package; import java.util.Random; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.init.Blocks; import net.minecraft.util.MathHelper; import; import; public class MapGenRavine extends MapGenBase { private float[] field_75046_d = new float[1024]; private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00000390"; protected void func_151540_a(long p_151540_1_, int p_151540_3_, int p_151540_4_, Block[] p_151540_5_, double p_151540_6_, double p_151540_8_, double p_151540_10_, float p_151540_12_, float p_151540_13_, float p_151540_14_, int p_151540_15_, int p_151540_16_, double p_151540_17_) { Random random = new Random(p_151540_1_); double d4 = (double)(p_151540_3_ * 16 + 8); double d5 = (double)(p_151540_4_ * 16 + 8); float f3 = 0.0F; float f4 = 0.0F; if (p_151540_16_ <= 0) { int j1 = this.range * 16 - 16; p_151540_16_ = j1 - random.nextInt(j1 / 4); } boolean flag1 = false; if (p_151540_15_ == -1) { p_151540_15_ = p_151540_16_ / 2; flag1 = true; } float f5 = 1.0F; for (int k1 = 0; k1 < 256; ++k1) { if (k1 == 0 || random.nextInt(3) == 0) { f5 = 1.0F + random.nextFloat() * random.nextFloat() * 1.0F; } this.field_75046_d[k1] = f5 * f5; } for (; p_151540_15_ < p_151540_16_; ++p_151540_15_) { double d12 = 1.5D + (double)(MathHelper.sin((float)p_151540_15_ * (float)Math.PI / (float)p_151540_16_) * p_151540_12_ * 1.0F); double d6 = d12 * p_151540_17_; d12 *= (double)random.nextFloat() * 0.25D + 0.75D; d6 *= (double)random.nextFloat() * 0.25D + 0.75D; float f6 = MathHelper.cos(p_151540_14_); float f7 = MathHelper.sin(p_151540_14_); p_151540_6_ += (double)(MathHelper.cos(p_151540_13_) * f6); p_151540_8_ += (double)f7; p_151540_10_ += (double)(MathHelper.sin(p_151540_13_) * f6); p_151540_14_ *= 0.7F; p_151540_14_ += f4 * 0.05F; p_151540_13_ += f3 * 0.05F; f4 *= 0.8F; f3 *= 0.5F; f4 += (random.nextFloat() - random.nextFloat()) * random.nextFloat() * 2.0F; f3 += (random.nextFloat() - random.nextFloat()) * random.nextFloat() * 4.0F; if (flag1 || random.nextInt(4) != 0) { double d7 = p_151540_6_ - d4; double d8 = p_151540_10_ - d5; double d9 = (double)(p_151540_16_ - p_151540_15_); double d10 = (double)(p_151540_12_ + 2.0F + 16.0F); if (d7 * d7 + d8 * d8 - d9 * d9 > d10 * d10) { return; } if (p_151540_6_ >= d4 - 16.0D - d12 * 2.0D && p_151540_10_ >= d5 - 16.0D - d12 * 2.0D && p_151540_6_ <= d4 + 16.0D + d12 * 2.0D && p_151540_10_ <= d5 + 16.0D + d12 * 2.0D) { int i4 = MathHelper.floor_double(p_151540_6_ - d12) - p_151540_3_ * 16 - 1; int l1 = MathHelper.floor_double(p_151540_6_ + d12) - p_151540_3_ * 16 + 1; int j4 = MathHelper.floor_double(p_151540_8_ - d6) - 1; int i2 = MathHelper.floor_double(p_151540_8_ + d6) + 1; int k4 = MathHelper.floor_double(p_151540_10_ - d12) - p_151540_4_ * 16 - 1; int j2 = MathHelper.floor_double(p_151540_10_ + d12) - p_151540_4_ * 16 + 1; if (i4 < 0) { i4 = 0; } if (l1 > 16) { l1 = 16; } if (j4 < 1) { j4 = 1; } if (i2 > 248) { i2 = 248; } if (k4 < 0) { k4 = 0; } if (j2 > 16) { j2 = 16; } boolean flag2 = false; int k2; int j3; for (k2 = i4; !flag2 && k2 < l1; ++k2) { for (int l2 = k4; !flag2 && l2 < j2; ++l2) { for (int i3 = i2 + 1; !flag2 && i3 >= j4 - 1; --i3) { j3 = (k2 * 16 + l2) * 256 + i3; if (i3 >= 0 && i3 < 256) { Block block = p_151540_5_[j3]; if (isOceanBlock(p_151540_5_, j3, k2, i3, l2, p_151540_3_, p_151540_4_)) { flag2 = true; } if (i3 != j4 - 1 && k2 != i4 && k2 != l1 - 1 && l2 != k4 && l2 != j2 - 1) { i3 = j4; } } } } } if (!flag2) { for (k2 = i4; k2 < l1; ++k2) { double d13 = ((double)(k2 + p_151540_3_ * 16) + 0.5D - p_151540_6_) / d12; for (j3 = k4; j3 < j2; ++j3) { double d14 = ((double)(j3 + p_151540_4_ * 16) + 0.5D - p_151540_10_) / d12; int k3 = (k2 * 16 + j3) * 256 + i2; boolean flag = false; if (d13 * d13 + d14 * d14 < 1.0D) { for (int l3 = i2 - 1; l3 >= j4; --l3) { double d11 = ((double)l3 + 0.5D - p_151540_8_) / d6; if ((d13 * d13 + d14 * d14) * (double)this.field_75046_d[l3] + d11 * d11 / 6.0D < 1.0D) { Block block1 = p_151540_5_[k3]; if (isTopBlock(p_151540_5_, k3, k2, l3, j3, p_151540_3_, p_151540_4_)) { flag = true; } digBlock(p_151540_5_, k3, k2, l3, j3, p_151540_3_, p_151540_4_, flag); } --k3; } } } } if (flag1) { break; } } } } } } protected void func_151538_a(World worldIn, int p_151538_2_, int p_151538_3_, int p_151538_4_, int p_151538_5_, Block[] p_151538_6_) { if (this.rand.nextInt(50) == 0) { double d0 = (double)(p_151538_2_ * 16 + this.rand.nextInt(16)); double d1 = (double)(this.rand.nextInt(this.rand.nextInt(40) + 8) + 20); double d2 = (double)(p_151538_3_ * 16 + this.rand.nextInt(16)); byte b0 = 1; for (int i1 = 0; i1 < b0; ++i1) { float f = this.rand.nextFloat() * (float)Math.PI * 2.0F; float f1 = (this.rand.nextFloat() - 0.5F) * 2.0F / 8.0F; float f2 = (this.rand.nextFloat() * 2.0F + this.rand.nextFloat()) * 2.0F; this.func_151540_a(this.rand.nextLong(), p_151538_4_, p_151538_5_, p_151538_6_, d0, d1, d2, f2, f, f1, 0, 0, 3.0D); } } } protected boolean isOceanBlock(Block[] data, int index, int x, int y, int z, int chunkX, int chunkZ) { return data[index] == Blocks.water || data[index] == Blocks.flowing_water; } //Exception biomes to make sure we generate like vanilla private boolean isExceptionBiome(BiomeGenBase biome) { if (biome == BiomeGenBase.mushroomIsland) return true; if (biome == BiomeGenBase.beach) return true; if (biome == BiomeGenBase.desert) return true; return false; } //Determine if the block at the specified location is the top block for the biome, we take into account //Vanilla bugs to make sure that we generate the map the same way vanilla does. private boolean isTopBlock(Block[] data, int index, int x, int y, int z, int chunkX, int chunkZ) { BiomeGenBase biome = worldObj.getBiomeGenForCoords(x + chunkX * 16, z + chunkZ * 16); return (isExceptionBiome(biome) ? data[index] == Blocks.grass : data[index] == biome.topBlock); } /** * Digs out the current block, default implementation removes stone, filler, and top block * Sets the block to lava if y is less then 10, and air other wise. * If setting to air, it also checks to see if we've broken the surface and if so * tries to make the floor the biome's top block * * @param data Block data array * @param index Pre-calculated index into block data * @param x local X position * @param y local Y position * @param z local Z position * @param chunkX Chunk X position * @param chunkZ Chunk Y position * @param foundTop True if we've encountered the biome's top block. Ideally if we've broken the surface. */ protected void digBlock(Block[] data, int index, int x, int y, int z, int chunkX, int chunkZ, boolean foundTop) { BiomeGenBase biome = worldObj.getBiomeGenForCoords(x + chunkX * 16, z + chunkZ * 16); Block top = (isExceptionBiome(biome) ? Blocks.grass : biome.topBlock); Block filler = (isExceptionBiome(biome) ? Blocks.dirt : biome.fillerBlock); Block block = data[index]; if (block == Blocks.stone || block == filler || block == top) { if (y < 10) { data[index] = Blocks.flowing_lava; } else { data[index] = null; if (foundTop && data[index - 1] == filler) { data[index - 1] = top; } } } } }