package org.andengine.opengl.font; import org.andengine.opengl.texture.ITexture; import org.andengine.opengl.texture.TextureManager; import org.andengine.opengl.texture.TextureOptions; import org.andengine.opengl.texture.atlas.bitmap.BitmapTextureAtlas; import org.andengine.opengl.texture.bitmap.BitmapTextureFormat; import org.andengine.util.color.Color; import android.content.res.AssetManager; import; /** * (c) 2010 Nicolas Gramlich * (c) 2011 Zynga Inc. * * @author Nicolas Gramlich * @since 17:17:28 - 16.06.2010 */ public class FontFactory { // =========================================================== // Constants // =========================================================== private static final boolean ANTIALIAS_DEFAULT = true; private static final int COLOR_DEFAULT = Color.BLACK_ARGB_PACKED_INT; // =========================================================== // Fields // =========================================================== private static String sAssetBasePath = ""; // =========================================================== // Constructors // =========================================================== // =========================================================== // Getter & Setter // =========================================================== /** * @param pAssetBasePath must end with '<code>/</code>' or have <code>.length() == 0</code>. */ public static void setAssetBasePath(final String pAssetBasePath) { if(pAssetBasePath.endsWith("/") || pAssetBasePath.length() == 0) { FontFactory.sAssetBasePath = pAssetBasePath; } else { throw new IllegalStateException("pAssetBasePath must end with '/' or be lenght zero."); } } public static String getAssetBasePath() { return FontFactory.sAssetBasePath; } public static void onCreate() { FontFactory.setAssetBasePath(""); } // =========================================================== // Methods for/from SuperClass/Interfaces // =========================================================== // =========================================================== // Methods // =========================================================== public static Font create(final FontManager pFontManager, final ITexture pTexture, final float pSize) { return FontFactory.create(pFontManager, pTexture, pSize, FontFactory.ANTIALIAS_DEFAULT, FontFactory.COLOR_DEFAULT); } public static Font create(final FontManager pFontManager, final ITexture pTexture, final float pSize, final boolean pAntiAlias) { return FontFactory.create(pFontManager, pTexture, pSize, pAntiAlias, FontFactory.COLOR_DEFAULT); } public static Font create(final FontManager pFontManager, final ITexture pTexture, final float pSize, final int pColor) { return FontFactory.create(pFontManager, pTexture, pSize, FontFactory.ANTIALIAS_DEFAULT, pColor); } public static Font create(final FontManager pFontManager, final ITexture pTexture, final float pSize, final boolean pAntiAlias, final int pColor) { return FontFactory.create(pFontManager, pTexture, Typeface.create(Typeface.DEFAULT, Typeface.NORMAL), pSize, pAntiAlias, pColor); } public static Font create(final FontManager pFontManager, final TextureManager pTextureManager, final int pTextureWidth, final int pTextureHeight, final float pSize, final boolean pAntiAlias, final int pColor) { return FontFactory.create(pFontManager, pTextureManager, pTextureWidth, pTextureHeight, TextureOptions.DEFAULT, pSize, pAntiAlias, pColor); } public static Font create(final FontManager pFontManager, final TextureManager pTextureManager, final int pTextureWidth, final int pTextureHeight, final TextureOptions pTextureOptions, final float pSize, final boolean pAntiAlias, final int pColor) { return FontFactory.create(pFontManager, pTextureManager, pTextureWidth, pTextureHeight, pTextureOptions, Typeface.create(Typeface.DEFAULT, Typeface.NORMAL), pSize, pAntiAlias, pColor); } public static Font create(final FontManager pFontManager, final TextureManager pTextureManager, final int pTextureWidth, final int pTextureHeight, final Typeface pTypeface, final float pSize) { return FontFactory.create(pFontManager, pTextureManager, pTextureWidth, pTextureHeight, TextureOptions.DEFAULT, pTypeface, pSize, FontFactory.ANTIALIAS_DEFAULT, FontFactory.COLOR_DEFAULT); } public static Font create(final FontManager pFontManager, final TextureManager pTextureManager, final int pTextureWidth, final int pTextureHeight, final Typeface pTypeface, final float pSize, final boolean pAntiAlias) { return FontFactory.create(pFontManager, pTextureManager, pTextureWidth, pTextureHeight, TextureOptions.DEFAULT, pTypeface, pSize, pAntiAlias, FontFactory.COLOR_DEFAULT); } public static Font create(final FontManager pFontManager, final TextureManager pTextureManager, final int pTextureWidth, final int pTextureHeight, final Typeface pTypeface, final float pSize, final int pColor) { return FontFactory.create(pFontManager, pTextureManager, pTextureWidth, pTextureHeight, TextureOptions.DEFAULT, pTypeface, pSize, FontFactory.ANTIALIAS_DEFAULT, pColor); } public static Font create(final FontManager pFontManager, final TextureManager pTextureManager, final int pTextureWidth, final int pTextureHeight, final Typeface pTypeface, final float pSize, final boolean pAntiAlias, final int pColor) { return FontFactory.create(pFontManager, pTextureManager, pTextureWidth, pTextureHeight, TextureOptions.DEFAULT, pTypeface, pSize, pAntiAlias, pColor); } public static Font create(final FontManager pFontManager, final TextureManager pTextureManager, final int pTextureWidth, final int pTextureHeight, final TextureOptions pTextureOptions, final Typeface pTypeface, final float pSize) { return FontFactory.create(pFontManager, pTextureManager, pTextureWidth, pTextureHeight, pTextureOptions, pTypeface, pSize, FontFactory.ANTIALIAS_DEFAULT, FontFactory.COLOR_DEFAULT); } public static Font create(final FontManager pFontManager, final TextureManager pTextureManager, final int pTextureWidth, final int pTextureHeight, final TextureOptions pTextureOptions, final Typeface pTypeface, final float pSize, final boolean pAntiAlias) { return FontFactory.create(pFontManager, pTextureManager, pTextureWidth, pTextureHeight, pTextureOptions, pTypeface, pSize, pAntiAlias, FontFactory.COLOR_DEFAULT); } public static Font create(final FontManager pFontManager, final TextureManager pTextureManager, final int pTextureWidth, final int pTextureHeight, final TextureOptions pTextureOptions, final Typeface pTypeface, final float pSize, final int pColor) { return FontFactory.create(pFontManager, pTextureManager, pTextureWidth, pTextureHeight, pTextureOptions, pTypeface, pSize, FontFactory.ANTIALIAS_DEFAULT, pColor); } public static Font create(final FontManager pFontManager, final TextureManager pTextureManager, final int pTextureWidth, final int pTextureHeight, final TextureOptions pTextureOptions, final Typeface pTypeface, final float pSize, final boolean pAntiAlias, final int pColor) { return FontFactory.create(pFontManager, pTextureManager, pTextureWidth, pTextureHeight, BitmapTextureFormat.RGBA_8888, pTextureOptions, pTypeface, pSize, pAntiAlias, pColor); } public static Font create(final FontManager pFontManager, final TextureManager pTextureManager, final int pTextureWidth, final int pTextureHeight, final BitmapTextureFormat pBitmapTextureFormat, final TextureOptions pTextureOptions, final Typeface pTypeface, final float pSize) { return FontFactory.create(pFontManager, pTextureManager, pTextureWidth, pTextureHeight, pBitmapTextureFormat, pTextureOptions, pTypeface, pSize, FontFactory.ANTIALIAS_DEFAULT, FontFactory.COLOR_DEFAULT); } public static Font create(final FontManager pFontManager, final TextureManager pTextureManager, final int pTextureWidth, final int pTextureHeight, final BitmapTextureFormat pBitmapTextureFormat, final TextureOptions pTextureOptions, final Typeface pTypeface, final float pSize, final boolean pAntiAlias) { return FontFactory.create(pFontManager, pTextureManager, pTextureWidth, pTextureHeight, pBitmapTextureFormat, pTextureOptions, pTypeface, pSize, pAntiAlias, FontFactory.COLOR_DEFAULT); } public static Font create(final FontManager pFontManager, final TextureManager pTextureManager, final int pTextureWidth, final int pTextureHeight, final BitmapTextureFormat pBitmapTextureFormat, final TextureOptions pTextureOptions, final Typeface pTypeface, final float pSize, final int pColor) { return FontFactory.create(pFontManager, pTextureManager, pTextureWidth, pTextureHeight, pBitmapTextureFormat, pTextureOptions, pTypeface, pSize, FontFactory.ANTIALIAS_DEFAULT, pColor); } public static Font create(final FontManager pFontManager, final TextureManager pTextureManager, final int pTextureWidth, final int pTextureHeight, final BitmapTextureFormat pBitmapTextureFormat, final TextureOptions pTextureOptions, final Typeface pTypeface, final float pSize, final boolean pAntiAlias, final int pColor) { return FontFactory.create(pFontManager, new BitmapTextureAtlas(pTextureManager, pTextureWidth, pTextureHeight, pBitmapTextureFormat, pTextureOptions), pTypeface, pSize, pAntiAlias, pColor); } public static Font create(final FontManager pFontManager, final ITexture pTexture, final Typeface pTypeface, final float pSize, final boolean pAntiAlias, final int pColor) { return new Font(pFontManager, pTexture, pTypeface, pSize, pAntiAlias, pColor); } public static Font createFromAsset(final FontManager pFontManager, final ITexture pTexture, final AssetManager pAssetManager, final String pAssetPath, final float pSize, final boolean pAntiAlias, final int pColor) { return new Font(pFontManager, pTexture, Typeface.createFromAsset(pAssetManager, FontFactory.sAssetBasePath + pAssetPath), pSize, pAntiAlias, pColor); } public static Font createFromAsset(final FontManager pFontManager, final TextureManager pTextureManager, final int pTextureWidth, final int pTextureHeight, final AssetManager pAssetManager, final String pAssetPath, final float pSize, final boolean pAntiAlias, final int pColor) { return FontFactory.createFromAsset(pFontManager, pTextureManager, pTextureWidth, pTextureHeight, TextureOptions.DEFAULT, pAssetManager, pAssetPath, pSize, pAntiAlias, pColor); } public static Font createFromAsset(final FontManager pFontManager, final TextureManager pTextureManager, final int pTextureWidth, final int pTextureHeight, final TextureOptions pTextureOptions, final AssetManager pAssetManager, final String pAssetPath, final float pSize, final boolean pAntiAlias, final int pColor) { return FontFactory.createFromAsset(pFontManager, pTextureManager, pTextureWidth, pTextureHeight, BitmapTextureFormat.RGBA_8888, pTextureOptions, pAssetManager, pAssetPath, pSize, pAntiAlias, pColor); } public static Font createFromAsset(final FontManager pFontManager, final TextureManager pTextureManager, final int pTextureWidth, final int pTextureHeight, final BitmapTextureFormat pBitmapTextureFormat, final TextureOptions pTextureOptions, final AssetManager pAssetManager, final String pAssetPath, final float pSize, final boolean pAntiAlias, final int pColor) { return new Font(pFontManager, new BitmapTextureAtlas(pTextureManager, pTextureWidth, pTextureHeight, pBitmapTextureFormat, pTextureOptions), Typeface.createFromAsset(pAssetManager, FontFactory.sAssetBasePath + pAssetPath), pSize, pAntiAlias, pColor); } public static StrokeFont createStroke(final FontManager pFontManager, final ITexture pTexture, final Typeface pTypeface, final float pSize, final boolean pAntiAlias, final int pColor, final float pStrokeWidth, final int pStrokeColor) { return new StrokeFont(pFontManager, pTexture, pTypeface, pSize, pAntiAlias, pColor, pStrokeWidth, pStrokeColor); } public static StrokeFont createStroke(final FontManager pFontManager, final ITexture pTexture, final Typeface pTypeface, final float pSize, final boolean pAntiAlias, final int pColor, final float pStrokeWidth, final int pStrokeColor, final boolean pStrokeOnly) { return new StrokeFont(pFontManager, pTexture, pTypeface, pSize, pAntiAlias, pColor, pStrokeWidth, pStrokeColor, pStrokeOnly); } public static StrokeFont createStrokeFromAsset(final FontManager pFontManager, final ITexture pTexture, final AssetManager pAssetManager, final String pAssetPath, final float pSize, final boolean pAntiAlias, final int pColor, final float pStrokeWidth, final int pStrokeColor) { return new StrokeFont(pFontManager, pTexture, Typeface.createFromAsset(pAssetManager, FontFactory.sAssetBasePath + pAssetPath), pSize, pAntiAlias, pColor, pStrokeWidth, pStrokeColor); } public static StrokeFont createStrokeFromAsset(final FontManager pFontManager, final ITexture pTexture, final AssetManager pAssetManager, final String pAssetPath, final float pSize, final boolean pAntiAlias, final int pColor, final float pStrokeWidth, final int pStrokeColor, final boolean pStrokeOnly) { return new StrokeFont(pFontManager, pTexture, Typeface.createFromAsset(pAssetManager, FontFactory.sAssetBasePath + pAssetPath), pSize, pAntiAlias, pColor, pStrokeWidth, pStrokeColor, pStrokeOnly); } // =========================================================== // Inner and Anonymous Classes // =========================================================== }