package org.andengine.entity; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import org.andengine.engine.Engine; import; import org.andengine.engine.handler.IDrawHandler; import org.andengine.engine.handler.IUpdateHandler; import org.andengine.engine.handler.runnable.RunnableHandler; import org.andengine.entity.modifier.IEntityModifier; import org.andengine.entity.modifier.IEntityModifier.IEntityModifierMatcher; import org.andengine.entity.scene.Scene; import org.andengine.util.IDisposable; import org.andengine.util.adt.transformation.Transformation; import org.andengine.util.color.Color; /** * (c) 2010 Nicolas Gramlich * (c) 2011 Zynga Inc. * * @author Nicolas Gramlich * @since 11:20:25 - 08.03.2010 */ public interface IEntity extends IDrawHandler, IUpdateHandler, IDisposable { // =========================================================== // Constants // =========================================================== public static final int TAG_INVALID = Integer.MIN_VALUE; // =========================================================== // Methods // =========================================================== public boolean isVisible(); public void setVisible(final boolean pVisible); public boolean isIgnoreUpdate(); public void setIgnoreUpdate(boolean pIgnoreUpdate); public boolean isChildrenVisible(); public void setChildrenVisible(final boolean pChildrenVisible); public boolean isChildrenIgnoreUpdate(); public void setChildrenIgnoreUpdate(boolean pChildrenIgnoreUpdate); public int getTag(); public void setTag(final int pTag); public int getZIndex(); public void setZIndex(final int pZIndex); public boolean hasParent(); public IEntity getParent(); public void setParent(final IEntity pEntity); public float getX(); public float getY(); public void setX(final float pX); public void setY(final float pY); public void setPosition(final IEntity pOtherEntity); public void setPosition(final float pX, final float pY); public boolean isRotated(); public float getRotation(); public void setRotation(final float pRotation); public float getRotationCenterX(); public float getRotationCenterY(); public void setRotationCenterX(final float pRotationCenterX); public void setRotationCenterY(final float pRotationCenterY); public void setRotationCenter(final float pRotationCenterX, final float pRotationCenterY); public boolean isScaled(); public float getScaleX(); public float getScaleY(); public void setScaleX(final float pScaleX); public void setScaleY(final float pScaleY); public void setScale(final float pScale); public void setScale(final float pScaleX, final float pScaleY); public float getScaleCenterX(); public float getScaleCenterY(); public void setScaleCenterX(final float pScaleCenterX); public void setScaleCenterY(final float pScaleCenterY); public void setScaleCenter(final float pScaleCenterX, final float pScaleCenterY); public boolean isSkewed(); public float getSkewX(); public float getSkewY(); public void setSkewX(final float pSkewX); public void setSkewY(final float pSkewY); public void setSkew(final float pSkew); public void setSkew(final float pSkewX, final float pSkewY); public float getSkewCenterX(); public float getSkewCenterY(); public void setSkewCenterX(final float pSkewCenterX); public void setSkewCenterY(final float pSkewCenterY); public void setSkewCenter(final float pSkewCenterX, final float pSkewCenterY); public boolean isRotatedOrScaledOrSkewed(); public float getRed(); public float getGreen(); public float getBlue(); public float getAlpha(); public Color getColor(); public void setRed(final float pRed); public void setGreen(final float pGreen); public void setBlue(final float pBlue); public void setAlpha(final float pAlpha); public void setColor(final Color pColor); public void setColor(final float pRed, final float pGreen, final float pBlue); public void setColor(final float pRed, final float pGreen, final float pBlue, final float pAlpha); /** * @return a shared(!) float[] of length 2. */ public float[] getSceneCenterCoordinates(); /** * @param pReuse must be of length 2. * @return <code>pReuse</code> as a convenience. */ public float[] getSceneCenterCoordinates(final float[] pReuse); /** * @param pX * @param pY * @return a shared(!) float[] of length 2. */ public float[] convertLocalToSceneCoordinates(final float pX, final float pY); /** * @param pX * @param pY * @param pReuse must be of length 2. * @return <code>pReuse</code> as a convenience. */ public float[] convertLocalToSceneCoordinates(final float pX, final float pY, final float[] pReuse); /** * @param pCoordinates must be of length 2. * @return a shared(!) float[] of length 2. */ public float[] convertLocalToSceneCoordinates(final float[] pCoordinates); /** * @param pCoordinates must be of length 2. * @param pReuse must be of length 2. * @return <code>pReuse</code> as a convenience. */ public float[] convertLocalToSceneCoordinates(final float[] pCoordinates, final float[] pReuse); /** * @param pX * @param pY * @return a shared(!) float[] of length 2. */ public float[] convertSceneToLocalCoordinates(final float pX, final float pY); /** * @param pX * @param pY * @param pReuse must be of length 2. * @return <code>pReuse</code> as a convenience. */ public float[] convertSceneToLocalCoordinates(final float pX, final float pY, final float[] pReuse); /** * @param pCoordinates must be of length 2. * @return a shared(!) float[] of length 2. */ public float[] convertSceneToLocalCoordinates(final float[] pCoordinates); /** * @param pCoordinates must be of length 2. * @param pReuse must be of length 2. * @return <code>pReuse</code> as a convenience. */ public float[] convertSceneToLocalCoordinates(final float[] pCoordinates, final float[] pReuse); public Transformation getLocalToSceneTransformation(); public Transformation getSceneToLocalTransformation(); public Transformation getLocalToParentTransformation(); public Transformation getParentToLocalTransformation(); public int getChildCount(); public void onAttached(); public void onDetached(); public void attachChild(final IEntity pEntity); public IEntity getChildByTag(final int pTag); public IEntity getChildByMatcher(final IEntityMatcher pEntityMatcher); public IEntity getChildByIndex(final int pIndex); public IEntity getFirstChild(); public IEntity getLastChild(); /** * @param pEntityMatcher * @return all children (recursively!) that match the supplied {@link IEntityMatcher}. */ public ArrayList<IEntity> query(final IEntityMatcher pEntityMatcher); /** * @param pEntityMatcher * @return the first child (recursively!) that matches the supplied {@link IEntityMatcher} or <code>null</code> if none matches.. */ public IEntity queryFirst(final IEntityMatcher pEntityMatcher); /** * @param pEntityMatcher * @param pResult the {@link List} to put the result into. * @return all children (recursively!) that match the supplied {@link IEntityMatcher}. */ public <L extends List<IEntity>> L query(final IEntityMatcher pEntityMatcher, final L pResult); /** * @param pEntityMatcher * @return the first child (recursively!) that matches the supplied {@link IEntityMatcher} or <code>null</code> if none matches.. * @throws ClassCastException when the supplied {@link IEntityMatcher} matched an {@link IEntity} that was not of the requested subtype. */ public <S extends IEntity> S queryFirstForSubclass(final IEntityMatcher pEntityMatcher); /** * @param pEntityMatcher * @return all children (recursively!) that match the supplied {@link IEntityMatcher}. * @throws ClassCastException when the supplied {@link IEntityMatcher} matched an {@link IEntity} that was not of the requested subtype. */ public <S extends IEntity> ArrayList<S> queryForSubclass(final IEntityMatcher pEntityMatcher) throws ClassCastException; /** * @param pEntityMatcher * @param pResult the {@link List} to put the result into. * @return all children (recursively!) that match the supplied {@link IEntityMatcher}. * @throws ClassCastException when the supplied {@link IEntityMatcher} matched an {@link IEntity} that was not of the requested subtype. */ public <L extends List<S>, S extends IEntity> L queryForSubclass(final IEntityMatcher pEntityMatcher, final L pResult) throws ClassCastException; /** * Immediately sorts the {@link IEntity}s based on their ZIndex. Sort is stable. */ public void sortChildren(); /** * Sorts the {@link IEntity}s based on their ZIndex. Sort is stable. * In contrast to {@link IEntity#sortChildren()} this method is particularly useful to avoid multiple sorts per frame. * @param pImmediate if <code>true</code>, the sorting is executed immediately. * If <code>false</code> the sorting is executed before the next (visible) drawing of the children of this {@link IEntity}. */ public void sortChildren(final boolean pImmediate); /** * Sorts the {@link IEntity}s based on the {@link Comparator} supplied. Sort is stable. * @param pEntityComparator */ public void sortChildren(final IEntityComparator pEntityComparator); public boolean detachSelf(); /** * <b><i>WARNING:</i> This function should be called from within * {@link RunnableHandler#postRunnable(Runnable)} which is registered * to a {@link Scene} or the {@link Engine} itself, because otherwise * it may throw an {@link IndexOutOfBoundsException} in the * Update-Thread or the GL-Thread!</b> */ public boolean detachChild(final IEntity pEntity); /** * <b><i>WARNING:</i> This function should be called from within * {@link RunnableHandler#postRunnable(Runnable)} which is registered * to a {@link Scene} or the {@link Engine} itself, because otherwise * it may throw an {@link IndexOutOfBoundsException} in the * Update-Thread or the GL-Thread!</b> */ public IEntity detachChild(final int pTag); /** * <b><i>WARNING:</i> This function should be called from within * {@link RunnableHandler#postRunnable(Runnable)} which is registered * to a {@link Scene} or the {@link Engine} itself, because otherwise * it may throw an {@link IndexOutOfBoundsException} in the * Update-Thread or the GL-Thread!</b> */ public IEntity detachChild(final IEntityMatcher pEntityMatcher); /** * <b><i>WARNING:</i> This function should be called from within * {@link RunnableHandler#postRunnable(Runnable)} which is registered * to a {@link Scene} or the {@link Engine} itself, because otherwise * it may throw an {@link IndexOutOfBoundsException} in the * Update-Thread or the GL-Thread!</b> */ public boolean detachChildren(final IEntityMatcher pEntityMatcher); public void detachChildren(); public void callOnChildren(final IEntityParameterCallable pEntityParameterCallable); public void callOnChildren(final IEntityParameterCallable pEntityParameterCallable, final IEntityMatcher pEntityMatcher); public void registerUpdateHandler(final IUpdateHandler pUpdateHandler); public boolean unregisterUpdateHandler(final IUpdateHandler pUpdateHandler); public boolean unregisterUpdateHandlers(final IUpdateHandlerMatcher pUpdateHandlerMatcher); public int getUpdateHandlerCount(); public void clearUpdateHandlers(); public void registerEntityModifier(final IEntityModifier pEntityModifier); public boolean unregisterEntityModifier(final IEntityModifier pEntityModifier); public boolean unregisterEntityModifiers(final IEntityModifierMatcher pEntityModifierMatcher); public int getEntityModifierCount(); public void clearEntityModifiers(); public boolean isCullingEnabled(); public void setCullingEnabled(final boolean pCullingEnabled); /** * Will only be performed if {@link IEntity#isCullingEnabled()} is true. * * @param pCamera the currently active camera to perform culling checks against. * @return <code>true</code> when this object is visible by the {@link Camera}, <code>false</code> otherwise. */ public boolean isCulled(final Camera pCamera); public void setUserData(final Object pUserData); public Object getUserData(); public void toString(final StringBuilder pStringBuilder); // =========================================================== // Inner and Anonymous Classes // =========================================================== }