/* * ARGModel.java * * Copyright (c) 2002-2015 Alexei Drummond, Andrew Rambaut and Marc Suchard * * This file is part of BEAST. * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership and licensing. * * BEAST is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * BEAST is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with BEAST; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ /* * ARGModel.java * * (c) 2002-2005 BEAST Development Core Team * * This package may be distributed under the * Lesser Gnu Public Licence (LGPL) */ package dr.evomodel.arg; import dr.evolution.tree.*; import dr.evolution.util.MutableTaxonListListener; import dr.evolution.util.Taxon; import dr.evomodel.arg.likelihood.ARGLikelihood; import dr.evomodelxml.tree.TreeModelParser; import dr.inference.loggers.LogColumn; import dr.inference.loggers.Loggable; import dr.inference.loggers.NumberColumn; import dr.inference.model.*; import dr.inference.parallel.MPIServices; import dr.math.MathUtils; import dr.util.Attributable; import dr.util.NumberFormatter; import dr.xml.*; import org.jdom.Document; import org.jdom.Element; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.logging.Logger; /** * A model component for trees. * * @author Andrew Rambaut * @author Alexei Drummond * @version $Id: ARGModel.java,v 2006/11/06 01:38:30 msuchard Exp $ */ public class ARGModel extends AbstractModel implements MutableTree, Loggable { public static final String TREE_MODEL = "argTreeModel"; public static final String ROOT_HEIGHT = TreeModelParser.ROOT_HEIGHT; public static final String LEAF_HEIGHT = "leafHeight"; public static final String NODE_HEIGHTS = "nodeHeights"; public static final String NODE_RATES = TreeModelParser.NODE_RATES; public static final String NODE_TRAITS = TreeModelParser.NODE_TRAITS; public static final String ROOT_NODE = "rootNode"; public static final String INTERNAL_NODES = "internalNodes"; public static final String LEAF_NODES = "leafNodes"; public static final String TAXON = "taxon"; public static final String GRAPH_ELEMENT = "graph"; public static final String NODE_ELEMENT = "node"; public static final String EDGE_ELEMENT = "edge"; public static final String ID_ATTRIBUTE = XMLParser.ID; public static final String EDGE_FROM = "source"; public static final String EDGE_TO = "target"; public static final String TAXON_NAME = "taxonName"; public static final String EDGE_LENGTH = "len"; public static final String EDGE_PARTITIONS = "edgePartitions"; public static final String IS_TIP = "isTip"; public static final String IS_ROOT = "isRoot"; public static final String LEFT_PARENT = "leftParent"; public static final String RIGHT_PARENT = "rightParent"; public static final String LEFT_CHILD = "leftChild"; public static final String RIGHT_CHILD = "rightChild"; public static final String NODE_HEIGHT = "nodeHeight"; public static final String IS_REASSORTMENT = "true"; public static final String NUM_PARTITIONS = "numberOfPartitions"; public static final String GRAPH_SIZE = "size=\"6,6\""; public static final String DOT_EDGE_DEF = "edge[style=\"setlinewidth(2)\",arrowhead=none]"; public static final String DOT_NODE_DEF = "node[shape=plaintext,width=auto,fontname=Helvitica,fontsize=10]"; public static final int LEFT = 0; public static final int RIGHT = 1; public static final String PARTITION_TYPE = "partitionType"; public static final String REASSORTMENT_PARTITION = "reassortment"; public static final String RECOMBINATION_PARTITION = "recombination"; public static final String PARTITION_DEFAULT_TYPE = REASSORTMENT_PARTITION; // *********************************************************************** // Private members // *********************************************************************** protected int storedRootNumber; protected int nodeCount; protected int storedNodeCount; protected int externalNodeCount; protected int internalNodeCount; protected int storedInternalNodeCount; protected boolean inEdit = false; protected Node root = null; public ArrayList<Node> nodes = null; public ArrayList<Node> storedNodes = null; protected Parameter[] addedParameters = null; protected Parameter[] removedParameters = null; protected Parameter addedPartitioningParameter = null; protected Parameter removedPartitioningParameter = null; protected CompoundParameter partitioningParameters; protected CompoundParameter storedInternalNodeHeights; protected CompoundParameter storedInternalAndRootNodeHeights; protected CompoundParameter storedNodeRates; protected Node[] addedNodes = null; protected Node[] removedNodes = null; // private int units = SUBSTITUTIONS; private Type units; private boolean hasRates = false; private boolean hasTraits = false; private int nullCounter = 0; private int storedNullCounter; protected String partitionType = PARTITION_DEFAULT_TYPE; public ARGModel(ArrayList<Node> nodes, Node root, int numberPartitions, int externalNodeCount) { super(TREE_MODEL); this.nodes = nodes; this.root = root; this.maxNumberOfPartitions = numberPartitions; this.externalNodeCount = externalNodeCount; if (nodes != null) this.nodeCount = nodes.size(); this.internalNodeCount = this.nodeCount - externalNodeCount; } public ARGModel(Tree tree) { super(TREE_MODEL); // System.err.println("constructor for TreeModel"); partitioningParameters = new CompoundParameter("partitioning"); // initialize(tree); // } // protected void initialize(Tree tree) { // System.err.println("init for TreeModel"); // System.exit(-1); // get a rooted version of the tree to clone FlexibleTree binaryTree = new FlexibleTree(tree); binaryTree.resolveTree(); // clone the node structure (this will create the individual parameters Node node = new Node(binaryTree, binaryTree.getRoot()); internalNodeCount = binaryTree.getInternalNodeCount(); externalNodeCount = binaryTree.getExternalNodeCount(); nodeCount = internalNodeCount + externalNodeCount; // nodes = new Node[nodeCount]; // storedNodes = new Node[nodeCount]; nodes = new ArrayList<Node>(nodeCount); storedNodes = new ArrayList<Node>(nodeCount); for (int i = 0; i < nodeCount; i++) { nodes.add(null); storedNodes.add(null); } int i = 0; int j = externalNodeCount; root = node; // System.err.println("Going to do postOrder"); do { node = (Node) TreeUtils.postorderSuccessor(this, node); if (node.isExternal()) { node.number = i; // nodes[i] = node; // storedNodes[i] = new Node(); // storedNodes[i].taxon = node.taxon; // storedNodes[i].number = i; nodes.set(i, node); Node copy = new Node(); copy.taxon = node.taxon; copy.number = i; storedNodes.set(i, copy); i++; } else { node.number = j; // nodes[j] = node; // storedNodes[j] = new Node(); // storedNodes[j].number = j; nodes.set(j, node); Node copy = new Node(); copy.number = j; storedNodes.set(j, copy); j++; } } while (node != root); // System.err.println("Succeed in post-order"); // ARGTree t = new ARGTree(this,0); // System.err.println(Tree.Utils.uniqueNewick(t, t.getRoot())); // System.err.println(this.toGraphString()); // System.exit(-1); } private double nextTime(int nTaxa, double pSize, double rRate) { double t = (double) nTaxa; double s = t * (t - 1 + rRate) / (2.0 * pSize); return MathUtils.nextExponential(s); } private boolean nextEventIsBifurcation(int nTaxa, double rRate) { double a = (double) (nTaxa - 1) / (nTaxa - 1 + rRate); if (MathUtils.nextDouble() < a) { return true; } return false; } private class SimulateSticks { public final Node mySon; public final boolean leftStick; public SimulateSticks(Node son, boolean left) { mySon = son; leftStick = left; } } public ARGModel(int ntaxa, double popSize, double rRate) { super("Simulator"); ArrayList<SimulateSticks> currentStickList = new ArrayList<SimulateSticks>(50); ArrayList<Node> currentNodeList = new ArrayList<Node>(50); nodes = new ArrayList<Node>(); int nodeNumber = 0; for (int i = 0; i < ntaxa; i++) { Node node = new Node(); node.heightParameter = new Parameter.Default(0.0); nodes.add(node); currentNodeList.add(node); node.bifurcation = true; node.number = nodeNumber; nodeNumber++; node.taxon = new Taxon("" + nodeNumber); SimulateSticks stickGuy = new SimulateSticks(node, true); currentStickList.add(stickGuy); } double currentHeight = 0; while (currentStickList.size() > 1) { currentHeight = currentHeight + nextTime(currentStickList.size(), popSize, rRate); if (nextEventIsBifurcation(currentStickList.size(), rRate)) { SimulateSticks[] sticks = new SimulateSticks[2]; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { int randomDraw = MathUtils.nextInt(currentStickList.size()); sticks[i] = currentStickList.get(randomDraw); currentStickList.remove(randomDraw); } Node node = new Node(); nodes.add(node); node.heightParameter = new Parameter.Default(currentHeight); node.number = nodeNumber; nodeNumber++; node.bifurcation = true; SimulateSticks stickGuy = new SimulateSticks(node, true); if (sticks[0].mySon == sticks[1].mySon) { Node child = sticks[0].mySon; node.leftChild = child; node.rightChild = child; child.rightParent = node; child.leftParent = node; currentNodeList.remove(currentNodeList.indexOf(child)); currentNodeList.add(node); currentStickList.add(stickGuy); } else { Node child1 = sticks[0].mySon; Node child2 = sticks[1].mySon; node.leftChild = child1; node.rightChild = child2; if (child1.bifurcation) { child1.leftParent = node; child1.rightParent = node; currentNodeList.remove(currentNodeList.indexOf(child1)); } else { if (sticks[0].leftStick) { child1.leftParent = node; } else { child1.rightParent = node; } if (child1.leftParent != null && child1.rightParent != null) { currentNodeList.remove(currentNodeList.indexOf(child1)); } } if (child2.bifurcation) { child2.leftParent = node; child2.rightParent = node; currentNodeList.remove(currentNodeList.indexOf(child2)); } else { if (sticks[1].leftStick) { child2.leftParent = node; } else { child2.rightParent = node; } if (child2.leftParent != null && child2.rightParent != null) { currentNodeList.remove(currentNodeList.indexOf(child2)); } } currentNodeList.add(node); currentStickList.add(stickGuy); } } else { int randomDraw = MathUtils.nextInt(currentStickList.size()); SimulateSticks stick = currentStickList.get(randomDraw); currentStickList.remove(randomDraw); Node node = new Node(); nodes.add(node); node.heightParameter = new Parameter.Default(currentHeight); node.number = nodeNumber; nodeNumber++; node.bifurcation = false; SimulateSticks leftStickGuy = new SimulateSticks(node, true); SimulateSticks rightStickGuy = new SimulateSticks(node, false); Node child = stick.mySon; node.leftChild = child; node.rightChild = child; if (child.bifurcation) { child.leftParent = node; child.rightParent = node; currentNodeList.remove(currentNodeList.indexOf(child)); } else { if (stick.leftStick) { child.leftParent = node; } else { child.rightParent = node; } if (child.leftParent != null & child.rightParent != null) { currentNodeList.remove(currentNodeList.indexOf(child)); } } currentNodeList.add(node); currentStickList.add(leftStickGuy); currentStickList.add(rightStickGuy); } } root = currentNodeList.get(0); //nodeNumber--; // nodes = new Node[nodeNumber]; } public int possibleInternalNodePermuations() { int max = getInternalNodeCount(); ArrayList<Double> remainingHeights = new ArrayList<Double>(max - 1); for (Node node : nodes) { if (!node.isExternal() && !node.isRoot()) remainingHeights.add(node.getHeight()); } int firstNode = 0; while (nodes.get(firstNode).isExternal() || nodes.get(firstNode).isRoot()) firstNode++; int result = possibleInternalNodePermutations(firstNode, remainingHeights); // Restore heights int i = 0; for (Node node : nodes) { if (!node.isExternal() && !node.isRoot()) { node.setHeight(remainingHeights.get(i++)); } } return factorial(max - 1) - result; } private int factorial(int x) { int result = 1; for (int i = 2; i <= x; i++) result *= i; return result; } private int possibleInternalNodePermutations(int nodeNumber, ArrayList<Double> remainingHeights) { int total = 0; if (remainingHeights.size() == 0) { return 0; } int newNodeNumber = nodeNumber + 1; if (remainingHeights.size() > 1) { while (nodes.get(newNodeNumber).isExternal() || nodes.get(newNodeNumber).isRoot()) newNodeNumber++; } Node nr = nodes.get(nodeNumber); for (double height : remainingHeights) { if (height < getNodeHeight(getParent(nr, 0)) && height < getNodeHeight(getParent(nr, 1))) { setNodeHeight(nr, height); ArrayList<Double> copy0 = deepCopy(remainingHeights); if (!copy0.contains(height)) System.err.println("where did i go?"); copy0.remove(height); total += possibleInternalNodePermutations(newNodeNumber, copy0); } else { // The remaining permutations will not work total += factorial(remainingHeights.size() - 1); } } return total; } private ArrayList<Double> deepCopy(ArrayList<Double> in) { ArrayList<Double> out = new ArrayList<Double>(); for (double d : in) { out.add(d); } return out; } private static boolean containsLessThan(int[] a, int b) { for (int c : a) { if (c < b) return true; } return false; } public static void main(String[] args) { ARGModel arg = new ARGModel(8, 20.0, 0.5); System.out.println(arg.toARGSummary()); System.out.println(arg.getReassortmentNodeCount()); System.out.println(arg.toExtendedNewick()); // BufferedWriter out = null; // // try { // out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("rejections.txt")); // } catch (Exception e) { // System.exit(-1); // } // // int rejections = 0; // // MathUtils.setSeed(97695); // // ArrayList<String> trees = new ArrayList<String>(10000); // // while (rejections < 100) { // ARGModel arg = new ARGModel(3, 6.0, 1.0); // String s = ""; // if (arg.getReassortmentNodeCount() < 2) { // s = arg.toStrippedNewick(); // } // // if (!s.equals("") && !trees.contains(s)) { // trees.add(s); // System.out.println("Total Current Size = " + trees.size() + " Rejections= " + rejections); // rejections = 0; // } else { // rejections++; // } // } // // System.out.println("\n************************************"); // System.out.println("Simulating trees"); // // Collections.sort(trees); // int[] freq = new int[trees.size()]; // int[] mcmcFreq = new int[trees.size()]; // rejections = 0; // // while (containsLessThan(freq, 10000)) { // ARGModel arg = new ARGModel(3, 6.0, 1.0); // String s = null; // if (arg.getReassortmentNodeCount() < 2) { // s = arg.toStrippedNewick(); // } // // if (s != null) { // freq[Collections.binarySearch(trees, s)]++; // } // rejections++; // if (rejections % 1000000 == 0) { // System.out.println(rejections); // } // } // //// System.out.println("\n************************************"); //// System.out.println("Analyzing MCMC results"); //// //// BufferedReader read = null; //// try{ //// read = new BufferedReader( new FileReader("prior.args")); //// String s = read.readLine(); //// s = read.readLine(); //// //// while(s != null){ //// mcmcFreq[Collections.binarySearch(trees, s)]++; //// s = read.readLine(); //// } //// //// }catch(Exception e){ //// System.exit(-1); //// } // // System.out.println("\n************************************"); // System.out.println("Printing Results"); // // // try { // out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("coalescent.sim")); // // rejections = 0; // for (String s : trees) { // if (mcmcFreq[rejections] > -1) { // out.write(s + " " + freq[rejections] + " " + mcmcFreq[rejections] + " \n"); // } // rejections++; // } // out.flush(); // } catch (Exception IOException) { // System.exit(-1); // } } /** * Packs and sends ARG state, including connectedness, heightparameters and * partitioning parameters. * * @param toRank */ @Override public void sendState(int toRank) { sendStateNoParameters(toRank); int cnt = 0; for (Node node : nodes) { node.number = cnt; cnt++; } final int size = nodes.size(); MPIServices.sendInt(size, toRank); int[] intMsg = new int[size * 7]; double[] doubleMsg = new double[size]; int indexNode = 0; int indexHeight = 0; int indexPartition = 0; ArrayList<Parameter> partList = new ArrayList<Parameter>(); for (Node node : nodes) { intMsg[indexNode++] = node.number; if (node.leftParent != null) intMsg[indexNode++] = node.leftParent.number; else intMsg[indexNode++] = -1; if (node.rightParent != null) intMsg[indexNode++] = node.rightParent.number; else intMsg[indexNode++] = -1; if (node.leftChild != null) intMsg[indexNode++] = node.leftChild.number; else intMsg[indexNode++] = -1; if (node.rightChild != null) intMsg[indexNode++] = node.rightChild.number; else intMsg[indexNode++] = -1; if (node.partitioning != null) { intMsg[indexNode++] = indexPartition++; partList.add(node.partitioning); } else { intMsg[indexNode++] = -1; } if (node.bifurcation) intMsg[indexNode++] = 1; else intMsg[indexNode++] = 0; doubleMsg[indexHeight++] = node.heightParameter .getParameterValue(0); } MPIServices.sendIntArray(intMsg, toRank); MPIServices.sendDoubleArray(doubleMsg, toRank); MPIServices.sendInt(partList.size(), toRank); for (Parameter partition : partList) { // System.err.println("Sending a partition."); double[] values = partition.getParameterValues(); // System.err.println("length = "+values.length); MPIServices.sendDoubleArray(partition.getParameterValues(), toRank); } // partitioningParameters.sendState(toRank); MPIServices.sendInt(((Node) getRoot()).number, toRank); } @Override public void receiveState(int fromRank) { receiveStateNoParameters(fromRank); final int newNodeCount = MPIServices.receiveInt(fromRank); // while (newNodeCount < nodes.size()) // nodes.remove(0); int[] intMsg = MPIServices.receiveIntArray(fromRank, newNodeCount * 7); double[] doubleMsg = MPIServices.receiveDoubleArray(fromRank, newNodeCount); int partitionLength = MPIServices.receiveInt(fromRank); // System.err.println("Attemping to receive "+partitionLength+" // partitions."); final int length = getNumberOfPartitions(); // System.err.println("Expected length = "+length); while (partitionLength > partitioningParameters.getParameterCount()) { Parameter newPartition = new Parameter.Default(length); partitioningParameters.addParameter(newPartition); } for (int i = 0; i < partitionLength; i++) { double[] values = MPIServices.receiveDoubleArray(fromRank, length); // System.err.println("Received."); Parameter param = partitioningParameters.getParameter(i); // System.err.println("null? "+ (param == null ? "Yes" : "No")); for (int j = 0; j < length; j++) { // System.err.println("setting value #"+j+ " = "+values[j]); param.setParameterValueQuietly(j, values[j]); } // System.err.println("Values set"); } // System.err.println("Done with partition receive."); int root = MPIServices.receiveInt(fromRank); // System.err.println("Start reconstructing ARG"); beginTreeEdit(); while (newNodeCount > nodes.size()) { Node newNode = new Node(); newNode.heightParameter = new Parameter.Default(0.0); nodes.add(newNode); } // System.err.println("extra height added"); int nodeInt; int indexNode = 0; int indexHeight = 0; int indexPartition = 0; for (int i = 0; i < newNodeCount; i++) { Node node = nodes.get(i); node.number = intMsg[indexNode++]; nodeInt = intMsg[indexNode++]; if (nodeInt != -1) node.leftParent = nodes.get(nodeInt); else node.leftParent = null; nodeInt = intMsg[indexNode++]; if (nodeInt != -1) node.rightParent = nodes.get(nodeInt); else node.rightParent = null; nodeInt = intMsg[indexNode++]; if (nodeInt != -1) node.leftChild = nodes.get(nodeInt); else node.leftChild = null; nodeInt = intMsg[indexNode++]; if (nodeInt != -1) node.rightChild = nodes.get(nodeInt); else node.rightChild = null; // Parameter heightParam = node.heightParameter.setParameterValueQuietly(0, doubleMsg[indexHeight++]); int whichPartitionParameter = intMsg[indexNode++]; if (whichPartitionParameter != -1) { // System.err.println("Setting partition para"); node.partitioning = partitioningParameters .getParameter(whichPartitionParameter); // System.err.println("Done setting param"); } if (intMsg[indexNode++] == 1) node.bifurcation = true; else node.bifurcation = false; } // System.err.println("Recovered all nodes"); setRoot(nodes.get(root)); // try { endTreeEditFast(); // todo fire an ARG changed event??? // } catch (InvalidTreeException e) { // throw new RuntimeException("Unable to unpack ARG correctly"); // e.printStackTrace(); //To change body of catch statement use File | // Settings | File Templates. // } } public boolean isAncestral() { //zero everything first. for (int i = 0; i < getNodeCount(); i++) { Node x = (Node) getNode(i); x.fullAncestralMaterial = false; x.hasSomeAncestralMaterial = false; if (x.ancestralMaterial == null) { x.ancestralMaterial = new boolean[getNumberOfPartitions()]; } for (int j = 0; j < x.ancestralMaterial.length; j++) { x.ancestralMaterial[j] = false; } } //post order up with the external nodes for (int i = 0; i < getExternalNodeCount(); i++) { Node currentNode = (Node) getExternalNode(i); currentNode.fullAncestralMaterial = true; currentNode.hasSomeAncestralMaterial = true; for (int j = 0; j < currentNode.ancestralMaterial.length; j++) { currentNode.ancestralMaterial[j] = true; } currentNode.leftParent.setAncestralMaterial(currentNode.ancestralMaterial); } //check that everything has some ancestral stuff. for (int i = 0, n = getNodeCount(); i < n; i++) { Node currentNode = (Node) getNode(i); if (!currentNode.hasSomeAncestralMaterial) { return false; } } return true; } public CompoundParameter getPartitioningParameters() { return partitioningParameters; } public void setupHeightBounds() { for (Node node : nodes) { node.setupHeightBounds(); } } // public static final String private String getNameOfNode(Node node) { if (node.taxon == null) return "n" + Integer.toString(node.number); else return node.taxon.getId(); // return Integer.toString(node.number); } public static final int MAX_LABEL_COUNT = 10; private Element makeEdge(Node from, Node to) { Element edgeElement = new Element(EDGE_ELEMENT); edgeElement.setAttribute(EDGE_FROM, getNameOfNode(from)); edgeElement.setAttribute(EDGE_TO, getNameOfNode(to)); edgeElement.setAttribute(EDGE_LENGTH, Double .toString(getNodeHeight(from) - getNodeHeight(to))); if (to.isReassortment()) { double[] bits = to.partitioning.getParameterValues(); int length = bits.length; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); boolean isLeft = (from == to.leftParent); int countLabels = 0; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { if ((isLeft && bits[i] == 0) || (!isLeft && bits[i] == 1)) { sb.append(i); sb.append(" "); countLabels++; } } if (countLabels < MAX_LABEL_COUNT) edgeElement.setAttribute(EDGE_PARTITIONS, sb.toString().trim()); } return edgeElement; } private Element makeNode(Node node) { Element nodeElement = new Element(NODE_ELEMENT); nodeElement.setAttribute(ID_ATTRIBUTE, getNameOfNode(node)); if (node.taxon != null) { nodeElement.setAttribute(IS_TIP, "true"); nodeElement.setAttribute(TAXON_NAME, node.taxon.getId()); // nodeElement.setAttribute("style","filled"); // nodeElement.setAttribute("fillcolor","blue"); } if (node.isRoot()) { nodeElement.setAttribute(IS_ROOT, "true"); } if (node.isReassortment()) { nodeElement.setAttribute(IS_REASSORTMENT, "true"); } nodeElement .setAttribute(NODE_HEIGHT, Double.toString(node.getHeight())); return nodeElement; } private Element makeNodeFullInfo(Node node) { Element nodeElement = new Element(NODE_ELEMENT); nodeElement.setAttribute(ID_ATTRIBUTE, getNameOfNode(node)); if (node.isRoot()) { nodeElement.setAttribute(IS_ROOT, "true"); } else { nodeElement.setAttribute(LEFT_PARENT, getNameOfNode(node.leftParent)); nodeElement.setAttribute(RIGHT_PARENT, getNameOfNode(node.rightParent)); } if (node.taxon != null) { nodeElement.setAttribute(IS_TIP, "true"); nodeElement.setAttribute(TAXON_NAME, node.taxon.getId()); } else { nodeElement.setAttribute(LEFT_CHILD, getNameOfNode(node.leftChild)); nodeElement.setAttribute(RIGHT_CHILD, getNameOfNode(node.rightChild)); } nodeElement .setAttribute(NODE_HEIGHT, Double.toString(node.getHeight())); return nodeElement; } public ARGModel fromXML(Element rootElement) { int numPartitions = Integer.parseInt(rootElement .getAttributeValue(NUM_PARTITIONS)); int external = 0; // count # of nodeElements List<Element> nodeList = rootElement.getChildren(NODE_ELEMENT); ArrayList<Node> nodes = new ArrayList<Node>(); Node rootNode = null; // System.err.println("node # = "+nodeList.size()); // System.exit(-1); for (Element nodeElement : nodeList) { Node node = new Node(); nodes.add(node); String isRoot = nodeElement.getAttributeValue(IS_ROOT); if (isRoot != null && isRoot.compareTo("true") == 0) rootNode = node; String isReassortment = nodeElement .getAttributeValue(IS_REASSORTMENT); if (isReassortment != null && isReassortment.compareTo("true") == 0) node.bifurcation = false; else node.bifurcation = true; double height = Double.parseDouble(nodeElement .getAttributeValue(NODE_HEIGHT)); node.heightParameter = new Parameter.Default(height); node.setHeight(height); String isTip = nodeElement.getAttributeValue(IS_TIP); if (isTip != null && isTip.compareTo("true") == 0) { external++; String taxonName = nodeElement.getAttributeValue(TAXON_NAME); node.taxon = new Taxon(taxonName); // todo reuse taxonList } } List<Element> edgeList = rootElement.getChildren(EDGE_ELEMENT); for (Element edgeElement : edgeList) { int target = Integer.parseInt(edgeElement .getAttributeValue(EDGE_TO)); int source = Integer.parseInt(edgeElement .getAttributeValue(EDGE_FROM)); Node targetNode = nodes.get(target); Node sourceNode = nodes.get(source); if (targetNode.isBifurcation()) { targetNode.leftParent = targetNode.rightParent = sourceNode; } else { if (targetNode.leftParent == null) targetNode.leftParent = sourceNode; else { targetNode.rightParent = sourceNode; String partitionInfo = edgeElement .getAttributeValue(EDGE_PARTITIONS); Parameter partitioning = null; // if (partitionInfo != null && sourceNode.leftChild != // null) { partitioning = new Parameter.Default(numPartitions, 0.0); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(partitionInfo); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { int which = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()); partitioning.setParameterValueQuietly(which, 1.0); } // } targetNode.partitioning = partitioning; } } if (sourceNode.leftChild == null) sourceNode.leftChild = targetNode; // sourceNode. // } else { sourceNode.rightChild = targetNode; // sourceNode.partitioning = partitioning; } // todo parse partition info } return new ARGModel(nodes, rootNode, numPartitions, external); } public Element toXML() { // toGraphStringCompressed(true); int cnt = 0; for (Node node : nodes) node.number = cnt++; Element graphElement = new Element(GRAPH_ELEMENT); graphElement.setAttribute("edgedefault", "directed"); graphElement.setAttribute(NUM_PARTITIONS, Integer .toString(getNumberOfPartitions())); for (Node node : nodes) { graphElement.addContent(makeNode(node)); // Add edge to left parent if not root if (node.leftParent != null) { graphElement.addContent(makeEdge(node.leftParent, node)); } // Add edge to right parent if reassortment if (node.rightParent != null && node.isReassortment()) { graphElement.addContent(makeEdge(node.rightParent, node)); } } // System.err.println("start = "+nodes.size()); // ARGModel test = fromXML(graphElement); // System.err.println(test.toGraphString()); // System.err.println("old 0:"+getNewick(0)); // System.err.println("old 1:"+getNewick(1)); // System.err.println("old 2:"+getNewick(2)); // System.err.println("new 0:"+test.getNewick(0)); return graphElement; } public String toStrippedNewick() { String s = root.toExtendedNewick() + ";"; // s = s.replaceAll("[0-9a-zA-Z]", ""); s = s.replaceAll("[^(),<>;]", ""); return s; } public String toExtendedNewick() { // StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); return root.toExtendedNewick() + ";"; } /** * Push a tree changed event into the event stack. */ public void pushTreeChangedEvent() { pushTreeChangedEvent(new TreeChangedEvent()); } public void pushTreeSizeChangedEvent() { throw new RuntimeException("No longer supported; use updated operators"); } public void pushTreeSizeIncreasedEvent() { pushTreeChangedEvent(new TreeChangedEvent(+1)); } public void pushTreeSizeDecreasedEvent() { pushTreeChangedEvent(new TreeChangedEvent(-1)); } /** * Push a tree changed event into the event stack. */ public void pushTreeChangedEvent(NodeRef nodeRef) { pushTreeChangedEvent(new TreeChangedEvent((Node) nodeRef)); } /** * Push a tree changed event into the event stack. */ public void pushTreeChangedEvent(Node node, Parameter parameter, int index) { pushTreeChangedEvent(new TreeChangedEvent(node, parameter, index)); } /** * Push a tree changed event into the event stack. */ public void pushTreeChangedEvent(TreeChangedEvent event) { if (inEdit) { treeChangedEvents.add(event); } else { listenerHelper.fireModelChanged(this, event); } } protected void handleModelChangedEvent(Model model, Object object, int index) { // no submodels so nothing to do } /** * Called when a parameter changes. */ public void handleVariableChangedEvent(Variable variable, int index, Parameter.ChangeType type) { Node node = getNodeOfParameter((Parameter) variable); pushTreeChangedEvent(node, (Parameter) variable, index); } private ArrayList<ARGLikelihood> likelihoodCalculators; private int maxNumberOfPartitions; public int getNumberOfPartitions() { return maxNumberOfPartitions; } public int addLikelihoodCalculator(ARGLikelihood calc) { // int len = 0; if (likelihoodCalculators == null) { likelihoodCalculators = new ArrayList<ARGLikelihood>(); } likelihoodCalculators.add(calc); int len = likelihoodCalculators.size() - 1; maxNumberOfPartitions = likelihoodCalculators.size(); System.err.println("Add calculator for partition #" + len); setPartitionRecursively(getRoot(), len); return len; } public int getMaxPartitionNumber() { return maxNumberOfPartitions; } protected final List<TreeChangedEvent> treeChangedEvents = new ArrayList<TreeChangedEvent>(); public class TreeChangedEvent { final Node node; final Parameter parameter; final int index; int size = 0; public TreeChangedEvent() { this(null, null, -1); } // public TreeChangedEvent(ARGModel arg) { // this(null, null, -1); // size = true; // } public TreeChangedEvent(Node node) { this(node, null, -1); } public TreeChangedEvent(Node node, Parameter parameter, int index) { this.node = node; this.parameter = parameter; this.index = index; } public TreeChangedEvent(int sizeChanged) { this(null, null, -1); size = sizeChanged; } public int getIndex() { return index; } public Node getNode() { return node; } public Parameter getParameter() { return parameter; } public int getSize() { return size; } public boolean isSizeChanged() { return !(size == 0); } public boolean isTreeChanged() { return parameter == null; } public boolean isNodeChanged() { return node != null; } public boolean isNodeParameterChanged() { return parameter != null; } public boolean isHeightChanged() { return parameter == node.heightParameter; } public boolean isRateChanged() { return parameter == node.rateParameter; } public boolean isTraitChanged() { return parameter == node.traitParameter; } } // ***** // Interface Loggable // ***** public LogColumn[] getColumns() { int numColumns = 3; // numColumns += this.getMaxPartitionNumber(); // LogColumn[] logColumns = new LogColumn[numColumns + // getMaxPartitionNumber()]; LogColumn[] logColumns = new LogColumn[3]; //logColumns[0] = new IsReassortmentColumn("isReassortment"); logColumns[0] = new CountReassortmentColumn("numberReassortments"); logColumns[1] = new ExtremeNodeHeightColumn("maxNodeHeight") { double getStartValue() { return 0; } double compare(double currentValue, double newValue) { if (newValue > currentValue) return newValue; return currentValue; } }; logColumns[2] = new ExtremeNodeHeightColumn("minNodeHeight") { double getStartValue() { return 0; } double compare(double currentValue, double newValue) { if (newValue == 0) { return currentValue; } else if (currentValue == 0) { return newValue; } if (newValue < currentValue) return newValue; return currentValue; } }; /*logColumns[4] = new NumberColumn("Left Node"){ public double getDoubleValue() { Node a = (Node) getRoot(); return a.leftChild.getHeight(); } }; logColumns[5] = new NumberColumn("Right Node"){ public double getDoubleValue() { Node a = (Node) getRoot(); return a.rightChild.getHeight(); } }; logColumns[6] = new NumberColumn("Reassort Height"){ public double getDoubleValue() { double b = 0; for(Node a : nodes){ if(a.isReassortment()){ b = a.getHeight(); break; } } return b; } };*/ // logColumns[2] = new IsRootTooHighColumn("isRootTooHigh"); // for (int i = 0; i < getMaxPartitionNumber(); i++) // logColumns[4 + i] = new ArgTreeHeightColumn("argTreeHeight", this, // i); return logColumns; } private abstract class ExtremeNodeHeightColumn extends NumberColumn { public ExtremeNodeHeightColumn(String label) { super(label); } abstract double compare(double currentValue, double newValue); /* * { if (newValue > currentValue) return newValue; return currentValue; } */ abstract double getStartValue(); public double getDoubleValue() { double criticalValue = getStartValue(); for (Node node : nodes) { double nodeHeight = node.heightParameter.getParameterValue(0); if (nodeHeight > 0 && !isRoot(node)) { criticalValue = compare(criticalValue, nodeHeight); } } return criticalValue; } } private class ArgTreeHeightColumn extends NumberColumn { private final int partition; private final ARGModel argModel; public ArgTreeHeightColumn(String label, ARGModel argModel, int partition) { super(label + partition); this.argModel = argModel; this.partition = partition; } public double getDoubleValue() { ARGTree argTree = new ARGTree(argModel, partition); return argTree.getNodeHeight(argTree.getRoot()); // return (new ARGTree( } } private class IsReassortmentColumn extends NumberColumn { public IsReassortmentColumn(String label) { super(label); // To change body of overridden methods use File | // Settings | File Templates. } public double getDoubleValue() { return getReassortmentNodeCount() == 0 ? 0 : 1; } } private class IsRootTooHighColumn extends NumberColumn { public IsRootTooHighColumn(String label) { super(label); // To change body of overridden methods use File | // Settings | File Templates. } public double getDoubleValue() { return isBifurcationDoublyLinked(getRoot()) ? 1 : 0; } } private class CountReassortmentColumn extends NumberColumn { public CountReassortmentColumn(String label) { super(label); // To change body of overridden methods use File | // Settings | File Templates. } public double getDoubleValue() { return getReassortmentNodeCount(); } } public void setPartitionType(String partitionType) { this.partitionType = partitionType; } public String getPartitionType() { return partitionType; } public boolean isRecombinationPartitionType() { if (partitionType.equals(RECOMBINATION_PARTITION)) { return true; } return false; } // ***************************************************************** // Interface Tree // ***************************************************************** /** * Return the units that this tree is expressed in. */ public final Type getUnits() { return units; } public void setUnits(Type units) { this.units = units; } /** * Sets the units that this tree is expressed in. */ /** * @return a count of the number of nodes (internal + external) in this * tree. */ public final int getNodeCount() { return nodes.size(); } public final boolean hasNodeHeights() { return true; } public NodeRef getMirrorNode(NodeRef node) { // for(Node argNode: nodes) { // if (((Node)node).mirrorNode == argNode) // System.err.println("Found (in getMirrorNode)"); // } return ((Node) node).mirrorNode; } public final double getNodeHeight(NodeRef node) { // System.err.println(Tree.Utils.uniqueNewick(this, node)); // ((Node)node)) return ((Node) node).getHeight(); } public final double getMinParentNodeHeight(NodeRef nr) { Node node = (Node) nr; return Math.min(node.leftParent.getHeight(), node.rightParent .getHeight()); } public final double getNodeHeightUpper(NodeRef node) { return ((Node) node).heightParameter.getBounds().getUpperLimit(0); } public final double getNodeHeightLower(NodeRef node) { return ((Node) node).heightParameter.getBounds().getLowerLimit(0); } /** * @param nodeRef * @return the rate parameter associated with this node. */ public final double getNodeRate(NodeRef nodeRef, int partition) { if (!hasRates) { return 1.0; } return 0.0; } public Object getNodeAttribute(NodeRef node, String name) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "ARGModel does not use NodeAttributes"); } public Iterator getNodeAttributeNames(NodeRef node) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "ARGModel does not use NodeAttributes"); } public double getNodeTrait(NodeRef node) { if (!hasTraits) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Trait parameters have not been created"); return ((Node) node).getTrait(); } public final Taxon getNodeTaxon(NodeRef node) { return ((Node) node).taxon; } public final boolean isExternal(NodeRef node) { return ((Node) node).isExternal(); } public final boolean isInternal(NodeRef node) { return !this.isExternal(node); } public final boolean isRoot(NodeRef node) { return (node == root); } public final boolean isBifurcation(NodeRef node) { return ((Node) node).isBifurcation(); } public final boolean isBifurcationDoublyLinked(NodeRef node) { return ((Node) node).isBifurcationDoublyLinked(); } public final boolean isReassortment(NodeRef node) { return ((Node) node).isReassortment(); } public final int countReassortmentNodes(NodeRef nr) { Node node = (Node) nr; int count = node.countReassortmentChild(this); // int count = 0; return (count / 2); } public final int getChildCount(NodeRef node) { return ((Node) node).getChildCount(); } public final NodeRef getOtherChild(NodeRef parent, NodeRef wrongChild) { Node p = (Node) parent; Node c = (Node) wrongChild; if (p.leftChild == c) { return p.rightChild; } return p.leftChild; } public final NodeRef getBrother(NodeRef node) { Node n = (Node) node; if (n.isReassortment()) { return node; } Node p = n.leftParent; if (p.leftChild == n) { return p.rightChild; } return p.leftChild; } /** * If i = 0, the left child is returned, else if i = 1, the right child is * returned. * * @return The child of the entered node. */ public final NodeRef getChild(NodeRef node, int i) { return ((Node) node).getChild(i); } public final NodeRef getChild(NodeRef node, int i, int partition) { return ((Node) node).getChild(i, partition); } // public final NodeRef getParent(NodeRef node) { return // ((Node)node).parent; } public final NodeRef getParent(NodeRef node) { Node left = ((Node) node).leftParent; Node right = ((Node) node).rightParent; if (left == right) return left; else throw new IllegalArgumentException( "No single parent for reassorted node"); } /** * @param node The child noderef * @param i i = 0 (left parent) i = 1 (right parent) * @return The corresponding parent noderef */ public final NodeRef getParent(NodeRef node, int i) { if (i == 0) return ((Node) node).leftParent; if (i == 1) return ((Node) node).rightParent; throw new IllegalArgumentException( "ARGModel.Node can only have two parents"); } public final boolean hasBranchLengths() { return true; } public final double getBranchLength(NodeRef node) { NodeRef parent = getParent(node); if (parent == null) { return 0.0; } return getNodeHeight(parent) - getNodeHeight(node); } public final NodeRef getExternalNode(int i) { return nodes.get(i); } public final NodeRef getInternalNode(int i) { return nodes.get(i + externalNodeCount); } public final NodeRef getNode(int i) { return nodes.get(i); } /** * Returns the number of external nodes. */ public final int getExternalNodeCount() { return externalNodeCount; } /** * Returns the ith internal node. */ public final int getInternalNodeCount() { return internalNodeCount; } public final int getReassortmentNodeCount() { int cnt = 0; for (Node node : nodes) { if (!node.bifurcation) cnt++; } return cnt; } // public final int getReassortmentNodeCount() { return nullCounter; } public void addNullCounter() { nullCounter++; } public void removeNullCounter() { nullCounter--; } /** * Returns the root node of this tree. */ public final NodeRef getRoot() { return root; } public final NodeRef getRoot(int partition) { // TODO return null; } // ***************************************************************** // Interface MutableTree // ***************************************************************** /** * Set a new node as root node. */ public final void setRoot(NodeRef newRoot) { if (!inEdit) throw new RuntimeException( "Must be in edit transaction to call this method!"); root = (Node) newRoot; // We shouldn't need this because the addChild will already have fired // appropriate events. // pushTreeChangedEvent(); } public void swapHeightParameters(NodeRef n1, NodeRef n2) { Node node1 = (Node) n1; Node node2 = (Node) n2; double height1 = node1.getHeight(); double height2 = node2.getHeight(); Parameter trans = node1.heightParameter; node1.heightParameter = node2.heightParameter; node2.heightParameter = trans; node1.setHeight(height1); node2.setHeight(height2); } /** * Links <code>parent</code> with <code>child</code>. If * <code>parent</code> is a bifurcation node, * the method calls <code>singleAddChild(parent,child)</code>, * otherwise, the method calls <code>doubleAddChild(parent,child)</code>. * * @throws RuntimeException if not in edit mode. * @see <code>singleAddChild(NodeRef parent, NodeRef child)</code> * @see <code>doubleAddChild(NodeRef parent, NodeRef child)</code> */ public void addChild(NodeRef parent, NodeRef child) { checkEditMode(); Node p = (Node) parent; Node c = (Node) child; if (p.bifurcation) { p.singleAddChild(c); } else { p.doubleAddChild(c); } } public void addChildWithSingleParent(NodeRef parent, NodeRef child) { checkEditMode(); Node p = (Node) parent; Node c = (Node) child; if (p.bifurcation) { p.singleAddChildWithOneParent(c); } else { p.doubleAddChildWithOneParent(c); } } /** * Makes a link between <code>parent</code> and <code>child</code>. * By default, if <code>parent</code> has a null reference for both * it's children, <code>child</code> will become the left child of * <code>parent</code>, otherwise <code>child</code> will become * the right child of <code>parent</code>. <br><br>If the right parent * of <code>child</code> is <code>null</code>, <code>parent</code> * will become the parent, the same thing will happen for the left parent * of <code>child</code>. * * @param parent the <code>NodeRef</code> that will become the parent of <code>child</code> * @param child the <code>NodeRef</code> that will become the child of <code>parent</code> * @throws RuntimeException if the you are not in edit transaction mode * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>parent</code> already has two children. */ public void singleAddChild(NodeRef parent, NodeRef child) { if (!inEdit) { throw new RuntimeException( "must be in edit transaction to call this method!"); } Node p = (Node) parent; Node c = (Node) child; p.singleAddChild(c); } public void singleAddChildWithOneParent(NodeRef p, NodeRef c) { if (!inEdit) throw new RuntimeException( "Must be in edit transaction to call this method!"); Node parent = (Node) p; Node child = (Node) c; parent.singleAddChildWithOneParent(child); } public void doubleAddChild(NodeRef p, NodeRef c) { if (!inEdit) throw new RuntimeException( "Must be in edit transaction to call this method!"); Node parent = (Node) p; Node child = (Node) c; parent.doubleAddChild(child); } public void doubleAddChildWithOneParent(NodeRef p, NodeRef c) { if (!inEdit) throw new RuntimeException( "Must be in edit transaction to call this method!"); Node parent = (Node) p; Node child = (Node) c; parent.doubleAddChildWithOneParent(child); } public void addChildAsRecombinant(NodeRef p1, NodeRef p2, NodeRef c, Parameter partitioning) { // public void addChildAsRecombinant(NodeRef p1, NodeRef p2, NodeRef c, // BitSet bs1, BitSet bs2) { if (!inEdit) throw new RuntimeException( "Must be in edit transaction to call this method!"); Node parent1 = (Node) p1; Node parent2 = (Node) p2; Node child = (Node) c; // if (parent1.hasChild(child) || parent2.hasChild(child)) throw new // IllegalArgumentException("Child already exists in parent"); // if (parent2.hasChild(child)) throw new // IllegalArgumentException("Child already exists in") parent1.addChildRecombinant(child, partitioning); parent2.addChildRecombinant(child, partitioning); // if( parent2.getChildCount() == 1 ) // parent2.addChildNoParentConnection(node); } /** * Removes the link between <code>parent</code> and * <code>child</code>. If <code>parent</code> is a bifurcation node, * the method calls <code>singleRemoveChild(parent, child)</code>, * otherwise, the method calls <code>doubleRemoveChild(parent,child)</code>. * * @throws RuntimeException if not in edit mode. * @see <code>singleRemoveChild(NodeRef parent, NodeRef child)</code> * @see <code>doubleRemoveChild(NodeRef parent, NodeRef child)</code> */ public void removeChild(NodeRef parent, NodeRef child) { checkEditMode(); Node p = (Node) parent; Node c = (Node) child; p.doubleRemoveChild(c); } public void replaceChild(NodeRef node, NodeRef child, NodeRef newChild) { } /** * Removes the link between the parent and the child. This method should be * called when the child's parents are both the same. After the method is * called the parent will have two null references for children, and the * child will have two null references for parents. * * @param parent The parent NodeRef * @param child The child NodeRef * // * @see doubleAddChild() * // * @see singleAddChild() * // * @see removeChild() * // * @see singleRemoveChild() */ public void doubleRemoveChild(NodeRef parent, NodeRef child) { checkEditMode(); Node p = (Node) parent; Node c = (Node) child; p.doubleRemoveChild(c); } public void singleRemoveChild(NodeRef p, NodeRef c) { checkEditMode(); Node parent = (Node) p; Node child = (Node) c; parent.singleRemoveChild(child); } protected Node oldRoot; public boolean beginTreeEdit() { if (inEdit) throw new RuntimeException("Alreading in edit transaction mode!"); oldRoot = root; inEdit = true; return false; } public void endTreeEdit() { if (!inEdit) throw new RuntimeException("Not in edit transaction mode!"); inEdit = false; if (root != oldRoot) { swapParameterObjects(oldRoot, root); } // ystem.err.println("There are "+treeChangedEvents.size()+" events // waiting"); // System.exit(-1); for(TreeChangedEvent treeChangedEvent : treeChangedEvents) { listenerHelper.fireModelChanged(this, treeChangedEvent); } treeChangedEvents.clear(); } public void checkTreeIsValid() throws MutableTree.InvalidTreeException { for (Node node : nodes) { if (!node.heightParameter.isWithinBounds()) { throw new InvalidTreeException("height parameter out of bounds"); } } } private void endTreeEditFast() { inEdit = false; } public void setNodeHeight(NodeRef n, double height) { ((Node) n).setHeight(height); } public void setNodeRate(NodeRef n, double rate) { if (!hasRates) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Rate parameters have not been created"); ((Node) n).setRate(rate); } public void setNodeTrait(NodeRef n, double value) { if (!hasTraits) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Trait parameters have not been created"); ((Node) n).setTrait(value); } public void setNodeNumber(NodeRef node, int n) { node.setNumber(n); } public void setBranchLength(NodeRef node, double length) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "ARGModel cannot have branch lengths set"); } public void setNodeAttribute(NodeRef node, String name, Object value) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "ARGModel does not use NodeAttributes"); } // ***************************************************************** // Interface ModelComponent // ***************************************************************** /** * Store current state */ protected void storeState() { /* * System.err.println("Storing state"); this.checkBranchSanity(); * System.err.println("sane before operation"); */ copyNodeStructure(storedNodes); // storedRootNumber = storedNodes.indexOf(root.getNumber(); storedRootNumber = nodes.indexOf(root); storedNodeCount = nodeCount; storedInternalNodeCount = internalNodeCount; addedParameters = null; addedPartitioningParameter = null; addedNodes = null; removedParameters = null; removedPartitioningParameter = null; removedNodes = null; storedNullCounter = nullCounter; // System.err.println("Stored: "+Tree.Utils.uniqueNewick(this, // getRoot())); // System.err.println("Stored : "+this.toString()); } /** * Restore the stored state */ protected void restoreState() { ArrayList<Node> tmp = storedNodes; storedNodes = nodes; nodes = tmp; root = nodes.get(storedRootNumber); nodeCount = storedNodeCount; internalNodeCount = storedInternalNodeCount; //This part occurs true when we add a new arg event //onto the root. if (addedParameters != null) { if (addedParameters.length == 5) { removeVariable(addedParameters[0]); removeVariable(addedParameters[1]); removeVariable(addedParameters[2]); removeVariable(addedParameters[3]); storedInternalNodeHeights.removeParameter(addedParameters[0]); storedInternalNodeHeights.removeParameter(addedParameters[4]); storedInternalAndRootNodeHeights.removeParameter(addedParameters[0]); storedInternalAndRootNodeHeights.removeParameter(addedParameters[1]); storedNodeRates.removeParameter(addedParameters[2]); } else { storedInternalNodeHeights.removeParameter(addedParameters[0]); storedInternalNodeHeights.removeParameter(addedParameters[1]); removeVariable(addedParameters[0]); removeVariable(addedParameters[1]); storedInternalAndRootNodeHeights .removeParameter(addedParameters[0]); storedInternalAndRootNodeHeights .removeParameter(addedParameters[1]); removeVariable(addedParameters[2]); removeVariable(addedParameters[3]); storedNodeRates.removeParameter(addedParameters[2]); // storedNodeRates.removeVariable(addedParameters[3]); } } if (addedPartitioningParameter != null) { partitioningParameters.removeParameter(addedPartitioningParameter); removeVariable(addedPartitioningParameter); } if (removedParameters != null) { storedInternalNodeHeights.addParameter(removedParameters[0]); storedInternalNodeHeights.addParameter(removedParameters[1]); addVariable(removedParameters[0]); addVariable(removedParameters[1]); storedInternalAndRootNodeHeights.addParameter(removedParameters[0]); storedInternalAndRootNodeHeights.addParameter(removedParameters[1]); addVariable(removedParameters[2]); addVariable(removedParameters[3]); storedNodeRates.addParameter(removedParameters[2]); // storedNodeRates.addVariable(removedParameters[3]); } if (removedPartitioningParameter != null) { partitioningParameters.addParameter(removedPartitioningParameter); addVariable(removedPartitioningParameter); } nullCounter = storedNullCounter; } /** * accept the stored state */ protected void acceptState() { // System.err.println("Accepted ARG\n"+this.toGraphString()); } // nothing to do /** * Adopt the state of the model component from source. */ protected void adoptState(Model source) { } /* * public void addNewHeightParameters(Parameter newbie1, Parameter newbie2, * CompoundParameter internalNodeParameters, * CompoundParameter internalAndRootNodeParameters) { * addVariable(newbie1); addVariable(newbie2); addedParameters = new * Parameter[2]; addedParameters[0] = newbie1; addedParameters[1] = newbie2; * * storedInternalNodeHeights = internalNodeParameters; * storedInternalNodeHeights.addVariable(newbie1); * storedInternalNodeHeights.addVariable(newbie2); * *//* * storedInternalAndRootNodeHeights = internalAndRootNodeParameters; * storedInternalAndRootNodeHeights.addVariable(newbie1); * storedInternalAndRootNodeHeights.addVariable(newbie2); *//* * } */ public void expandARG(Node newbie1, Node newbie2, CompoundParameter internalNodeParameters, CompoundParameter internalAndRootNodeParameters, CompoundParameter nodeRates) { addVariable(newbie1.heightParameter); addVariable(newbie2.heightParameter); addVariable(newbie2.partitioning); addVariable(newbie1.rateParameter); addVariable(newbie2.rateParameter); addedParameters = new Parameter[4]; addedParameters[0] = newbie1.heightParameter; addedParameters[1] = newbie2.heightParameter; addedParameters[2] = newbie1.rateParameter; addedParameters[3] = newbie2.rateParameter; addedPartitioningParameter = newbie2.partitioning; storedInternalNodeHeights = internalNodeParameters; storedInternalNodeHeights.addParameter(newbie1.heightParameter); storedInternalNodeHeights.addParameter(newbie2.heightParameter); storedInternalAndRootNodeHeights = internalAndRootNodeParameters; storedInternalAndRootNodeHeights.addParameter(newbie1.heightParameter); storedInternalAndRootNodeHeights.addParameter(newbie2.heightParameter); storedNodeRates = nodeRates; storedNodeRates.addParameter(newbie1.rateParameter); // storedNodeRates.addVariable(newbie2.rateParameter); partitioningParameters.addParameter(newbie2.partitioning); nodes.add(newbie1); nodes.add(newbie2); internalNodeCount += 2; // pushTreeSizeIncreasedEvent(); } public void expandARGWithRecombinant(Node newbie1, Node newbie2, CompoundParameter internalNodeParameters, CompoundParameter internalAndRootNodeParameters, CompoundParameter nodeRates) { // System.err.println("attempting to expand"); addVariable(newbie1.heightParameter); addVariable(newbie2.heightParameter); addVariable(newbie2.partitioning); // System.err.println("expand 0"); addVariable(newbie1.rateParameter); addVariable(newbie2.rateParameter); // System.err.println("expand 1"); addedParameters = new Parameter[4]; addedParameters[0] = newbie1.heightParameter; addedParameters[1] = newbie2.heightParameter; addedParameters[2] = newbie1.rateParameter; addedParameters[3] = newbie2.rateParameter; addedPartitioningParameter = newbie2.partitioning; // System.err.println("expand 2"); storedInternalNodeHeights = internalNodeParameters; storedInternalNodeHeights.addParameter(newbie1.heightParameter); storedInternalNodeHeights.addParameter(newbie2.heightParameter); storedInternalAndRootNodeHeights = internalAndRootNodeParameters; storedInternalAndRootNodeHeights.addParameter(newbie1.heightParameter); storedInternalAndRootNodeHeights.addParameter(newbie2.heightParameter); storedNodeRates = nodeRates; storedNodeRates.addParameter(newbie1.rateParameter); storedNodeRates.addParameter(newbie2.rateParameter); // System.err.println("expand 3"); partitioningParameters.addParameter(newbie2.partitioning); nodes.add(newbie1); nodes.add(newbie2); internalNodeCount += 2; // sanityNodeCheck(internalNodeParameters); // pushTreeSizeIncreasedEvent(); // System.err.println("done expand"); } public void sanityNodeCheck(CompoundParameter inodes) { int len = inodes.getParameterCount(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { Parameter p = inodes.getParameter(i); for (int j = 0; j < internalNodeCount; j++) { Node node = (Node) getInternalNode(j); if (node.heightParameter == p) { if (isRoot(node)) { System.err .println("Root height found in internal nodes"); System.exit(-1); } } } } } public void contractARGWithRecombinantNewRoot(Node oldie, Node oldRoot, Node newRoot, CompoundParameter internalNodeParameters, CompoundParameter internalAndRootNodeParameters, CompoundParameter nodeRates) { removeVariable(oldie.heightParameter); removeVariable(oldRoot.heightParameter); removeVariable(oldie.partitioning); removeVariable(oldie.rateParameter); removeVariable(oldie.rateParameter); removedParameters = new Parameter[4]; removedParameters[0] = oldie.heightParameter; removedParameters[1] = oldRoot.heightParameter; removedParameters[2] = oldie.rateParameter; removedParameters[3] = oldRoot.rateParameter; partitioningParameters.removeParameter(oldie.partitioning); removedPartitioningParameter = oldie.partitioning; storedInternalNodeHeights = internalNodeParameters; storedInternalNodeHeights.removeParameter(oldie.heightParameter); storedInternalAndRootNodeHeights = internalAndRootNodeParameters; storedInternalAndRootNodeHeights .removeParameter(oldie.heightParameter); storedInternalAndRootNodeHeights .removeParameter(oldRoot.heightParameter); storedNodeRates = nodeRates; storedNodeRates.removeParameter(oldie.rateParameter); storedNodeRates.removeParameter(oldRoot.rateParameter); nodes.remove(oldie); nodes.remove(oldRoot); internalNodeCount -= 2; this.setRoot(newRoot); // pushTreeSizeDecreasedEvent(); } public void contractARG(Node oldie1, Node oldie2, CompoundParameter internalNodeParameters, CompoundParameter internalAndRootNodeParameters, CompoundParameter nodeRates) { removeVariable(oldie1.heightParameter); removeVariable(oldie2.heightParameter); removeVariable(oldie2.partitioning); removeVariable(oldie1.rateParameter); removeVariable(oldie2.rateParameter); removedParameters = new Parameter[4]; removedParameters[0] = oldie1.heightParameter; removedParameters[1] = oldie2.heightParameter; removedParameters[2] = oldie1.rateParameter; removedParameters[3] = oldie2.rateParameter; partitioningParameters.removeParameter(oldie2.partitioning); removedPartitioningParameter = oldie2.partitioning; storedInternalNodeHeights = internalNodeParameters; storedInternalNodeHeights.removeParameter(oldie1.heightParameter); storedInternalNodeHeights.removeParameter(oldie2.heightParameter); storedInternalAndRootNodeHeights = internalAndRootNodeParameters; storedInternalAndRootNodeHeights.removeParameter(oldie1.heightParameter); storedInternalAndRootNodeHeights.removeParameter(oldie2.heightParameter); storedNodeRates = nodeRates; storedNodeRates.removeParameter(oldie1.rateParameter); // storedNodeRates.removeVariable(oldie2.rateParameter); nodes.remove(oldie1); nodes.remove(oldie2); internalNodeCount -= 2; // pushTreeSizeDecreasedEvent(); } /** * Cleans up the arg model after a deletion event. * * @param oldie1 * @param oldie2 * @param internalNodeParameters * @param internalAndRootNodeParameters * @param nodeRates */ public void contractARGWithRecombinant(Node oldie1, Node oldie2, CompoundParameter internalNodeParameters, CompoundParameter internalAndRootNodeParameters, CompoundParameter nodeRates) { removeVariable(oldie1.heightParameter); removeVariable(oldie2.heightParameter); removeVariable(oldie2.partitioning); removeVariable(oldie1.rateParameter); removeVariable(oldie2.rateParameter); removedParameters = new Parameter[4]; removedParameters[0] = oldie1.heightParameter; removedParameters[1] = oldie2.heightParameter; removedParameters[2] = oldie1.rateParameter; removedParameters[3] = oldie2.rateParameter; partitioningParameters.removeParameter(oldie2.partitioning); removedPartitioningParameter = oldie2.partitioning; storedInternalNodeHeights = internalNodeParameters; storedInternalNodeHeights.removeParameter(oldie1.heightParameter); storedInternalNodeHeights.removeParameter(oldie2.heightParameter); storedInternalAndRootNodeHeights = internalAndRootNodeParameters; storedInternalAndRootNodeHeights .removeParameter(oldie1.heightParameter); storedInternalAndRootNodeHeights .removeParameter(oldie2.heightParameter); storedNodeRates = nodeRates; storedNodeRates.removeParameter(oldie1.rateParameter); storedNodeRates.removeParameter(oldie2.rateParameter); nodes.remove(oldie1); nodes.remove(oldie2); internalNodeCount -= 2; // pushTreeSizeDecreasedEvent(); } public boolean argStoreCheck() { if (storedInternalNodeHeights.getDimension() == this.internalNodeCount) return true; return false; } /** * Copies the node connections from this ARGModel's nodes array to the * destination array. Basically it connects up the nodes in destination in * the same way as this ARGModel is set up. This method is package private. */ void copyNodeStructure(ArrayList<Node> destination) { // if ( nodes.length != destination.length ) { // throw new IllegalArgumentException("Node arrays are of different // lengths"); // } while (destination.size() < nodes.size()) destination.add(new Node()); while (destination.size() > nodes.size()) destination.remove(0); int n = nodes.size(); // System.err.println("node.size = "+n); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { // for( Node node0 : nodes ) { Node node0 = nodes.get(i); Node node1 = destination.get(i); // the parameter values are automatically stored and restored // just need to keep the links node1.heightParameter = node0.heightParameter; node1.rateParameter = node0.rateParameter; node1.traitParameter = node0.traitParameter; node1.partitioning = node0.partitioning; node1.taxon = node0.taxon; node1.bifurcation = node0.bifurcation; node1.number = node0.number; node1.myHashCode = node0.myHashCode; // node1.partitionSet = (BitSet)node0.partitionSet.clone(); // if (node0.leftPartition != null) { // node1.leftPartition = (BitSet) node0.leftPartition.clone(); // } else { // node1.leftPartition = null; // } // if (node0.rightPartition != null) { // node1.rightPartition = (BitSet) node0.rightPartition.clone(); // } else { // node1.rightPartition = null; // } // if (node0.leftParent != null) { node1.leftParent = // storedNodes.get(node0.leftParent.getNumber()); storedNodes.get(nodes.indexOf(node0.leftParent)); } else { node1.leftParent = null; } if (node0.rightParent != null) { node1.rightParent = // storedNodes.get(node0.rightParent.getNumber()); storedNodes.get(nodes.indexOf(node0.rightParent)); } else { node1.rightParent = null; } if (node0.leftChild != null) { node1.leftChild = // storedNodes.get(node0.leftChild.getNumber()); storedNodes.get(nodes.indexOf(node0.leftChild)); } else { node1.leftChild = null; } if (node0.rightChild != null) { node1.rightChild = // storedNodes.get(node0.rightChild.getNumber()); storedNodes.get(nodes.indexOf(node0.rightChild)); } else { node1.rightChild = null; } } } public void setPartitionRecursively(NodeRef nr, int partition) { Node node = (Node) nr; node.setPartitionRecursively(partition); } /** * @return the number of statistics of this component. */ public int getStatisticCount() { return 1; } /** * @return the ith statistic of the component */ public Statistic getStatistic(int i) { if (i == 0) return root.heightParameter; throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } public String getModelComponentName() { return TREE_MODEL; } // ************************************************************** // TaxonList IMPLEMENTATION // ************************************************************** /** * @return a count of the number of taxa in the list. */ public int getTaxonCount() { return getExternalNodeCount(); } /** * @return the ith taxon in the list. */ public Taxon getTaxon(int taxonIndex) { return ((Node) getExternalNode(taxonIndex)).taxon; } /** * @return the ID of the taxon of the ith external node. If it doesn't have * a taxon, returns the ID of the node itself. */ public String getTaxonId(int taxonIndex) { Taxon taxon = getTaxon(taxonIndex); if (taxon != null) { return taxon.getId(); } else { return null; } } /** * returns the index of the taxon with the given id. */ public int getTaxonIndex(String id) { for (int i = 0, n = getTaxonCount(); i < n; i++) { if (getTaxonId(i).equals(id)) return i; } return -1; } /** * returns the index of the given taxon. */ public int getTaxonIndex(Taxon taxon) { for (int i = 0, n = getTaxonCount(); i < n; i++) { if (getTaxon(i) == taxon) return i; } return -1; } public List<Taxon> asList() { List<Taxon> taxa = new ArrayList<Taxon>(); for (int i = 0, n = getTaxonCount(); i < n; i++) { taxa.add(getTaxon(i)); } return taxa; } public Iterator<Taxon> iterator() { return new Iterator<Taxon>() { private int index = -1; public boolean hasNext() { return index < getTaxonCount() - 1; } public Taxon next() { index++; return getTaxon(index); } public void remove() { /* do nothing */ } }; } /** * @param taxonIndex the index of the taxon whose attribute is being fetched. * @param name the name of the attribute of interest. * @return an object representing the named attributed for the taxon of the * given external node. If the node doesn't have a taxon then the * nodes own attribute is returned. */ public final Object getTaxonAttribute(int taxonIndex, String name) { Taxon taxon = getTaxon(taxonIndex); if (taxon != null) { return taxon.getAttribute(name); } return null; } // ************************************************************** // MutableTaxonList IMPLEMENTATION // ************************************************************** public int addTaxon(Taxon taxon) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot add taxon to a ARGModel"); } public boolean removeTaxon(Taxon taxon) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot add taxon to a ARGModel"); } public void setTaxonId(int taxonIndex, String id) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot set taxon id in a ARGModel"); } public void setTaxonAttribute(int taxonIndex, String name, Object value) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot set taxon attribute in a ARGModel"); } public void addMutableTreeListener(MutableTreeListener listener) { } // Do nothing at the moment public void addMutableTaxonListListener(MutableTaxonListListener listener) { } // Do nothing at the moment // ************************************************************** // Identifiable IMPLEMENTATION // ************************************************************** protected String id = null; /** * @return the id. */ public String getId() { return id; } /** * Sets the id. */ public void setId(String id) { this.id = id; } // ************************************************************** // Attributable IMPLEMENTATION // ************************************************************** private Attributable.AttributeHelper treeAttributes = null; /** * Sets an named attribute for this object. * * @param name the name of the attribute. * @param value the new value of the attribute. */ public void setAttribute(String name, Object value) { if (treeAttributes == null) treeAttributes = new Attributable.AttributeHelper(); treeAttributes.setAttribute(name, value); } /** * @param name the name of the attribute of interest. * @return an object representing the named attributed for this object. */ public Object getAttribute(String name) { if (treeAttributes == null) return null; else return treeAttributes.getAttribute(name); } /** * @return an iterator of the attributes that this object has. */ public Iterator<String> getAttributeNames() { if (treeAttributes == null) return null; else return treeAttributes.getAttributeNames(); } /** * @return a string containing a newick representation of the tree */ public final String getNewick(int partition) { return TreeUtils.newick(new ARGTree(this, partition)); // return Tree.Utils.newick(this); } /** * Checks whether <code>ARGMode</code> is in edit mode. * * @throws RuntimeException if the <code>ARGModel</code> is not in edit mode. */ private void checkEditMode() throws RuntimeException { if (!inEdit) throw new RuntimeException("Not in edit transaction mode!"); } public void checkBranchSanity() { boolean plotted = false; for (Node node : nodes) { if (!node.isRoot()) { double length1 = 0; double length2 = 0; if (node.leftParent != null) length1 = getNodeHeight(node.leftParent) - getNodeHeight(node); if (node.rightParent != null) length2 = getNodeHeight(node.rightParent) - getNodeHeight(node); if (String.valueOf(length1).equals("NaN") || String.valueOf(length2).equals("NaN")) { if (!plotted) { System.err.println(toGraphString()); plotted = true; } System.err.println("Caught the NaN: node=" + node.number + " (" + node.getHeight() + ") lp=" + node.leftParent.number + " (" + node.leftParent.getHeight() + ") rp=" + node.rightParent.number + " (" + node.rightParent.getHeight() + ")"); System.exit(-1); } } } } /** * @return a string containing an extended newick representation of the tree */ public String toString() { // StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); // for (int i = 0; i < maxNumberOfPartitions; i++) { // sb.append(i + ": "); // sb.append(getNewick(i)); // } // return new String(sb); return toExtendedNewick(); } public static final String nullEdge = " -"; public void appendGraphStringOld(StringBuffer sb) { int cnt = 0; for (Node node : nodes) node.number = cnt++; cnt = 0; for (Node node : nodes) { sb.append(cnt == 0 ? "[" : ",["); cnt++; sb.append(node.number + ":"); if (node.leftParent == null) sb.append(nullEdge); else sb.append(" " + node.leftParent.number); if (node.rightParent == null) sb.append(nullEdge); else sb.append(" " + node.rightParent.number); if (node.leftChild == null) sb.append(nullEdge); else sb.append(" " + node.leftChild.number); if (node.rightChild == null) sb.append(nullEdge); else sb.append(" " + node.rightChild.number); // sb.append(" " + node.bifurcation); if (node.taxon != null) sb.append(" " + node.taxon.toString()); // if (node.leftPartition != null) // sb.append(" l"); // if (node.rightPartition != null) // sb.append(" r"); sb.append("]"); // // ); } // sb.append("Root = " + ((Node) getRoot()).number + "\n"); // sb.append("\n"); } public boolean validRoot() { // todo -- there must be a way to some graph properties to do this // check. boolean valid = true; for (int i = 0; valid && i < maxNumberOfPartitions; i++) { ARGTree argTree = new ARGTree(this, i); if (argTree.wasRootTrimmed()) valid = false; } return valid; } public String toGraphString() { int cnt = 1; for (Node node : nodes) { node.number = cnt; cnt++; } StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("Total length: " + nodes.size() + "\n"); for (Node node : nodes) { sb.append(node.number + ":"); if (node.leftParent == null) sb.append(" 0"); else sb.append(" " + node.leftParent.number); if (node.rightParent == null) sb.append(" 0"); else sb.append(" " + node.rightParent.number); if (node.leftChild == null) sb.append(" 0"); else sb.append(" " + node.leftChild.number); if (node.rightChild == null) sb.append(" 0"); else sb.append(" " + node.rightChild.number); // sb.append(" " + node.bifurcation); if (node.taxon != null) sb.append(" " + node.taxon.toString()); if (node.partitioning != null) sb.append(" p"); /* * if (node.leftPartition != null) sb.append(" l"); if * (node.rightPartition != null) sb.append(" r"); */ sb.append("\t" + getNodeHeight(node)); sb.append("\n"); } sb.append("Root = " + ((Node) getRoot()).number + "\n"); return new String(sb); } public ARGModel fromGraphStringCompressed(String source) { StringTokenizer st1 = new StringTokenizer(source, ":"); int numberNodes = Integer.parseInt(st1.nextToken()); int numberPartitions = Integer.parseInt(st1.nextToken()); int rootNumber = Integer.parseInt(st1.nextToken()); int external = 0; ArrayList<Node> nodes = new ArrayList<Node>(); for (int i = 0; i < numberNodes; i++) { Node node = new Node(); node.number = i; nodes.add(node); } for (int i = 0; i < numberNodes; i++) { String nodeString = st1.nextToken(); StringTokenizer st2 = new StringTokenizer(nodeString); Node node = nodes.get(i); int lP = Integer.parseInt(st2.nextToken()); int rP = Integer.parseInt(st2.nextToken()); int lC = Integer.parseInt(st2.nextToken()); int rC = Integer.parseInt(st2.nextToken()); if (lP != -1) node.leftParent = nodes.get(lP); if (rP != -1) node.rightParent = nodes.get(rP); if (lC != -1) node.leftChild = nodes.get(lC); if (rC != -1) node.rightChild = nodes.get(rC); double height = Double.parseDouble(st2.nextToken()); node.heightParameter = new Parameter.Default(height); String name = st2.nextToken(); if (name.compareTo("NA") != 0) { node.taxon = new Taxon(name); // todo saveList external++; } String p = st2.nextToken(); if (p.compareTo("NA") == 0) node.bifurcation = true; else { node.bifurcation = false; node.partitioning = new Parameter.Default(numberPartitions, 0.0); node.partitioning.setParameterValueQuietly(Integer.parseInt(p), 1.0); while (st2.hasMoreTokens()) node.partitioning.setParameterValueQuietly(Integer .parseInt(st2.nextToken()), 1.0); } } return new ARGModel(nodes, nodes.get(rootNumber), numberPartitions, external); // return null; } /** * Gives a summary of the ARG model. Should only * be used for debugging purposes because it's really slow. * * @return a summary of the ARG model. */ public String toARGSummary() { NumberFormatter format = new NumberFormatter(4); String space = " "; String a = "----------------------\n" + "ARG Summary \n---------------------- \n"; a += "Number of nodes: " + nodes.size() + "\n"; a += "Number of partitions: " + maxNumberOfPartitions + "\n"; a += "Number of Reassorments: " + this.getReassortmentNodeCount() + "\n"; a += "Root number: " + getRoot().getNumber() + "\n"; a += "Node Summary" + "\n----------------------------------------\n" + "ID LP RP LC RC Height" + space + "TX \n" + "----------------------------------------\n"; for (Node node : nodes) { a += node.getNumber() + space; if (node.leftParent == null) a += "-1" + space; else a += " " + node.leftParent.number + space; if (node.rightParent == null) a += "-1" + space; else a += " " + node.rightParent.number + space; if (node.leftChild == null) a += "-1" + space; else a += " " + node.leftChild.number + space; if (node.rightChild == null) a += "-1" + space; else a += " " + node.rightChild.number + space; a += format.formatDecimal(getNodeHeight(node), 4) + space; if (node.partitioning != null) { for (int i = 0, n = getNumberOfPartitions(); i < n; i++) { a += node.partitioning.getParameterValue(i) + space; } } if (node.taxon == null) { a += "internal" + space; } else { a += node.taxon + space; } a += "\n"; } a += "\nInduced Trees" + "\n----------------------------------------\n"; // for(int i = 0; i < maxNumberOfPartitions; i++){ // ARGTree tree = new ARGTree(this,i); // a += "Partition " + i + "\n " + tree.toString() + "\n"; // } return a; } public String toGraphStringCompressed(boolean recurse) { int cnt = 0; for (Node node : nodes) { node.number = cnt; cnt++; } StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); // sb.append("Total length: " + nodes.size() + "\n"); sb.append(nodes.size()); sb.append(":"); sb.append(maxNumberOfPartitions); sb.append(":"); sb.append(getRoot().getNumber()); for (Node node : nodes) { sb.append(":"); if (node.leftParent == null) sb.append(" -1"); else sb.append(" " + node.leftParent.number); if (node.rightParent == null) sb.append(" -1"); else sb.append(" " + node.rightParent.number); if (node.leftChild == null) sb.append(" -1"); else sb.append(" " + node.leftChild.number); if (node.rightChild == null) sb.append(" -1"); else sb.append(" " + node.rightChild.number); sb.append(" " + getNodeHeight(node)); // sb.append(" " + node.bifurcation); if (node.taxon != null) sb.append(" " + node.taxon.toString()); else sb.append(" NA"); if (node.partitioning != null) { // sb.append(" p"); double[] bits = node.partitioning.getParameterValues(); for (int i = 0; i < bits.length; i++) { if (bits[i] == 1) { sb.append(" " + i); } } } else { sb.append(" NA"); } /* * if (node.leftPartition != null) sb.append(" l"); if * (node.rightPartition != null) sb.append(" r"); */ // sb.append("\t" + getNodeHeight(node)); // sb.append("\n"); } // sb.append("Root = " + ((Node) getRoot()).number + "\n"); String rtn = new String(sb); /* * if ( recurse ) { ARGModel test = fromGraphStringCompressed(rtn); * System.err.println("OLD 0: "+getNewick(0)); System.err.println("NEW * 0: "+test.getNewick(0)); System.err.println("OLD: * "+toGraphStringCompressed(false)); System.err.println("NEW: * "+test.toGraphStringCompressed(false)); } */ return new String(sb); } public Tree getCopy() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "please don't call this function"); } // ************************************************************** // XMLElement IMPLEMENTATION // ************************************************************** public Element createElement(Document document) { throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented yet"); } // *********************************************************************** // Private methods // *********************************************************************** /** * @return the node that this parameter is a member of */ protected Node getNodeOfParameter(Parameter parameter) { if (parameter == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter is null!"); // for (int i =0; i < nodes.length; i++) { for (Node node : nodes) { if (node.heightParameter == parameter) { return node; } if (hasRates && node.rateParameter == parameter) { return node; } if (hasTraits && node.traitParameter == parameter) { return node; } } throw new RuntimeException("Parameter not found in any nodes:" + parameter.getId()); } /** * Get the root height parameter. Is private because it can only be called * by the XMLParser */ public Parameter getRootHeightParameter() { return root.heightParameter; } /** * @return the relevant node height parameter. Is private because it can * only be called by the XMLParser */ public Parameter createNodeHeightsParameter(boolean rootNode, boolean internalNodes, boolean leafNodes) { if (!rootNode && !internalNodes && !leafNodes) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "At least one of rootNode, internalNodes or leafNodes must be true"); } CompoundParameter parameter = new CompoundParameter("nodeHeights"); // System.err.println("Constructed nodeHeights"); for (int i = externalNodeCount; i < nodeCount; i++) { Node node = nodes.get(i); if ((rootNode && node == root) || (internalNodes && node != root)) { parameter.addParameter(node.heightParameter); } } if (leafNodes) { for (int i = 0; i < externalNodeCount; i++) { parameter.addParameter(nodes.get(i).heightParameter); } } return parameter; } public Parameter getLeafHeightParameter(NodeRef nr) { Node node = (Node) nr; if (!isExternal(node)) { throw new RuntimeException( "only root and leaves can be used with setNodeHeightParameter"); } return nodes.get(nodes.indexOf(node)).heightParameter; } /** * @return the relevant node rate parameter. Is private because it can only * be called by the XMLParser */ public Parameter createNodeRatesParameter(boolean rootNode, boolean internalNodes, boolean leafNodes, int numberPartitions) { if (!rootNode && !internalNodes && !leafNodes) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "At least one of rootNode, internalNodes or leafNodes must be true"); } CompoundParameter parameter = new CompoundParameter(TreeModelParser.NODE_RATES); hasRates = true; for (int i = externalNodeCount; i < nodeCount; i++) { Node node = nodes.get(i); node.createRateParameter(numberPartitions); if ((rootNode && node == root) || (internalNodes && node != root)) { parameter.addParameter(node.rateParameter); } } for (int i = 0; i < externalNodeCount; i++) { Node node = nodes.get(i); node.createRateParameter(numberPartitions); if (leafNodes) { parameter.addParameter(node.rateParameter); } } return parameter; } /** * Create a node traits parameter. Is private because it can only be called * by the XMLParser */ public Parameter createNodeTraitsParameter(boolean rootNode, boolean internalNodes, boolean leafNodes) { if (!rootNode && !internalNodes && !leafNodes) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "At least one of rootNode, internalNodes or leafNodes must be true"); } CompoundParameter parameter = new CompoundParameter(TreeModelParser.NODE_TRAITS); hasTraits = true; for (int i = externalNodeCount; i < nodeCount; i++) { Node node = nodes.get(i); node.createTraitParameter(); if ((rootNode && node == root) || (internalNodes && node != root)) { parameter.addParameter(node.traitParameter); } } for (int i = 0; i < externalNodeCount; i++) { Node node = nodes.get(i); node.createTraitParameter(); if (leafNodes) { parameter.addParameter(node.traitParameter); } } return parameter; } /** * This method swaps the parameter objects of the two nodes but maintains * the values in each node. This method is used to ensure that root node of * the tree always has the same parameter object. */ private void swapParameterObjects(Node n1, Node n2) { double height1 = n1.getHeight(); double height2 = n2.getHeight(); double rate1 = 1.0, rate2 = 1.0; double trait1 = 0.0, trait2 = 0.0; if (hasRates) { System.exit(-1); rate1 = n1.getRate(0); rate2 = n2.getRate(0); } if (hasTraits) { trait1 = n1.getTrait(); trait2 = n2.getTrait(); } Parameter temp = n1.heightParameter; n1.heightParameter = n2.heightParameter; n2.heightParameter = temp; if (hasRates) { temp = n1.rateParameter; n1.rateParameter = n2.rateParameter; n2.rateParameter = temp; } if (hasTraits) { temp = n1.traitParameter; n1.traitParameter = n2.traitParameter; n2.traitParameter = temp; } n1.heightParameter.setParameterValueQuietly(0, height1); n2.heightParameter.setParameterValueQuietly(0, height2); if (hasRates) { n1.rateParameter.setParameterValueQuietly(0, rate1); n2.rateParameter.setParameterValueQuietly(0, rate2); } if (hasTraits) { n1.traitParameter.setParameterValueQuietly(0, trait1); n2.traitParameter.setParameterValueQuietly(0, trait2); } } // ************************************************************** // Private inner classes // ************************************************************** public class Node implements NodeRef { public boolean[] ancestralMaterial; public boolean fullAncestralMaterial; public boolean hasSomeAncestralMaterial; public boolean hasReassortmentAncestor() { Node a = this; while (a != null) { if (!a.bifurcation) { return true; } else { a = a.leftParent; } } return false; } public void setAncestralMaterial(boolean[] childAncestralMaterial) { if (fullAncestralMaterial) { return; } fullAncestralMaterial = true; for (int i = 0; i < ancestralMaterial.length; i++) { ancestralMaterial[i] = ancestralMaterial[i] || childAncestralMaterial[i]; fullAncestralMaterial = fullAncestralMaterial && ancestralMaterial[i]; hasSomeAncestralMaterial = hasSomeAncestralMaterial || ancestralMaterial[i]; } if (bifurcation) { if (this.leftParent != null) this.leftParent.setAncestralMaterial(ancestralMaterial); } else { boolean[] leftAncestralMaterial = new boolean[ancestralMaterial.length]; boolean[] rightAncestralMaterial = new boolean[ancestralMaterial.length]; System.arraycopy(ancestralMaterial, 0, leftAncestralMaterial, 0, leftAncestralMaterial.length); System.arraycopy(ancestralMaterial, 0, rightAncestralMaterial, 0, rightAncestralMaterial.length); for (int i = 0; i < ancestralMaterial.length; i++) { if (partitioning.getParameterValue(i) == 0.0) { rightAncestralMaterial[i] = false; } else { leftAncestralMaterial[i] = false; } } this.leftParent.setAncestralMaterial(leftAncestralMaterial); this.rightParent.setAncestralMaterial(rightAncestralMaterial); } } public int myHashCode = 0; public int hashCode() { if (myHashCode == 0) { myHashCode = super.hashCode(); } return myHashCode; } public boolean equals(Object o) { return hashCode() == o.hashCode(); } public NodeRef mirrorNode; public Node leftParent, rightParent; public Node leftChild, rightChild; public int number; public Parameter heightParameter; //First half of the rate parameter represent the rates //Second half represents 0-1 indicators public Parameter rateParameter = null; public Parameter traitParameter = null; public Taxon taxon = null; // public BitSet leftPartition = null; // public BitSet rightPartition = null; // public Node dupSister = null; // public Node linkSister = null; // public Node dupParent = null; // public Node leftParent; // public Node rightParent; // public int leftPartition; // public int rightPartition; public Parameter partitioning; public boolean bifurcation = true; public int countReassortmentChild(Tree tree) { // int cnt = 0; if (isExternal()) return 0; // if( leftChild == null ) { // System.err.println("left is null"); // System.err.println("is reassort = "+isReassortment()); // System.err.println("right child = "+Tree.Utils.uniqueNewick(tree, // rightChild)); // } // if( rightChild == null ) { // System.err.println("right is null"); // System.err.println("is reassort = "+isReassortment()); // System.err.println("left child = "+Tree.Utils.uniqueNewick(tree, // leftChild)); // } if (isReassortment()) { return 1 + leftChild.countReassortmentChild(tree); } else if (isBifurcationDoublyLinked()) { return leftChild.countReassortmentChild(tree); } else { return leftChild.countReassortmentChild(tree) + rightChild.countReassortmentChild(tree); } } public Node() { leftParent = rightParent = null; leftChild = rightChild = null; heightParameter = null; number = 0; taxon = null; // leftPartition = null; // rightPartition = null; partitioning = null; } /** * Constructor to build an ARG into a bifurcating tree * * @param node */ public Node(Node node) { leftParent = rightParent = null; leftChild = rightChild = null; heightParameter = node.heightParameter; taxon = node.taxon; number = node.number; // if( node.isReassortment() ) { // Node parent = leftParent; // parent.removeChild(this); // return new Node(leftChild); // } else { if (node.leftChild != null) { if (node.leftChild.isReassortment()) singleAddChild(new Node(node.leftChild.leftChild)); else singleAddChild(new Node(node.leftChild)); } if (node.rightChild != null) { if (node.rightChild.isReassortment()) singleAddChild(new Node(node.rightChild.leftChild)); else singleAddChild(new Node(node.rightChild)); } // } } /** * constructor used to clone a node and all children with no * reassortments */ public Node(Tree tree, NodeRef node) { leftParent = rightParent = null; leftChild = rightChild = null; // leftPartition = new BitSet(); // leftPartition.set(0); // leftPartition = null; // rightPartition = new BitSet(); // rightPartition.set(0); // rightPartition = null; partitioning = null; heightParameter = new Parameter.Default(tree.getNodeHeight(node)); addVariable(heightParameter); number = node.getNumber(); taxon = tree.getNodeTaxon(node); for (int i = 0; i < tree.getChildCount(node); i++) { singleAddChild(new Node(tree, tree.getChild(node, i))); } // System.err.println("Built initial tree"); // System.exit(-1); } // public Node(Node node, int partition) // { // leftParent = rightParent = null; // leftChild = rightChild = null; // leftPartition = node.leftPartition; // rightPartition = node.rightPartition; // //leftPartition = rightPartition = null; // heightParameter = node.heightParameter; // number = node.number; // taxon = node.taxon; // bifurcation = node.bifurcation; // // System.err.println("Examinging "+number); // Node left; // if( node.leftChild != null ) { // Node left = node.getChild(0,partition); // } // Node right; // if( node.rightChild != null ) { // Node right = node.getChild(1,partition); // } // // if( left != null ) { // // System.err.println("Adding "+number+"->"+left.number); // singleAddChild(new Node(left,partition)); // } // } // // if( right != null ) { // // System.err.println("Adding "+number+"->"+right.number); // singleAddChild(new Node(right,partition)); // } // } // } public Node(Node inode, int partition) { //, ArrayList<Node> nodes) { leftParent = rightParent = null; leftChild = rightChild = null; Node node = inode; while (node.isBifurcationDoublyLinked()) { node = node.leftChild.leftChild; // System.err.println("Does this do anything?"); } heightParameter = node.heightParameter; number = node.number; taxon = node.taxon; bifurcation = true; mirrorNode = node; if (node.isExternal()) // nodes.add(this); return; else { Node left, right; left = node.getChild(0, partition); right = node.getChild(1, partition); if (left != null || right != null) { if (left != null) { singleAddChild(new Node(left, partition)); } if (right != null) { singleAddChild(new Node(right, partition)); } // nodes.add(this); } } } public void setPartitionRecursively(int partition) { boolean onLeft = MathUtils.nextBoolean(); if (leftChild != null) { // if( leftPartition != null ) // leftPartition.set(partition); if (partitioning != null && onLeft) partitioning.setParameterValue(partition, 1); leftChild.setPartitionRecursively(partition); } if (rightChild != null) { // if( leftPartition != null ) // rightPartition.set(partition); if (partitioning != null && !onLeft) partitioning.setParameterValue(partition, 1); rightChild.setPartitionRecursively(partition); } } public void stripOutDeadEnds() { if (leftChild != null) leftChild.stripOutDeadEnds(); if (rightChild != null && rightChild != leftChild) rightChild.stripOutDeadEnds(); if (taxon == null && leftChild == null && rightChild == null) leftParent.doubleRemoveChild(this); } public Node stripOutSingleChildNodes(Node cRoot) { // Node rtn = cRoot; int childCount = getChildCount(); if (childCount == 0) { return cRoot; } if (childCount == 2) { if (hasEqualChildren()) { return leftChild.stripOutSingleChildNodes(leftChild); } leftChild.stripOutSingleChildNodes(cRoot); rightChild.stripOutSingleChildNodes(cRoot); return cRoot; } if (isRoot()) { if (leftChild != null) { leftChild.leftParent = leftChild.rightParent = null; return leftChild.stripOutSingleChildNodes(leftChild); } else { rightChild.leftParent = rightChild.rightParent = null; return rightChild.stripOutSingleChildNodes(rightChild); } } // System.err.println("Unlinking "+number); Node parent = leftParent; Node child = leftChild; if (child == null) child = rightChild; parent.doubleRemoveChild(this); doubleRemoveChild(child); parent.singleAddChild(child); return child.stripOutSingleChildNodes(cRoot); } public final void setupHeightBounds() { heightParameter.addBounds(new NodeHeightBounds(heightParameter)); } public final void createRateParameter(int numberPartitions) { if (rateParameter == null) { double[] startingRateValues = new double[numberPartitions]; for (int i = 0; i < startingRateValues.length; i++) { startingRateValues[i] = 1.0; } rateParameter = new Parameter.Default(startingRateValues); if (isRoot()) { rateParameter.setId("root.rate"); } else if (isExternal()) { rateParameter.setId(getTaxonId(getNumber()) + ".rate"); } else { rateParameter.setId("node" + getNumber() + ".rate"); } rateParameter.addBounds(new Parameter.DefaultBounds( Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, 0, startingRateValues.length)); addVariable(rateParameter); } } public final void createTraitParameter() { if (traitParameter == null) { traitParameter = new Parameter.Default(1.0); if (isRoot()) { traitParameter.setId("root.trait"); } else if (isExternal()) { traitParameter.setId(getTaxonId(getNumber()) + ".trait"); } else { traitParameter.setId("node" + getNumber() + ".trait"); } rateParameter.addBounds(new Parameter.DefaultBounds( Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, 1)); addVariable(traitParameter); } } public final double getHeight() { return heightParameter.getParameterValue(0); } public final double getRate(int partition) { return rateParameter.getParameterValue(partition); } public final double getTrait() { return traitParameter.getParameterValue(0); } public final void setHeight(double height) { heightParameter.setParameterValue(0, height); } public final void setRate(double rate) { // System.out.println("Rate set for parameter " + // rateParameter.getParameterName()); rateParameter.setParameterValue(0, rate); } public final void setTrait(double trait) { // System.out.println("Trait set for parameter " + // traitParameter.getParameterName()); traitParameter.setParameterValue(0, trait); } public int getNumber() { return number; } public void setNumber(int n) { number = n; } /** * Returns the number of children this node has. */ public final int getChildCount() { int n = 0; if (leftChild != null) n++; if (rightChild != null && bifurcation) n++; return n; } public final int getParentCount() { int n = 0; if (leftParent != null) n++; if (rightParent != null) n++; return n; } public Node getChild(int n) { if (n == 0) return leftChild; if (n == 1) return rightChild; throw new IllegalArgumentException( "ARGModel.Nodes can only have up to 2 children"); } private boolean isBifurcationDoublyLinked() { return bifurcation && (leftChild == rightChild) && leftChild != null; } private boolean recombinantIsLinked(Node parent, int partition) { boolean left = leftParent == parent; boolean right = rightParent == parent; final double partitionSide = partitioning .getParameterValue(partition); if (left && partitionSide == 0) return true; if (right && partitionSide == 1) return true; return false; } public int getDescendentTipCount() { if (isExternal()) return 1; return leftChild.getDescendentTipCount() + rightChild.getDescendentTipCount(); } public boolean checkForNullRights() { if (isExternal()) return false; if (rightChild == null) return true; else return rightChild.checkForNullRights() || leftChild.checkForNullRights(); } private Node findNextTreeNode(Node parent, int partition) { // searches // down the // ARG for // the next // bifurcation // or tip if (isExternal()) return this; Node next = this; while (next.isReassortment()) { if (recombinantIsLinked(parent, partition)) return leftChild.findNextTreeNode(parent, partition); else return null; } // if( leftChild.findNextTreeMode()) next = leftChild.findNextTreeNode(parent, partition); if (next == null) next = rightChild.findNextTreeNode(parent, partition); if (next == null) // TODO Error check for removal throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't find next tree node."); return next; } private Node getChild(int n, int partition) { // Assuming an acyclic // bifurcating tree Node child = null; if (n == 0) // Handle left side child = leftChild; if (n == 1) // Handle right side child = rightChild; if (child.isExternal()) return child; if (child.isBifurcationDoublyLinked()) { // System.err.println("Passing double from // "+number+"->"+child.leftChild.number); return child.leftChild.getChild(0, partition); } if (child.isReassortment()) { if (child.recombinantIsLinked(this, partition)) return child.getChild(0, partition); else return null; } if (child.leftChild.isReassortment() && child.rightChild.isReassortment()) { if (child.leftChild.recombinantIsLinked(child, partition)) return child; if (child.rightChild.recombinantIsLinked(child, partition)) return child; return null; } return child; } public Node getParent(int n) { if (n == 0) return leftParent; if (n == 1) return rightParent; throw new IllegalArgumentException( "ARGModel.Nodes can only have 2 parents"); } public boolean hasChild(Node node) { return (leftChild == node || rightChild == node); } /** * add new child node * * @param node new child node */ public void singleAddChild(Node node) { if (leftChild == null) { leftChild = node; } else if (rightChild == null) { rightChild = node; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "ARGModel.Nodes can only have 2 children"); } // if( node.leftParent == null ) if (node.leftParent == null) node.leftParent = this; if (node.rightParent == null) node.rightParent = this; } public void singleAddChildWithOneParent(Node node) { if (leftChild == null) { leftChild = node; } else if (rightChild == null) { rightChild = node; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("ARGModel.Node " + number + " can only have 2 children"); } // if( node.leftParent == null ) if (node.leftParent == null) { node.leftParent = this; } else if (node.rightParent == null) { node.rightParent = this; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "ARGModel.Nodes can only have 2 parents"); } } public void doubleAddChild(Node node) { if (leftChild == null) { leftChild = node; } if (rightChild == null) { rightChild = node; }// else { // throw new IllegalArgumentException("ARGModel.Nodes can only have // 2 children"); // } // if( node.leftParent == null ) if (node.leftParent == null) node.leftParent = this; if (node.rightParent == null) node.rightParent = this; } public void doubleAddChildWithOneParent(Node node) { if (leftChild == null) { leftChild = node; } if (rightChild == null) { rightChild = node; }// else { // throw new IllegalArgumentException("ARGModel.Nodes can only have // 2 children"); // } if (node.leftParent == null) { node.leftParent = this; } else if (node.rightParent == null) { node.rightParent = this; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "ARGModel.Nodes can only have 2 parents"); } } public void addChildNoParentConnection(Node node) { if (leftChild == null) leftChild = node; else if (rightChild == null) rightChild = node; else throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Nodes can only have 2 children."); } // public void addChild() // public void addChildRecombinant(Node node, BitSet partition) { public void addChildRecombinant(Node node, Parameter partition) { // if( leftChild == null && rightChild == null ) { // leftChild = rightChild = node; // } else // if( leftChild == null && rightChild == null ) { // System.err.println("yep"); // //System.exit(-1); // leftChild = rightChild = node; // } if (leftChild == null) leftChild = node; // leftPartition = partition; if (rightChild == null) rightChild = node; // rightPartition = partition; // } else { // throw new IllegalArgumentException("Nodes can only have 2 // children."); // } // node.parent = null; if (node.leftParent == null) { node.leftParent = this; // node.leftPartition = partition; node.partitioning = partition; } else if (node.rightParent == null) { node.rightParent = this; // node.rightPartition = partition; node.partitioning = partition; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Recombinant nodes can only have 2 parents."); } } /** * remove child * * @param node child to be removed */ public Node doubleRemoveChild(Node node) { boolean found = false; if (leftChild == node) { leftChild = null; // leftPartition = null; found = true; } if (rightChild == node) { rightChild = null; // rightPartition = null; found = true; } if (!found) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown child node"); if (node.leftParent == this) node.leftParent = null; // node.leftPartition = null; if (node.rightParent == this) node.rightParent = null; // node.rightPartition = null; return node; } public Node singleRemoveChild(Node node) { // boolean found = false; if (leftChild == node) { leftChild = null; // leftPartition = null; // found = true; } else if (rightChild == node) { rightChild = null; // rightPartition = null; // found = true; } // if( !found ) else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown child node"); if (node.bifurcation) { node.leftParent = node.rightParent = null; return null; } if (node.leftParent == this) node.leftParent = null; // node.leftPartition = null; else if (node.rightParent == this) node.rightParent = null; // node.rightPartition = null; return node; } /** * remove child * * @param n number of child to be removed */ public Node removeChild(int n) { Node node; if (n == 0) { node = leftChild; leftChild = null; } else if (n == 1) { node = rightChild; rightChild = null; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "TreeModel.Nodes can only have 2 children"); } if (node.leftParent == this) node.leftParent = null; if (node.rightParent == this) node.rightParent = null; return node; } public boolean hasChildren() { return (leftChild != null || rightChild != null); } public boolean isExternal() { return !hasChildren(); } public boolean isRoot() { return (leftParent == null && rightParent == null); } public boolean hasEqualChildren() { return (leftChild == rightChild); } public boolean isBifurcation() { return bifurcation; } // public boolean isReassortment() { return hasChildren() && (leftChild // == rightChild); } public boolean isReassortment() { return !bifurcation; } private String toExtendedNewick() { if (isExternal()) return taxon.getId(); if (isBifurcation()) { String left = leftChild.toExtendedNewick(); String right = rightChild.toExtendedNewick(); if (left.compareTo(right) < 0) return "(" + left + "," + right + ")"; else return "(" + right + "," + left + ")"; } // must be a reassortment node return "<" + leftChild.toExtendedNewick() + ">"; } public String toString() { if (taxon == null) { return "" + number; } return "" + number + " (" + taxon.getId() + ")"; } } /** * This class provides bounds for parameters that represent a node height in * this tree model. */ private class NodeHeightBounds implements Bounds<Double> { public NodeHeightBounds(Parameter parameter) { nodeHeightParameter = parameter; } public Double getUpperLimit(int i) { // I think only upper bounds are of concern with linked subtrees // because everything below has only one parameter // TODO -- check this! Node node = getNodeOfParameter(nodeHeightParameter); // Returns the first node in nodes[] with this height parameter if (node.isRoot()) { return Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; // return 10.0; } else { if (node.leftParent == null) { System.err.println("leftParent of " + node.number + " is null"); } if (node.rightParent == null) { System.err.println("rightParent of " + node.number + " is null"); } return Math.min(node.leftParent.getHeight(), node.rightParent .getHeight()); } } public Double getLowerLimit(int i) { Node node = getNodeOfParameter(nodeHeightParameter); // System.err.println("Is node recombinant? // "+node.isReassortment()); if (node.isExternal()) { return 0.0; } else { if (node.leftChild == null) System.err.println("Node " + node.number + " has null leftChild"); if (node.rightChild == null) System.err.println("Node " + node.number + " has null rightChild"); // System.err.println(node.number+" "+(node.leftChild==null)+" // "+(node.rightChild==null)); return Math.max(node.leftChild.getHeight(), node.rightChild .getHeight()); } } public int getBoundsDimension() { return 1; } private Parameter nodeHeightParameter = null; } public double getNodeRate(NodeRef node) { if (true) throw new RuntimeException("This should not be called"); return 0; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //PARSER /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static XMLObjectParser PARSER = new AbstractXMLObjectParser() { public String getParserName() { return TREE_MODEL; } public String[] getParserNames() { return new String[]{ getParserName(), "argModel" }; } /** * @return a tree object based on the XML element it was passed. */ public Object parseXMLObject(XMLObject xo) throws XMLParseException { Tree tree = (Tree) xo.getChild(Tree.class); ARGModel treeModel = new ARGModel(tree); Logger.getLogger("dr.evomodel").info("Creating the tree model, '" + xo.getId() + "'"); if (xo.hasAttribute(PARTITION_TYPE)) { treeModel.partitionType = xo.getStringAttribute(PARTITION_TYPE); if (!treeModel.partitionType.equals(REASSORTMENT_PARTITION) && !treeModel.partitionType.equals(RECOMBINATION_PARTITION)) { throw new XMLParseException("Must use either correct partition type"); } } int numberPartitions = 1; if (xo.hasAttribute(NUM_PARTITIONS)) { numberPartitions = xo.getIntegerAttribute(NUM_PARTITIONS); } Logger.getLogger("dr.evomodel").info( xo.getId() + " has partition type: " + treeModel.partitionType); for (int i = 0; i < xo.getChildCount(); i++) { if (xo.getChild(i) instanceof XMLObject) { XMLObject cxo = (XMLObject) xo.getChild(i); if (cxo.getName().equals(ROOT_HEIGHT)) { ParameterParser.replaceParameter(cxo, treeModel .getRootHeightParameter()); } else if (cxo.getName().equals(LEAF_HEIGHT)) { String taxonName; if (cxo.hasAttribute(TAXON)) { taxonName = cxo.getStringAttribute(TAXON); } else { throw new XMLParseException( "taxa element missing from leafHeight element in treeModel element"); } int index = treeModel.getTaxonIndex(taxonName); if (index == -1) { throw new XMLParseException( "taxon " + taxonName + " not found for leafHeight element in treeModel element"); } NodeRef node = treeModel.getExternalNode(index); ParameterParser.replaceParameter(cxo, treeModel .getLeafHeightParameter(node)); } else if (cxo.getName().equals(NODE_HEIGHTS)) { boolean rootNode = false; boolean internalNodes = false; boolean leafNodes = false; if (cxo.hasAttribute(ROOT_NODE)) { rootNode = cxo.getBooleanAttribute(ROOT_NODE); } if (cxo.hasAttribute(INTERNAL_NODES)) { internalNodes = cxo .getBooleanAttribute(INTERNAL_NODES); } if (cxo.hasAttribute(LEAF_NODES)) { leafNodes = cxo.getBooleanAttribute(LEAF_NODES); } if (!rootNode && !internalNodes && !leafNodes) { throw new XMLParseException( "one or more of root, internal or leaf nodes must be " + "selected for the nodeHeights element"); } ParameterParser.replaceParameter(cxo, treeModel .createNodeHeightsParameter(rootNode, internalNodes, leafNodes)); } else if (cxo.getName().equals(NODE_RATES)) { boolean rootNode = false; boolean internalNodes = false; boolean leafNodes = false; if (cxo.hasAttribute(ROOT_NODE)) { rootNode = cxo.getBooleanAttribute(ROOT_NODE); } if (cxo.hasAttribute(INTERNAL_NODES)) { internalNodes = cxo .getBooleanAttribute(INTERNAL_NODES); } if (cxo.hasAttribute(LEAF_NODES)) { leafNodes = cxo.getBooleanAttribute(LEAF_NODES); } // if (rootNode) { // throw new XMLParseException("root node does not have // a rate parameter"); // } if (!rootNode && !internalNodes && !leafNodes) { throw new XMLParseException( "one or more of root, internal or leaf nodes must be selected for the nodeRates element"); } ParameterParser.replaceParameter(cxo, treeModel .createNodeRatesParameter(rootNode, internalNodes, leafNodes, numberPartitions)); } else if (cxo.getName().equals(NODE_TRAITS)) { boolean rootNode = false; boolean internalNodes = false; boolean leafNodes = false; if (cxo.hasAttribute(ROOT_NODE)) { rootNode = cxo.getBooleanAttribute(ROOT_NODE); } if (cxo.hasAttribute(INTERNAL_NODES)) { internalNodes = cxo .getBooleanAttribute(INTERNAL_NODES); } if (cxo.hasAttribute(LEAF_NODES)) { leafNodes = cxo.getBooleanAttribute(LEAF_NODES); } if (!rootNode && !internalNodes && !leafNodes) { throw new XMLParseException( "one or more of root, internal or leaf nodes must be selected for the nodeTraits element"); } ParameterParser.replaceParameter(cxo, treeModel .createNodeTraitsParameter(rootNode, internalNodes, leafNodes)); } else { throw new XMLParseException("illegal child element in " + getParserName() + ": " + cxo.getName()); } } else if (xo.getChild(i) instanceof Tree) { // do nothing - already handled } else { throw new XMLParseException("illegal child element in " + getParserName() + ": " + xo.getChildName(i) + " " + xo.getChild(i)); } } treeModel.setupHeightBounds(); Logger.getLogger("dr.evomodel").info( " initial tree topology = " + TreeUtils.uniqueNewick(treeModel, treeModel .getRoot())); return treeModel; } // ************************************************************************ // AbstractXMLObjectParser implementation // ************************************************************************ public String getParserDescription() { return "This element represents a model of the tree. The tree model includes and attributes of the nodes " + "including the age (or <i>height</i>) and the rate of evolution at each node in the tree."; } public String getExample() { return "<!-- the tree model as special sockets for attaching parameters to various aspects of the tree -->\n" + "<!-- The treeModel below shows the standard setup with a parameter associated with the root height -->\n" + "<!-- a parameter associated with the internal node heights (minus the root height) and -->\n" + "<!-- a parameter associates with all the internal node heights -->\n" + "<!-- Notice that these parameters are overlapping -->\n" + "<!-- The parameters are subsequently used in operators to propose changes to the tree node heights -->\n" + "<treeModel id=\"treeModel1\">\n" + " <tree idref=\"startingTree\"/>\n" + " <rootHeight>\n" + " <parameter id=\"treeModel1.rootHeight\"/>\n" + " </rootHeight>\n" + " <nodeHeights internalNodes=\"true\" rootNode=\"false\">\n" + " <parameter id=\"treeModel1.internalNodeHeights\"/>\n" + " </nodeHeights>\n" + " <nodeHeights internalNodes=\"true\" rootNode=\"true\">\n" + " <parameter id=\"treeModel1.allInternalNodeHeights\"/>\n" + " </nodeHeights>\n" + "</treeModel>"; } public Class getReturnType() { return ARGModel.class; } public XMLSyntaxRule[] getSyntaxRules() { return rules; } private final String[] partitionFormats = {REASSORTMENT_PARTITION, RECOMBINATION_PARTITION}; private final XMLSyntaxRule[] rules = { new StringAttributeRule(PARTITION_TYPE, "Describes the partition structure of the model", partitionFormats, true), new ElementRule(Tree.class), new ElementRule( ROOT_HEIGHT, Parameter.class, "A parameter definition with id only (cannot be a reference!)", false), new ElementRule( NODE_HEIGHTS, new XMLSyntaxRule[]{ AttributeRule .newBooleanRule(ROOT_NODE, true, "If true the root height is included in the parameter"), AttributeRule .newBooleanRule( INTERNAL_NODES, true, "If true the internal node heights (minus the root) are included in the parameter"), new ElementRule(Parameter.class, "A parameter definition with id only (cannot be a reference!)")}, 1, Integer.MAX_VALUE)}; public Parameter oldGetParameter(XMLObject xo) throws XMLParseException { // public Parameter getParameter(XMLObject xo) throws XMLParseException { int paramCount = 0; Parameter param = null; for (int i = 0; i < xo.getChildCount(); i++) { if (xo.getChild(i) instanceof Parameter) { param = (Parameter) xo.getChild(i); paramCount += 1; } } if (paramCount == 0) { throw new XMLParseException( "no parameter element in treeModel " + xo.getName() + " element"); } else if (paramCount > 1) { throw new XMLParseException( "More than one parameter element in treeModel " + xo.getName() + " element"); } return param; } // todo check to make sure that Andrew's static routine works with this old code public void oldReplaceParameter(XMLObject xo, Parameter newParam) // public void replaceParameter(XMLObject xo, Parameter newParam) throws XMLParseException { for (int i = 0; i < xo.getChildCount(); i++) { if (xo.getChild(i) instanceof Parameter) { XMLObject rxo = null; Object obj = xo.getRawChild(i); if (obj instanceof Reference) { rxo = ((Reference) obj).getReferenceObject(); } else if (obj instanceof XMLObject) { rxo = (XMLObject) obj; } else { throw new XMLParseException( "object reference not available"); } if (rxo.getChildCount() > 0) { throw new XMLParseException( "No child elements allowed in parameter element."); } if (rxo.hasAttribute(XMLParser.IDREF)) { throw new XMLParseException("References to " + xo.getName() + " parameters are not allowed in treeModel."); } if (rxo.hasAttribute(ParameterParser.VALUE)) { throw new XMLParseException("Parameters in " + xo.getName() + " have values set automatically."); } if (rxo.hasAttribute(ParameterParser.UPPER)) { throw new XMLParseException("Parameters in " + xo.getName() + " have bounds set automatically."); } if (rxo.hasAttribute(ParameterParser.LOWER)) { throw new XMLParseException("Parameters in " + xo.getName() + " have bounds set automatically."); } if (rxo.hasAttribute(XMLParser.ID)) { newParam.setId(rxo.getStringAttribute(XMLParser.ID)); } rxo.setNativeObject(newParam); return; } } } }; }