package net.minecraft.item.crafting; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.init.Blocks; import net.minecraft.init.Items; import net.minecraft.inventory.InventoryCrafting; import net.minecraft.item.Item; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import; public class CraftingManager { /** The static instance of this class */ private static final CraftingManager instance = new CraftingManager(); /** A list of all the recipes added */ private List recipes = new ArrayList(); private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00000090"; /** * Returns the static instance of this class */ public static final CraftingManager getInstance() { /** The static instance of this class */ return instance; } private CraftingManager() { (new RecipesTools()).addRecipes(this); (new RecipesWeapons()).addRecipes(this); (new RecipesIngots()).addRecipes(this); (new RecipesFood()).addRecipes(this); (new RecipesCrafting()).addRecipes(this); (new RecipesArmor()).addRecipes(this); (new RecipesDyes()).addRecipes(this); RecipesArmorDyes()); RecipeBookCloning()); RecipesMapCloning()); RecipesMapExtending()); RecipeFireworks()); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Items.paper, 3), new Object[] {"###", '#', Items.reeds}); this.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(, 1), new Object[] {Items.paper, Items.paper, Items.paper, Items.leather}); this.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(Items.writable_book, 1), new Object[] {, new ItemStack(Items.dye, 1, 0), Items.feather}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Blocks.fence, 2), new Object[] {"###", "###", '#', Items.stick}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Blocks.cobblestone_wall, 6, 0), new Object[] {"###", "###", '#', Blocks.cobblestone}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Blocks.cobblestone_wall, 6, 1), new Object[] {"###", "###", '#', Blocks.mossy_cobblestone}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Blocks.nether_brick_fence, 6), new Object[] {"###", "###", '#', Blocks.nether_brick}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Blocks.fence_gate, 1), new Object[] {"#W#", "#W#", '#', Items.stick, 'W', Blocks.planks}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Blocks.jukebox, 1), new Object[] {"###", "#X#", "###", '#', Blocks.planks, 'X', Items.diamond}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Items.lead, 2), new Object[] {"~~ ", "~O ", " ~", '~', Items.string, 'O', Items.slime_ball}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Blocks.noteblock, 1), new Object[] {"###", "#X#", "###", '#', Blocks.planks, 'X',}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Blocks.bookshelf, 1), new Object[] {"###", "XXX", "###", '#', Blocks.planks, 'X',}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Blocks.snow, 1), new Object[] {"##", "##", '#', Items.snowball}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Blocks.snow_layer, 6), new Object[] {"###", '#', Blocks.snow}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Blocks.clay, 1), new Object[] {"##", "##", '#', Items.clay_ball}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Blocks.brick_block, 1), new Object[] {"##", "##", '#', Items.brick}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Blocks.glowstone, 1), new Object[] {"##", "##", '#', Items.glowstone_dust}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Blocks.quartz_block, 1), new Object[] {"##", "##", '#', Items.quartz}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Blocks.wool, 1), new Object[] {"##", "##", '#', Items.string}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Blocks.tnt, 1), new Object[] {"X#X", "#X#", "X#X", 'X', Items.gunpowder, '#', Blocks.sand}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Blocks.stone_slab, 6, 3), new Object[] {"###", '#', Blocks.cobblestone}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Blocks.stone_slab, 6, 0), new Object[] {"###", '#', Blocks.stone}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Blocks.stone_slab, 6, 1), new Object[] {"###", '#', Blocks.sandstone}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Blocks.stone_slab, 6, 4), new Object[] {"###", '#', Blocks.brick_block}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Blocks.stone_slab, 6, 5), new Object[] {"###", '#', Blocks.stonebrick}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Blocks.stone_slab, 6, 6), new Object[] {"###", '#', Blocks.nether_brick}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Blocks.stone_slab, 6, 7), new Object[] {"###", '#', Blocks.quartz_block}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Blocks.wooden_slab, 6, 0), new Object[] {"###", '#', new ItemStack(Blocks.planks, 1, 0)}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Blocks.wooden_slab, 6, 2), new Object[] {"###", '#', new ItemStack(Blocks.planks, 1, 2)}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Blocks.wooden_slab, 6, 1), new Object[] {"###", '#', new ItemStack(Blocks.planks, 1, 1)}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Blocks.wooden_slab, 6, 3), new Object[] {"###", '#', new ItemStack(Blocks.planks, 1, 3)}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Blocks.wooden_slab, 6, 4), new Object[] {"###", '#', new ItemStack(Blocks.planks, 1, 4)}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Blocks.wooden_slab, 6, 5), new Object[] {"###", '#', new ItemStack(Blocks.planks, 1, 5)}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Blocks.ladder, 3), new Object[] {"# #", "###", "# #", '#', Items.stick}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Items.wooden_door, 1), new Object[] {"##", "##", "##", '#', Blocks.planks}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Blocks.trapdoor, 2), new Object[] {"###", "###", '#', Blocks.planks}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Items.iron_door, 1), new Object[] {"##", "##", "##", '#', Items.iron_ingot}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Items.sign, 3), new Object[] {"###", "###", " X ", '#', Blocks.planks, 'X', Items.stick}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Items.cake, 1), new Object[] {"AAA", "BEB", "CCC", 'A', Items.milk_bucket, 'B', Items.sugar, 'C', Items.wheat, 'E', Items.egg}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Items.sugar, 1), new Object[] {"#", '#', Items.reeds}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Blocks.planks, 4, 0), new Object[] {"#", '#', new ItemStack(Blocks.log, 1, 0)}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Blocks.planks, 4, 1), new Object[] {"#", '#', new ItemStack(Blocks.log, 1, 1)}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Blocks.planks, 4, 2), new Object[] {"#", '#', new ItemStack(Blocks.log, 1, 2)}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Blocks.planks, 4, 3), new Object[] {"#", '#', new ItemStack(Blocks.log, 1, 3)}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Blocks.planks, 4, 4), new Object[] {"#", '#', new ItemStack(Blocks.log2, 1, 0)}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Blocks.planks, 4, 5), new Object[] {"#", '#', new ItemStack(Blocks.log2, 1, 1)}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Items.stick, 4), new Object[] {"#", "#", '#', Blocks.planks}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Blocks.torch, 4), new Object[] {"X", "#", 'X', Items.coal, '#', Items.stick}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Blocks.torch, 4), new Object[] {"X", "#", 'X', new ItemStack(Items.coal, 1, 1), '#', Items.stick}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Items.bowl, 4), new Object[] {"# #", " # ", '#', Blocks.planks}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Items.glass_bottle, 3), new Object[] {"# #", " # ", '#',}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Blocks.rail, 16), new Object[] {"X X", "X#X", "X X", 'X', Items.iron_ingot, '#', Items.stick}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Blocks.golden_rail, 6), new Object[] {"X X", "X#X", "XRX", 'X', Items.gold_ingot, 'R',, '#', Items.stick}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Blocks.activator_rail, 6), new Object[] {"XSX", "X#X", "XSX", 'X', Items.iron_ingot, '#', Blocks.redstone_torch, 'S', Items.stick}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Blocks.detector_rail, 6), new Object[] {"X X", "X#X", "XRX", 'X', Items.iron_ingot, 'R',, '#', Blocks.stone_pressure_plate}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Items.minecart, 1), new Object[] {"# #", "###", '#', Items.iron_ingot}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Items.cauldron, 1), new Object[] {"# #", "# #", "###", '#', Items.iron_ingot}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Items.brewing_stand, 1), new Object[] {" B ", "###", '#', Blocks.cobblestone, 'B', Items.blaze_rod}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Blocks.lit_pumpkin, 1), new Object[] {"A", "B", 'A', Blocks.pumpkin, 'B', Blocks.torch}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Items.chest_minecart, 1), new Object[] {"A", "B", 'A', Blocks.chest, 'B', Items.minecart}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Items.furnace_minecart, 1), new Object[] {"A", "B", 'A', Blocks.furnace, 'B', Items.minecart}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Items.tnt_minecart, 1), new Object[] {"A", "B", 'A', Blocks.tnt, 'B', Items.minecart}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Items.hopper_minecart, 1), new Object[] {"A", "B", 'A', Blocks.hopper, 'B', Items.minecart}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Items.boat, 1), new Object[] {"# #", "###", '#', Blocks.planks}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Items.bucket, 1), new Object[] {"# #", " # ", '#', Items.iron_ingot}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Items.flower_pot, 1), new Object[] {"# #", " # ", '#', Items.brick}); this.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(Items.flint_and_steel, 1), new Object[] {new ItemStack(Items.iron_ingot, 1), new ItemStack(Items.flint, 1)}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Items.bread, 1), new Object[] {"###", '#', Items.wheat}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Blocks.oak_stairs, 4), new Object[] {"# ", "## ", "###", '#', new ItemStack(Blocks.planks, 1, 0)}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Blocks.birch_stairs, 4), new Object[] {"# ", "## ", "###", '#', new ItemStack(Blocks.planks, 1, 2)}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Blocks.spruce_stairs, 4), new Object[] {"# ", "## ", "###", '#', new ItemStack(Blocks.planks, 1, 1)}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Blocks.jungle_stairs, 4), new Object[] {"# ", "## ", "###", '#', new ItemStack(Blocks.planks, 1, 3)}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Blocks.acacia_stairs, 4), new Object[] {"# ", "## ", "###", '#', new ItemStack(Blocks.planks, 1, 4)}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Blocks.dark_oak_stairs, 4), new Object[] {"# ", "## ", "###", '#', new ItemStack(Blocks.planks, 1, 5)}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Items.fishing_rod, 1), new Object[] {" #", " #X", "# X", '#', Items.stick, 'X', Items.string}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Items.carrot_on_a_stick, 1), new Object[] {"# ", " X", '#', Items.fishing_rod, 'X', Items.carrot}).func_92100_c(); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Blocks.stone_stairs, 4), new Object[] {"# ", "## ", "###", '#', Blocks.cobblestone}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Blocks.brick_stairs, 4), new Object[] {"# ", "## ", "###", '#', Blocks.brick_block}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Blocks.stone_brick_stairs, 4), new Object[] {"# ", "## ", "###", '#', Blocks.stonebrick}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Blocks.nether_brick_stairs, 4), new Object[] {"# ", "## ", "###", '#', Blocks.nether_brick}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Blocks.sandstone_stairs, 4), new Object[] {"# ", "## ", "###", '#', Blocks.sandstone}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Blocks.quartz_stairs, 4), new Object[] {"# ", "## ", "###", '#', Blocks.quartz_block}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Items.painting, 1), new Object[] {"###", "#X#", "###", '#', Items.stick, 'X', Blocks.wool}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Items.item_frame, 1), new Object[] {"###", "#X#", "###", '#', Items.stick, 'X', Items.leather}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Items.golden_apple, 1, 0), new Object[] {"###", "#X#", "###", '#', Items.gold_ingot, 'X',}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Items.golden_apple, 1, 1), new Object[] {"###", "#X#", "###", '#', Blocks.gold_block, 'X',}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Items.golden_carrot, 1, 0), new Object[] {"###", "#X#", "###", '#', Items.gold_nugget, 'X', Items.carrot}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Items.speckled_melon, 1), new Object[] {"###", "#X#", "###", '#', Items.gold_nugget, 'X', Items.melon}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Blocks.lever, 1), new Object[] {"X", "#", '#', Blocks.cobblestone, 'X', Items.stick}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Blocks.tripwire_hook, 2), new Object[] {"I", "S", "#", '#', Blocks.planks, 'S', Items.stick, 'I', Items.iron_ingot}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Blocks.redstone_torch, 1), new Object[] {"X", "#", '#', Items.stick, 'X',}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Items.repeater, 1), new Object[] {"#X#", "III", '#', Blocks.redstone_torch, 'X',, 'I', Blocks.stone}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Items.comparator, 1), new Object[] {" # ", "#X#", "III", '#', Blocks.redstone_torch, 'X', Items.quartz, 'I', Blocks.stone}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Items.clock, 1), new Object[] {" # ", "#X#", " # ", '#', Items.gold_ingot, 'X',}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Items.compass, 1), new Object[] {" # ", "#X#", " # ", '#', Items.iron_ingot, 'X',}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(, 1), new Object[] {"###", "#X#", "###", '#', Items.paper, 'X', Items.compass}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Blocks.stone_button, 1), new Object[] {"#", '#', Blocks.stone}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Blocks.wooden_button, 1), new Object[] {"#", '#', Blocks.planks}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Blocks.stone_pressure_plate, 1), new Object[] {"##", '#', Blocks.stone}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Blocks.wooden_pressure_plate, 1), new Object[] {"##", '#', Blocks.planks}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Blocks.heavy_weighted_pressure_plate, 1), new Object[] {"##", '#', Items.iron_ingot}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Blocks.light_weighted_pressure_plate, 1), new Object[] {"##", '#', Items.gold_ingot}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Blocks.dispenser, 1), new Object[] {"###", "#X#", "#R#", '#', Blocks.cobblestone, 'X', Items.bow, 'R',}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Blocks.dropper, 1), new Object[] {"###", "# #", "#R#", '#', Blocks.cobblestone, 'R',}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Blocks.piston, 1), new Object[] {"TTT", "#X#", "#R#", '#', Blocks.cobblestone, 'X', Items.iron_ingot, 'R',, 'T', Blocks.planks}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Blocks.sticky_piston, 1), new Object[] {"S", "P", 'S', Items.slime_ball, 'P', Blocks.piston}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Items.bed, 1), new Object[] {"###", "XXX", '#', Blocks.wool, 'X', Blocks.planks}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Blocks.enchanting_table, 1), new Object[] {" B ", "D#D", "###", '#', Blocks.obsidian, 'B',, 'D', Items.diamond}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Blocks.anvil, 1), new Object[] {"III", " i ", "iii", 'I', Blocks.iron_block, 'i', Items.iron_ingot}); this.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(Items.ender_eye, 1), new Object[] {Items.ender_pearl, Items.blaze_powder}); this.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(Items.fire_charge, 3), new Object[] {Items.gunpowder, Items.blaze_powder, Items.coal}); this.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(Items.fire_charge, 3), new Object[] {Items.gunpowder, Items.blaze_powder, new ItemStack(Items.coal, 1, 1)}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Blocks.daylight_detector), new Object[] {"GGG", "QQQ", "WWW", 'G',, 'Q', Items.quartz, 'W', Blocks.wooden_slab}); this.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Blocks.hopper), new Object[] {"I I", "ICI", " I ", 'I', Items.iron_ingot, 'C', Blocks.chest}); Collections.sort(, new Comparator() { private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00000091"; public int compare(IRecipe p_compare_1_, IRecipe p_compare_2_) { return p_compare_1_ instanceof ShapelessRecipes && p_compare_2_ instanceof ShapedRecipes ? 1 : (p_compare_2_ instanceof ShapelessRecipes && p_compare_1_ instanceof ShapedRecipes ? -1 : (p_compare_2_.getRecipeSize() < p_compare_1_.getRecipeSize() ? -1 : (p_compare_2_.getRecipeSize() > p_compare_1_.getRecipeSize() ? 1 : 0))); } public int compare(Object p_compare_1_, Object p_compare_2_) { return, (IRecipe)p_compare_2_); } }); } public ShapedRecipes addRecipe(ItemStack p_92103_1_, Object ... p_92103_2_) { String s = ""; int i = 0; int j = 0; int k = 0; if (p_92103_2_[i] instanceof String[]) { String[] astring = (String[])((String[])p_92103_2_[i++]); for (int l = 0; l < astring.length; ++l) { String s1 = astring[l]; ++k; j = s1.length(); s = s + s1; } } else { while (p_92103_2_[i] instanceof String) { String s2 = (String)p_92103_2_[i++]; ++k; j = s2.length(); s = s + s2; } } HashMap hashmap; for (hashmap = new HashMap(); i < p_92103_2_.length; i += 2) { Character character = (Character)p_92103_2_[i]; ItemStack itemstack1 = null; if (p_92103_2_[i + 1] instanceof Item) { itemstack1 = new ItemStack((Item)p_92103_2_[i + 1]); } else if (p_92103_2_[i + 1] instanceof Block) { itemstack1 = new ItemStack((Block)p_92103_2_[i + 1], 1, 32767); } else if (p_92103_2_[i + 1] instanceof ItemStack) { itemstack1 = (ItemStack)p_92103_2_[i + 1]; } hashmap.put(character, itemstack1); } ItemStack[] aitemstack = new ItemStack[j * k]; for (int i1 = 0; i1 < j * k; ++i1) { char c0 = s.charAt(i1); if (hashmap.containsKey(Character.valueOf(c0))) { aitemstack[i1] = ((ItemStack)hashmap.get(Character.valueOf(c0))).copy(); } else { aitemstack[i1] = null; } } ShapedRecipes shapedrecipes = new ShapedRecipes(j, k, aitemstack, p_92103_1_);; return shapedrecipes; } public void addShapelessRecipe(ItemStack p_77596_1_, Object ... p_77596_2_) { ArrayList arraylist = new ArrayList(); Object[] aobject = p_77596_2_; int i = p_77596_2_.length; for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j) { Object object1 = aobject[j]; if (object1 instanceof ItemStack) { arraylist.add(((ItemStack)object1).copy()); } else if (object1 instanceof Item) { arraylist.add(new ItemStack((Item)object1)); } else { if (!(object1 instanceof Block)) { throw new RuntimeException("Invalid shapeless recipy!"); } arraylist.add(new ItemStack((Block)object1)); } } ShapelessRecipes(p_77596_1_, arraylist)); } public ItemStack findMatchingRecipe(InventoryCrafting p_82787_1_, World p_82787_2_) { int i = 0; ItemStack itemstack = null; ItemStack itemstack1 = null; int j; for (j = 0; j < p_82787_1_.getSizeInventory(); ++j) { ItemStack itemstack2 = p_82787_1_.getStackInSlot(j); if (itemstack2 != null) { if (i == 0) { itemstack = itemstack2; } if (i == 1) { itemstack1 = itemstack2; } ++i; } } if (i == 2 && itemstack.getItem() == itemstack1.getItem() && itemstack.stackSize == 1 && itemstack1.stackSize == 1 && itemstack.getItem().isRepairable()) { Item item = itemstack.getItem(); int j1 = item.getMaxDurability() - itemstack.getCurrentDurability(); int k = item.getMaxDurability() - itemstack1.getCurrentDurability(); int l = j1 + k + item.getMaxDurability() * 5 / 100; int i1 = item.getMaxDurability() - l; if (i1 < 0) { i1 = 0; } return new ItemStack(itemstack.getItem(), 1, i1); } else { for (j = 0; j <; ++j) { IRecipe irecipe = (IRecipe); if (irecipe.matches(p_82787_1_, p_82787_2_)) { return irecipe.getCraftingResult(p_82787_1_); } } return null; } } /** * returns the List<> of all recipes */ public List getRecipeList() { return; } }