package org.andengine.opengl.vbo; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import org.andengine.opengl.shader.ShaderProgram; import org.andengine.opengl.util.GLState; import org.andengine.util.IDisposable; /** * (c) Zynga 2011 * * @author Nicolas Gramlich <> * @since 14:32:10 - 15.11.2011 */ public interface IVertexBufferObject extends IDisposable { // =========================================================== // Constants // =========================================================== public static final int HARDWARE_BUFFER_ID_INVALID = -1; // =========================================================== // Methods // =========================================================== public boolean isAutoDispose(); public int getHardwareBufferID(); public boolean isLoadedToHardware(); /** * Mark this {@link VertexBufferObject} as not not loaded to hardware. * It will reload itself to hardware when it gets used again. */ public void setNotLoadedToHardware(); public void unloadFromHardware(final GLState pGLState); public boolean isDirtyOnHardware(); /** Mark this {@link VertexBufferObject} dirty so it gets updated on the hardware. */ public void setDirtyOnHardware(); /** * @return the number of <code>float</code>s that fit into this {@link IVertexBufferObject}. */ public int getCapacity(); /** * @return the number of <code>byte</code>s that fit into this {@link IVertexBufferObject}. */ public int getByteCapacity(); /** * @return the number of <code>byte</code>s that are allocated on the heap. */ public int getHeapMemoryByteSize(); /** * @return the number of <code>byte</code>s that are allocated on the native heap (through direct {@link ByteBuffer}s). */ public int getNativeHeapMemoryByteSize(); /** * @return the number of <code>byte</code>s that are allocated on the GPU. */ public int getGPUMemoryByteSize(); public void bind(final GLState pGLState); public void bind(final GLState pGLState, final ShaderProgram pShaderProgram); public void unbind(final GLState pGLState, final ShaderProgram pShaderProgram); public VertexBufferObjectManager getVertexBufferObjectManager(); public void draw(final int pPrimitiveType, final int pCount); public void draw(final int pPrimitiveType, final int pOffset, final int pCount); }