package greymerk.roguelike.dungeon.settings; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import greymerk.roguelike.worldgen.IPositionInfo; import; import net.minecraftforge.common.BiomeDictionary; public class SpawnCriteria { int weight; List<String> biomes; List<BiomeDictionary.Type> biomeTypes; boolean everywhere; public SpawnCriteria(){ this.weight = 1; this.biomes = new ArrayList<String>(); this.biomeTypes = new ArrayList<BiomeDictionary.Type>(); this.everywhere = false; } public SpawnCriteria(JsonObject data){ this(); this.weight = data.has("weight") ? data.get("weight").getAsInt() : 1; if(data.has("biomes")){ JsonArray biomeList = data.get("biomes").getAsJsonArray(); this.biomes = new ArrayList<String>(); for(JsonElement e : biomeList){ String name = e.getAsString(); this.biomes.add(name); } } if(data.has("biomeTypes")){ JsonArray biomeTypeList = data.get("biomeTypes").getAsJsonArray(); this.biomeTypes = new ArrayList<BiomeDictionary.Type>(); for(JsonElement e : biomeTypeList){ String type = e.getAsString(); // TODO: Find better way to interact with BiomeType Dictionary. BiomeDictionary.Type t = BiomeDictionary.Type.getType(type, new BiomeDictionary.Type[0]); if(BiomeDictionary.getBiomes(t).size() > 0) this.biomeTypes.add(t); } } this.everywhere = this.biomes.isEmpty() && this.biomeTypes.isEmpty(); } public void setWeight(int weight){ this.weight = weight; } public void setbiomes(List<String> biomes){ this.biomes = biomes; this.everywhere = this.biomes.isEmpty() && this.biomeTypes.isEmpty(); } public void setBiomeTypes(List<BiomeDictionary.Type> biomeTypes){ this.biomeTypes = biomeTypes; this.everywhere = this.biomes.isEmpty() && this.biomeTypes.isEmpty(); } public boolean isValid(IPositionInfo info){ if(this.everywhere) return true; boolean biomeFound = false; Biome biome = info.getBiome(); if(this.biomes != null){ if(this.biomes.contains(biome.getBiomeName())) biomeFound = true; } if(this.biomeTypes != null){ for(BiomeDictionary.Type type : this.biomeTypes){ if(BiomeDictionary.hasType(biome, type)) biomeFound = true; } } return biomeFound; } public static boolean isValidDimension(int dim, List<Integer> wl, List<Integer> bl){ if(bl.contains(dim)) return false; if(wl.isEmpty()) return true; return wl.contains(dim); } }