package dr.evomodel.antigenic.phyloClustering.misc.obsolete; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Map; import dr.evolution.tree.NodeRef; import dr.evomodel.tree.TreeModel; import dr.inference.model.MatrixParameter; import dr.inference.model.Parameter; import dr.inference.operators.GibbsOperator; import dr.inference.operators.MCMCOperator; import dr.inference.operators.SimpleMCMCOperator; import dr.math.MathUtils; import dr.xml.*; /** * A Gibbs operator for allocation of items to clusters under a distance dependent Chinese restaurant process. * * @author Charles Cheung * @author Trevor Bedford */ public class TreeClusterSequentialSampling extends SimpleMCMCOperator implements GibbsOperator{ //Parameter locationDrift; // no longer need to know Parameter virusOffsetsParameter; private double sigmaSq =1; private int numdata = 0; //NEED TO UPDATE //private double[] groupSize; private MatrixParameter mu = null; private Parameter clusterLabels = null; private Parameter K = null; private MatrixParameter virusLocations = null; private int maxLabel = 0; private int[] muLabels = null; private int[] groupSize; // public ClusterViruses clusterLikelihood = null; private double numAcceptMoveMu = 0; private double numProposeMoveMu = 0; private double numAcceptMoveC = 0; private double numProposeMoveC = 0; private int isMoveMu = -1; private double[] old_vLoc0 ; private double[] old_vLoc1 ; private Parameter clusterOffsetsParameter; private AGLikelihoodTreeCluster clusterLikelihood = null; private int groupSelectedChange = -1; private int virusIndexChange = -1; private double originalValueChange = -1; private int dimSelectChange = -1; private double[] mu0_offset; private Parameter breakPoints = null; private int binSize=20; private Parameter status; private TreeModel treeModel; int []membershipToClusterLabelIndexes = null; private int numNodes; // private int[] piIndicator = new int[numSites]; //public ClusterAlgorithmOperator(MatrixParameter virusLocations, MatrixParameter mu, Parameter clusterLabels, Parameter K, double weight, Parameter virusOffsetsParameter, Parameter locationDrift_in, Parameter clusterOffsetsParameter) { public TreeClusterSequentialSampling(MatrixParameter virusLocations, MatrixParameter mu, Parameter clusterLabels, Parameter K, double weight, Parameter virusOffsetsParameter, Parameter clusterOffsetsParameter, Parameter breakPointsParameter, Parameter statusParameter, TreeModel treeModel_in, AGLikelihoodTreeCluster clusterLikelihood_in) { System.out.println("Loading the constructor for Sequential sampler"); this.clusterLikelihood = clusterLikelihood_in; this.treeModel= treeModel_in; = mu; this.K = K; this.clusterLabels = clusterLabels; // this.clusterLikelihood = clusterLikelihood; this.virusLocations = virusLocations; this.virusOffsetsParameter = virusOffsetsParameter; // this.locationDrift = locationDrift_in; //no longer need this.clusterOffsetsParameter = clusterOffsetsParameter; this.breakPoints= breakPointsParameter; this.status = statusParameter; numdata = virusOffsetsParameter.getSize(); System.out.println("numdata="+ numdata); int K_int = (int) K.getParameterValue(0); System.out.println("K_int=" + K_int); groupSize = new int[binSize]; for(int i=0; i < binSize; i++){ groupSize[i] = 0; } for(int i=0; i < numdata; i++){ //System.out.println("i="+ i); int index = (int) clusterLabels.getParameterValue(i); groupSize[ index]++; } for(int i=0; i < numdata;i++){ if(maxLabel < (int) clusterLabels.getParameterValue(i)){ maxLabel = (int) clusterLabels.getParameterValue(i); } } //NEED maxGROUP //for(int i=0; i < K_int; i++){ //System.out.println("groupSize=" + groupSize[i]); //} muLabels = new int[binSize]; for(int i=0; i < maxLabel; i++){ int j=0; if(groupSize[i] >0){ muLabels[j] = i; j++; } } //muLabels ... setWeight(weight); System.out.println("Finished loading the constructor for ClusterAlgorithmOperator"); } /** * change the parameter and return the log hastings ratio. */ public final double doOperation() { System.out.println("do operation of sequential sampling"); setMembershipToClusterLabelIndexes(); //run once in case the tree changes. numNodes = treeModel.getNodeCount(); updateK(); int K_int = (int) K.getParameterValue(0); //System.out.println("K_int is " + K_int); int[] cutNode = new int[K_int]; //to store which nodes to add... int[] oldclusterLabelArray = new int[numNodes]; //everything 0. int[] clusterLabelArray = null; int[] onPoints = new int[K_int]; int numOn=0; for(int i=0; i < binSize; i++){ if( (int)status.getParameterValue(i) ==1 ){ onPoints[numOn] = i; numOn++; } } //Verify relationship //P(H|E0=a, Y, mu) = sum P(H|E0=a, E1=e1, Y, mu) x P(E1=e1| E0=a) cutNode = new int[1]; cutNode[0] = 785; onPoints = new int[1]; onPoints[0] = 0; //now translate the cutNodes into the breakpoints that are on [although here we don't use the indicators - elsewhere does resetStatusAndBreakpointsGivenCutNodes(cutNode, onPoints);//need to reset the status breakpoints by the testCutNode //use the tree to re-partition according to the change. clusterLabelArray = setClusterLabelsByTestCutNodeByNodeOrder(cutNode); relabelClusterLabels(clusterLabelArray, oldclusterLabelArray); //will move it out for(int i=0; i < numdata; i++){ clusterLabels.setParameterValue(i, clusterLabelArray[i]); //set cluster label parameter } //setVirusLocationAndOffsets(); //set virus locations, given the clusterlabels parameter setVirusLocationAutoCorrelatedModel(); double topLogProb = clusterLikelihood.getLogLikelihood(); System.out.println(topLogProb); //now test the sum... cutNode = new int[2]; cutNode[0] = 785; onPoints = new int[2]; onPoints[0] = 0; onPoints[1] = 1; double []logNumerator = new double[numNodes]; //calculate the distribution for calculating introducing an excision point in each node for(int curTest=0; curTest < numNodes; curTest++){ int hasBeenAdded = checkSiteHasBeenAddedToOnIndicators(curTest); //check if a site has already been added if(hasBeenAdded ==0){ cutNode = new int[2]; cutNode[0] = 785; cutNode[1] = curTest; resetStatusAndBreakpointsGivenCutNodes(cutNode, onPoints);//need to reset the status breakpoints by the testCutNode //use the tree to re-partition according to the change. clusterLabelArray = setClusterLabelsByTestCutNodeByNodeOrder(cutNode); //note that instead of using the indicators, it uses the testCutNodes directly relabelClusterLabels(clusterLabelArray, oldclusterLabelArray); //will move it out //set cluster label parameter for testing for(int i=0; i < numdata; i++){ clusterLabels.setParameterValue(i, clusterLabelArray[i]); } //setVirusLocationAndOffsets(); //this uses the clusterLabels parameter setVirusLocationAutoCorrelatedModel(); //which depends on the status and breakpoints logNumerator[curTest] += clusterLikelihood.getLogLikelihood() ; //Calculate likelihood } else{ logNumerator[curTest] = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; System.out.println("Don't calculate for node" + cutNode[0]); } } //finished curTest double answer = verifyAssumption(topLogProb, logNumerator); System.out.println("the ratio is " + answer); System.exit(0); //switch double tmpMu1 = mu.getParameter(onPoints[7] +1).getParameterValue(0); double tmpMu2 = mu.getParameter(onPoints[7] +1).getParameterValue(1); mu.getParameter(onPoints[7] +1).setParameterValue(0, mu.getParameter(onPoints[8] +1).getParameterValue(0)); mu.getParameter(onPoints[7] +1).setParameterValue(1, mu.getParameter(onPoints[8] +1).getParameterValue(1)); mu.getParameter(onPoints[8] +1).setParameterValue(0, tmpMu1); mu.getParameter(onPoints[8] +1).setParameterValue(1, tmpMu2); for(int curNode=8; curNode < K_int; curNode++){ cutNode[0] = 785; cutNode[1] = 775; cutNode[2] = 763; cutNode[3] = 697; cutNode[4] = 747; cutNode[5] = 679; cutNode[6] = 662; //cutNode[7] = 521; //although 526 will be better than 521 cutNode[7] = 638; //calculate the conditional distribution of the curNode, given the current set of nodes double []logNumeratorProb = new double[numNodes]; //calculate the distribution for calculating introducing an excision point in each node for(int curTest=0; curTest < numNodes; curTest++){ int hasBeenAdded = checkSiteHasBeenAddedToOnIndicators(curTest); //check if a site has already been added if(hasBeenAdded ==0){ int[] testCutNode = new int[curNode+1]; //create the testCutNode, with adding the current test node for(int i=0; i < curNode; i++){ testCutNode[i] = cutNode[i]; } testCutNode[curNode] = curTest; resetStatusAndBreakpointsGivenCutNodes(testCutNode, onPoints);//need to reset the status breakpoints by the testCutNode /* System.out.print("Currently selected: ["); for(int i=0; i < binSize; i++){ if((int) status.getParameterValue(i) ==1){ System.out.print( (int) breakPoints.getParameterValue(i) + ","); } } System.out.println("]"); */ //I suspect I need to change this as I modify the code.. //set the indicators, based on the cutnodes /* int addCount=0; for(int i=0; i < binSize; i++){ if( (int)status.getParameterValue(i) == 1){ breakPoints.setParameterValue(i, testCutNode[addCount]); addCount++; } if(addCount == (curNode+1)){ break; } } */ //System.out.println("currently added " + addCount + " nodes"); //use the tree to re-partition according to the change. clusterLabelArray = setClusterLabelsByTestCutNodeByNodeOrder(testCutNode); //note that instead of using the indicators, it uses the testCutNodes directly relabelClusterLabels(clusterLabelArray, oldclusterLabelArray); //will move it out //set cluster label parameter for testing for(int i=0; i < numdata; i++){ clusterLabels.setParameterValue(i, clusterLabelArray[i]); } //setVirusLocationAndOffsets(); //this uses the clusterLabels parameter setVirusLocationAutoCorrelatedModel(); //which depends on the status and breakpoints if(curNode == 0 && curTest == 0){ for(int i=0; i < numdata; i++){ Parameter v = virusLocations.getParameter(i); //v.setParameterValue(0, 0); //v.setParameterValue(1, 0); } } logNumeratorProb[curTest] = clusterLikelihood.getLogLikelihood(); //Calculate likelihood //if(curNode == 0 && curTest == 0){ //for(int i=0; i < numdata; i++){ // Parameter v = virusLocations.getParameter(i); // System.out.print(v.getParameterValue(0) +"," + v.getParameterValue(1)+"\t"); //} //System.out.println(""); //System.out.println(" * " + logNumeratorProb[curTest]); //System.exit(0); //} } else{ logNumeratorProb[curTest] = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; //dummy probability } } //finished curTest double []condDistribution = calculateConditionalProbabilityGivenLogNumeratorProb(logNumeratorProb); for(int i=0; i < numNodes; i++){ // if(condDistribution[i] > 0.0000001){ System.out.println("node " + i + " p=" + condDistribution[i]); // } } System.out.println("==============================="); // System.exit(0); int site_add = MathUtils.randomChoicePDF(condDistribution); //sample a site, given the conditioanl distribution //update the cutNode using a temporary array newCutNode - first copy the existing element, then add the new site int[] newCutNode = new int[curNode+1]; for(int i=0; i < curNode; i++){ newCutNode[i] = cutNode[i]; } newCutNode[curNode] = site_add; //add the new site. cutNode = newCutNode; //now , after adding the node to cutNode, we need to update clusterLabel such that the labeling is consistent with the old cluster labels.. // because ie. cluster i always get mu i. clusterLabelArray = setClusterLabelsByTestCutNodeByNodeOrder(newCutNode); relabelClusterLabels(clusterLabelArray, oldclusterLabelArray); //will move it out oldclusterLabelArray = clusterLabelArray; // keep the oldcluster label to build on top of it.. } //curNode //==================================================================================================== //After finishing the proposal //==================================================================================================== //Display: printCutNode(cutNode); //now translate the cutNodes into the breakpoints that are on [although here we don't use the indicators - elsewhere does resetStatusAndBreakpointsGivenCutNodes(cutNode, onPoints);//need to reset the status breakpoints by the testCutNode /* int addCount=0; for(int i=0; i < binSize; i++){ if( (int)status.getParameterValue(i) == 1){ breakPoints.setParameterValue(i, cutNode[addCount]); addCount++; } } */ //use the tree to re-partition according to the change. clusterLabelArray = setClusterLabelsByTestCutNodeByNodeOrder(cutNode); relabelClusterLabels(clusterLabelArray, oldclusterLabelArray); //will move it out for(int i=0; i < numdata; i++){ clusterLabels.setParameterValue(i, clusterLabelArray[i]); //set cluster label parameter } //setVirusLocationAndOffsets(); //set virus locations, given the clusterlabels parameter setVirusLocationAutoCorrelatedModel(); System.out.println(clusterLikelihood.getLogLikelihood()); //add manually to test... cutNode[0] = 785; cutNode[1] = 775; cutNode[2] = 763; cutNode[3] = 697; cutNode[4] = 747; cutNode[5] = 679; cutNode[6] = 662; //cutNode[7] = 521; //cutNode[8] = 638; cutNode[7] = 638; cutNode[8] = 521; resetStatusAndBreakpointsGivenCutNodes(cutNode, onPoints);//need to reset the status breakpoints by the testCutNode //use the tree to re-partition according to the change. clusterLabelArray = setClusterLabelsByTestCutNodeByNodeOrder(cutNode); relabelClusterLabels(clusterLabelArray, oldclusterLabelArray); //will move it out for(int i=0; i < numdata; i++){ clusterLabels.setParameterValue(i, clusterLabelArray[i]); //set cluster label parameter } //setVirusLocationAndOffsets(); //set virus locations, given the clusterlabels parameter setVirusLocationAutoCorrelatedModel(); System.out.println(clusterLikelihood.getLogLikelihood()); System.exit(0); //NEED TO SET THE OTHER BREAKPOINTS TO MAKE SURE THERE ARE NO DUPLICATES AT THE END... //SO OTHER PROPOSALS WOULD FUNCTION OK OK return(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY); //it should be anything... always accept for the Gibbs move. } private void resetStatusAndBreakpointsGivenCutNodes(int[] testCutNode, int[] onPoints) { for(int i=0; i < binSize; i++){ status.setParameterValue(i, 0); breakPoints.setParameterValue(i, -1); } int numOn = testCutNode.length; int countOn=0; for(int i=0; i < binSize; i++){ if(countOn < numOn){ status.setParameterValue(onPoints[countOn], 1); breakPoints.setParameterValue(onPoints[countOn],testCutNode[countOn]); //reset breakPoints accordingly countOn++; } } } private void updateK() { //K is changed accordingly.. int K_count = 0; //K_int gets updated for(int i=0; i < binSize; i++){ K_count += (int) status.getParameterValue(i); } //System.out.println("K now becomes " + K_count); K.setParameterValue(0, K_count); //update } private void printCutNode(int[] cutNode) { System.out.print("sampled:\t["); for(int i=0; i < cutNode.length ; i++){ System.out.print(cutNode[i] + ","); } System.out.println("]"); } private double[] calculateConditionalProbabilityGivenLogNumeratorProb( double[] logNumeratorProb) { int numNodes = logNumeratorProb.length; double maxLogProb = logNumeratorProb[0]; for(int i=0; i < numNodes; i++ ){ if(logNumeratorProb[i] > maxLogProb){ maxLogProb = logNumeratorProb[i]; } } double sumLogDenominator = 0; for(int i=0; i < numNodes; i++){ if(logNumeratorProb[i] != Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY){ sumLogDenominator += Math.exp((logNumeratorProb[i]-maxLogProb)); } } sumLogDenominator = Math.log(sumLogDenominator) + maxLogProb; double sumProb = 0; double []condProb = new double[numNodes]; for(int i=0; i < numNodes; i++){ condProb[i] = Math.exp( logNumeratorProb[i] - sumLogDenominator ); //System.out.println("condProb of site " + i + " = " + condProb[i]); sumProb +=condProb[i]; if(condProb[i] > 0.01){ // System.out.println("**site " + i + " with prob=" + condProb[i] + " steps from previous=" + numStepsFromOrigin[i]); } } return(condProb); } //Expect the ratio to be 1. private double verifyAssumption( double topLogMarginal,double[] logNumeratorProb) { for(int i=0; i < numNodes; i++){ System.out.println(logNumeratorProb[i]); } int numNodes = logNumeratorProb.length; double maxLogProb = logNumeratorProb[0]; for(int i=0; i < numNodes; i++ ){ if(logNumeratorProb[i] > maxLogProb){ maxLogProb = logNumeratorProb[i]; } } System.out.println("maxLogProb = " + maxLogProb); double sumLogDenominator = 0; for(int i=0; i < numNodes; i++){ if(logNumeratorProb[i] != Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY){ sumLogDenominator += Math.exp((logNumeratorProb[i]-maxLogProb)); } } System.out.println("tmp sum = " + sumLogDenominator); sumLogDenominator = Math.log(sumLogDenominator) + maxLogProb; System.out.println("topLogMarginal = " + topLogMarginal); System.out.println("sumLogDenominator = " + sumLogDenominator); double ratio = Math.exp( Math.log(numNodes-1) + topLogMarginal - sumLogDenominator ); return(ratio); } private int checkSiteHasBeenAddedToOnIndicators(int curTest){ int hasBeenAdded=0; for(int i=0; i < binSize; i++){ if((int)status.getParameterValue(i) == 1 ){ if( (int) breakPoints.getParameterValue(i) == curTest){ hasBeenAdded=1; break; } } } return(hasBeenAdded); } private void setVirusLocationAndOffsets() { //change the mu in the toBin and fromBIn //borrow from getLogLikelihood: double[] meanYear = new double[binSize]; double[] groupCount = new double[binSize]; for(int i=0; i < numdata; i++){ int label = (int) clusterLabels.getParameterValue(i); double year = 0; if (virusOffsetsParameter != null) { // System.out.print("virus Offeset Parameter present"+ ": "); // System.out.print( virusOffsetsParameter.getParameterValue(i) + " "); // System.out.print(" drift= " + drift + " "); year = virusOffsetsParameter.getParameterValue(i); //just want year[i] //make sure that it is equivalent to double offset = year[virusIndex] - firstYear; } else{ System.out.println("virus Offeset Parameter NOT present. We expect one though. Something is wrong."); } meanYear[ label] = meanYear[ label] + year; groupCount[ label ] = groupCount[ label ] +1; } for(int i=0; i < binSize; i++){ if(groupCount[i] > 0){ meanYear[i] = meanYear[i]/groupCount[i]; } //System.out.println(meanYear[i]); } mu0_offset = new double[binSize]; //double[] mu1 = new double[maxLabel]; //System.out.println("maxLabel=" + maxLabel); //now, change the mu.. for(int i=0; i < binSize; i++){ //System.out.println(meanYear[i]*beta); mu0_offset[i] = meanYear[i]; //System.out.println("group " + i + "\t" + mu0_offset[i]); } // System.out.println("====================="); //Set the vLoc to be the corresponding mu values , and clusterOffsetsParameter to be the corresponding offsets //virus in the same cluster has the same position for(int i=0; i < numdata; i++){ int label = (int) clusterLabels.getParameterValue(i); Parameter vLoc = virusLocations.getParameter(i); //setting the virus locs to be equal to the corresponding mu double muValue = mu.getParameter(label).getParameterValue(0); vLoc.setParameterValue(0, muValue); double muValue2 = mu.getParameter(label).getParameterValue(1); vLoc.setParameterValue(1, muValue2); //System.out.println("vloc="+ muValue + "," + muValue2); } for(int i=0; i < numdata; i++){ int label = (int) clusterLabels.getParameterValue(i); //if we want to apply the mean year virus cluster offset to the cluster if(clusterOffsetsParameter != null){ //setting the clusterOffsets to be equal to the mean year of the virus cluster // by doing this, the virus changes cluster AND updates the offset simultaneously clusterOffsetsParameter.setParameterValue( i , mu0_offset[label]); } // System.out.println("mu0_offset[label]=" + mu0_offset[label]); // System.out.println("clusterOffsets " + i +" now becomes =" + clusterOffsetsParameter.getParameterValue(i) ); } // System.out.println("===The on nodes==="); // for(int i=0; i < binSize; i++){ // if((int) excisionPoints.getParameterValue(i) == 1){ // System.out.println("Cluster node " + i + " = " + (int) indicators.getParameterValue(i) + "\tstatus=" + (int) excisionPoints.getParameterValue(i)); // } // } } private void setVirusLocationAutoCorrelatedModel() { int numNodes = treeModel.getNodeCount(); double[][] nodeloc = new double[numNodes][2]; //new - Trevor's autocorrelated model. // System.out.println("Autocorrelated tree model"); //given mu, excision points, and which ones are on... int[] nodeStatus = new int[numNodes]; for(int i=0; i < numNodes; i ++){ nodeStatus[i] = -1; } //convert to easy process format. for(int i=0; i < (binSize ); i++){ if((int) status.getParameterValue(i) ==1){ nodeStatus[(int)breakPoints.getParameterValue(i)] = i; } } //Testing: //muValue[0] = 1; //muValue2[0] = 1.5; //nodeStatus[696] = 0; //muValue[1] = 10; //muValue2[1] = 20; //nodeStatus[607] = 1; //muValue[2] = 200; //muValue2[2] = 300; //process the tree and get the vLoc of the viruses.. //breadth first depth first.. NodeRef cNode = treeModel.getRoot(); LinkedList<NodeRef> visitlist = new LinkedList<NodeRef>(); visitlist.add(cNode); int countProcessed=0; while(visitlist.size() > 0){ countProcessed++; //assign value to the current node... if(treeModel.getParent(cNode) == null){ Parameter curMu = mu.getParameter(0); nodeloc[cNode.getNumber()][0] = curMu.getParameterValue(0); nodeloc[cNode.getNumber() ][1] = curMu.getParameterValue(1); } else{ nodeloc[cNode.getNumber()][0] = nodeloc[treeModel.getParent(cNode).getNumber()][0]; nodeloc[cNode.getNumber()][1] = nodeloc[treeModel.getParent(cNode).getNumber()][1]; if(nodeStatus[cNode.getNumber()] != -1){ //System.out.println("Run new location"); Parameter curMu = mu.getParameter(nodeStatus[cNode.getNumber()] +1); nodeloc[cNode.getNumber()][0] += curMu.getParameterValue(0); nodeloc[cNode.getNumber()][1] += curMu.getParameterValue(1); } } //add all the children to the queue for(int childNum=0; childNum < treeModel.getChildCount(cNode); childNum++){ NodeRef node= treeModel.getChild(cNode,childNum); visitlist.add(node); } visitlist.pop(); //now that we have finished visiting this node, pops it out of the queue if(visitlist.size() > 0){ cNode = visitlist.getFirst(); //set the new first node in the queue to visit } } //write the virus locations for(int i=0; i < numdata; i++){ Parameter vLocParameter = virusLocations.getParameter(i); vLocParameter.setParameterValue(0, nodeloc[membershipToClusterLabelIndexes[i]][0]); vLocParameter.setParameterValue(1, nodeloc[membershipToClusterLabelIndexes[i]][1]); } //for(int i=0; i < numdata; i++){ //Parameter vLocP= virusLocations.getParameter(i); //System.out.println("virus " + vLocP.getId() + "\t" + vLocP.getParameterValue(0) + "," + vLocP.getParameterValue(1) ); //} //System.out.println("Processed " + countProcessed + " nodes"); //System.out.println("Done"); //System.exit(0); } private void relabelClusterLabels(int[] clusterLabel, int[] oldclusterLabel) { int maxOldLabel = 0; for(int i=0; i < oldclusterLabel.length; i++){ if(maxOldLabel < oldclusterLabel[i]){ maxOldLabel = oldclusterLabel[i]; } } Map<Integer, Integer> m = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); int[] isOldUsed = new int[ clusterLabel.length ]; //an overkill - basically just need the max label in the old cluster for(int i=0; i < clusterLabel.length; i++){ if(m.get(new Integer(clusterLabel[i])) == null ){ if(isOldUsed[oldclusterLabel[i]] == 0){ m.put(new Integer(clusterLabel[i]), new Integer(oldclusterLabel[i])); isOldUsed[oldclusterLabel[i]] = 1; } else{ maxOldLabel++; m.put(new Integer(clusterLabel[i]), new Integer(maxOldLabel)); } } clusterLabel[i] = m.get(new Integer( clusterLabel[i])).intValue(); } } private int[] setClusterLabelsByTestCutNodeByNodeOrder(int[] testCutNode) { int []membership = determine_membershipByNodeOrder(treeModel, testCutNode, testCutNode.length); // the time consuming step here. //The assumption that the first nodes being external node corresponding to the cluster labels IS FALSE //so I have to search for the matching indexes // for(int i=0; i < numdata; i++){ // clusterLabels.setParameterValue( i, membership[membershipToClusterLabelIndexes[i]]); //} //to speed up the code int[] clusterLabel = new int[numdata]; for(int i=0; i < numdata; i++){ clusterLabel[i] = membership[membershipToClusterLabelIndexes[i]]; } return(clusterLabel); } private void setMembershipToClusterLabelIndexes(){ int numNodes = treeModel.getNodeCount(); //I suspect this is an expensive operation, so I don't want to do it many times, //which is also unnecessary - MAY have to update whenever a different tree is used. membershipToClusterLabelIndexes = new int[numdata]; for(int i=0; i < numdata; i++){ Parameter v = virusLocations.getParameter(i); String curName = v.getParameterName(); // System.out.println(curName); int isFound = 0; for(int j=0; j < numNodes; j++){ String treeId = treeModel.getTaxonId(j); if(curName.equals(treeId) ){ // System.out.println(" isFound at j=" + j); membershipToClusterLabelIndexes[i] = j; isFound=1; break; } } if(isFound ==0){ System.out.println("not found. Exit now."); System.exit(0); } } } //private void setClusterLabelsByTestCutNode(int[] testCutNode) { private int[] setClusterLabelsByTestCutNode(int[] testCutNode) { int []membership = determine_membership(treeModel, testCutNode, testCutNode.length); // the time consuming step here. //The assumption that the first nodes being external node corresponding to the cluster labels IS FALSE //so I have to search for the matching indexes // for(int i=0; i < numdata; i++){ // clusterLabels.setParameterValue( i, membership[membershipToClusterLabelIndexes[i]]); //} //to speed up the code int[] clusterLabel = new int[numdata]; for(int i=0; i < numdata; i++){ clusterLabel[i] = membership[membershipToClusterLabelIndexes[i]]; } return(clusterLabel); } //This function uses the breakPoints, but the doOperation doesn't use this anymore.. //instead, it uses the cutNodes explicitly. private void setClusterLabels(int K_int) { int numNodes = treeModel.getNodeCount(); int[] cutNodes = new int[K_int]; int cutNum = 0; String content = ""; for(int i=0; i < binSize; i++){ if( (int) status.getParameterValue( i ) ==1 ){ cutNodes[cutNum] = (int) breakPoints.getParameterValue(i); content += (int) breakPoints.getParameterValue(i) + ","; cutNum++; } } // System.out.println(content); if(cutNum != K_int){ System.out.println("cutNum != K_int. we got a problem"); } // for(int i=0; i < K_int; i++){ // System.out.println(cutNodes[i]); // } //int []membership = determine_membership(treeModel, cutNodes, K_int-1); int []membership = determine_membership(treeModel, cutNodes, K_int); double uniqueCode = 0; for(int i=0; i < numNodes; i++){ uniqueCode += membership[i]*i; } // System.out.println(" sum = " + uniqueCode); // System.out.println("number of nodes = " + treeModel.getNodeCount()); // for(int i=0; i < treeModel.getNodeCount(); i++){ // System.out.println(membership[i]); // } //System.out.println("Done"); // for(int i=0; i < numdata; i++){ // Parameter v = virusLocations.getParameter(i); // String curName = v.getParameterName(); // System.out.println("i=" + i + " = " + curName); // } // for(int j=0; j < numdata; j++){ // System.out.println("j=" + j + " = " + treeModel.getTaxonId(j)); // } // Parameter vv = virusLocations.getParameter(0); // String curNamev = vv.getParameterName(); // System.out.println(curNamev + " and " +treeModel.getTaxonId(392) ); //System.out.println( curNamev.equals(treeModel.getTaxonId(392) ) ); //System.exit(0); // System.out.println("numNodes=" + numNodes); // System.exit(0); //create dictionary: //I suspect this is an expensive operation, so I don't want to do it many times, //which is also unnecessary - MAY have to update whenever a different tree is used. int []membershipToClusterLabelIndexes = new int[numdata]; for(int i=0; i < numdata; i++){ Parameter v = virusLocations.getParameter(i); String curName = v.getParameterName(); // System.out.println(curName); int isFound = 0; for(int j=0; j < numNodes; j++){ String treeId = treeModel.getTaxonId(j); if(curName.equals(treeId) ){ // System.out.println(" isFound at j=" + j); membershipToClusterLabelIndexes[i] = j; isFound=1; break; } } if(isFound ==0){ System.out.println("not found. Exit now."); System.exit(0); } } // System.exit(0); // for(int i=0; i < numdata; i++){ // System.out.println(membershipToClusterLabelIndexes[i]); // } // System.exit(0); for(int i=0; i < numdata; i++){ //The assumption that the first nodes being external node corresponding to the cluster labels IS FALSE //so I have to search for the matching indexes Parameter vloc = virusLocations.getParameter(i); //must uncomment out because this sets the new partitioning ... now i am doing code testing. clusterLabels.setParameterValue( i, membership[membershipToClusterLabelIndexes[i]]); //System.out.println(vloc.getParameterName() + " i="+ i + " membership=" + (int) clusterLabels.getParameterValue(i)); // Parameter v = virusLocations.getParameter(i); // System.out.println(v.getParameterName()); } } private static boolean isCutNode(int number, int cutNodes[], int numCut) { if(numCut > 0){ for(int i=0; i < numCut; i++){ if(number == cutNodes[i]){ return true; } } } return false; } //traverse down the tree, top down, do calculation static int[] determine_membership(TreeModel treeModel, int[] cutNodes, int numCuts){ NodeRef root = treeModel.getRoot(); int numClusters = 1; LinkedList<NodeRef> list = new LinkedList<NodeRef>(); list.addFirst(root); int[] membership = new int[treeModel.getNodeCount()]; for(int i=0; i < treeModel.getNodeCount(); i++){ membership[i] = -1; } membership[root.getNumber()] = 0; //root always given the first cluster while(!list.isEmpty()){ //do things with the current object NodeRef curElement = list.pop(); //String content = "node #" + curElement.getNumber() +", taxon=" + treeModel.getNodeTaxon(curElement) + " and parent is = " ; String content = "node #" + curElement.getNumber() +", taxon= " ; if(treeModel.getNodeTaxon(curElement)== null){ content += "internal node\t"; } else{ content += treeModel.getNodeTaxon(curElement).getId() + "\t"; //content += treeModel.getTaxonIndex(treeModel.getNodeTaxon(curElement)) + "\t"; } if(treeModel.getParent(curElement)== null){ //content += "no parent"; } else{ //content += "parent node#=" + treeModel.getParent(curElement).getNumber(); } //cluster assignment: if(!treeModel.isRoot(curElement)){ if(isCutNode(curElement.getNumber(), cutNodes, numCuts)){ //if(isCutNode(curElement.getNumber())){ numClusters++ ; membership[ curElement.getNumber() ] = numClusters - 1; } else{ //inherit from parent's cluster assignment membership[curElement.getNumber()] = membership[treeModel.getParent(curElement).getNumber()]; } }//is not Root content += " cluster = " + membership[curElement.getNumber()] ; // System.out.println(content); for(int childNum=0; childNum < treeModel.getChildCount(curElement); childNum++){ list.addFirst(treeModel.getChild(curElement,childNum)); } } return(membership); } //traverse down the tree, top down, do calculation static int[] determine_membershipByNodeOrder(TreeModel treeModel, int[] cutNodes, int numCuts){ Map<Integer, Integer> m = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); for(int i=0; i < numCuts; i++){ m.put(new Integer(cutNodes[i]), new Integer(i+1)); // System.out.println(cutNodes[i] + "\t" + (i+1) ); } NodeRef root = treeModel.getRoot(); int numClusters = 1; LinkedList<NodeRef> list = new LinkedList<NodeRef>(); list.addFirst(root); int[] membership = new int[treeModel.getNodeCount()]; for(int i=0; i < treeModel.getNodeCount(); i++){ membership[i] = -1; } membership[root.getNumber()] = 0; //root always given the first cluster while(!list.isEmpty()){ //do things with the current object NodeRef curElement = list.pop(); //String content = "node #" + curElement.getNumber() +", taxon=" + treeModel.getNodeTaxon(curElement) + " and parent is = " ; String content = "node #" + curElement.getNumber() +", taxon= " ; if(treeModel.getNodeTaxon(curElement)== null){ content += "internal node\t"; } else{ content += treeModel.getNodeTaxon(curElement).getId() + "\t"; //content += treeModel.getTaxonIndex(treeModel.getNodeTaxon(curElement)) + "\t"; } if(treeModel.getParent(curElement)== null){ //content += "no parent"; } else{ //content += "parent node#=" + treeModel.getParent(curElement).getNumber(); } //cluster assignment: if(!treeModel.isRoot(curElement)){ if(isCutNode(curElement.getNumber(), cutNodes, numCuts)){ //if(isCutNode(curElement.getNumber())){ //numClusters++ ; //membership[ curElement.getNumber() ] = numClusters - 1; // System.out.println("get: curElement" + curElement.getNumber() + "\t" + m.get(new Integer( curElement.getNumber()))); membership[ curElement.getNumber()] = m.get(new Integer( curElement.getNumber())); } else{ //inherit from parent's cluster assignment membership[curElement.getNumber()] = membership[treeModel.getParent(curElement).getNumber()]; } }//is not Root content += " cluster = " + membership[curElement.getNumber()] ; // System.out.println(content); for(int childNum=0; childNum < treeModel.getChildCount(curElement); childNum++){ list.addFirst(treeModel.getChild(curElement,childNum)); } } return(membership); } public void accept(double deviation) { super.accept(deviation); /* if(isMoveMu==1){ numAcceptMoveMu++; numProposeMoveMu++; System.out.println("% accept move Mu = " + numAcceptMoveMu/(double)numProposeMoveMu); } else{ numAcceptMoveC++; numProposeMoveC++; System.out.println("% accept move C = " + numAcceptMoveC/(double)numProposeMoveC); } */ // if(virusIndexChange <5){ // System.out.println(" - Accepted!"); // } } public void reject(){ super.reject(); /* //manually change mu back.. if(isMoveMu==1){ mu.getParameter(groupSelectedChange).setParameterValue(dimSelectChange, originalValueChange); } //manually change all the affected vLoc back... for(int i=0; i < numdata; i++){ int label = (int) clusterLabels.getParameterValue(i); Parameter vLoc = virusLocations.getParameter(i); // double muValue = mu.getParameter(label).getParameterValue(0); // vLoc.setParameterValue(0, muValue); // double muValue2 = mu.getParameter(label).getParameterValue(1); // vLoc.setParameterValue(1, muValue2); clusterOffsetsParameter.setParameterValue( i , mu0_offset[label]); } */ /* if(isMoveMu==1){ numProposeMoveMu++; System.out.println("% accept move Mu = " + numAcceptMoveMu/(double)numProposeMoveMu); } else{ numProposeMoveC++; System.out.println("% accept move C = " + numAcceptMoveC/(double)numProposeMoveC); } */ //if(virusIndexChange < 5){ System.out.println(" * Rejected!"); //} /* for(int i=0; i < numdata; i++){ Parameter vLoc = virusLocations.getParameter(i); if( vLoc.getParameterValue(0) != old_vLoc0[i]){ System.out.println("virus " + i + " is different: " + vLoc.getParameterValue(0) + " and " + old_vLoc0[i]); } //System.out.println(old_vLoc0[i] + ", " + old_vLoc1[i]); vLoc.setParameterValue(0, old_vLoc0[i]); vLoc.setParameterValue(1, old_vLoc1[i]); } */ //System.exit(0); } public final static String TREE_CLUSTERSEQUENTIAL_OPERATOR = "TreeClusterSequentialSampling"; //MCMCOperator INTERFACE public final String getOperatorName() { return TREE_CLUSTERSEQUENTIAL_OPERATOR; } public final void optimize(double targetProb) { throw new RuntimeException("This operator cannot be optimized!"); } public boolean isOptimizing() { return false; } public void setOptimizing(boolean opt) { throw new RuntimeException("This operator cannot be optimized!"); } public double getMinimumAcceptanceLevel() { return 0.1; } public double getMaximumAcceptanceLevel() { return 0.4; } public double getMinimumGoodAcceptanceLevel() { return 0.20; } public double getMaximumGoodAcceptanceLevel() { return 0.30; } public String getPerformanceSuggestion() { if (Utils.getAcceptanceProbability(this) < getMinimumAcceptanceLevel()) { return ""; } else if (Utils.getAcceptanceProbability(this) > getMaximumAcceptanceLevel()) { return ""; } else { return ""; } } public static XMLObjectParser PARSER = new AbstractXMLObjectParser() { public final static String VIRUSLOCATIONS = "virusLocations"; public final static String MU = "mu"; public final static String CLUSTERLABELS = "clusterLabels"; public final static String K = "k"; public final static String OFFSETS = "offsets"; // public final static String LOCATION_DRIFT = "locationDrift"; //no longer need public final static String CLUSTER_OFFSETS = "clusterOffsetsParameter"; public final static String INDICATORS = "indicators"; public final static String EXCISION_POINTS = "excisionPoints"; public String getParserName() { return TREE_CLUSTERSEQUENTIAL_OPERATOR; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see dr.xml.AbstractXMLObjectParser#parseXMLObject(dr.xml.XMLObject) */ public Object parseXMLObject(XMLObject xo) throws XMLParseException { //System.out.println("Parser run. Exit now"); //System.exit(0); double weight = xo.getDoubleAttribute(MCMCOperator.WEIGHT); XMLObject cxo = xo.getChild(VIRUSLOCATIONS); MatrixParameter virusLocations = (MatrixParameter) cxo.getChild(MatrixParameter.class); cxo = xo.getChild(MU); MatrixParameter mu = (MatrixParameter) cxo.getChild(MatrixParameter.class); cxo = xo.getChild(CLUSTERLABELS); Parameter clusterLabels = (Parameter) cxo.getChild(Parameter.class); cxo = xo.getChild(K); Parameter k = (Parameter) cxo.getChild(Parameter.class); cxo = xo.getChild(OFFSETS); Parameter offsets = (Parameter) cxo.getChild(Parameter.class); // cxo = xo.getChild(LOCATION_DRIFT); // Parameter locationDrift = (Parameter) cxo.getChild(Parameter.class); Parameter clusterOffsetsParameter = null; if (xo.hasChildNamed(CLUSTER_OFFSETS)) { clusterOffsetsParameter = (Parameter) xo.getElementFirstChild(CLUSTER_OFFSETS); } cxo = xo.getChild(INDICATORS); Parameter indicators = (Parameter) cxo.getChild(Parameter.class); cxo = xo.getChild(EXCISION_POINTS); Parameter excisionPoints = (Parameter) cxo.getChild(Parameter.class); TreeModel treeModel = (TreeModel) xo.getChild(TreeModel.class); AGLikelihoodTreeCluster agLikelihood = (AGLikelihoodTreeCluster) xo.getChild(AGLikelihoodTreeCluster.class); //return new ClusterAlgorithmOperator(virusLocations, mu, clusterLabels, k, weight, offsets, locationDrift, clusterOffsetsParameter); return new TreeClusterSequentialSampling(virusLocations, mu, clusterLabels, k, weight, offsets, clusterOffsetsParameter, indicators, excisionPoints, treeModel, agLikelihood); } //************************************************************************ // AbstractXMLObjectParser implementation //************************************************************************ public String getParserDescription() { return "An operator that picks a new allocation of an item to a cluster under the Dirichlet process."; } public Class getReturnType() { return TreeClusterSequentialSampling.class; } public XMLSyntaxRule[] getSyntaxRules() { return rules; } private final XMLSyntaxRule[] rules = { AttributeRule.newDoubleRule(MCMCOperator.WEIGHT), new ElementRule(VIRUSLOCATIONS, Parameter.class), new ElementRule(MU, Parameter.class), new ElementRule(CLUSTERLABELS, Parameter.class), new ElementRule(K, Parameter.class), new ElementRule(OFFSETS, Parameter.class), // new ElementRule(LOCATION_DRIFT, Parameter.class), //no longer needed // new ElementRule(CLUSTER_OFFSETS, Parameter.class, "Parameter of cluster offsets of all virus"), // no longer REQUIRED new ElementRule(INDICATORS, Parameter.class), new ElementRule(EXCISION_POINTS, Parameter.class), new ElementRule(TreeModel.class), }; }; public int getStepCount() { return 1; } }