package; /** * (c) 2010 Nicolas Gramlich * (c) 2011 Zynga Inc. * * @author Nicolas Gramlich * @since 15:55:54 - 27.07.2010 */ public class BoundCamera extends Camera { // =========================================================== // Constants // =========================================================== // =========================================================== // Fields // =========================================================== protected boolean mBoundsEnabled; protected float mBoundsXMin; protected float mBoundsXMax; protected float mBoundsYMin; protected float mBoundsYMax; protected float mBoundsCenterX; protected float mBoundsCenterY; protected float mBoundsWidth; protected float mBoundsHeight; // =========================================================== // Constructors // =========================================================== public BoundCamera(final float pX, final float pY, final float pWidth, final float pHeight) { super(pX, pY, pWidth, pHeight); } public BoundCamera(final float pX, final float pY, final float pWidth, final float pHeight, final float pBoundMinX, final float pBoundMaxX, final float pBoundMinY, final float pBoundMaxY) { super(pX, pY, pWidth, pHeight); this.setBounds(pBoundMinX, pBoundMinY, pBoundMaxX, pBoundMaxY); this.mBoundsEnabled = true; } // =========================================================== // Getter & Setter // =========================================================== public boolean isBoundsEnabled() { return this.mBoundsEnabled; } public void setBoundsEnabled(final boolean pBoundsEnabled) { this.mBoundsEnabled = pBoundsEnabled; } public void setBounds(final float pBoundsXMin, final float pBoundsYMin, final float pBoundsXMax, final float pBoundsYMax) { this.mBoundsXMin = pBoundsXMin; this.mBoundsXMax = pBoundsXMax; this.mBoundsYMin = pBoundsYMin; this.mBoundsYMax = pBoundsYMax; this.mBoundsWidth = this.mBoundsXMax - this.mBoundsXMin; this.mBoundsHeight = this.mBoundsYMax - this.mBoundsYMin; this.mBoundsCenterX = this.mBoundsXMin + this.mBoundsWidth * 0.5f; this.mBoundsCenterY = this.mBoundsYMin + this.mBoundsHeight * 0.5f; } public float getBoundsXMin() { return this.mBoundsXMin; } public float getBoundsXMax() { return this.mBoundsXMax; } public float getBoundsYMin() { return this.mBoundsYMin; } public float getBoundsYMax() { return this.mBoundsYMax; } public float getBoundsWidth() { return this.mBoundsWidth; } public float getBoundsHeight() { return this.mBoundsHeight; } // =========================================================== // Methods for/from SuperClass/Interfaces // =========================================================== @Override public void setCenter(final float pCenterX, final float pCenterY) { super.setCenter(pCenterX, pCenterY); if(this.mBoundsEnabled) { this.ensureInBounds(); } } // =========================================================== // Methods // =========================================================== protected void ensureInBounds() { final float centerX; if(this.mBoundsWidth < this.getWidth()) { centerX = this.mBoundsCenterX; } else { centerX = getBoundedX(this.getCenterX()); } final float centerY; if(this.mBoundsHeight < this.getHeight()) { centerY = this.mBoundsCenterY; } else { centerY = getBoundedY(this.getCenterY()); } super.setCenter(centerX, centerY); } protected float getBoundedX(final float pX) { final float minXBoundExceededAmount = this.mBoundsXMin - this.getXMin(); final boolean minXBoundExceeded = minXBoundExceededAmount > 0; final float maxXBoundExceededAmount = this.getXMax() - this.mBoundsXMax; final boolean maxXBoundExceeded = maxXBoundExceededAmount > 0; if(minXBoundExceeded) { if(maxXBoundExceeded) { /* Min and max X exceeded. */ return pX - maxXBoundExceededAmount + minXBoundExceededAmount; } else { /* Only min X exceeded. */ return pX + minXBoundExceededAmount; } } else { if(maxXBoundExceeded) { /* Only max X exceeded. */ return pX - maxXBoundExceededAmount; } else { /* Nothing exceeded. */ return pX; } } } protected float getBoundedY(final float pY) { final float minYBoundExceededAmount = this.mBoundsYMin - this.getYMin(); final boolean minYBoundExceeded = minYBoundExceededAmount > 0; final float maxYBoundExceededAmount = this.getYMax() - this.mBoundsYMax; final boolean maxYBoundExceeded = maxYBoundExceededAmount > 0; if(minYBoundExceeded) { if(maxYBoundExceeded) { /* Min and max Y exceeded. */ return pY - maxYBoundExceededAmount + minYBoundExceededAmount; } else { /* Only min Y exceeded. */ return pY + minYBoundExceededAmount; } } else { if(maxYBoundExceeded) { /* Only max Y exceeded. */ return pY - maxYBoundExceededAmount; } else { /* Nothing exceeded. */ return pY; } } } // =========================================================== // Inner and Anonymous Classes // =========================================================== }