package net.minecraft.scoreboard; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; public class Score { /** Used for sorting score by points */ public static final Comparator scoreComparator = new Comparator() { private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00000618"; public int compare(Score p_compare_1_, Score p_compare_2_) { return p_compare_1_.getScorePoints() > p_compare_2_.getScorePoints() ? 1 : (p_compare_1_.getScorePoints() < p_compare_2_.getScorePoints() ? -1 : 0); } public int compare(Object p_compare_1_, Object p_compare_2_) { return, (Score)p_compare_2_); } }; private final Scoreboard theScoreboard; private final ScoreObjective theScoreObjective; private final String scorePlayerName; private int scorePoints; private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00000617"; public Score(Scoreboard p_i2309_1_, ScoreObjective p_i2309_2_, String p_i2309_3_) { this.theScoreboard = p_i2309_1_; this.theScoreObjective = p_i2309_2_; this.scorePlayerName = p_i2309_3_; } public void increseScore(int p_96649_1_) { if (this.theScoreObjective.getCriteria().isReadOnly()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot modify read-only score"); } else { this.setScorePoints(this.getScorePoints() + p_96649_1_); } } public void decreaseScore(int p_96646_1_) { if (this.theScoreObjective.getCriteria().isReadOnly()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot modify read-only score"); } else { this.setScorePoints(this.getScorePoints() - p_96646_1_); } } public void func_96648_a() { if (this.theScoreObjective.getCriteria().isReadOnly()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot modify read-only score"); } else { this.increseScore(1); } } public int getScorePoints() { return this.scorePoints; } public void setScorePoints(int p_96647_1_) { int j = this.scorePoints; this.scorePoints = p_96647_1_; if (j != p_96647_1_) { this.getScoreScoreboard().func_96536_a(this); } } public ScoreObjective func_96645_d() { return this.theScoreObjective; } /** * Returns the name of the player this score belongs to */ public String getPlayerName() { return this.scorePlayerName; } public Scoreboard getScoreScoreboard() { return this.theScoreboard; } public void func_96651_a(List p_96651_1_) { this.setScorePoints(this.theScoreObjective.getCriteria().func_96635_a(p_96651_1_)); } }