import net.minecraft.entity.EntityCreature;
import net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase;
import net.minecraft.entity.IEntityOwnable;
import net.minecraft.entity.SharedMonsterAttributes;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP;
import net.minecraft.pathfinding.PathEntity;
import net.minecraft.pathfinding.PathPoint;
import net.minecraft.util.MathHelper;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
public abstract class EntityAITarget extends EntityAIBase
/** The entity that this task belongs to */
protected EntityCreature taskOwner;
/** If true, EntityAI targets must be able to be seen (cannot be blocked by walls) to be suitable targets. */
protected boolean shouldCheckSight;
/** When true, only entities that can be reached with minimal effort will be targetted. */
private boolean nearbyOnly;
/** When nearbyOnly is true: 0 -> No target, but OK to search; 1 -> Nearby target found; 2 -> Target too far. */
private int targetSearchStatus;
/** When nearbyOnly is true, this throttles target searching to avoid excessive pathfinding. */
private int targetSearchDelay;
* If @shouldCheckSight is true, the number of ticks before the interuption of this AITastk when the entity does't
* see the target
private int targetUnseenTicks;
private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00001626";
public EntityAITarget(EntityCreature p_i1669_1_, boolean p_i1669_2_)
this(p_i1669_1_, p_i1669_2_, false);
public EntityAITarget(EntityCreature p_i1670_1_, boolean p_i1670_2_, boolean p_i1670_3_)
this.taskOwner = p_i1670_1_;
this.shouldCheckSight = p_i1670_2_;
this.nearbyOnly = p_i1670_3_;
* Returns whether an in-progress EntityAIBase should continue executing
public boolean continueExecuting()
EntityLivingBase entitylivingbase = this.taskOwner.getAttackTarget();
if (entitylivingbase == null)
return false;
else if (!entitylivingbase.isEntityAlive())
return false;
double d0 = this.getTargetDistance();
if (this.taskOwner.getDistanceSqToEntity(entitylivingbase) > d0 * d0)
return false;
if (this.shouldCheckSight)
if (this.taskOwner.getEntitySenses().canSee(entitylivingbase))
this.targetUnseenTicks = 0;
else if (++this.targetUnseenTicks > 60)
return false;
return !(entitylivingbase instanceof EntityPlayerMP) || !((EntityPlayerMP)entitylivingbase).theItemInWorldManager.isCreative();
protected double getTargetDistance()
IAttributeInstance iattributeinstance = this.taskOwner.getEntityAttribute(SharedMonsterAttributes.followRange);
return iattributeinstance == null ? 16.0D : iattributeinstance.getAttributeValue();
* Execute a one shot task or start executing a continuous task
public void startExecuting()
this.targetSearchStatus = 0;
this.targetSearchDelay = 0;
this.targetUnseenTicks = 0;
* Resets the task
public void resetTask()
* A method used to see if an entity is a suitable target through a number of checks. Args : entity,
* canTargetInvinciblePlayer
protected boolean isSuitableTarget(EntityLivingBase p_75296_1_, boolean p_75296_2_)
if (p_75296_1_ == null)
return false;
else if (p_75296_1_ == this.taskOwner)
return false;
else if (!p_75296_1_.isEntityAlive())
return false;
else if (!this.taskOwner.canAttackClass(p_75296_1_.getClass()))
return false;
if (this.taskOwner instanceof IEntityOwnable && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(((IEntityOwnable)this.taskOwner).func_152113_b()))
if (p_75296_1_ instanceof IEntityOwnable && ((IEntityOwnable)this.taskOwner).func_152113_b().equals(((IEntityOwnable)p_75296_1_).func_152113_b()))
return false;
if (p_75296_1_ == ((IEntityOwnable)this.taskOwner).getOwner())
return false;
else if (p_75296_1_ instanceof EntityPlayer && !p_75296_2_ && ((EntityPlayer)p_75296_1_).capabilities.disableDamage)
return false;
if (!this.taskOwner.isWithinHomeDistance(MathHelper.floor_double(p_75296_1_.posX), MathHelper.floor_double(p_75296_1_.posY), MathHelper.floor_double(p_75296_1_.posZ)))
return false;
else if (this.shouldCheckSight && !this.taskOwner.getEntitySenses().canSee(p_75296_1_))
return false;
if (this.nearbyOnly)
if (--this.targetSearchDelay <= 0)
this.targetSearchStatus = 0;
if (this.targetSearchStatus == 0)
this.targetSearchStatus = this.canEasilyReach(p_75296_1_) ? 1 : 2;
if (this.targetSearchStatus == 2)
return false;
return true;
* Checks to see if this entity can find a short path to the given target.
private boolean canEasilyReach(EntityLivingBase p_75295_1_)
this.targetSearchDelay = 10 + this.taskOwner.getRNG().nextInt(5);
PathEntity pathentity = this.taskOwner.getNavigator().getPathToEntityLiving(p_75295_1_);
if (pathentity == null)
return false;
PathPoint pathpoint = pathentity.getFinalPathPoint();
if (pathpoint == null)
return false;
int i = pathpoint.xCoord - MathHelper.floor_double(p_75295_1_.posX);
int j = pathpoint.zCoord - MathHelper.floor_double(p_75295_1_.posZ);
return (double)(i * i + j * j) <= 2.25D;