/* * MulSpeciesTreeModel.java * * Copyright (c) 2002-2017 Alexei Drummond, Andrew Rambaut and Marc Suchard * * This file is part of BEAST. * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership and licensing. * * BEAST is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * BEAST is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with BEAST; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ package dr.evomodel.alloppnet.speciation; import dr.evolution.coalescent.DemographicFunction; import dr.evolution.io.NewickImporter; import dr.evolution.tree.*; import dr.evolution.util.MutableTaxonListListener; import dr.evolution.util.Taxon; import dr.evomodel.coalescent.VDdemographicFunction; import dr.evomodel.alloppnet.operators.MulTreeNodeSlide; import dr.evomodel.tree.TreeLogger; import dr.evomodel.alloppnet.parsers.MulSpeciesTreeModelParser; import dr.inference.loggers.LogColumn; import dr.inference.model.AbstractModel; import dr.inference.model.Model; import dr.inference.model.Parameter; import dr.inference.model.Variable; import dr.inference.operators.Scalable; import dr.evomodel.alloppnet.util.AlloppMisc; import dr.util.Author; import dr.util.Citable; import dr.util.Citation; import dr.util.HeapSort; import jebl.util.FixedBitSet; import java.util.*; import java.util.logging.Logger; /** * Multiply labelled species tree which includes demographic function per branch. * * @author Joseph Heled, Graham Jones * Date: 20/12/2011 */ /* * grjtodo-oneday This includes a lot of code from SpeciesTreeModel. It would be better to re-use! * Not clear how: neither contain nor extend seems ideal. This uses * a MulSpeciesBindings which is seriously different from a SpeciesBindings. * * Or, at least simplify this, removing the bmp = brownian motion prior * and the piece-wise linear model for population sizes. * */ public class MulSpeciesTreeModel extends AbstractModel implements MutableTree, Citable, TreeTraitProvider, TreeLogger.LogUpon, Scalable { private final SimpleTree spTree; private final MulSpeciesBindings mulspb; private final Map<NodeRef, NodeProperties> props = new HashMap<NodeRef, NodeProperties>(); public final Parameter sppSplitPopulations; private int[] singleStartPoints; private int[] pairStartPoints; private final Parameter coalPointsPops; private final Parameter coalPointsIndicator; private boolean nodePropsReady; private final NodeRef[] children; private final double[] heights; // any change of underlying parameters / models private boolean anyChange; // Tree has been edited in this cycle private boolean treeChanged; private final String spIndexAttrName = "spi"; private final boolean bmp; private final boolean nonConstRootPopulation; private final boolean constantPopulation; // grj public final static boolean DBUGTUNE = false; private class NodeProperties { private final int speciesIndex; public VDdemographicFunction demogf; FixedBitSet spSet; public NodeProperties(int n) { speciesIndex = n; demogf = null; spSet = new FixedBitSet(mulspb.nSpSeqs()); } } public MulSpeciesTreeModel(MulSpeciesBindings species, Parameter sppSplitPopulations, Parameter coalPointsPops, Parameter coalPointsIndicator, Tree startTree, boolean bmp, boolean nonConstRootPopulation, boolean constantPopulation) { super(MulSpeciesTreeModelParser.MUL_SPECIES_TREE); this.mulspb = species; this.sppSplitPopulations = sppSplitPopulations; this.coalPointsPops = coalPointsPops; this.coalPointsIndicator = coalPointsIndicator; this.bmp = bmp; this.nonConstRootPopulation = nonConstRootPopulation; this.constantPopulation = constantPopulation; addVariable(sppSplitPopulations); addModel(species); if (coalPointsPops != null) { assert coalPointsIndicator != null; assert !constantPopulation; addVariable(coalPointsPops); addVariable(coalPointsIndicator); final double[][] pts = species.getPopTimesSingle(); int start = 0; singleStartPoints = new int[pts.length]; for (int i = 0; i < pts.length; i++) { singleStartPoints[i] = start; start += pts[i].length; } if (!bmp) { final double[][] ptp = species.getPopTimesPair(); pairStartPoints = new int[ptp.length]; for (int i = 0; i < ptp.length; i++) { pairStartPoints[i] = start; start += ptp[i].length; } } } // build an initial noninformative tree spTree = compatibleUninformedSpeciesTree(startTree); // some of the code is generic but some parts assume a binary tree. assert TreeUtils.isBinary(spTree); final int nNodes = spTree.getNodeCount(); heights = new double[nNodes]; children = new NodeRef[2 * nNodes + 1]; // fixed properties for (int k = 0; k < getExternalNodeCount(); ++k) { final NodeRef nodeRef = getExternalNode(k); final int n = (Integer) getNodeAttribute(nodeRef, spIndexAttrName); final NodeProperties np = new NodeProperties(n); props.put(nodeRef, np); np.spSet.set(n); } for (int k = 0; k < getInternalNodeCount(); ++k) { final NodeRef nodeRef = getInternalNode(k); props.put(nodeRef, new NodeProperties(-1)); } nodePropsReady = false; // crappy way to pass a result back from compatibleUninformedSpeciesTree. // check is using isCompatible(), which requires completion of construction. boolean check = spTree.getAttribute("check") != null; spTree.setAttribute("check", null); if (check) { // change only is needed - if the user provided a compatible state she may know // what she is doing for (MulSpeciesBindings.GeneTreeInfo gt : species.getGeneTrees()) { if (!isCompatible(gt)) { species.makeCompatible(spTree.getRootHeight()); for (MulSpeciesBindings.GeneTreeInfo t : species.getGeneTrees()) { assert isCompatible(t); } anyChange = false; break; } } } Logger.getLogger("dr.evomodel.speciation.allopolyploid").info("\tConstructing a multiply labelled tree, please cite:\n" + Citable.Utils.getCitationString(this)); } // grj private String nodeAsText(NodeRef node, int indentlen) { StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); Formatter formatter = new Formatter(s, Locale.US); if (spTree.isExternal(node)) { formatter.format("%s ", spTree.getNodeTaxon(node)); } else { formatter.format("%s ", "+"); } while (s.length() < 20-indentlen) { formatter.format("%s", " "); } formatter.format("%s ", AlloppMisc.nonnegIn8Chars(spTree.getNodeHeight(node))); // it would be nice to disply popsizes and nlineages like allopp mul tree return s.toString(); } // grj private String subtreeAsText(NodeRef node, String s, Stack<Integer> x, int depth, String b) { Integer[] y = x.toArray(new Integer[x.size()]); StringBuffer indent = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++) { indent.append(" "); } for (int i = 0; i < y.length; i++) { indent.replace(2*y[i], 2*y[i]+1, "|"); } if (b.length() > 0) { indent.replace(indent.length()-b.length(), indent.length(), b); } s += indent; s += nodeAsText(node, indent.length()); s += System.getProperty("line.separator"); String subs = ""; if (!spTree.isExternal(node)) { x.push(depth); subs += subtreeAsText(spTree.getChild(node, 0), "", x, depth+1, "-"); x.pop(); subs += subtreeAsText(spTree.getChild(node, 1), "", x, depth+1, "`-"); } return s + subs; } // grj public String asText() { String header = "topology height" + System.getProperty("line.separator"); String s = ""; Stack<Integer> x = new Stack<Integer>(); return header + subtreeAsText(spTree.getRoot(), s, x, 0, ""); } public String toString() { int ngt = mulspb.numberOfGeneTrees(); String nl = System.getProperty("line.separator"); String s = nl + asText() + nl; for (int g = 0; g < ngt; g++) { s += "Gene tree " + g + nl; s += mulspb.genetreeAsText(g) + nl; s += mulspb.seqassignsAsText(g) + nl; } s += nl; return s; } // grj public LogColumn[] getColumns() { LogColumn[] columns = new LogColumn[1]; columns[0] = new LogColumn.Default(" MUL-tree and gene trees", this); return columns; } public boolean constPopulation() { return constantPopulation; } // Is gene tree compatible with species tree // grj: the sequence assignments are handled in geneTreeInfo.getCoalInfo() public boolean isCompatible(MulSpeciesBindings.GeneTreeInfo geneTreeInfo) { // can't set demographics if a tree is not compatible, but we need spSets. if (!nodePropsReady) { setSPsets(getRoot()); } return isSubtreeCompatible(getRoot(), geneTreeInfo.getCoalInfo(), 0) >= 0; } // Not very efficient, should do something better, based on traversing the cList once private int isSubtreeCompatible(NodeRef node, MulSpeciesBindings.CoalInfo[] cList, int loc) { if (!isExternal(node)) { int l = -1; for (int nc = 0; nc < getChildCount(node); ++nc) { int l1 = isSubtreeCompatible(getChild(node, nc), cList, loc); if (l1 < 0) { return -1; } assert l == -1 || l1 == l; l = l1; } loc = l; assert cList[loc].ctime >= getNodeHeight(node); } if (node == getRoot()) { return cList.length; } // spSet guaranteed to be ready by caller final FixedBitSet nodeSps = props.get(node).spSet; final double limit = getNodeHeight(getParent(node)); while (loc < cList.length) { final MulSpeciesBindings.CoalInfo ci = cList[loc]; if (ci.ctime >= limit) { break; } boolean allIn = true, noneIn = true; for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { final FixedBitSet s = ci.sinfo[i]; final int in1 = s.intersectCardinality(nodeSps); if (in1 > 0) { noneIn = false; } if (s.cardinality() != in1) { allIn = false; } } if (!(allIn || noneIn)) { return -1; } ++loc; } return loc; } private static double fp(double val, double low, double[][] tt, int[] ii) { for (int k = 0; k < ii.length; ++k) { int ip = ii[k]; if (ip == tt[k].length || val <= tt[k][ip]) { --ip; while (ip >= 0 && val <= tt[k][ip]) { --ip; } assert ((ip < 0) || (tt[k][ip] < val)) && ((ip + 1 == tt[k].length) || (val <= tt[k][ip + 1])); if (ip >= 0) { low = Math.max(low, tt[k][ip]); } } else { ++ip; while (ip < tt[k].length && val > tt[k][ip]) { ++ip; } assert tt[k][ip - 1] < val && ((ip == tt[k].length) || (val <= tt[k][ip])); low = Math.max(low, tt[k][ip - 1]); } } return low; } private interface SimpleDemographicFunction { double population(double t); double upperBound(); } private class PLSD implements SimpleDemographicFunction { private final double[] pops; private final double[] times; public PLSD(double[] pops, double[] times) { assert pops.length == times.length + 1; this.pops = pops; this.times = times; } public double population(double t) { if (t >= upperBound()) { return pops[pops.length - 1]; } int k = 0; while (t > times[k]) { t -= times[k]; ++k; } double a = t / (times[k] - (k > 0 ? times[k - 1] : 0)); return a * pops[k] + (1 - a) * pops[k + 1]; } public double upperBound() { return times[times.length - 1]; } } // Pass arguments of recursive functions in a compact format. private class Args { final double[][] cps = mulspb.getPopTimesSingle(); final double[][] cpp; // = species.getPopTimesPair(); final int[] iSingle = new int[cps.length]; final int[] iPair; // = new int[cpp.length]; final double[] indicators = ((Parameter.Default) coalPointsIndicator).inspectParameterValues(); final double[] pops = ((Parameter.Default) coalPointsPops).inspectParameterValues(); final SimpleDemographicFunction[] dms; Args(Boolean bmp) { if (!bmp) { cpp = mulspb.getPopTimesPair(); iPair = new int[cpp.length]; dms = null; } else { cpp = null; iPair = null; int nsps = cps.length; dms = new SimpleDemographicFunction[nsps]; for (int nsp = 0; nsp < nsps; ++nsp) { final int start = singleStartPoints[nsp]; final int stop = nsp < nsps - 1 ? singleStartPoints[nsp + 1] : pops.length; double[] pop = new double[1 + stop - start]; pop[0] = sppSplitPopulations.getParameterValue(nsp); // pops[nsp]; for (int k = 0; k < stop - start; ++k) { pop[k + 1] = pops[start + k]; } dms[nsp] = new PLSD(pop, cps[nsp]); } } } private double findPrev(double val, double low) { low = fp(val, low, cps, iSingle); low = fp(val, low, cpp, iPair); return low; } } class RawPopulationHelper { final int[] preOrderIndices = new int[getNodeCount()]; final double[] pops = ((Parameter.Default) sppSplitPopulations).inspectParameterValues(); final int nsp = mulspb.nSpSeqs(); final Args args = coalPointsPops != null ? new Args(bmp) : null; RawPopulationHelper() { setPreorderIndices(preOrderIndices); } public void getPopulations(NodeRef n, int nc, double[] p) { p[1] = pops[nsp + 2 * preOrderIndices[n.getNumber()] + nc]; final NodeRef child = getChild(n, nc); if (isExternal(child)) { p[0] = pops[props.get(child).speciesIndex]; } else { int k = nsp + 2 * preOrderIndices[child.getNumber()]; p[0] = pops[k] + pops[k + 1]; } } public double tipPopulation(NodeRef tip) { return pops[props.get(tip).speciesIndex]; } // grj: this doesn't work for multiply labelled tree. // Use nSqSeqs() instead for most purposes /*public int nSpecies() { return species.nSpecies(); }*/ public boolean perSpeciesPopulation() { return args != null; } public double[] getTimes(int ns) { return ((PLSD) args.dms[ns]).times; } public double[] getPops(int ns) { return ((PLSD) args.dms[ns]).pops; } public void getRootPopulations(double[] p) { int k = nsp + 2 * preOrderIndices[getRoot().getNumber()]; p[0] = pops[k] + pops[k + 1]; p[1] = nonConstRootPopulation ? pops[pops.length - 1] : p[0]; } public double geneTreesRootHeight() { //getNodeDemographic(getRoot()). double h = -1; for (MulSpeciesBindings.GeneTreeInfo t : mulspb.getGeneTrees()) { h = Math.max(h, t.tree.getNodeHeight(t.tree.getRoot())); } return h; } } RawPopulationHelper getPopulationHelper() { return new RawPopulationHelper(); } static private class Points implements Comparable<Points> { final double time; double population; final boolean use; Points(double t, double p) { time = t; population = p; use = true; } Points(double t, boolean u) { time = t; population = 0; use = u; } public int compareTo(Points points) { return time < points.time ? -1 : (time > points.time ? 1 : 0); } } private NodeProperties setSPsets(NodeRef nodeID) { final NodeProperties nprop = props.get(nodeID); if (!isExternal(nodeID)) { nprop.spSet = new FixedBitSet(mulspb.nSpSeqs()); for (int nc = 0; nc < getChildCount(nodeID); ++nc) { NodeProperties p = setSPsets(getChild(nodeID, nc)); nprop.spSet.union(p.spSet); } } return nprop; } private int ti2f(int i, int j) { return (i == 0) ? j : 2 * i + j + 1; } private VDdemographicFunction bestLinearFit(double[] xs, double[] ys, boolean[] use) { assert (xs.length + 1) == ys.length; assert ys.length == use.length + 2 || ys.length == use.length + 1; int N = ys.length; if (N == 2) { // cheaper return new VDdemographicFunction(xs, ys, getUnits()); } List<Integer> iv = new ArrayList<Integer>(2); iv.add(0); for (int k = 0; k < N - 2; ++k) { if (use[k]) { iv.add(k + 1); } } iv.add(N - 1); double[] ati = new double[xs.length + 1]; ati[0] = 0.0; System.arraycopy(xs, 0, ati, 1, xs.length); int n = iv.size(); double[] a = new double[3 * n]; double[] v = new double[n]; for (int k = 0; k < n - 1; ++k) { int i0 = iv.get(k); int i1 = iv.get(k + 1); double u0 = ati[i0]; double u1 = ati[i1] - ati[i0]; // on last interval add data for last point if (i1 == N - 1) { i1 += 1; } final int l = ti2f(k, k); final int l1 = ti2f(k + 1, k); for (int j = i0; j < i1; ++j) { double t = ati[j]; double y = ys[j]; double z = (t - u0) / u1; v[k] += y * (1 - z); a[l] += (1 - z) * (1 - z); a[l + 1] += z * (1 - z); a[l1] += z * (1 - z); a[l1 + 1] += z * z; v[k + 1] += y * z; } } for (int k = 0; k < n - 1; ++k) { final double r = a[ti2f(k + 1, k)] / a[ti2f(k, k)]; for (int j = k; j < k + 3; ++j) { a[ti2f((k + 1), j)] -= a[ti2f(k, j)] * r; } v[k + 1] -= v[k] * r; } double[] z = new double[n]; for (int k = n - 1; k > 0; --k) { z[k] = v[k] / a[ti2f(k, k)]; v[k - 1] -= a[ti2f((k - 1), k)] * z[k]; } z[0] = v[0] / a[ti2f(0, 0)]; double[] t = new double[iv.size() - 1]; for (int j = 0; j < t.length; ++j) { t[j] = ati[iv.get(j + 1)]; } return new VDdemographicFunction(t, z, getUnits()); } // Assign positions in 'pointsList' for the sub-tree rooted at the ancestor of // nodeID. // // pointsList is indexed by node-id. Every element is a list of internal // population points for the branch between nodeID and it's ancestor // private NodeProperties getDemographicPoints(final NodeRef nodeID, Args args, Points[][] pointsList) { final NodeProperties nprop = props.get(nodeID); final int nSpSeqs = mulspb.nSpSeqs(); // Species assignment from the tips never changes if (!isExternal(nodeID)) { nprop.spSet = new FixedBitSet(nSpSeqs); for (int nc = 0; nc < getChildCount(nodeID); ++nc) { final NodeProperties p = getDemographicPoints(getChild(nodeID, nc), args, pointsList); nprop.spSet.union(p.spSet); } } if (args == null) { return nprop; } // parent height final double cHeight = nodeID != getRoot() ? getNodeHeight(getParent(nodeID)) : Double.MAX_VALUE; // points along branch // not sure what a good default size is? List<Points> allPoints = new ArrayList<Points>(5); if (bmp) { for (int isp = nprop.spSet.nextOnBit(0); isp >= 0; isp = nprop.spSet.nextOnBit(isp + 1)) { final double[] cp = args.cps[isp]; final int upi = singleStartPoints[isp]; int i = args.iSingle[isp]; for (/**/; i < cp.length && cp[i] < cHeight; ++i) { allPoints.add(new Points(cp[i], args.indicators[upi + i] > 0)); } args.iSingle[isp] = i; } } else { for (int isp = nprop.spSet.nextOnBit(0); isp >= 0; isp = nprop.spSet.nextOnBit(isp + 1)) { final double nodeHeight = spTree.getNodeHeight(nodeID); { double[] cp = args.cps[isp]; final int upi = singleStartPoints[isp]; int i = args.iSingle[isp]; while (i < cp.length && cp[i] < cHeight) { if (args.indicators[upi + i] > 0) { //System.out.println(" popbit s"); args.iSingle[isp] = i; double prev = args.findPrev(cp[i], nodeHeight); double mid = (prev + cp[i]) / 2.0; assert nodeHeight < mid; allPoints.add(new Points(mid, args.pops[upi + i])); } ++i; } args.iSingle[isp] = i; } final int kx = (isp * (2 * nSpSeqs - isp - 3)) / 2 - 1; for (int y = nprop.spSet.nextOnBit(isp + 1); y >= 0; y = nprop.spSet.nextOnBit(y + 1)) { assert isp < y; int k = kx + y; double[] cp = args.cpp[k]; int i = args.iPair[k]; final int upi = pairStartPoints[k]; while (i < cp.length && cp[i] < cHeight) { if (args.indicators[upi + i] > 0) { //System.out.println(" popbit p"); args.iPair[k] = i; final double prev = args.findPrev(cp[i], nodeHeight); double mid = (prev + cp[i]) / 2.0; assert nodeHeight < mid; allPoints.add(new Points(mid, args.pops[upi + i])); } ++i; } args.iPair[k] = i; } } } Points[] all = null; if (allPoints.size() > 0) { all = allPoints.toArray(new Points[allPoints.size()]); if (all.length > 1) { HeapSort.sort(all); } int len = all.length; if (bmp) { int k = 0; while (k + 1 < len) { final double t = all[k].time; if (t == all[k + 1].time) { int j = k + 2; boolean use = all[k].use || all[k + 1].use; while (j < len && t == all[j].time) { use = use || all[j].use; j += 1; } int removed = (j - k - 1); all[k] = new Points(t, use); for (int i = k + 1; i < len - removed; ++i) { all[i] = all[i + removed]; } len -= removed; } ++k; } } else { // duplications int k = 0; while (k + 1 < len) { double t = all[k].time; if (t == all[k + 1].time) { int j = k + 2; double v = all[k].population + all[k + 1].population; while (j < len && t == all[j].time) { v += all[j].population; j += 1; } int removed = (j - k - 1); all[k] = new Points(t, v / (removed + 1)); for (int i = k + 1; i < len - removed; ++i) { all[i] = all[i + removed]; } //System.arraycopy(all, j, all, k + 1, all.length - j + 1); len -= removed; } ++k; } } if (len != all.length) { Points[] a = new Points[len]; System.arraycopy(all, 0, a, 0, len); all = a; } if (bmp) { for (Points p : all) { double t = p.time; assert p.population == 0; for (int isp = nprop.spSet.nextOnBit(0); isp >= 0; isp = nprop.spSet.nextOnBit(isp + 1)) { SimpleDemographicFunction d = args.dms[isp]; if (t <= d.upperBound()) { p.population += d.population(t); } } } } } pointsList[nodeID.getNumber()] = all; return nprop; } private int setDemographics(NodeRef nodeID, int pStart, int side, double[] pops, Points[][] pointsList) { final int nSpSeqs = mulspb.nSpSeqs(); final NodeProperties nprop = props.get(nodeID); int pEnd; double p0; if (isExternal(nodeID)) { final int sps = nprop.speciesIndex; p0 = pops[sps]; pEnd = pStart; } else { assert getChildCount(nodeID) == 2; final int iHere = setDemographics(getChild(nodeID, 0), pStart, 0, pops, pointsList); pEnd = setDemographics(getChild(nodeID, 1), iHere + 1, 1, pops, pointsList); if (constantPopulation) { final int i = nSpSeqs + iHere; p0 = pops[i]; } else { final int i = nSpSeqs + iHere * 2; p0 = pops[i] + pops[i + 1]; } } if (constantPopulation) { double[] xs = {}; double[] ys = {p0}; nprop.demogf = new VDdemographicFunction(xs, ys, getUnits()); // new ConstantPopulation(p0, getUnits()); } else { final double t0 = getNodeHeight(nodeID); Points[] p = pointsList != null ? pointsList[nodeID.getNumber()] : null; final int plen = p == null ? 0 : p.length; final boolean isRoot = nodeID == getRoot(); // double[] xs = new double[plen + (isRoot ? 1 : 1)]; // double[] ys = new double[plen + (isRoot ? 2 : 2)]; final boolean useBMP = bmp && pointsList != null; // internal nodes add one population point for the branch end. // on the root (with bmp) there is no such point. final int len = plen + (useBMP ? (!isRoot ? 1 : 0) : 1); double[] xs = new double[len]; double[] ys = new double[len + 1]; boolean[] use = new boolean[len]; ys[0] = p0; for (int i = 0; i < plen; ++i) { xs[i] = p[i].time - t0; ys[i + 1] = p[i].population; use[i] = p[i].use; } if (!isRoot) { final int anccIndex = (side == 0) ? pEnd : pStart - 1; final double pe = pops[nSpSeqs + anccIndex * 2 + side]; final double b = getBranchLength(nodeID); xs[xs.length - 1] = b; ys[ys.length - 1] = pe; } if (useBMP) { nprop.demogf = bestLinearFit(xs, ys, use); } else { if (isRoot) { // extend the last point to most ancient coalescent point. Has no effect on the demographic // per se but for use when analyzing the results. double h = -1; for (MulSpeciesBindings.GeneTreeInfo t : mulspb.getGeneTrees()) { h = Math.max(h, t.tree.getNodeHeight(t.tree.getRoot())); } final double rh = h - t0; xs[xs.length - 1] = rh; //getNodeHeight(nodeID); //spTree.setBranchLength(nodeID, rh); // last value is for root branch end point ys[ys.length - 1] = pointsList != null ? ys[ys.length - 2] : (nonConstRootPopulation ? pops[pops.length - 1] : ys[ys.length - 2]); } nprop.demogf = new VDdemographicFunction(xs, ys, getUnits()); } } return pEnd; } private void setNodeProperties() { Points[][] perBranchPoints = null; if (coalPointsPops != null) { final Args args = new Args(bmp); perBranchPoints = new Points[getNodeCount()][]; getDemographicPoints(getRoot(), args, perBranchPoints); } else { // sets species info getDemographicPoints(getRoot(), null, null); } setDemographics(getRoot(), 0, -1, ((Parameter.Default) sppSplitPopulations).inspectParameterValues(), perBranchPoints); } private Map<NodeRef, NodeProperties> getProps() { if (!nodePropsReady) { setNodeProperties(); nodePropsReady = true; } return props; } public DemographicFunction getNodeDemographic(NodeRef node) { return getProps().get(node).demogf; } public FixedBitSet spSet(NodeRef node) { return getProps().get(node).spSet; } public int speciesIndex(NodeRef tip) { assert isExternal(tip); // always ready even if props is dirty return props.get(tip).speciesIndex; } // grjtodo-oneday: not used because user starting tree not yet supported private Double setInitialSplitPopulations(FlexibleTree startTree, NodeRef node, int pos[]) { if (!startTree.isExternal(node)) { int loc = -1; for (int nc = 0; nc < startTree.getChildCount(node); ++nc) { final Double p = setInitialSplitPopulations(startTree, startTree.getChild(node, nc), pos); if (!constantPopulation && nc == 0) { loc = pos[0]; pos[0] += 1; } if (p != null) { if (constantPopulation) { // } else { sppSplitPopulations.setParameterValueQuietly(mulspb.nSpSeqs() + 2 * loc + nc, p); } } } } final String comment = (String) startTree.getNodeAttribute(node, NewickImporter.COMMENT); Double p0 = null; if (comment != null) { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(comment); p0 = Double.parseDouble(st.nextToken()); if (startTree.isExternal(node)) { int ns = (Integer) startTree.getNodeAttribute(node, spIndexAttrName); sppSplitPopulations.setParameterValueQuietly(ns, p0); } else if (constantPopulation) { // not tested code !! sppSplitPopulations.setParameterValueQuietly(mulspb.nSpSeqs() + pos[0], p0); pos[0] += 1; } // if just one value const if (st.hasMoreTokens()) { p0 = Double.parseDouble(st.nextToken()); } } return !constantPopulation ? p0 : null; } private SimpleTree compatibleUninformedSpeciesTree(Tree startTree) { double rootHeight = Double.MAX_VALUE; for (MulSpeciesBindings.GeneTreeInfo t : mulspb.getGeneTrees()) { rootHeight = Math.min(rootHeight, t.getCoalInfo()[0].ctime); } if (startTree != null) {/* // Allow start tree to be very basic basic - may be only partially resolved and no // branch lengths if (startTree.getExternalNodeCount() != spp.length) { throw new Error("Start tree error - different number of tips"); } final FlexibleTree tree = new FlexibleTree(startTree, true); tree.resolveTree(); final double treeHeight = tree.getRootHeight(); if (treeHeight <= 0) { tree.setRootHeight(1.0); Utils.correctHeightsForTips(tree); SimpleTree.Utils.scaleNodeHeights(tree, rootHeight / tree.getRootHeight()); } SimpleTree sTree = new SimpleTree(tree); for (int ns = 0; ns < spp.length; ns++) { MulSpeciesBindings.SPinfo sp = spp[ns]; final int i = sTree.getTaxonIndex(sp.name); if (i < 0) { throw new Error(sp.name + " is not present in the start tree"); } final SimpleNode node = sTree.getExternalNode(i); node.setAttribute(spIndexAttrName, ns); // set for possible pops tree.setNodeAttribute(tree.getNode(tree.getTaxonIndex(sp.name)), spIndexAttrName, ns); } if (treeHeight > 0) { sTree.setAttribute("check", new Double(rootHeight)); } { //assert ! constantPopulation; // not implemented yet int[] pos = {0}; setInitialSplitPopulations(tree, tree.getRoot(), pos); } return sTree;*/ } int nSpSeqs = mulspb.nSpSeqs(); final double delta = rootHeight / (nSpSeqs + 1); double cTime = delta; List<SimpleNode> subs = new ArrayList<SimpleNode>(nSpSeqs); for (int ns = 0; ns < nSpSeqs; ns++) { //Taxon taxon = mulspb.getSpSeq(ns); final SimpleNode node = new SimpleNode(); int sp = mulspb.spseqindex2sp(ns); int seq = mulspb.spseqindex2seq(ns); String spSeqName = mulspb.apspeciesName(sp) + seq; node.setTaxon(new Taxon(spSeqName)); subs.add(node); node.setAttribute(spIndexAttrName, ns); } while (subs.size() > 1) { final SimpleNode node = new SimpleNode(); int i = 0, j = 1; node.addChild(subs.get(i)); node.addChild(subs.get(j)); node.setHeight(cTime); cTime += delta; subs.set(j, node); subs.remove(i); } return new SimpleTree(subs.get(0)); } public void setPreorderIndices(int[] indices) { setPreorderIndices(getRoot(), 0, indices); } private int setPreorderIndices(NodeRef node, int loc, int[] indices) { if (!isExternal(node)) { int l = setPreorderIndices(getChild(node, 0), loc, indices); indices[node.getNumber()] = l; loc = setPreorderIndices(getChild(node, 1), l + 1, indices); } return loc; } public String getName() { return getModelName(); } // grj need to use a different operator static private MulTreeNodeSlide internalTreeOP = null; public int scale(double scaleFactor, int nDims, boolean testBounds) { assert scaleFactor > 0; if (nDims <= 0) { // actually when in an up down with operators on the gene trees the flags // may indicate a change //storeState(); // just checks assert really beginTreeEdit(); final int count = getInternalNodeCount(); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { final NodeRef n = getInternalNode(i); setNodeHeight(n, getNodeHeight(n) * scaleFactor); } endTreeEdit(); fireModelChanged(this, 1); return count; } else { if (nDims != 1) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("not implemented for count != 1"); } if (internalTreeOP == null) { internalTreeOP = new MulTreeNodeSlide(this, mulspb, 1); } internalTreeOP.operateOneNode(scaleFactor); fireModelChanged(this, 1); return nDims; } } @Override public boolean testBounds() { return true; } private final boolean verbose = false; protected void handleModelChangedEvent(Model model, Object object, int index) { if (verbose) System.out.println(" SPtree: model changed " + model.getId()); nodePropsReady = false; anyChange = true; // this should happen by default, no? fireModelChanged(); } protected final void handleVariableChangedEvent(Variable variable, int index, Parameter.ChangeType type) { if (verbose) System.out.println(" SPtree: parameter changed " + variable.getId()); nodePropsReady = false; anyChange = true; } protected void storeState() { assert !treeChanged; assert !anyChange; } protected void restoreState() { if (verbose) System.out.println(" SPtree: restore (" + treeChanged + "," + anyChange + ")"); if (treeChanged) { // spTree.beginTreeEdit(); for (int k = 0; k < getInternalNodeCount(); ++k) { final NodeRef node = getInternalNode(k); final int index = node.getNumber(); final double h = heights[index]; if (getNodeHeight(node) != h) { setNodeHeight(node, h); } for (int nc = 0; nc < 2; ++nc) { final NodeRef child = getChild(node, nc); final NodeRef child1 = children[2 * index + nc]; if (child != child1) { replaceChild(node, child, child1); } assert getParent(child1) == node; } } setRoot(children[children.length - 1]); if (verbose) System.out.println(" restored to: " + spTree); spTree.endTreeEdit(); } if (treeChanged || anyChange) { setNodeProperties(); } treeChanged = false; anyChange = false; } protected void acceptState() { if (verbose) System.out.println(" SPtree: accept"); treeChanged = false; anyChange = false; } String previousTopology = null; public boolean logNow(long state) { final String curTop = TreeUtils.uniqueNewick(spTree, spTree.getRoot()); if (state == 0 || !curTop.equals(previousTopology)) { previousTopology = curTop; return true; } return false; } // TreeTrait dmf = new TreeTrait.S() { // public String getTraitName() { // return "dmf"; // } // // public Intent getIntent() { // return Intent.NODE; // } // // public String getTrait(Tree tree, NodeRef node) { // assert tree == SpeciesTreeModel.this; // // //final VDdemographicFunction df = getProps().get(node).demogf; // // final DemographicFunction df = getNodeDemographic(node); // return df.toString(); // } // }; TreeTrait dmt = new TreeTrait.DA() { public String getTraitName() { return "dmt"; } public Intent getIntent() { return Intent.NODE; } public double[] getTrait(Tree tree, NodeRef node) { assert tree == MulSpeciesTreeModel.this; final VDdemographicFunction df = (VDdemographicFunction) getNodeDemographic(node); return df.times(); } }; TreeTrait dmv = new TreeTrait.DA() { public String getTraitName() { return "dmv"; } public Intent getIntent() { return Intent.NODE; } public double[] getTrait(Tree tree, NodeRef node) { assert tree == MulSpeciesTreeModel.this; final VDdemographicFunction df = (VDdemographicFunction) getNodeDemographic(node); return df.values(); } }; public TreeTrait[] getTreeTraits() { return new TreeTrait[]{dmt, dmv}; } public TreeTrait getTreeTrait(String key) { if (key.equals(dmt.getTraitName())) { return dmt; } else if (key.equals(dmv.getTraitName())) { return dmv; } throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } // boring delegation public SimpleTree getSimpleTree() { return spTree; } public Tree getCopy() { return spTree.getCopy(); } public Type getUnits() { return spTree.getUnits(); } public void setUnits(Type units) { spTree.setUnits(units); } public int getNodeCount() { return spTree.getNodeCount(); } public boolean hasNodeHeights() { return spTree.hasNodeHeights(); } public double getNodeHeight(NodeRef node) { return spTree.getNodeHeight(node); } public double getNodeRate(NodeRef node) { return spTree.getNodeRate(node); } public Taxon getNodeTaxon(NodeRef node) { return spTree.getNodeTaxon(node); } public int getChildCount(NodeRef node) { return spTree.getChildCount(node); } public boolean isExternal(NodeRef node) { return spTree.isExternal(node); } public boolean isRoot(NodeRef node) { return spTree.isRoot(node); } public NodeRef getChild(NodeRef node, int i) { return spTree.getChild(node, i); } public NodeRef getParent(NodeRef node) { return spTree.getParent(node); } public boolean hasBranchLengths() { return spTree.hasBranchLengths(); } public double getBranchLength(NodeRef node) { return spTree.getBranchLength(node); } public void setBranchLength(NodeRef node, double length) { spTree.setBranchLength(node, length); } public NodeRef getExternalNode(int i) { return spTree.getExternalNode(i); } public NodeRef getInternalNode(int i) { return spTree.getInternalNode(i); } public NodeRef getNode(int i) { return spTree.getNode(i); } public int getExternalNodeCount() { return spTree.getExternalNodeCount(); } public int getInternalNodeCount() { return spTree.getInternalNodeCount(); } public NodeRef getRoot() { return spTree.getRoot(); } public void setRoot(NodeRef r) { spTree.setRoot(r); } public void addChild(NodeRef p, NodeRef c) { spTree.addChild(p, c); } public void removeChild(NodeRef p, NodeRef c) { spTree.removeChild(p, c); } public void replaceChild(NodeRef node, NodeRef child, NodeRef newChild) { spTree.replaceChild(node, child, newChild); } public boolean beginTreeEdit() { boolean beingEdited = spTree.beginTreeEdit(); if (!beingEdited) { // save tree for restore for (int n = 0; n < getInternalNodeCount(); ++n) { final NodeRef node = getInternalNode(n); final int k = node.getNumber(); children[2 * k] = getChild(node, 0); children[2 * k + 1] = getChild(node, 1); heights[k] = getNodeHeight(node); } children[children.length - 1] = getRoot(); treeChanged = true; nodePropsReady = false; //anyChange = true; } return beingEdited; } public void endTreeEdit() { spTree.endTreeEdit(); fireModelChanged(); } public void setNodeHeight(NodeRef n, double height) { spTree.setNodeHeight(n, height); } public void setNodeRate(NodeRef n, double rate) { spTree.setNodeRate(n, rate); } public void setNodeAttribute(NodeRef node, String name, Object value) { spTree.setNodeAttribute(node, name, value); } public Object getNodeAttribute(NodeRef node, String name) { return spTree.getNodeAttribute(node, name); } public Iterator getNodeAttributeNames(NodeRef node) { return spTree.getNodeAttributeNames(node); } public int getTaxonCount() { return spTree.getTaxonCount(); } public Taxon getTaxon(int taxonIndex) { return spTree.getTaxon(taxonIndex); } public String getTaxonId(int taxonIndex) { return spTree.getTaxonId(taxonIndex); } public int getTaxonIndex(String id) { return spTree.getTaxonIndex(id); } public int getTaxonIndex(Taxon taxon) { // can't compare taxa return getTaxonIndex(taxon.getId()); } public List<Taxon> asList() { return spTree.asList(); } public Iterator<Taxon> iterator() { return spTree.iterator(); } public Object getTaxonAttribute(int taxonIndex, String name) { return spTree.getTaxonAttribute(taxonIndex, name); } public int addTaxon(Taxon taxon) { return spTree.addTaxon(taxon); } public boolean removeTaxon(Taxon taxon) { return spTree.removeTaxon(taxon); } public void setTaxonId(int taxonIndex, String id) { spTree.setTaxonId(taxonIndex, id); } public void setTaxonAttribute(int taxonIndex, String name, Object value) { spTree.setTaxonAttribute(taxonIndex, name, value); } public String getId() { return spTree.getId(); } public void setId(String id) { spTree.setId(id); } public void setAttribute(String name, Object value) { spTree.setAttribute(name, value); } public Object getAttribute(String name) { return spTree.getAttribute(name); } public Iterator<String> getAttributeNames() { return spTree.getAttributeNames(); } public void addMutableTreeListener(MutableTreeListener listener) { spTree.addMutableTreeListener(listener); } public void addMutableTaxonListListener(MutableTaxonListListener listener) { spTree.addMutableTaxonListListener(listener); } public static Parameter createCoalPointsPopParameter(MulSpeciesBindings spb, Double value, Boolean bmp) { int dim = 0; for (double[] d : spb.getPopTimesSingle()) { dim += d.length; } if (!bmp) { for (double[] d : spb.getPopTimesPair()) { dim += d.length; } } return new Parameter.Default(dim, value); } public static Parameter createSplitPopulationsParameter(MulSpeciesBindings spb, double value, boolean root, boolean constPop) { int dim; if (constPop) { // one per node dim = 2 * spb.nSpSeqs() - 1; } else { // one per species leaf (ns) + 2 per internal node (2*(ns-1)) + optionally one for the root dim = 3 * spb.nSpSeqs() - 2 + (root ? 1 : 0); } return new Parameter.Default(dim, value); } @Override public Citation.Category getCategory() { return Citation.Category.SPECIES_MODELS; } @Override public String getDescription() { return "Multiply labelled species tree"; } public List<Citation> getCitations() { return Arrays.asList( new Citation( new Author[]{ new Author("GR", "Jones") }, Citation.Status.IN_PREPARATION )); } }