package; import net.minecraft.block.Block; public class FlatLayerInfo { private Block field_151537_a; /** Amount of layers for this set of layers. */ private int layerCount; /** Block metadata used on this set of laeyrs. */ private int layerFillBlockMeta; private int layerMinimumY; private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00000441"; public FlatLayerInfo(int p_i45467_1_, Block p_i45467_2_) { this.layerCount = 1; this.layerCount = p_i45467_1_; this.field_151537_a = p_i45467_2_; } public FlatLayerInfo(int p_i45468_1_, Block p_i45468_2_, int p_i45468_3_) { this(p_i45468_1_, p_i45468_2_); this.layerFillBlockMeta = p_i45468_3_; } /** * Return the amount of layers for this set of layers. */ public int getLayerCount() { return this.layerCount; } public Block func_151536_b() { return this.field_151537_a; } /** * Return the block metadata used on this set of layers. */ public int getFillBlockMeta() { return this.layerFillBlockMeta; } /** * Return the minimum Y coordinate for this layer, set during generation. */ public int getMinY() { return this.layerMinimumY; } /** * Set the minimum Y coordinate for this layer. */ public void setMinY(int p_82660_1_) { this.layerMinimumY = p_82660_1_; } public String toString() { String s = Integer.toString(Block.getIdFromBlock(this.field_151537_a)); if (this.layerCount > 1) { s = this.layerCount + "x" + s; } if (this.layerFillBlockMeta > 0) { s = s + ":" + this.layerFillBlockMeta; } return s; } }