package org.andengine.opengl.texture.render; import; import java.nio.IntBuffer; import org.andengine.opengl.exception.GLException; import org.andengine.opengl.exception.GLFrameBufferException; import org.andengine.opengl.exception.RenderTextureInitializationException; import org.andengine.opengl.texture.ITextureStateListener; import org.andengine.opengl.texture.PixelFormat; import org.andengine.opengl.texture.Texture; import org.andengine.opengl.texture.TextureManager; import org.andengine.opengl.texture.TextureOptions; import org.andengine.opengl.util.GLHelper; import org.andengine.opengl.util.GLState; import org.andengine.util.color.Color; import; import; import android.opengl.GLES20; /** * The general workflow with a {@link RenderTexture} is: {@link RenderTexture#init(GLState)} -> {@link RenderTexture#begin(GLState)} -> {@link RenderTexture#end(GLState)} -> {@link RenderTexture#destroy(GLState)}. * * (c) Zynga 2011 * * @author Nicolas Gramlich <> * @since 07:13:05 - 24.08.2011 */ public class RenderTexture extends Texture { // =========================================================== // Constants // =========================================================== private static final int[] VIEWPORT_CONTAINER = new int[4]; private static final float[] CLEARCOLOR_CONTAINER = new float[4]; private static final int VIEWPORT_CONTAINER_X_INDEX = 0; private static final int VIEWPORT_CONTAINER_Y_INDEX = RenderTexture.VIEWPORT_CONTAINER_X_INDEX + 1; private static final int VIEWPORT_CONTAINER_WIDTH_INDEX = RenderTexture.VIEWPORT_CONTAINER_Y_INDEX + 1; private static final int VIEWPORT_CONTAINER_HEIGHT_INDEX = RenderTexture.VIEWPORT_CONTAINER_WIDTH_INDEX + 1; private static final int CLEARCOLOR_CONTAINER_RED_INDEX = 0; private static final int CLEARCOLOR_CONTAINER_GREEN_INDEX = RenderTexture.CLEARCOLOR_CONTAINER_RED_INDEX + 1; private static final int CLEARCOLOR_CONTAINER_BLUE_INDEX = RenderTexture.CLEARCOLOR_CONTAINER_GREEN_INDEX + 1; private static final int CLEARCOLOR_CONTAINER_ALPHA_INDEX = RenderTexture.CLEARCOLOR_CONTAINER_BLUE_INDEX + 1; // =========================================================== // Fields // =========================================================== protected final PixelFormat mPixelFormat; protected final int mWidth; protected final int mHeight; protected int mFramebufferObjectID; private int mPreviousFramebufferObjectID; private int mPreviousViewPortX; private int mPreviousViewPortY; private int mPreviousViewPortWidth; private int mPreviousViewPortHeight; private boolean mInitialized; // =========================================================== // Constructors // =========================================================== public RenderTexture(final TextureManager pTextureManager, final int pWidth, final int pHeight) { this(pTextureManager, pWidth, pHeight, PixelFormat.RGBA_8888, TextureOptions.NEAREST); } public RenderTexture(final TextureManager pTextureManager, final int pWidth, final int pHeight, final PixelFormat pPixelFormat) { this(pTextureManager, pWidth, pHeight, pPixelFormat, TextureOptions.NEAREST); } public RenderTexture(final TextureManager pTextureManager, final int pWidth, final int pHeight, final TextureOptions pTextureOptions) { this(pTextureManager, pWidth, pHeight, PixelFormat.RGBA_8888, pTextureOptions); } public RenderTexture(final TextureManager pTextureManager, final int pWidth, final int pHeight, final PixelFormat pPixelFormat, final TextureOptions pTextureOptions) { this(pTextureManager, pWidth, pHeight, pPixelFormat, pTextureOptions, null); } public RenderTexture(final TextureManager pTextureManager, final int pWidth, final int pHeight, final PixelFormat pPixelFormat, final TextureOptions pTextureOptions, final ITextureStateListener pTextureStateListener) { super(pTextureManager, pPixelFormat, pTextureOptions, pTextureStateListener); this.mWidth = pWidth; this.mHeight = pHeight; this.mPixelFormat = pPixelFormat; } // =========================================================== // Getter & Setter // =========================================================== @Override public int getWidth() { return this.mWidth; } @Override public int getHeight() { return this.mHeight; } public boolean isInitialized() { return this.mInitialized; } // =========================================================== // Methods for/from SuperClass/Interfaces // =========================================================== @Override protected void writeTextureToHardware(final GLState pGLState) { GLES20.glTexImage2D(GLES20.GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, this.mPixelFormat.getGLInternalFormat(), this.mWidth, this.mHeight, 0, this.mPixelFormat.getGLFormat(), this.mPixelFormat.getGLType(), null); } // =========================================================== // Methods // =========================================================== /** * @param pGLState * @throws RenderTextureInitializationException when this {@link RenderTexture} could not be initialized. The {@link GLException} contains the error code. When this exception is throw, all cleanup will be automatically performed through {@link RenderTexture#destroy(GLState)}. */ public void init(final GLState pGLState) throws GLFrameBufferException, GLException { this.savePreviousFramebufferObjectID(pGLState); try { this.loadToHardware(pGLState); } catch (final IOException e) { /* Can not happen. */ } /* The texture to render to must not be bound. */ pGLState.bindTexture(0); /* Generate FBO. */ this.mFramebufferObjectID = pGLState.generateFramebuffer(); pGLState.bindFramebuffer(this.mFramebufferObjectID); /* Attach texture to FBO. */ GLES20.glFramebufferTexture2D(GLES20.GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GLES20.GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, GLES20.GL_TEXTURE_2D, this.mHardwareTextureID, 0); try { pGLState.checkFramebufferStatus(); } catch (final GLException e) { this.destroy(pGLState); throw new RenderTextureInitializationException(e); } finally { this.restorePreviousFramebufferObjectID(pGLState); } this.mInitialized = true; } /** * @see {@link RenderTexture#end(GLState)}, * {@link RenderTexture#end(GLState, boolean, boolean}}. */ public void begin(final GLState pGLState) { this.begin(pGLState, false, false); } /** * @see {@link RenderTexture#end(GLState)}, * {@link RenderTexture#end(GLState, boolean, boolean}}. * * @param pColor the {@link Color} to clear this {@link RenderTexture}. */ public void begin(final GLState pGLState, final Color pColor) { this.begin(pGLState, pColor.getRed(), pColor.getGreen(), pColor.getBlue(), pColor.getAlpha()); } /** * @see {@link RenderTexture#end(GLState)}, * {@link RenderTexture#end(GLState, boolean, boolean}}. * * @param pRed the red portion of the color to clear this {@link RenderTexture}. * @param pGreen the green portion of the color to clear this {@link RenderTexture}. * @param pBlue the blue portion of the color to clear this {@link RenderTexture}. * @param pAlpha the alpha portion of the color to clear this {@link RenderTexture}. */ public void begin(final GLState pGLState, final float pRed, final float pGreen, final float pBlue, final float pAlpha) { this.begin(pGLState, false, false, pRed, pGreen, pBlue, pAlpha); } /** * @see {@link RenderTexture#end(GLState)}, * {@link RenderTexture#end(GLState, boolean, boolean}}. * * @param pColor the {@link Color} to clear this {@link RenderTexture}. */ public void begin(final GLState pGLState, final boolean pFlipX, final boolean pFlipY, final Color pColor) { this.begin(pGLState, pFlipX, pFlipY, pColor.getRed(), pColor.getGreen(), pColor.getBlue(), pColor.getAlpha()); } /** * @see {@link RenderTexture#end(GLState)}, * {@link RenderTexture#end(GLState, boolean, boolean}}. * * @param pRed the red portion of the color to clear this {@link RenderTexture}. * @param pGreen the green portion of the color to clear this {@link RenderTexture}. * @param pBlue the blue portion of the color to clear this {@link RenderTexture}. * @param pAlpha the alpha portion of the color to clear this {@link RenderTexture}. */ public void begin(final GLState pGLState, final boolean pFlipX, final boolean pFlipY, final float pRed, final float pGreen, final float pBlue, final float pAlpha) { this.begin(pGLState, pFlipX, pFlipY); /* Save clear color. */ GLES20.glGetFloatv(GLES20.GL_COLOR_CLEAR_VALUE, RenderTexture.CLEARCOLOR_CONTAINER, 0); GLES20.glClearColor(pRed, pGreen, pBlue, pAlpha); GLES20.glClear(GLES20.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); /* Restore clear color. */ GLES20.glClearColor(RenderTexture.CLEARCOLOR_CONTAINER[RenderTexture.CLEARCOLOR_CONTAINER_RED_INDEX], RenderTexture.CLEARCOLOR_CONTAINER[RenderTexture.CLEARCOLOR_CONTAINER_GREEN_INDEX], RenderTexture.CLEARCOLOR_CONTAINER[RenderTexture.CLEARCOLOR_CONTAINER_BLUE_INDEX], RenderTexture.CLEARCOLOR_CONTAINER[RenderTexture.CLEARCOLOR_CONTAINER_ALPHA_INDEX]); } /** * @see {@link RenderTexture#end(GLState)}, * {@link RenderTexture#end(GLState, boolean, boolean}}. */ public void begin(final GLState pGLState, final boolean pFlipX, final boolean pFlipY) { this.savePreviousViewport(); GLES20.glViewport(0, 0, this.mWidth, this.mHeight); pGLState.pushProjectionGLMatrix(); final float left; final float right; final float bottom; final float top; if(pFlipX) { left = this.mWidth; right = 0; } else { left = 0; right = this.mWidth; } if(pFlipY) { top = this.mHeight; bottom = 0; } else { top = 0; bottom = this.mHeight; } pGLState.orthoProjectionGLMatrixf(left, right, bottom, top, -1, 1); this.savePreviousFramebufferObjectID(pGLState); pGLState.bindFramebuffer(this.mFramebufferObjectID); pGLState.pushModelViewGLMatrix(); pGLState.loadModelViewGLMatrixIdentity(); } /** * @see {@link GLState#flush()}. */ public void flush(final GLState pGLState) { pGLState.flush(); } /** * @see {@link GLState#finish()}. */ public void finish(final GLState pGLState) { pGLState.finish(); } /** * @see {@link RenderTexture#begin(GLState)}, * {@link RenderTexture#begin(GLState, boolean, boolean)}, * {@link RenderTexture#begin(GLState, Color)}, * {@link RenderTexture#begin(GLState, float, float, float, float)}, * {@link RenderTexture#begin(GLState, boolean, boolean, Color)}. * {@link RenderTexture#begin(GLState, boolean, boolean, float, float, float, float)}. */ public void end(final GLState pGLState) { this.end(pGLState, false, false); } /** * @param pGLState * @param pFlush {@link GLState#flush()} has lower preference than pFinish. * @param pFinish {@link GLState#finish()} had higher preference than pFlush. * * @see {@link RenderTexture#begin(GLState)}, * {@link RenderTexture#begin(GLState, boolean, boolean)}, * {@link RenderTexture#begin(GLState, Color)}, * {@link RenderTexture#begin(GLState, float, float, float, float)}, * {@link RenderTexture#begin(GLState, boolean, boolean, Color)}. * {@link RenderTexture#begin(GLState, boolean, boolean, float, float, float, float)}. */ public void end(final GLState pGLState, final boolean pFlush, final boolean pFinish) { if(pFinish) { this.finish(pGLState); } else if(pFlush) { this.flush(pGLState); } pGLState.popModelViewGLMatrix(); this.restorePreviousFramebufferObjectID(pGLState); pGLState.popProjectionGLMatrix(); this.resotorePreviousViewport(); } public void destroy(final GLState pGLState) { this.unloadFromHardware(pGLState); pGLState.deleteFramebuffer(this.mFramebufferObjectID); this.mInitialized = false; } protected void savePreviousFramebufferObjectID(final GLState pGLState) { this.mPreviousFramebufferObjectID = pGLState.getActiveFramebuffer(); } protected void restorePreviousFramebufferObjectID(final GLState pGLState) { pGLState.bindFramebuffer(this.mPreviousFramebufferObjectID); } protected void savePreviousViewport() { GLES20.glGetIntegerv(GLES20.GL_VIEWPORT, RenderTexture.VIEWPORT_CONTAINER, 0); this.mPreviousViewPortX = RenderTexture.VIEWPORT_CONTAINER[RenderTexture.VIEWPORT_CONTAINER_X_INDEX]; this.mPreviousViewPortY = RenderTexture.VIEWPORT_CONTAINER[RenderTexture.VIEWPORT_CONTAINER_Y_INDEX]; this.mPreviousViewPortWidth = RenderTexture.VIEWPORT_CONTAINER[RenderTexture.VIEWPORT_CONTAINER_WIDTH_INDEX]; this.mPreviousViewPortHeight = RenderTexture.VIEWPORT_CONTAINER[RenderTexture.VIEWPORT_CONTAINER_HEIGHT_INDEX]; } protected void resotorePreviousViewport() { GLES20.glViewport(this.mPreviousViewPortX, this.mPreviousViewPortY, this.mPreviousViewPortWidth, this.mPreviousViewPortHeight); } public int[] getPixelsARGB_8888(final GLState pGLState) { return this.getPixelsARGB_8888(pGLState, 0, 0, this.mWidth, this.mHeight); } public int[] getPixelsARGB_8888(final GLState pGLState, final int pX, final int pY, final int pWidth, final int pHeight) { final int[] pixelsRGBA_8888 = new int[pWidth * pHeight]; final IntBuffer glPixelBuffer = IntBuffer.wrap(pixelsRGBA_8888); glPixelBuffer.position(0); this.begin(pGLState); GLES20.glReadPixels(pX, pY, pWidth, pHeight, this.mPixelFormat.getGLFormat(), this.mPixelFormat.getGLType(), glPixelBuffer); this.end(pGLState); return GLHelper.convertRGBA_8888toARGB_8888(pixelsRGBA_8888); } public Bitmap getBitmap(final GLState pGLState) { return this.getBitmap(pGLState, 0, 0, this.mWidth, this.mHeight); } public Bitmap getBitmap(final GLState pGLState, final int pX, final int pY, final int pWidth, final int pHeight) { if(this.mPixelFormat != PixelFormat.RGBA_8888) { throw new IllegalStateException("Currently only 'PixelFormat." + PixelFormat.RGBA_8888 + "' is supported to be retrieved as a Bitmap."); } return Bitmap.createBitmap(this.getPixelsARGB_8888(pGLState, pX, pY, pWidth, pHeight), pWidth, pHeight, Config.ARGB_8888); } // =========================================================== // Inner and Anonymous Classes // =========================================================== }