package dr.evomodel.antigenic.phyloClustering.MCMCOperators; import cern.jet.random.Beta; import dr.evomodel.antigenic.phyloClustering.TreeClusteringVirusesPrior; import dr.inference.model.Parameter; import dr.inference.operators.GibbsOperator; import dr.inference.operators.MCMCOperator; import dr.inference.operators.SimpleMCMCOperator; import dr.xml.AbstractXMLObjectParser; import dr.xml.AttributeRule; import dr.xml.ElementRule; import dr.xml.XMLObject; import dr.xml.XMLObjectParser; import dr.xml.XMLParseException; import dr.xml.XMLSyntaxRule; /** * A Gibbs operator for allocation of items to clusters under a distance dependent Chinese restaurant process. * * @author Charles Cheung * @author Trevor Bedford */ public class ProbGenericSiteGibbsOperator extends SimpleMCMCOperator implements GibbsOperator { public final static String CLASSNAME_OPERATOR = "ProbGenericSiteGibbsOperator"; private TreeClusteringVirusesPrior clusterPrior; private Parameter probSites; private int numSites; private double probSite_alpha = 1; private double probSite_beta = 1; public ProbGenericSiteGibbsOperator(double weight, TreeClusteringVirusesPrior clusterPrior_in, Parameter probSites_in, double probSite_alpha_in, double probSite_beta_in) { clusterPrior = clusterPrior_in; probSites = probSites_in; numSites = clusterPrior.getNumSites(); setWeight(weight); this.probSite_alpha = probSite_alpha_in; this.probSite_beta = probSite_beta_in; //System.out.println("shape = "+ probSite_alpha_in); //System.out.println("shapeB = " + probSite_beta_in); } public double doOperation() { // clusterPrior.sampleCausativeStates(); int[] causalCount = clusterPrior.getCausalCount(); int[] nonCausalCount = clusterPrior.getNonCausalCount(); //int numSites = 330; int numSites = clusterPrior.getNumSites(); double numCausals = 0; double numNonCausals = 0; for(int i=0; i < numSites; i++){ numCausals = numCausals + causalCount[i]; numNonCausals = numNonCausals + nonCausalCount[i]; } //System.out.println("perform a Gibbs move on the number of sites"); //System.out.println("# causals = " + numCausals); //System.out.println("# noncausals = " + numNonCausals); //SHOULD GET IT FROM THE PRIOR SPECIFICATION COZ THEY SHOULD MATCH double value = Beta.staticNextDouble(numCausals+ probSite_alpha, numNonCausals+probSite_beta); //posterior probSites.setParameterValue(0, value); // System.out.println("hehe: " + whichSite + "," + probSites.getParameterValue(whichSite)); return 0; } public void accept(double deviation) { super.accept(deviation); } public void reject() { super.reject(); } //MCMCOperator INTERFACE public final String getOperatorName() { return CLASSNAME_OPERATOR; } public String getPerformanceSuggestion() { if (Utils.getAcceptanceProbability(this) < getMinimumAcceptanceLevel()) { return ""; } else if (Utils.getAcceptanceProbability(this) > getMaximumAcceptanceLevel()) { return ""; } else { return ""; } } public static XMLObjectParser PARSER = new AbstractXMLObjectParser() { public final static String PROBSITES = "probSites"; public final static String PROBSITE_ALPHA = "shape"; public final static String PROBSITE_BETA = "shapeB"; public String getParserName() { return CLASSNAME_OPERATOR; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see dr.xml.AbstractXMLObjectParser#parseXMLObject(dr.xml.XMLObject) */ public Object parseXMLObject(XMLObject xo) throws XMLParseException { //System.out.println("Parser run. Exit now"); //System.exit(0); double weight = xo.getDoubleAttribute(MCMCOperator.WEIGHT); XMLObject cxo = xo.getChild(PROBSITES); Parameter probSites = (Parameter) cxo.getChild(Parameter.class); TreeClusteringVirusesPrior clusterPrior = (TreeClusteringVirusesPrior) xo.getChild(TreeClusteringVirusesPrior.class); double probSite_alpha = 1; if (xo.hasAttribute(PROBSITE_ALPHA)) { probSite_alpha = xo.getDoubleAttribute(PROBSITE_ALPHA); } double probSite_beta = 1; if (xo.hasAttribute(PROBSITE_BETA)) { probSite_beta = xo.getDoubleAttribute(PROBSITE_BETA); } return new ProbGenericSiteGibbsOperator(weight, clusterPrior, probSites, probSite_alpha, probSite_beta); } //************************************************************************ // AbstractXMLObjectParser implementation //************************************************************************ public String getParserDescription() { return "An operator that updates the probability of sites given a beta distribution."; } public Class getReturnType() { return ProbSitesGibbsOperator.class; } public XMLSyntaxRule[] getSyntaxRules() { return rules; } private final XMLSyntaxRule[] rules = { AttributeRule.newDoubleRule(MCMCOperator.WEIGHT), new ElementRule(TreeClusteringVirusesPrior.class), new ElementRule(PROBSITES, Parameter.class), AttributeRule.newDoubleRule(PROBSITE_ALPHA, true, "the alpha parameter in the Beta prior"), AttributeRule.newDoubleRule(PROBSITE_BETA, true, "the beta parameter in the Beta prior"), }; }; public int getStepCount() { return 1; } }