package net.minecraft.tileentity;
import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side;
import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly;
import java.util.List;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
import net.minecraft.init.Items;
import net.minecraft.inventory.ISidedInventory;
import net.minecraft.item.Item;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemPotion;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagList;
import net.minecraft.potion.PotionHelper;
public class TileEntityBrewingStand extends TileEntity implements ISidedInventory
/** an array of the input slot indices */
private static final int[] inputSlots = new int[] {3};
/** an array of the output slot indices */
private static final int[] outputSlots = new int[] {0, 1, 2};
/** The ItemStacks currently placed in the slots of the brewing stand */
private ItemStack[] brewingItemStacks = new ItemStack[4];
private int brewTime;
/** an integer with each bit specifying whether that slot of the stand contains a potion */
private int filledSlots;
/** used to check if the current ingredient has been removed from the brewing stand during brewing */
private Item ingredientID;
private String field_145942_n;
private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00000345";
* Returns the name of the inventory
public String getInventoryName()
return this.isCustomInventoryName() ? this.field_145942_n : "container.brewing";
* Returns if the inventory is named
public boolean isCustomInventoryName()
return this.field_145942_n != null && this.field_145942_n.length() > 0;
public void func_145937_a(String p_145937_1_)
this.field_145942_n = p_145937_1_;
* Returns the number of slots in the inventory.
public int getSizeInventory()
return this.brewingItemStacks.length;
public void updateEntity()
if (this.brewTime > 0)
if (this.brewTime == 0)
else if (!this.canBrew())
this.brewTime = 0;
else if (this.ingredientID != this.brewingItemStacks[3].getItem())
this.brewTime = 0;
else if (this.canBrew())
this.brewTime = 400;
this.ingredientID = this.brewingItemStacks[3].getItem();
int i = this.getFilledSlots();
if (i != this.filledSlots)
this.filledSlots = i;
this.worldObj.setBlockMetadataWithNotify(this.xCoord, this.yCoord, this.zCoord, i, 2);
public int getBrewTime()
return this.brewTime;
private boolean canBrew()
if (this.brewingItemStacks[3] != null && this.brewingItemStacks[3].stackSize > 0)
ItemStack itemstack = this.brewingItemStacks[3];
if (!itemstack.getItem().isPotionIngredient(itemstack))
return false;
boolean flag = false;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
if (this.brewingItemStacks[i] != null && this.brewingItemStacks[i].getItem() instanceof ItemPotion)
int j = this.brewingItemStacks[i].getMetadata();
int k = this.func_145936_c(j, itemstack);
if (!ItemPotion.isSplash(j) && ItemPotion.isSplash(k))
flag = true;
List list = Items.potionitem.getEffects(j);
List list1 = Items.potionitem.getEffects(k);
if ((j <= 0 || list != list1) && (list == null || !list.equals(list1) && list1 != null) && j != k)
flag = true;
return flag;
return false;
private void brewPotions()
if (net.minecraftforge.event.ForgeEventFactory.onPotionAttemptBreaw(brewingItemStacks)) return;
if (this.canBrew())
ItemStack itemstack = this.brewingItemStacks[3];
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
if (this.brewingItemStacks[i] != null && this.brewingItemStacks[i].getItem() instanceof ItemPotion)
int j = this.brewingItemStacks[i].getMetadata();
int k = this.func_145936_c(j, itemstack);
List list = Items.potionitem.getEffects(j);
List list1 = Items.potionitem.getEffects(k);
if ((j <= 0 || list != list1) && (list == null || !list.equals(list1) && list1 != null))
if (j != k)
else if (!ItemPotion.isSplash(j) && ItemPotion.isSplash(k))
if (itemstack.getItem().hasContainerItem(itemstack))
this.brewingItemStacks[3] = itemstack.getItem().getContainerItem(itemstack);
if (this.brewingItemStacks[3].stackSize <= 0)
this.brewingItemStacks[3] = null;
private int func_145936_c(int p_145936_1_, ItemStack p_145936_2_)
return p_145936_2_ == null ? p_145936_1_ : (p_145936_2_.getItem().isPotionIngredient(p_145936_2_) ? PotionHelper.applyIngredient(p_145936_1_, p_145936_2_.getItem().getPotionEffect(p_145936_2_)) : p_145936_1_);
public void readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound compound)
NBTTagList nbttaglist = compound.getTagList("Items", 10);
this.brewingItemStacks = new ItemStack[this.getSizeInventory()];
for (int i = 0; i < nbttaglist.tagCount(); ++i)
NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound1 = nbttaglist.getCompoundTagAt(i);
byte b0 = nbttagcompound1.getByte("Slot");
if (b0 >= 0 && b0 < this.brewingItemStacks.length)
this.brewingItemStacks[b0] = ItemStack.loadItemStackFromNBT(nbttagcompound1);
this.brewTime = compound.getShort("BrewTime");
if (compound.hasKey("CustomName", 8))
this.field_145942_n = compound.getString("CustomName");
public void writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound compound)
compound.setShort("BrewTime", (short)this.brewTime);
NBTTagList nbttaglist = new NBTTagList();
for (int i = 0; i < this.brewingItemStacks.length; ++i)
if (this.brewingItemStacks[i] != null)
NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound1 = new NBTTagCompound();
nbttagcompound1.setByte("Slot", (byte)i);
compound.setTag("Items", nbttaglist);
if (this.isCustomInventoryName())
compound.setString("CustomName", this.field_145942_n);
* Returns the stack in slot i
public ItemStack getStackInSlot(int slotIn)
return slotIn >= 0 && slotIn < this.brewingItemStacks.length ? this.brewingItemStacks[slotIn] : null;
* Removes from an inventory slot (first arg) up to a specified number (second arg) of items and returns them in a
* new stack.
public ItemStack decrStackSize(int index, int count)
if (index >= 0 && index < this.brewingItemStacks.length)
ItemStack itemstack = this.brewingItemStacks[index];
this.brewingItemStacks[index] = null;
return itemstack;
return null;
* When some containers are closed they call this on each slot, then drop whatever it returns as an EntityItem -
* like when you close a workbench GUI.
public ItemStack getStackInSlotOnClosing(int index)
if (index >= 0 && index < this.brewingItemStacks.length)
ItemStack itemstack = this.brewingItemStacks[index];
this.brewingItemStacks[index] = null;
return itemstack;
return null;
* Sets the given item stack to the specified slot in the inventory (can be crafting or armor sections).
public void setInventorySlotContents(int index, ItemStack stack)
if (index >= 0 && index < this.brewingItemStacks.length)
this.brewingItemStacks[index] = stack;
* Returns the maximum stack size for a inventory slot. Seems to always be 64, possibly will be extended. *Isn't
* this more of a set than a get?*
public int getInventoryStackLimit()
return 64;
* Do not make give this method the name canInteractWith because it clashes with Container
public boolean isUseableByPlayer(EntityPlayer player)
return this.worldObj.getTileEntity(this.xCoord, this.yCoord, this.zCoord) != this ? false : player.getDistanceSq((double)this.xCoord + 0.5D, (double)this.yCoord + 0.5D, (double)this.zCoord + 0.5D) <= 64.0D;
public void openChest() {}
public void closeChest() {}
* Returns true if automation is allowed to insert the given stack (ignoring stack size) into the given slot.
public boolean isItemValidForSlot(int index, ItemStack stack)
return index == 3 ? stack.getItem().isPotionIngredient(stack) : stack.getItem() instanceof ItemPotion || stack.getItem() == Items.glass_bottle;
public void setBrewTime(int p_145938_1_)
this.brewTime = p_145938_1_;
* Returns an integer with each bit specifying whether that slot of the stand contains a potion
public int getFilledSlots()
int i = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
if (this.brewingItemStacks[j] != null)
i |= 1 << j;
return i;
* param side
public int[] getSlotsForFace(int p_94128_1_)
return p_94128_1_ == 1 ? inputSlots : outputSlots;
* Returns true if automation can insert the given item in the given slot from the given side. Args: Slot, item,
* side
public boolean canInsertItem(int p_102007_1_, ItemStack p_102007_2_, int p_102007_3_)
return this.isItemValidForSlot(p_102007_1_, p_102007_2_);
* Returns true if automation can extract the given item in the given slot from the given side. Args: Slot, item,
* side
public boolean canExtractItem(int p_102008_1_, ItemStack p_102008_2_, int p_102008_3_)
return true;