package net.minecraft.util; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.IllegalFormatException; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class ChatComponentTranslation extends ChatComponentStyle { private final String key; private final Object[] formatArgs; private final Object syncLock = new Object(); private long lastTranslationUpdateTimeInMilliseconds = -1L; /** * The discrete elements that make up this component. For example, this would be ["Prefix, ", "FirstArg", * "SecondArg", " again ", "SecondArg", " and ", "FirstArg", " lastly ", "ThirdArg", " and also ", "FirstArg", " * again!"] for "translation.test.complex" (see en-US.lang) */ List children = Lists.newArrayList(); public static final Pattern stringVariablePattern = Pattern.compile("%(?:(\\d+)\\$)?([A-Za-z%]|$)"); private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00001270"; public ChatComponentTranslation(String translationKey, Object ... args) { this.key = translationKey; this.formatArgs = args; Object[] aobject = args; int i = args.length; for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j) { Object object1 = aobject[j]; if (object1 instanceof IChatComponent) { ((IChatComponent)object1).getChatStyle().setParentStyle(this.getChatStyle()); } } } /** * ensures that our children are initialized from the most recent string translation mapping. */ synchronized void ensureInitialized() { Object object = this.syncLock; synchronized (this.syncLock) { long i = StatCollector.getLastTranslationUpdateTimeInMilliseconds(); if (i == this.lastTranslationUpdateTimeInMilliseconds) { return; } this.lastTranslationUpdateTimeInMilliseconds = i; this.children.clear(); } try { this.initializeFromFormat(StatCollector.translateToLocal(this.key)); } catch (ChatComponentTranslationFormatException chatcomponenttranslationformatexception1) { this.children.clear(); try { this.initializeFromFormat(StatCollector.translateToFallback(this.key)); } catch (ChatComponentTranslationFormatException chatcomponenttranslationformatexception) { throw chatcomponenttranslationformatexception1; } } } /** * initializes our children from a format string, using the format args to fill in the placeholder variables. */ protected void initializeFromFormat(String format) { boolean flag = false; Matcher matcher = stringVariablePattern.matcher(format); int i = 0; int j = 0; try { int l; for (; matcher.find(j); j = l) { int k = matcher.start(); l = matcher.end(); if (k > j) { ChatComponentText chatcomponenttext = new ChatComponentText(String.format(format.substring(j, k), new Object[0])); chatcomponenttext.getChatStyle().setParentStyle(this.getChatStyle()); this.children.add(chatcomponenttext); } String s3 =; String s1 = format.substring(k, l); if ("%".equals(s3) && "%%".equals(s1)) { ChatComponentText chatcomponenttext2 = new ChatComponentText("%"); chatcomponenttext2.getChatStyle().setParentStyle(this.getChatStyle()); this.children.add(chatcomponenttext2); } else { if (!"s".equals(s3)) { throw new ChatComponentTranslationFormatException(this, "Unsupported format: \'" + s1 + "\'"); } String s2 =; int i1 = s2 != null ? Integer.parseInt(s2) - 1 : i++; this.children.add(this.getFormatArgumentAsComponent(i1)); } } if (j < format.length()) { ChatComponentText chatcomponenttext1 = new ChatComponentText(String.format(format.substring(j), new Object[0])); chatcomponenttext1.getChatStyle().setParentStyle(this.getChatStyle()); this.children.add(chatcomponenttext1); } } catch (IllegalFormatException illegalformatexception) { throw new ChatComponentTranslationFormatException(this, illegalformatexception); } } private IChatComponent getFormatArgumentAsComponent(int index) { if (index >= this.formatArgs.length) { throw new ChatComponentTranslationFormatException(this, index); } else { Object object = this.formatArgs[index]; Object object1; if (object instanceof IChatComponent) { object1 = (IChatComponent)object; } else { object1 = new ChatComponentText(object == null ? "null" : object.toString()); ((IChatComponent)object1).getChatStyle().setParentStyle(this.getChatStyle()); } return (IChatComponent)object1; } } public IChatComponent setChatStyle(ChatStyle style) { super.setChatStyle(style); Object[] aobject = this.formatArgs; int i = aobject.length; for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j) { Object object = aobject[j]; if (object instanceof IChatComponent) { ((IChatComponent)object).getChatStyle().setParentStyle(this.getChatStyle()); } } if (this.lastTranslationUpdateTimeInMilliseconds > -1L) { Iterator iterator = this.children.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { IChatComponent ichatcomponent = (IChatComponent); ichatcomponent.getChatStyle().setParentStyle(style); } } return this; } public Iterator iterator() { this.ensureInitialized(); return Iterators.concat(createDeepCopyIterator(this.children), createDeepCopyIterator(this.siblings)); } /** * Gets the text of this component, without any special formatting codes added, for chat. TODO: why is this two * different methods? */ public String getUnformattedTextForChat() { this.ensureInitialized(); StringBuilder stringbuilder = new StringBuilder(); Iterator iterator = this.children.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { IChatComponent ichatcomponent = (IChatComponent); stringbuilder.append(ichatcomponent.getUnformattedTextForChat()); } return stringbuilder.toString(); } /** * Creates a copy of this component. Almost a deep copy, except the style is shallow-copied. */ public ChatComponentTranslation createCopy() { Object[] aobject = new Object[this.formatArgs.length]; for (int i = 0; i < this.formatArgs.length; ++i) { if (this.formatArgs[i] instanceof IChatComponent) { aobject[i] = ((IChatComponent)this.formatArgs[i]).createCopy(); } else { aobject[i] = this.formatArgs[i]; } } ChatComponentTranslation chatcomponenttranslation = new ChatComponentTranslation(this.key, aobject); chatcomponenttranslation.setChatStyle(this.getChatStyle().createShallowCopy()); Iterator iterator = this.getSiblings().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { IChatComponent ichatcomponent = (IChatComponent); chatcomponenttranslation.appendSibling(ichatcomponent.createCopy()); } return chatcomponenttranslation; } public boolean equals(Object p_equals_1_) { if (this == p_equals_1_) { return true; } else if (!(p_equals_1_ instanceof ChatComponentTranslation)) { return false; } else { ChatComponentTranslation chatcomponenttranslation = (ChatComponentTranslation)p_equals_1_; return Arrays.equals(this.formatArgs, chatcomponenttranslation.formatArgs) && this.key.equals(chatcomponenttranslation.key) && super.equals(p_equals_1_); } } public int hashCode() { int i = super.hashCode(); i = 31 * i + this.key.hashCode(); i = 31 * i + Arrays.hashCode(this.formatArgs); return i; } public String toString() { return "TranslatableComponent{key=\'" + this.key + '\'' + ", args=" + Arrays.toString(this.formatArgs) + ", siblings=" + this.siblings + ", style=" + this.getChatStyle() + '}'; } public String getKey() { return this.key; } public Object[] getFormatArgs() { return this.formatArgs; } }