package; import; import android.view.View; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Set; import java.util.WeakHashMap; import; import; import; /** * Parallax Controller that take input from anything. * <p/> * Created by chris on 23/10/2013 * Project: Paralloid */ public class ParallaxController<T extends Object> implements ParallaxorListener { public static final String TAG = ParallaxController.class.getSimpleName(); /** * HashMap which contains the parallaxed views. */ protected WeakHashMap<View, ParallaxViewInfo> mViewHashMap; /** * The Background of Views to Parallax */ protected WeakHashMap<View, ParallaxDrawable> mParallaxDrawableMap; /** * The Optional Scroll Changed Listener for the user to listen to scroll events. */ protected OnScrollChangedListener mScrollChangedListener; /** * Gets set to true if a View which has its own OnScrollListener */ protected boolean mIgnoreOnScrollListener; // protected int mLastScrollX = 0; protected int mLastScrollY = 0; /** * The Wrapped Object */ protected final T mWrapped; protected ParallaxController(T wrapped) { mWrapped = wrapped; } public T getWrapped() { return mWrapped; } /** * Add a view to be parallax'd by. If already set this will replace the current factor. * * @param view passing in yourself will throw an exception. * @param multiplier passing in */ public void parallaxViewBy(View view, float multiplier) { parallaxViewBy(view, null, multiplier); } @Override public void parallaxViewBy(View view, Transformer transformer, float multiplier) { if (view == null) return; if (view == mWrapped) throw new IllegalArgumentException("You can't parallax yourself, this would end badly, Parallax other Views"); checkViewMap(); mViewHashMap.put(view, new ParallaxViewInfo(multiplier, transformer)); // We force this to update the view just added onScrollChanged(mLastScrollX, mLastScrollY, mLastScrollX, mLastScrollY, true); } /** * @param view View which to attach the drawable to. (null will do nothing) * @param drawable Drawable to Parallax (null will do nothing) * @param multiplier How much to move it by, 1 would be a 1:1 relationship. 0.5 would move the. * Passing in 0 will make the background not move at all. */ @Override public void parallaxViewBackgroundBy(final View view, final Drawable drawable, final float multiplier) { if (view == null) return; checkBackgroundMap(); final ParallaxDrawable parallaxBackground = ParallaxHelper.getParallaxDrawable(drawable, multiplier); ParallaxHelper.setParallaxBackground(view, parallaxBackground); mParallaxDrawableMap.put(view, parallaxBackground); } /** * Feel free to implement {@link OnScrollChangedListener} to get call * backs to the wrapped view for scroll changed events. * <p/> * <b>Note</b>: this will get called, AFTER any parallax modification. * * @param onScrollChangedListener Null is valid (it will remove it if set). */ @Override public void setOnScrollListener(OnScrollChangedListener onScrollChangedListener) { mScrollChangedListener = onScrollChangedListener; } /** * Used to do parallax, Your implementation should call directly through to this. Some implementations ignore this * on purpose (e.g. the ListView) * * @param who if Who != getWrapped we ignore scrolling, only the object the controller is attached too can * scroll it. */ @Override public final void onScrollChanged(Object who, int l, int t, int oldl, int oldt) { if (who != getWrapped() || mIgnoreOnScrollListener) return; onScrollChanged(l, t, oldl, oldt, false); } protected final void onScrollChanged(int offsetX, int offsetY, int oldOffsetX, int oldOffsetY, boolean force) { if (offsetX != oldOffsetX || offsetY != oldOffsetY || force) { doScrollChanged(offsetX, offsetY, oldOffsetX, oldOffsetY); } } /** * Will do the scroll changed stuff. * * @param x currentX of Parallaxor View * @param y currentX of Parallaxor View * @param oldX Previous X * @param oldY Previous Y */ protected final void doScrollChanged(final int x, final int y, final int oldX, final int oldY) { doScrollViews(x, y); //Parallax this background if we can doScrollBackground(x, y); // Scroll Changed Listener doScrollListener(getWrapped(), x, y, oldX, oldY); // Set new LastScrollPos mLastScrollX = x; mLastScrollY = y; } // -- // doScrollChanged Pointers to keep memory consumption down during fast scrolling // private Set<View> keySetPointer; private Iterator<View> iteratorPointer; private ParallaxViewInfo parallaxInfoPointer; private ParallaxDrawable parallaxDrawablePointer; private View viewPointer; // -- private final void doScrollViews(final int x, final int y) { if (mViewHashMap == null) return; keySetPointer = mViewHashMap.keySet(); iteratorPointer = keySetPointer.iterator(); while (iteratorPointer.hasNext()) { viewPointer =; if (viewPointer == null) continue; // Get Value parallaxInfoPointer = mViewHashMap.get(viewPointer); // Parallax the other view ParallaxHelper.scrollViewBy(viewPointer, x, y, parallaxInfoPointer.interpolator, parallaxInfoPointer.factor); } } private final void doScrollBackground(final int x, final int y) { if (mParallaxDrawableMap == null) return; keySetPointer = mParallaxDrawableMap.keySet(); iteratorPointer = keySetPointer.iterator(); while (iteratorPointer.hasNext()) { viewPointer =; if (viewPointer == null) continue; // Get Value parallaxDrawablePointer = mParallaxDrawableMap.get(viewPointer); // Parallax the drawable ParallaxHelper.scrollParallaxDrawableBy(parallaxDrawablePointer, x, y); } } private final void doScrollListener(final Object who, final int x, final int y, final int oldX, final int oldY) { if (mScrollChangedListener != null && (x != oldX || y != oldY)) { mScrollChangedListener.onScrollChanged(who, x, y, oldX, oldY); } } /** * Checks the viewMap is ready to use. */ private final void checkViewMap() { if (mViewHashMap == null) mViewHashMap = new WeakHashMap<View, ParallaxViewInfo>(); } /** * Checks the BackgroundMap is ready to use. */ private final void checkBackgroundMap() { if (mParallaxDrawableMap == null) mParallaxDrawableMap = new WeakHashMap<View, ParallaxDrawable>(); } }