package org.andengine.util.adt.spatial.quadtree; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import org.andengine.util.IMatcher; import org.andengine.util.adt.bounds.BoundsSplit; import org.andengine.util.adt.bounds.BoundsSplit.BoundsSplitException; import org.andengine.util.adt.bounds.IBounds; import org.andengine.util.adt.spatial.ISpatialItem; import; import org.andengine.util.debug.Debug; import org.andengine.util.exception.AndEngineRuntimeException; /** * TODO Make all methods non-synchronized and add a SynchronizedXZYQuadTree subclasses. * * (c) Zynga 2011 * * @author Nicolas Gramlich <> * @since 20:16:01 - 07.10.2011 */ public abstract class QuadTree<B extends IBounds, T extends ISpatialItem<B>> implements IBounds { // =========================================================== // Constants // =========================================================== protected static final int LEVEL_ROOT = 0; protected static final int LEVEL_MAX_DEFAULT = 8; // =========================================================== // Fields // =========================================================== protected final B mBounds; protected final QuadTreeNode mRoot; protected final int mMaxLevel; // =========================================================== // Constructors // =========================================================== public QuadTree(final B pBounds) { this(pBounds, QuadTree.LEVEL_MAX_DEFAULT); } protected QuadTree(final B pBounds, final int pMaxLevel) { this.mBounds = pBounds; this.mMaxLevel = pMaxLevel; this.mRoot = this.initRoot(pBounds); } protected abstract QuadTreeNode initRoot(final B pBounds); // =========================================================== // Getter & Setter // =========================================================== public int getMaxLevel() { return this.mMaxLevel; } public B getBounds() { return this.mBounds; } // =========================================================== // Methods for/from SuperClass/Interfaces // =========================================================== protected abstract QuadTreeNode getRoot(); @Override public String toString() { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder() .append('[') .append(" Class: ") .append(this.getClass().getSimpleName()) .append('\n') .append('\t') .append("MaxLevel: ") .append(this.mMaxLevel) .append(',') .append('\n') .append('\t') .append("Bounds: "); this.mRoot.appendBoundsToString(sb); sb.append(',') .append('\n') .append('\t') .append("Root:") .append('\n') .append(this.mRoot.toString(2)) .append('\n') .append(']'); return sb.toString(); } // =========================================================== // Methods // =========================================================== public synchronized int getItemCount() { // TODO Items could be counted along the add/remove calls. return this.mRoot.getItemCount(); } public synchronized boolean isEmpty() { return this.getItemCount() == 0; } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public synchronized void add(final T pItem) { this.add(pItem, pItem.getBounds()); } public synchronized void addAll(final T ... pItems) { for(final T item : pItems) { this.add(item); } } public synchronized void addAll(final ArrayList<T> pItems) { final int itemCount = pItems.size(); for(int i = 0; i < itemCount; i++) { this.add(pItems.get(i)); } } public synchronized void addAll(final Collection<T> pItems) { for(final T item : pItems) { this.add(item); } } @Deprecated public synchronized void add(final T pItem, final B pBounds) { if(!this.mRoot.contains(pBounds)) { Debug.w("pBounds are out of the bounds of this " + this.getClass().getSimpleName() + "."); this.mRoot.addItemSafe(pItem); return; } this.mRoot.add(pItem, pBounds); } /** * Shorthand for <code>remove(pItem, pBounds)</code> followed by a <code>add(pItem)</code>. * * @param pItem to be freshly added. * @param pBounds to remove pItem with. */ public synchronized void move(final T pItem, final B pBounds) throws AndEngineRuntimeException { final boolean success = this.remove(pItem, pBounds); if(!success) { throw new AndEngineRuntimeException("Failed to remove item: '" + pItem.toString() + " from old bounds: '" + pBounds.toString() + "'."); } this.add(pItem); } /** * Shorthand for <code>remove(pItem, pOldBounds)</code> followed by a <code>add(pItem, pNewBounds)</code>. * * @param pItem to be freshly added. * @param pOldBounds to remove pItem with. * @param pNewBounds to add pItem with. */ @Deprecated public synchronized void move(final T pItem, final B pOldBounds, final B pNewBounds) throws AndEngineRuntimeException { final boolean success = this.remove(pItem, pOldBounds); if(!success) { throw new AndEngineRuntimeException("Failed to remove item: '" + pItem.toString() + " from old bounds: '" + pOldBounds.toString() + "'."); } this.add(pItem, pNewBounds); } public synchronized boolean remove(final T pItem) { return this.remove(pItem, pItem.getBounds()); } public synchronized boolean remove(final T pItem, final B pBounds) { return this.mRoot.remove(pItem, pBounds); } public synchronized ArrayList<T> query(final B pBounds) { return this.query(pBounds, new ArrayList<T>()); } public synchronized <L extends List<T>> L query(final B pBounds, final L pResult) { return this.mRoot.query(pBounds, pResult); } public synchronized ArrayList<T> query(final B pBounds, final IMatcher<T> pMatcher) { return this.query(pBounds, pMatcher, new ArrayList<T>()); } public synchronized <L extends List<T>> L query(final B pBounds, final IMatcher<T> pMatcher, final L pResult) { return this.mRoot.query(pBounds, pMatcher, pResult); } /** * @param pBounds * @param pMatcher must only {@link IMatcher#matches(T)} when the item is <code>instanceof</code> S, otherwise it will an {@link ClassCastException}. * @param pResult * @return * @throws ClassCastException when pMatcher matched an item that was not <code>instanceof</code> S. */ public synchronized <L extends List<S>, S extends T> L queryForSubclass(final B pBounds, final IMatcher<T> pMatcher, final L pResult) throws ClassCastException { return this.mRoot.queryForSubclass(pBounds, pMatcher, pResult); } public synchronized boolean containsAny(final B pBounds) { return this.mRoot.containsAny(pBounds); } public synchronized boolean containsAny(final B pBounds, final IMatcher<T> pMatcher) { return this.mRoot.containsAny(pBounds, pMatcher); } public synchronized void callItems(final ParameterCallable<T> pParameterCallable) { this.mRoot.callItems(pParameterCallable); } public synchronized void callNodes(final ParameterCallable<QuadTreeNode> pParameterCallable) { this.mRoot.callNodes(pParameterCallable); } public synchronized void clear() { this.mRoot.clear(); } // =========================================================== // Inner and Anonymous Classes // =========================================================== public abstract class QuadTreeNode implements IBounds { // =========================================================== // Constants // =========================================================== // =========================================================== // Fields // =========================================================== protected final int mLevel; protected List<T> mItems; protected QuadTreeNode mTopLeftChild; protected QuadTreeNode mTopRightChild; protected QuadTreeNode mBottomLeftChild; protected QuadTreeNode mBottomRightChild; // =========================================================== // Constructors // =========================================================== protected QuadTreeNode(final int pLevel) { this.mLevel = pLevel; } // =========================================================== // Getter & Setter // =========================================================== public boolean hasChildren() { return this.mTopLeftChild == null && this.mTopRightChild == null && this.mBottomLeftChild != null && this.mBottomRightChild != null; } /** * @return the list of items. Can be <code>null</code>. */ public List<T> getItems() { return this.mItems; } // =========================================================== // Methods for/from SuperClass/Interfaces // =========================================================== protected abstract boolean contains(final B pBounds); protected abstract boolean contains(final BoundsSplit pBoundsSplit, final B pBounds); protected abstract boolean containedBy(final B pBounds); protected abstract boolean intersects(final B pBounds); protected abstract boolean intersects(final B pBoundsA, final B pBoundsB); protected abstract QuadTreeNode split(final BoundsSplit pBoundsSplit); protected abstract void appendBoundsToString(final StringBuilder pStringBuilder); @Override public String toString() { return this.toString(0); } public String toString(final int pIndent) { final char[] indents = new char[pIndent]; Arrays.fill(indents, '\t'); final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder() .append(indents) .append('[') .append(" Class: ") .append(this.getClass().getSimpleName()) .append('\n') .append(indents) .append('\t') .append("Level: ") .append(this.mLevel) .append(',' ) .append('\n') .append(indents) .append('\t') .append("Bounds: "); this.appendBoundsToString(sb); sb.append(',' ) .append('\n') .append(indents) .append("\tItems: "); if(this.mItems != null) { sb.append(this.mItems.toString()); } else { sb.append("[]"); } sb.append('\n') .append(indents) .append('\t') .append("Children: ["); /* Children */ if(this.mTopLeftChild == null && this.mTopRightChild == null && this.mBottomLeftChild == null && this.mBottomRightChild == null) { sb.append(']'); } else { if(this.mTopLeftChild != null) { sb.append('\n'); sb.append(this.mTopLeftChild.toString(pIndent + 2)); if(this.mTopRightChild != null || this.mBottomLeftChild != null || this.mBottomRightChild != null) { sb.append(','); } } if(this.mTopRightChild != null) { sb.append('\n'); sb.append(this.mTopRightChild.toString(pIndent + 2)); if(this.mBottomLeftChild != null || this.mBottomRightChild != null) { sb.append(','); } } if(this.mBottomLeftChild != null) { sb.append('\n'); sb.append(this.mBottomLeftChild.toString(pIndent + 2)); if(this.mBottomRightChild != null) { sb.append(','); } } if(this.mBottomRightChild != null) { sb.append('\n'); sb.append(this.mBottomRightChild.toString(pIndent + 2)); } sb.append('\n') .append(indents) .append('\t') .append(']'); } sb.append('\n') .append(indents) .append(']'); return sb.toString(); } // =========================================================== // Methods // =========================================================== public int getItemCount() { int count; if(this.mItems == null) { count = 0; } else { count = this.mItems.size(); } if(this.mTopLeftChild != null) { count += this.mTopLeftChild.getItemCount(); } if(this.mTopRightChild != null) { count += this.mTopRightChild.getItemCount(); } if(this.mBottomLeftChild != null) { count += this.mBottomLeftChild.getItemCount(); } if(this.mBottomRightChild != null) { count += this.mBottomRightChild.getItemCount(); } return count; } public void callItems(final ParameterCallable<T> pParameterCallable) { if(this.mItems != null) { final int itemCount = this.mItems.size(); for(int i = 0; i < itemCount; i++) { final T item = this.mItems.get(i);; } } if(this.mTopLeftChild != null) { this.mTopLeftChild.callItems(pParameterCallable); } if(this.mTopRightChild != null) { this.mTopRightChild.callItems(pParameterCallable); } if(this.mBottomLeftChild != null) { this.mBottomLeftChild.callItems(pParameterCallable); } if(this.mBottomRightChild != null) { this.mBottomRightChild.callItems(pParameterCallable); } } public void callNodes(final ParameterCallable<QuadTreeNode> pParameterCallable) {; if(this.mTopLeftChild != null) { this.mTopLeftChild.callNodes(pParameterCallable); } if(this.mTopRightChild != null) { this.mTopRightChild.callNodes(pParameterCallable); } if(this.mBottomLeftChild != null) { this.mBottomLeftChild.callNodes(pParameterCallable); } if(this.mBottomRightChild != null) { this.mBottomRightChild.callNodes(pParameterCallable); } } public ArrayList<T> getItemsAndItemsBelow() { return this.getItemsAndItemsBelow(new ArrayList<T>()); } /** * @return the items of this {@link QuadTreeNode} and all children (recursively). */ public <L extends List<T>> L getItemsAndItemsBelow(final L pResult) { if(this.mItems != null) { pResult.addAll(this.mItems); // TODO Does addAll use an iterator internally? } if(this.mTopLeftChild != null) { this.mTopLeftChild.getItemsAndItemsBelow(pResult); } if(this.mTopRightChild != null) { this.mTopRightChild.getItemsAndItemsBelow(pResult); } if(this.mBottomLeftChild != null) { this.mBottomLeftChild.getItemsAndItemsBelow(pResult); } if(this.mBottomRightChild != null) { this.mBottomRightChild.getItemsAndItemsBelow(pResult); } return pResult; } public ArrayList<T> getItemsAndItemsBelow(final IMatcher<T> pMatcher) { return this.getItemsAndItemsBelow(pMatcher, new ArrayList<T>()); } public <L extends List<T>> L getItemsAndItemsBelow(final IMatcher<T> pMatcher, final L pResult) { if(this.mItems != null) { for(final T item : this.mItems) { // TODO Check if iteration is allocation free. if(pMatcher.matches(item)) { pResult.add(item); } } } if(this.mTopLeftChild != null) { this.mTopLeftChild.getItemsAndItemsBelow(pMatcher, pResult); } if(this.mTopRightChild != null) { this.mTopRightChild.getItemsAndItemsBelow(pMatcher, pResult); } if(this.mBottomLeftChild != null) { this.mBottomLeftChild.getItemsAndItemsBelow(pMatcher, pResult); } if(this.mBottomRightChild != null) { this.mBottomRightChild.getItemsAndItemsBelow(pMatcher, pResult); } return pResult; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <L extends List<S>, S extends T> L getItemsAndItemsBelowForSubclass(final IMatcher<T> pMatcher, final L pResult) throws ClassCastException { if(this.mItems != null) { final int itemCount = this.mItems.size(); for(int i = 0; i < itemCount; i++) { final T item = this.mItems.get(i); if(pMatcher.matches(item)) { pResult.add((S)item); } } } if(this.mTopLeftChild != null) { this.mTopLeftChild.getItemsAndItemsBelowForSubclass(pMatcher, pResult); } if(this.mTopRightChild != null) { this.mTopRightChild.getItemsAndItemsBelowForSubclass(pMatcher, pResult); } if(this.mBottomLeftChild != null) { this.mBottomLeftChild.getItemsAndItemsBelowForSubclass(pMatcher, pResult); } if(this.mBottomRightChild != null) { this.mBottomRightChild.getItemsAndItemsBelowForSubclass(pMatcher, pResult); } return pResult; } public ArrayList<T> query(final B pBounds) { return this.query(pBounds, new ArrayList<T>()); } public <L extends List<T>> L query(final B pBounds, final L pResult) { /* Test against all items in this node. */ if(this.mItems != null) { final int itemCount = this.mItems.size(); for(int i = 0; i < itemCount; i++) { final T item = this.mItems.get(i); if(this.intersects(pBounds, item.getBounds())) { pResult.add(item); } } } /* Check children. */ if(this.queryChild(pBounds, pResult, this.mTopLeftChild)) { return pResult; } else if(this.queryChild(pBounds, pResult, this.mTopRightChild)) { return pResult; } else if(this.queryChild(pBounds, pResult, this.mBottomLeftChild)) { return pResult; } else if(this.queryChild(pBounds, pResult, this.mBottomRightChild)) { return pResult; } else { return pResult; } } public <L extends List<T>> L query(final B pBounds, final IMatcher<T> pMatcher, final L pResult) { /* Test against all items in this node. */ if(this.mItems != null) { for(final T item : this.mItems) { if(this.intersects(pBounds, item.getBounds()) && pMatcher.matches(item)) { pResult.add(item); } } } /* Check children. */ if(this.queryChild(pBounds, pMatcher, pResult, this.mTopLeftChild)) { return pResult; } else if(this.queryChild(pBounds, pMatcher, pResult, this.mTopRightChild)) { return pResult; } else if(this.queryChild(pBounds, pMatcher, pResult, this.mBottomLeftChild)) { return pResult; } else if(this.queryChild(pBounds, pMatcher, pResult, this.mBottomRightChild)) { return pResult; } else { return pResult; } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <L extends List<S>, S extends T> L queryForSubclass(final B pBounds, final IMatcher<T> pMatcher, final L pResult) throws ClassCastException { /* Test against all items in this node. */ if(this.mItems != null) { for(final T item : this.mItems) { if(this.intersects(pBounds, item.getBounds()) && pMatcher.matches(item)) { pResult.add((S)item); } } } /* Check children. */ if(this.queryChildForSubclass(pBounds, pMatcher, pResult, this.mTopLeftChild)) { return pResult; } else if(this.queryChildForSubclass(pBounds, pMatcher, pResult, this.mTopRightChild)) { return pResult; } else if(this.queryChildForSubclass(pBounds, pMatcher, pResult, this.mBottomLeftChild)) { return pResult; } else if(this.queryChildForSubclass(pBounds, pMatcher, pResult, this.mBottomRightChild)) { return pResult; } else { return pResult; } } /** * @param pBounds * @param pResult * @param pChild * @return <code>true</code> when the child contains pBounds, <code>false</code> otherwise. */ private <L extends List<T>> boolean queryChild(final B pBounds, final L pResult, final QuadTreeNode pChild) { if(pChild == null) { return false; } if(pChild.contains(pBounds)) { pChild.query(pBounds, pResult); return true; } if(pChild.containedBy(pBounds)) { pChild.getItemsAndItemsBelow(pResult); } else if(pChild.intersects(pBounds)) { pChild.query(pBounds, pResult); } return false; } /** * @param pBounds * @param pMatcher * @param pResult * @param pChild * @return <code>true</code> when the child contains pBounds, <code>false</code> otherwise. */ private <L extends List<T>> boolean queryChild(final B pBounds, final IMatcher<T> pMatcher, final L pResult, final QuadTreeNode pChild) { if(pChild == null) { return false; } if(pChild.contains(pBounds)) { pChild.query(pBounds, pMatcher, pResult); return true; } if(pChild.containedBy(pBounds)) { pChild.getItemsAndItemsBelow(pMatcher, pResult); } else if(pChild.intersects(pBounds)) { pChild.query(pBounds, pMatcher, pResult); } return false; } /** * @param pBounds * @param pMatcher * @param pResult * @param pChild * @return <code>true</code> when the child contains pBounds, <code>false</code> otherwise. */ private <L extends List<S>, S extends T> boolean queryChildForSubclass(final B pBounds, final IMatcher<T> pMatcher, final L pResult, final QuadTreeNode pChild) throws ClassCastException { if(pChild == null) { return false; } if(pChild.contains(pBounds)) { pChild.queryForSubclass(pBounds, pMatcher, pResult); return true; } if(pChild.containedBy(pBounds)) { pChild.getItemsAndItemsBelowForSubclass(pMatcher, pResult); } else if(pChild.intersects(pBounds)) { pChild.queryForSubclass(pBounds, pMatcher, pResult); } return false; } public boolean containsAny(final B pBounds, final IMatcher<T> pMatcher) { /* Test against all items in this node. */ if(this.mItems != null) { final int itemCount = this.mItems.size(); for(int i = 0; i < itemCount; i++) { final T item = this.mItems.get(i); if(this.intersects(pBounds, item.getBounds()) && pMatcher.matches(item)) { return true; } } } /* Check children. */ if(this.containsAnyChild(pBounds, pMatcher, this.mTopLeftChild)) { return true; } else if(this.containsAnyChild(pBounds, pMatcher, this.mTopRightChild)) { return true; } else if(this.containsAnyChild(pBounds, pMatcher, this.mBottomLeftChild)) { return true; } else if(this.containsAnyChild(pBounds, pMatcher, this.mBottomRightChild)) { return true; } else { return false; } } public boolean containsAny(final B pBounds) { /* Test against all items in this node. */ if(this.mItems != null) { final int itemCount = this.mItems.size(); for(int i = 0; i < itemCount; i++) { final T item = this.mItems.get(i); if(this.intersects(pBounds, item.getBounds())) { return true; } } } /* Check children. */ if(this.containsAnyChild(pBounds, this.mTopLeftChild)) { return true; } else if(this.containsAnyChild(pBounds, this.mTopRightChild)) { return true; } else if(this.containsAnyChild(pBounds, this.mBottomLeftChild)) { return true; } else if(this.containsAnyChild(pBounds, this.mBottomRightChild)) { return true; } else { return false; } } private boolean containsAnyChild(final B pBounds, final IMatcher<T> pMatcher, final QuadTreeNode pChild) { if(pChild == null) { return false; } if(pChild.intersects(pBounds) && pChild.containsAny(pBounds, pMatcher)) { return true; } return false; } private boolean containsAnyChild(final B pBounds, final QuadTreeNode pChild) { if(pChild == null) { return false; } if(pChild.intersects(pBounds) && pChild.containsAny(pBounds)) { return true; } return false; } public void add(final T pItem, final B pBounds) throws IllegalArgumentException { /* Check if this node is in the maximum level. */ if(this.mLevel >= QuadTree.this.mMaxLevel) { /* No more levels allowed, so this node has to take the item. */ this.addItemSafe(pItem); return; } /* If the node contains the item, add the item to that node. */ if(this.mTopLeftChild != null && this.mTopLeftChild.contains(pBounds)) { this.mTopLeftChild.add(pItem, pBounds); return; } else if(this.contains(BoundsSplit.TOP_LEFT, pBounds)) { if(this.mTopLeftChild == null) { try { this.mTopLeftChild = this.split(BoundsSplit.TOP_LEFT); this.mTopLeftChild.add(pItem, pBounds); } catch (final BoundsSplitException e) { this.addItemSafe(pItem); } return; } } if(this.mTopRightChild != null && this.mTopRightChild.contains(pBounds)) { this.mTopRightChild.add(pItem, pBounds); return; } else if(this.contains(BoundsSplit.TOP_RIGHT, pBounds)) { if(this.mTopRightChild == null) { try { this.mTopRightChild = this.split(BoundsSplit.TOP_RIGHT); this.mTopRightChild.add(pItem, pBounds); } catch (final BoundsSplitException e) { this.addItemSafe(pItem); } return; } } if(this.mBottomLeftChild != null && this.mBottomLeftChild.contains(pBounds)) { this.mBottomLeftChild.add(pItem, pBounds); return; } else if(this.contains(BoundsSplit.BOTTOM_LEFT, pBounds)) { if(this.mBottomLeftChild == null) { try { this.mBottomLeftChild = this.split(BoundsSplit.BOTTOM_LEFT); this.mBottomLeftChild.add(pItem, pBounds); } catch (final BoundsSplitException e) { this.addItemSafe(pItem); } return; } } if(this.mBottomRightChild != null && this.mBottomRightChild.contains(pBounds)) { this.mBottomRightChild.add(pItem, pBounds); return; } else if(this.contains(BoundsSplit.BOTTOM_RIGHT, pBounds)) { if(this.mBottomRightChild == null) { try { this.mBottomRightChild = this.split(BoundsSplit.BOTTOM_RIGHT); this.mBottomRightChild.add(pItem, pBounds); } catch (final BoundsSplitException e) { this.addItemSafe(pItem); } return; } } /* None of the children completely contained the item. */ this.addItemSafe(pItem); } public boolean remove(final T pItem) throws IllegalArgumentException { return this.remove(pItem, pItem.getBounds()); } public boolean remove(final T pItem, final B pBounds) throws IllegalArgumentException { if(!this.contains(pBounds)) { // TODO Perform this check only for the root? throw new IllegalArgumentException("pItem (" + pItem.toString() + ") is out of the bounds of this " + this.getClass().getSimpleName() + "."); } /* If there are no children, try to remove from self. */ if(this.mTopLeftChild != null && this.mTopLeftChild.contains(pBounds)) { return this.mTopLeftChild.remove(pItem, pBounds); } else if(this.mTopRightChild != null && this.mTopRightChild.contains(pBounds)) { return this.mTopRightChild.remove(pItem, pBounds); } else if(this.mBottomLeftChild != null && this.mBottomLeftChild.contains(pBounds)) { return this.mBottomLeftChild.remove(pItem, pBounds); } else if(this.mBottomRightChild != null && this.mBottomRightChild.contains(pBounds)) { return this.mBottomRightChild.remove(pItem, pBounds); } else { /* None of the children completely contained the item. */ if(this.mItems == null) { return false; } else { // TODO Potentially mItems could be set to null when its size is 0. return this.mItems.remove(pItem); } } } private void addItemSafe(final T pItem) { if(this.mItems == null) { this.mItems = new ArrayList<T>(1); } this.mItems.add(pItem); } protected void clear() { if(this.mBottomLeftChild != null) { this.mBottomLeftChild.clear(); this.mBottomLeftChild = null; } if(this.mBottomRightChild != null) { this.mBottomRightChild.clear(); this.mBottomRightChild = null; } if(this.mTopLeftChild != null) { this.mTopLeftChild.clear(); this.mTopLeftChild = null; } if(this.mTopRightChild != null) { this.mTopRightChild.clear(); this.mTopRightChild = null; } if(this.mItems != null) { this.mItems.clear(); this.mItems = null; } } // =========================================================== // Inner and Anonymous Classes // =========================================================== } }