc = (ConstantPopulation)demoModel.getDemographicFunction();
// }
// if (j == tree.getRoot()) {
// if (demoModel != null) {
// delta = -demoFunc.getN0() * Math.log(MathUtils.nextDouble());
// } else {
// delta = tree.getNodeHeight(j) * MathUtils.nextDouble();
// }
// newAge = tree.getNodeHeight(j) + delta;
// PiP = tree.getParent(iP);
// oldMinAge = Math.max(tree.getNodeHeight(i), tree.getNodeHeight(CiP));
// oldRange = tree.getNodeHeight(PiP) - oldMinAge;
// if (demoFunc == null) {
// q = tree.getNodeHeight(j) / oldRange;
// } else {
// q = Math.exp(delta/demoFunc.getN0())*demoFunc.getN0()/oldRange;
// }
// } else if (iP == tree.getRoot()) {
// newMinAge = Math.max(tree.getNodeHeight(i), tree.getNodeHeight(j));
// newRange = tree.getNodeHeight(k) - newMinAge;
// newAge = newMinAge + (MathUtils.nextDouble()*newRange);
// if (demoFunc == null) {
// if (tree.getNodeHeight(iP) > (tree.getNodeHeight(CiP) * 2)) throw new OperatorFailedException("too big");
// q = newRange / tree.getNodeHeight(CiP);
// } else {
// q = (tree.getNodeHeight(CiP)-tree.getNodeHeight(iP))/demoFunc.getN0() + Math.log(newRange/demoFunc.getN0());
// }
// } else {
newMinAge = Math.max(tree.getNodeHeight(i), tree.getNodeHeight(j));
newRange = tree.getNodeHeight(k) - newMinAge;
newAge = newMinAge + (MathUtils.nextDouble() * newRange);
oldMinAge = Math.max(tree.getNodeHeight(i), tree.getNodeHeight(CiP));
oldRange = tree.getNodeHeight(PiP) - oldMinAge;
q = newRange / Math.abs(oldRange);
//System.out.println(newRange + "/" + oldRange + "=" + q);
// }
if (j == tree.getRoot()) {
// 1. remove edges <iP, CiP>
tree.removeChild(iP, CiP);
tree.removeChild(PiP, iP);
// 2. add edges <k, iP>, <iP, j>, <PiP, CiP>
tree.addChild(iP, j);
tree.addChild(PiP, CiP);
// iP is the new root
} else if (iP == tree.getRoot()) {
// 1. remove edges <k, j>, <iP, CiP>, <PiP, iP>
tree.removeChild(k, j);
tree.removeChild(iP, CiP);
// 2. add edges <k, iP>, <iP, j>, <PiP, CiP>
tree.addChild(iP, j);
tree.addChild(k, iP);
//CiP is the new root
} else {
// 1. remove edges <k, j>, <iP, CiP>, <PiP, iP>
tree.removeChild(k, j);
tree.removeChild(iP, CiP);
tree.removeChild(PiP, iP);
// 2. add edges <k, iP>, <iP, j>, <PiP, CiP>
tree.addChild(iP, j);
tree.addChild(k, iP);
tree.addChild(PiP, CiP);
tree.setNodeHeight(iP, newAge);
// AR - I don't believe this check is needed and in tests it never fails...
// try {
// tree.checkTreeIsValid();
// } catch( MutableTree.InvalidTreeException ite ) {
// throw new RuntimeException(ite.toString());
//// throw new OperatorFailedException(ite.toString());
// }
return Math.log(q);
public double getMinimumAcceptanceLevel() {
return 0.01;
public String getPerformanceSuggestion() {
// seems like equvivalent code to me :)
return "";
// if (MCMCOperator.Utils.getAcceptanceProbability(this) < getMinimumAcceptanceLevel()) {
// return "";
// } else if (MCMCOperator.Utils.getAcceptanceProbability(this) > getMaximumAcceptanceLevel()) {
// return "";
// } else {
// return "";
// }
public String getOperatorName() {
return WilsonBaldingParser.WILSON_BALDING + "(" + tree.getId() + ")";