package net.minecraftforge.fluids;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLLog;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.eventhandler.Event;
import net.minecraft.init.Items;
import net.minecraft.item.Item;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraftforge.common.MinecraftForge;
* Register simple items that contain fluids here. Useful for buckets, bottles, and things that have
* ID/metadata mappings.
* For more complex items, use {@link IFluidContainerItem} instead.
* @author King Lemming
public abstract class FluidContainerRegistry
// Holder object that implements HashCode for an ItemStack,
// the local maps are not guaranteed to have the same internal generic structure,
// but the external interface for checking ItemStacks will still exist.
private static class ContainerKey
ItemStack container;
FluidStack stack;
private ContainerKey(ItemStack container)
this.container = container;
private ContainerKey(ItemStack container, FluidStack stack)
this.stack = stack;
public int hashCode()
int code = 1;
code = 31*code + container.getItem().hashCode();
code = 31*code + container.getMetadata();
if (stack != null)
code = 31*code + stack.getFluid().hashCode();
return code;
public boolean equals(Object o)
if (!(o instanceof ContainerKey)) return false;
ContainerKey ck = (ContainerKey)o;
if (container.getItem() != ck.container.getItem()) return false;
if (container.getMetadata() != ck.container.getMetadata()) return false;
if (stack == null && ck.stack != null) return false;
if (stack != null && ck.stack == null) return false;
if (stack == null && ck.stack == null) return true;
if (stack.getFluid() != ck.stack.getFluid()) return false;
return true;
private static Map<ContainerKey, FluidContainerData> containerFluidMap = Maps.newHashMap();
private static Map<ContainerKey, FluidContainerData> filledContainerMap = Maps.newHashMap();
private static Set<ContainerKey> emptyContainers = Sets.newHashSet();
public static final int BUCKET_VOLUME = 1000;
public static final ItemStack EMPTY_BUCKET = new ItemStack(Items.bucket);
public static final ItemStack EMPTY_BOTTLE = new ItemStack(Items.glass_bottle);
private static final ItemStack NULL_EMPTYCONTAINER = new ItemStack(Items.bucket);
registerFluidContainer(FluidRegistry.WATER, new ItemStack(Items.water_bucket), EMPTY_BUCKET);
registerFluidContainer(FluidRegistry.LAVA, new ItemStack(Items.lava_bucket), EMPTY_BUCKET);
registerFluidContainer(FluidRegistry.WATER, new ItemStack(Items.potionitem), EMPTY_BOTTLE);
private FluidContainerRegistry(){}
* Register a new fluid containing item.
* @param stack
* FluidStack containing the type and amount of the fluid stored in the item.
* @param filledContainer
* ItemStack representing the container when it is full.
* @param emptyContainer
* ItemStack representing the container when it is empty.
* @return True if container was successfully registered; false if it already is.
public static boolean registerFluidContainer(FluidStack stack, ItemStack filledContainer, ItemStack emptyContainer)
return registerFluidContainer(new FluidContainerData(stack, filledContainer, emptyContainer));
* Register a new fluid containing item. The item is assumed to hold 1000 mB of fluid. Also
* registers the Fluid if possible.
* @param fluid
* Fluid type that is stored in the item.
* @param filledContainer
* ItemStack representing the container when it is full.
* @param emptyContainer
* ItemStack representing the container when it is empty.
* @return True if container was successfully registered; false if it already is, or an invalid parameter was passed.
public static boolean registerFluidContainer(Fluid fluid, ItemStack filledContainer, ItemStack emptyContainer)
if (!FluidRegistry.isFluidRegistered(fluid))
return registerFluidContainer(new FluidStack(fluid, BUCKET_VOLUME), filledContainer, emptyContainer);
* Register a new fluid containing item that does not have an empty container.
* @param stack
* FluidStack containing the type and amount of the fluid stored in the item.
* @param filledContainer
* ItemStack representing the container when it is full.
* @return True if container was successfully registered; false if it already is, or an invalid parameter was passed.
public static boolean registerFluidContainer(FluidStack stack, ItemStack filledContainer)
return registerFluidContainer(new FluidContainerData(stack, filledContainer, null, true));
* Register a new fluid containing item that does not have an empty container. The item is
* assumed to hold 1000 mB of fluid. Also registers the Fluid if possible.
* @param fluid
* Fluid type that is stored in the item.
* @param filledContainer
* ItemStack representing the container when it is full.
* @return True if container was successfully registered; false if it already is, or an invalid parameter was passed.
public static boolean registerFluidContainer(Fluid fluid, ItemStack filledContainer)
if (!FluidRegistry.isFluidRegistered(fluid))
return registerFluidContainer(new FluidStack(fluid, BUCKET_VOLUME), filledContainer);
* Register a new fluid containing item.
* @param data
* See {@link FluidContainerData}.
* @return True if container was successfully registered; false if it already is, or an invalid parameter was passed.
public static boolean registerFluidContainer(FluidContainerData data)
if (isFilledContainer(data.filledContainer) || data.filledContainer == null)
return false;
if (data.fluid == null || data.fluid.getFluid() == null)
FMLLog.bigWarning("Invalid registration attempt for a fluid container item %s has occurred. The registration has been denied to prevent crashes. The mod responsible for the registration needs to correct this.", data.filledContainer.getItem().getUnlocalizedName(data.filledContainer));
return false;
containerFluidMap.put(new ContainerKey(data.filledContainer), data);
if (data.emptyContainer != null && data.emptyContainer != NULL_EMPTYCONTAINER)
filledContainerMap.put(new ContainerKey(data.emptyContainer, data.fluid), data);
emptyContainers.add(new ContainerKey(data.emptyContainer));
} FluidContainerRegisterEvent(data));
return true;
* Determines the fluid type and amount inside a container.
* @param container
* The fluid container.
* @return FluidStack representing stored fluid.
public static FluidStack getFluidForFilledItem(ItemStack container)
if (container == null)
return null;
FluidContainerData data = containerFluidMap.get(new ContainerKey(container));
return data == null ? null : data.fluid.copy();
* Attempts to fill an empty container with a fluid.
* NOTE: Returns null on fail, NOT the empty container.
* @param fluid
* FluidStack containing the type and amount of fluid to fill.
* @param container
* ItemStack representing the empty container.
* @return Filled container if successful, otherwise null.
public static ItemStack fillFluidContainer(FluidStack fluid, ItemStack container)
if (container == null || fluid == null)
return null;
FluidContainerData data = filledContainerMap.get(new ContainerKey(container, fluid));
if (data != null && fluid.amount >= data.fluid.amount)
return data.filledContainer.copy();
return null;
* Attempts to empty a full container.
* @param container
* ItemStack representing the full container.
* @return Empty container if successful, otherwise null.
public static ItemStack drainFluidContainer(ItemStack container)
if (container == null)
return null;
FluidContainerData data = containerFluidMap.get(new ContainerKey(container));
if (data != null)
return data.emptyContainer.copy();
return null;
* Determines the capacity of a full container.
* @param container
* The full container.
* @return The containers capacity, or 0 if the ItemStack does not represent
* a registered container.
public static int getContainerCapacity(ItemStack container)
return getContainerCapacity(null, container);
* Determines the capacity of a container.
* @param fluid
* FluidStack containing the type of fluid the capacity should be
* determined for (ignored for full containers).
* @param container
* The container (full or empty).
* @return The containers capacity, or 0 if the ItemStack does not represent
* a registered container or the FluidStack is not registered with
* the empty container.
public static int getContainerCapacity(FluidStack fluid, ItemStack container)
if (container == null)
return 0;
FluidContainerData data = containerFluidMap.get(new ContainerKey(container));
if (data != null)
return data.fluid.amount;
if (fluid != null)
data = filledContainerMap.get(new ContainerKey(container, fluid));
if (data != null)
return data.fluid.amount;
return 0;
* Determines if a container holds a specific fluid.
public static boolean containsFluid(ItemStack container, FluidStack fluid)
if (container == null || fluid == null)
return false;
FluidContainerData data = containerFluidMap.get(new ContainerKey(container));
return data == null ? false : data.fluid.containsFluid(fluid);
public static boolean isBucket(ItemStack container)
if (container == null)
return false;
if (container.isItemEqual(EMPTY_BUCKET))
return true;
FluidContainerData data = containerFluidMap.get(new ContainerKey(container));
return data != null && data.emptyContainer.isItemEqual(EMPTY_BUCKET);
public static boolean isContainer(ItemStack container)
return isEmptyContainer(container) || isFilledContainer(container);
public static boolean isEmptyContainer(ItemStack container)
return container != null && emptyContainers.contains(new ContainerKey(container));
public static boolean isFilledContainer(ItemStack container)
return container != null && getFluidForFilledItem(container) != null;
public static FluidContainerData[] getRegisteredFluidContainerData()
return containerFluidMap.values().toArray(new FluidContainerData[containerFluidMap.size()]);
* Wrapper class for the registry entries. Ensures that none of the attempted registrations
* contain null references unless permitted.
public static class FluidContainerData
public final FluidStack fluid;
public final ItemStack filledContainer;
public final ItemStack emptyContainer;
public FluidContainerData(FluidStack stack, ItemStack filledContainer, ItemStack emptyContainer)
this(stack, filledContainer, emptyContainer, false);
public FluidContainerData(FluidStack stack, ItemStack filledContainer, ItemStack emptyContainer, boolean nullEmpty)
this.fluid = stack;
this.filledContainer = filledContainer;
this.emptyContainer = emptyContainer == null ? NULL_EMPTYCONTAINER : emptyContainer;
if (stack == null || filledContainer == null || emptyContainer == null && !nullEmpty)
throw new RuntimeException("Invalid FluidContainerData - a parameter was null.");
public FluidContainerData copy()
return new FluidContainerData(fluid, filledContainer, emptyContainer, true);
public static class FluidContainerRegisterEvent extends Event
public final FluidContainerData data;
public FluidContainerRegisterEvent(FluidContainerData data)
{ = data.copy();