package; public class NibbleArray { /** * Byte array of data stored in this holder. Possibly a light map or some chunk data. Data is accessed in 4-bit * pieces. */ public final byte[] data; /** Log base 2 of the chunk height (128); applied as a shift on Z coordinate */ private final int depthBits; /** Log base 2 of the chunk height (128) * width (16); applied as a shift on X coordinate */ private final int depthBitsPlusFour; private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00000371"; public NibbleArray(int p_i1992_1_, int p_i1992_2_) { = new byte[p_i1992_1_ >> 1]; this.depthBits = p_i1992_2_; this.depthBitsPlusFour = p_i1992_2_ + 4; } public NibbleArray(byte[] p_i1993_1_, int p_i1993_2_) { = p_i1993_1_; this.depthBits = p_i1993_2_; this.depthBitsPlusFour = p_i1993_2_ + 4; } /** * Returns the nibble of data corresponding to the passed in x, y, z. y is at most 6 bits, z is at most 4. */ public int get(int p_76582_1_, int p_76582_2_, int p_76582_3_) { int l = p_76582_2_ << this.depthBitsPlusFour | p_76582_3_ << this.depthBits | p_76582_1_; int i1 = l >> 1; int j1 = l & 1; return j1 == 0 ?[i1] & 15 :[i1] >> 4 & 15; } /** * Arguments are x, y, z, val. Sets the nibble of data at x << 11 | z << 7 | y to val. */ public void set(int p_76581_1_, int p_76581_2_, int p_76581_3_, int p_76581_4_) { int i1 = p_76581_2_ << this.depthBitsPlusFour | p_76581_3_ << this.depthBits | p_76581_1_; int j1 = i1 >> 1; int k1 = i1 & 1; if (k1 == 0) {[j1] = (byte)([j1] & 240 | p_76581_4_ & 15); } else {[j1] = (byte)([j1] & 15 | (p_76581_4_ & 15) << 4); } } }