package; import java.util.Random; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import; public abstract class WorldGenerator { /** * Sets wither or not the generator should notify blocks of blocks it changes. When the world is first generated, * this is false, when saplings grow, this is true. */ private final boolean doBlockNotify; private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00000409"; public WorldGenerator() { this.doBlockNotify = false; } public WorldGenerator(boolean p_i2013_1_) { this.doBlockNotify = p_i2013_1_; } public abstract boolean generate(World p_76484_1_, Random p_76484_2_, int p_76484_3_, int p_76484_4_, int p_76484_5_); /** * Rescales the generator settings, only used in WorldGenBigTree */ public void setScale(double p_76487_1_, double p_76487_3_, double p_76487_5_) {} protected void func_150515_a(World p_150515_1_, int p_150515_2_, int p_150515_3_, int p_150515_4_, Block p_150515_5_) { this.setBlockAndNotifyAdequately(p_150515_1_, p_150515_2_, p_150515_3_, p_150515_4_, p_150515_5_, 0); } protected void setBlockAndNotifyAdequately(World p_150516_1_, int p_150516_2_, int p_150516_3_, int p_150516_4_, Block p_150516_5_, int p_150516_6_) { if (this.doBlockNotify) { p_150516_1_.setBlock(p_150516_2_, p_150516_3_, p_150516_4_, p_150516_5_, p_150516_6_, 3); } else { p_150516_1_.setBlock(p_150516_2_, p_150516_3_, p_150516_4_, p_150516_5_, p_150516_6_, 2); } } }