package org.andengine.opengl.font; import java.util.List; import org.andengine.entity.text.AutoWrap; import org.andengine.util.TextUtils; import org.andengine.util.exception.MethodNotYetImplementedException; /** * (c) Zynga 2012 * * @author Nicolas Gramlich <> * @since 15:06:32 - 25.01.2012 */ public class FontUtils { // =========================================================== // Constants // =========================================================== private static final int UNSPECIFIED = -1; // =========================================================== // Fields // =========================================================== // =========================================================== // Constructors // =========================================================== // =========================================================== // Getter & Setter // =========================================================== // =========================================================== // Methods for/from SuperClass/Interfaces // =========================================================== // =========================================================== // Methods // =========================================================== /** * @param pFont * @param pText * @return the width of pText. */ public static float measureText(final IFont pFont, final CharSequence pText) { return FontUtils.measureText(pFont, pText, null); } /** * @param pFont * @param pText * @param pStart the index of the first character to start measuring. * @param pEnd <code>1</code> beyond the index of the last character to measure. * @return the width of pText. */ public static float measureText(final IFont pFont, final CharSequence pText, final int pStart, final int pEnd) { return FontUtils.measureText(pFont, pText, pStart, pEnd, null); } /** * @param pFont * @param pText * @param pWidths (optional) If not <code>null</code>, returns the actual width measured. * @return the width of pText. */ public static float measureText(final IFont pFont, final CharSequence pText, final float[] pWidths) { return FontUtils.measureText(pFont, pText, 0, pText.length(), pWidths); } /** * Does not respect linebreaks! * * @param pFont * @param pText * @param pStart the index of the first character to start measuring. * @param pEnd <code>1</code> beyond the index of the last character to measure. * @param pWidths (optional) If not <code>null</code>, returns the actual width after each character. * @return the width of pText. */ public static float measureText(final IFont pFont, final CharSequence pText, final int pStart, final int pEnd, final float[] pWidths) { final int textLength = pEnd - pStart; /* Early exits. */ if(pStart == pEnd) { return 0; } else if(textLength == 1) { return pFont.getLetter(pText.charAt(pStart)).mWidth; } Letter previousLetter = null; float width = 0; for(int pos = pStart, i = 0; pos < pEnd; pos++, i++) { final Letter letter = pFont.getLetter(pText.charAt(pos)); if(previousLetter != null) { width += previousLetter.getKerning(letter.mCharacter); } previousLetter = letter; /* Check if this is the last character. */ if(pos == (pEnd - 1)) { width += letter.mOffsetX + letter.mWidth; } else { width += letter.mAdvance; } if(pWidths != null) { pWidths[i] = width; } } return width; } /** * Measure the text, stopping early if the measured width exceeds pMaximumWidth. * * @param pFont * @param pText * @param pMeasureDirection If {@link MeasureDirection#FORWARDS}, starts with the first character in the {@link CharSequence}. If {@link MeasureDirection#BACKWARDS} starts with the last character in the {@link CharSequence}. * @param pWidthMaximum * @param pMeasuredWidth (optional) If not <code>null</code>, returns the actual width measured. Must be an Array of size <code>1</code> or bigger. * @return the number of chars that were measured. */ public static int breakText(final IFont pFont, final CharSequence pText, final MeasureDirection pMeasureDirection, final float pWidthMaximum, final float[] pMeasuredWidth) { throw new MethodNotYetImplementedException(); } public static <L extends List<CharSequence>> L splitLines(final CharSequence pText, final L pResult) { return TextUtils.split(pText, '\n', pResult); } /** * Does not respect linebreaks! * * @param pFont * @param pText * @param pResult * @param pAutoWrapWidth * @return */ public static <L extends List<CharSequence>> L splitLines(final IFont pFont, final CharSequence pText, final L pResult, final AutoWrap pAutoWrap, final float pAutoWrapWidth) { /** * TODO In order to respect already existing linebreaks, {@link FontUtils#split(CharSequence, List)} could be leveraged and than the following methods could be called for each line. */ switch(pAutoWrap) { case LETTERS: return FontUtils.splitLinesByLetters(pFont, pText, pResult, pAutoWrapWidth); case WORDS: return FontUtils.splitLinesByWords(pFont, pText, pResult, pAutoWrapWidth); case CJK: return FontUtils.splitLinesByCJK(pFont, pText, pResult, pAutoWrapWidth); case NONE: default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected " + AutoWrap.class.getSimpleName() + ": '" + pAutoWrap + "'."); } } private static <L extends List<CharSequence>> L splitLinesByLetters(final IFont pFont, final CharSequence pText, final L pResult, final float pAutoWrapWidth) { final int textLength = pText.length(); int lineStart = 0; int lineEnd = 0; int lastNonWhitespace = 0; boolean charsAvailable = false; for(int i = 0; i < textLength; i++) { final char character = pText.charAt(i); if(character != ' ') { if(charsAvailable) { lastNonWhitespace = i + 1; } else { charsAvailable = true; lineStart = i; lastNonWhitespace = lineStart + 1; lineEnd = lastNonWhitespace; } } if(charsAvailable) { // /* Just for debugging. */ // final CharSequence line = pText.subSequence(lineStart, lineEnd); // final float lineWidth = FontUtils.measureText(pFont, pText, lineStart, lineEnd); // // final CharSequence lookaheadLine = pText.subSequence(lineStart, lastNonWhitespace); final float lookaheadLineWidth = FontUtils.measureText(pFont, pText, lineStart, lastNonWhitespace); final boolean isEndReached = (i == (textLength - 1)); if(isEndReached) { /* When the end of the string is reached, add remainder to result. */ if(lookaheadLineWidth <= pAutoWrapWidth) { pResult.add(pText.subSequence(lineStart, lastNonWhitespace)); } else { pResult.add(pText.subSequence(lineStart, lineEnd)); /* Avoid special case where last line is added twice. */ if(lineStart != i) { pResult.add(pText.subSequence(i, lastNonWhitespace)); } } } else { if(lookaheadLineWidth <= pAutoWrapWidth) { lineEnd = lastNonWhitespace; } else { pResult.add(pText.subSequence(lineStart, lineEnd)); i = lineEnd - 1; charsAvailable = false; } } } } return pResult; } private static <L extends List<CharSequence>> L splitLinesByWords(final IFont pFont, final CharSequence pText, final L pResult, final float pAutoWrapWidth) { final int textLength = pText.length(); if(textLength == 0) { return pResult; } final float spaceWidth = pFont.getLetter(' ').mAdvance; int lastWordEnd = FontUtils.UNSPECIFIED; int lineStart = FontUtils.UNSPECIFIED; int lineEnd = FontUtils.UNSPECIFIED; float lineWidthRemaining = pAutoWrapWidth; boolean firstWordInLine = true; int i = 0; while(i < textLength) { int spacesSkipped = 0; /* Find next word. */ { /* Skip whitespaces. */ while((i < textLength) && (pText.charAt(i) == ' ')) { i++; spacesSkipped++; } } final int wordStart = i; /* Mark beginning of a new line. */ if(lineStart == FontUtils.UNSPECIFIED) { lineStart = wordStart; } { /* Skip non-whitespaces. */ while((i < textLength) && (pText.charAt(i) != ' ')) { i++; } } final int wordEnd = i; /* Nothing more could be read. */ if(wordStart == wordEnd) { if(!firstWordInLine) { pResult.add(pText.subSequence(lineStart, lineEnd)); } break; } // /* Just for debugging. */ // final CharSequence word = pText.subSequence(wordStart, wordEnd); final float wordWidth = FontUtils.measureText(pFont, pText, wordStart, wordEnd); /* Determine the width actually needed for the current word. */ final float widthNeeded; if(firstWordInLine) { widthNeeded = wordWidth; } else { widthNeeded = (spacesSkipped * spaceWidth) + wordWidth; } /* Check if the word fits into the rest of the line. */ if (widthNeeded <= lineWidthRemaining) { if(firstWordInLine) { firstWordInLine = false; } else { lineWidthRemaining -= FontUtils.getAdvanceCorrection(pFont, pText, lastWordEnd - 1); } lineWidthRemaining -= widthNeeded; lastWordEnd = wordEnd; lineEnd = wordEnd; /* Check if the end was reached. */ if(wordEnd == textLength) { pResult.add(pText.subSequence(lineStart, lineEnd)); /* Added the last line. */ break; } } else { /* Special case for lines with only one word. */ if(firstWordInLine) { /* Check for lines that are just too big. */ if(wordWidth >= pAutoWrapWidth) { pResult.add(pText.subSequence(wordStart, wordEnd)); lineWidthRemaining = pAutoWrapWidth; } else { lineWidthRemaining = pAutoWrapWidth - wordWidth; /* Check if the end was reached. */ if(wordEnd == textLength) { pResult.add(pText.subSequence(wordStart, wordEnd)); /* Added the last line. */ break; } } /* Start a completely new line. */ firstWordInLine = true; lastWordEnd = FontUtils.UNSPECIFIED; lineStart = FontUtils.UNSPECIFIED; lineEnd = FontUtils.UNSPECIFIED; } else { /* Finish the current line. */ pResult.add(pText.subSequence(lineStart, lineEnd)); /* Check if the end was reached. */ if(wordEnd == textLength) { /* Add the last word. */ pResult.add(pText.subSequence(wordStart, wordEnd)); // TODO Does this cover all cases? break; } else { /* Start a new line, carrying over the current word. */ lineWidthRemaining = pAutoWrapWidth - wordWidth; firstWordInLine = false; lastWordEnd = wordEnd; lineStart = wordStart; lineEnd = wordEnd; } } } } return pResult; } private static <L extends List<CharSequence>> L splitLinesByCJK(final IFont pFont, final CharSequence pText, final L pResult, final float pAutoWrapWidth) { final int textLength = pText.length(); int lineStart = 0; int lineEnd = 0; /* Skip whitespaces at the beginning of the string. */ while((lineStart < textLength) && (pText.charAt(lineStart) == ' ')) { lineStart++; lineEnd++; } int i = lineEnd; while(i < textLength) { lineStart = lineEnd; { /* Look for a sub string */ boolean charsAvailable = true; while(i < textLength) { { /* Skip whitespaces at the end of the string */ int j = lineEnd; while ( j < textLength ) { if ( pText.charAt( j ) == ' ' ) { j++; } else { break; } } if ( j == textLength ) { if ( lineStart == lineEnd ) { charsAvailable = false; } i = textLength; break; } } lineEnd++; final float lineWidth = FontUtils.measureText(pFont, pText, lineStart, lineEnd); if(lineWidth > pAutoWrapWidth) { if ( lineStart < lineEnd - 1 ) { lineEnd--; } pResult.add(pText.subSequence(lineStart, lineEnd)); charsAvailable = false; i = lineEnd; break; } i = lineEnd; } if(charsAvailable) { pResult.add(pText.subSequence(lineStart, lineEnd)); } } } return pResult; } private static float getAdvanceCorrection(final IFont pFont, final CharSequence pText, final int pIndex) { final Letter lastWordLastLetter = pFont.getLetter(pText.charAt(pIndex)); return -(lastWordLastLetter.mOffsetX + lastWordLastLetter.mWidth) + lastWordLastLetter.mAdvance; } // =========================================================== // Inner and Anonymous Classes // =========================================================== public enum MeasureDirection { // =========================================================== // Elements // =========================================================== FORWARDS, BACKWARDS; // =========================================================== // Constants // =========================================================== // =========================================================== // Fields // =========================================================== // =========================================================== // Constructors // =========================================================== // =========================================================== // Getter & Setter // =========================================================== // =========================================================== // Methods for/from SuperClass/Interfaces // =========================================================== // =========================================================== // Methods // =========================================================== // =========================================================== // Inner and Anonymous Classes // =========================================================== } }