package org.andengine.util.adt.spatial.quadtree; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.andengine.util.IMatcher; import org.andengine.util.adt.bounds.BoundsSplit; import org.andengine.util.adt.bounds.FloatBounds; import org.andengine.util.adt.bounds.IFloatBounds; import org.andengine.util.adt.spatial.ISpatialItem; import org.andengine.util.adt.spatial.bounds.util.FloatBoundsUtils; /** * (c) Zynga 2011 * * @author Nicolas Gramlich <> * @since 20:15:21 - 10.10.2011 */ public class FloatQuadTree<T extends ISpatialItem<IFloatBounds>> extends QuadTree<IFloatBounds, T> implements IFloatBounds { // =========================================================== // Constants // =========================================================== // =========================================================== // Fields // =========================================================== private final FloatBounds mQueryFloatBounds = new FloatBounds(0, 0, 0, 0); // =========================================================== // Constructors // =========================================================== public FloatQuadTree(final IFloatBounds pFloatBounds) { super(pFloatBounds); } public FloatQuadTree(final float pXMin, final float pYMin, final float pXMax, final float pYMax) { super(new FloatBounds(pXMin, pYMin, pXMax, pYMax)); } public FloatQuadTree(final IFloatBounds pFloatBounds, final int pMaxLevel) { super(pFloatBounds, pMaxLevel); } public FloatQuadTree(final float pXMin, final float pYMin, final float pXMax, final float pYMax, final int pMaxLevel) { super(new FloatBounds(pXMin, pYMin, pXMax, pYMax), pMaxLevel); } @Override protected FloatQuadTreeNode initRoot(final IFloatBounds pFloatBounds) { return new FloatQuadTreeNode(QuadTree.LEVEL_ROOT, pFloatBounds); } // =========================================================== // Getter & Setter // =========================================================== @Override public float getXMin() { return this.getRoot().getXMin(); } @Override public float getYMin() { return this.getRoot().getYMin(); } @Override public float getXMax() { return this.getRoot().getXMax(); } @Override public float getYMax() { return this.getRoot().getYMax(); } // =========================================================== // Methods for/from SuperClass/Interfaces // =========================================================== @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override protected FloatQuadTreeNode getRoot() { return (FloatQuadTreeNode) this.mRoot; } // =========================================================== // Methods // =========================================================== public synchronized ArrayList<T> query(final float pX, final float pY) { this.mQueryFloatBounds.set(pX, pY); return this.query(this.mQueryFloatBounds); } public synchronized <L extends List<T>> L query(final float pX, final float pY, final L pResult) { this.mQueryFloatBounds.set(pX, pY); return this.query(this.mQueryFloatBounds, pResult); } public synchronized ArrayList<T> query(final float pX, final float pY, final IMatcher<T> pMatcher) { this.mQueryFloatBounds.set(pX, pY); return this.query(this.mQueryFloatBounds, pMatcher); } public synchronized <L extends List<T>> L query(final float pX, final float pY, final IMatcher<T> pMatcher, final L pResult) { this.mQueryFloatBounds.set(pX, pY); return this.query(this.mQueryFloatBounds, pMatcher, pResult); } public synchronized ArrayList<T> query(final float pXMin, final float pYMin, final float pXMax, final float pYMax) { this.mQueryFloatBounds.set(pXMin, pYMin, pXMax, pYMax); return this.query(this.mQueryFloatBounds); } public synchronized <L extends List<T>> L query(final float pXMin, final float pYMin, final float pXMax, final float pYMax, final L pResult) { this.mQueryFloatBounds.set(pXMin, pYMin, pXMax, pYMax); return this.query(this.mQueryFloatBounds, pResult); } public synchronized ArrayList<T> query(final float pXMin, final float pYMin, final float pXMax, final float pYMax, final IMatcher<T> pMatcher) { this.mQueryFloatBounds.set(pXMin, pYMin, pXMax, pYMax); return this.query(this.mQueryFloatBounds, pMatcher); } public synchronized <L extends List<T>> L query(final float pXMin, final float pYMin, final float pXMax, final float pYMax, final IMatcher<T> pMatcher, final L pResult) { this.mQueryFloatBounds.set(pXMin, pYMin, pXMax, pYMax); return this.query(this.mQueryFloatBounds, pMatcher, pResult); } public synchronized <S extends T> List<S> queryForSubclass(final float pX, final float pY, final IMatcher<T> pMatcher, final List<S> pResult) throws ClassCastException { this.mQueryFloatBounds.set(pX, pY); return this.queryForSubclass(this.mQueryFloatBounds, pMatcher, pResult); } public synchronized <S extends T> List<S> queryForSubclass(final float pXMin, final float pYMin, final float pXMax, final float pYMax, final IMatcher<T> pMatcher, final List<S> pResult) throws ClassCastException { this.mQueryFloatBounds.set(pXMin, pYMin, pXMax, pYMax); return this.queryForSubclass(this.mQueryFloatBounds, pMatcher, pResult); } public synchronized boolean containsAny(final float pX, final float pY) { this.mQueryFloatBounds.set(pX, pY); return this.containsAny(this.mQueryFloatBounds); } public synchronized boolean containsAny(final float pXMin, final float pYMin, final float pXMax, final float pYMax) { this.mQueryFloatBounds.set(pXMin, pYMin, pXMax, pYMax); return this.containsAny(this.mQueryFloatBounds); } public synchronized boolean containsAny(final float pX, final float pY, final IMatcher<T> pMatcher) { this.mQueryFloatBounds.set(pX, pY); return this.containsAny(this.mQueryFloatBounds, pMatcher); } public synchronized boolean containsAny(final float pXMin, final float pYMin, final float pXMax, final float pYMax, final IMatcher<T> pMatcher) { this.mQueryFloatBounds.set(pXMin, pYMin, pXMax, pYMax); return this.containsAny(this.mQueryFloatBounds, pMatcher); } // =========================================================== // Inner and Anonymous Classes // =========================================================== public class FloatQuadTreeNode extends QuadTreeNode implements IFloatBounds { // =========================================================== // Constants // =========================================================== // =========================================================== // Fields // =========================================================== private final float mXMin; private final float mYMin; private final float mXMax; private final float mYMax; // =========================================================== // Constructors // =========================================================== public FloatQuadTreeNode(final int pLevel, final IFloatBounds pFloatBounds) { this(pLevel, pFloatBounds.getXMin(), pFloatBounds.getYMin(), pFloatBounds.getXMax(), pFloatBounds.getYMax()); } public FloatQuadTreeNode(final int pLevel, final float pXMin, final float pYMin, final float pXMax, final float pYMax) { super(pLevel); this.mXMin = pXMin; this.mYMin = pYMin; this.mXMax = pXMax; this.mYMax = pYMax; if(pXMin > pXMax) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("pXMin must be smaller or equal to pXMax."); } if(pYMin > pYMax) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("pYMin must be smaller or equal to pYMax."); } } // =========================================================== // Getter & Setter // =========================================================== @Override public float getXMin() { return this.mXMin; } @Override public float getYMin() { return this.mYMin; } @Override public float getXMax() { return this.mXMax; } @Override public float getYMax() { return this.mYMax; } public float getWidth() { return this.mXMax - this.mXMin; } public float getHeight() { return this.mYMax - this.mYMin; } // =========================================================== // Methods for/from SuperClass/Floaterfaces // =========================================================== @Override protected FloatQuadTreeNode split(final BoundsSplit pBoundsSplit) { final float xMin = this.getXMin(pBoundsSplit); final float yMin = this.getYMin(pBoundsSplit); final float xMax = this.getXMax(pBoundsSplit); final float yMax = this.getYMax(pBoundsSplit); return new FloatQuadTreeNode(this.mLevel + 1, xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax); } @Override protected boolean contains(final IFloatBounds pFloatBounds) { return this.contains(pFloatBounds.getXMin(), pFloatBounds.getYMin(), pFloatBounds.getXMax(), pFloatBounds.getYMax()); } @Override protected boolean contains(final BoundsSplit pBoundsSplit, final IFloatBounds pFloatBounds) { return FloatBoundsUtils.contains(this.getXMin(pBoundsSplit), this.getYMin(pBoundsSplit), this.getXMax(pBoundsSplit), this.getYMax(pBoundsSplit), pFloatBounds.getXMin(), pFloatBounds.getYMin(), pFloatBounds.getXMax(), pFloatBounds.getYMax()); } @Override protected boolean intersects(final IFloatBounds pFloatBounds) { return FloatBoundsUtils.intersects(this.mXMin, this.mYMin, this.mXMax, this.mYMax, pFloatBounds.getXMin(), pFloatBounds.getYMin(), pFloatBounds.getXMax(), pFloatBounds.getYMax()); } @Override protected boolean intersects(final IFloatBounds pFloatBoundsA, final IFloatBounds pFloatBoundsB) { return FloatBoundsUtils.intersects(pFloatBoundsA, pFloatBoundsB); } @Override protected boolean containedBy(final IFloatBounds pFloatBounds) { return FloatBoundsUtils.contains(pFloatBounds.getXMin(), pFloatBounds.getYMin(), pFloatBounds.getXMax(), pFloatBounds.getYMax(), this.mXMin, this.mYMin, this.mXMax, this.mYMax); } @Override protected void appendBoundsToString(final StringBuilder pStringBuilder) { pStringBuilder .append("[XMin: ") .append(this.mXMin) .append(", YMin: ") .append(this.mYMin) .append(", XMax: ") .append(this.mXMax) .append(", YMax: ") .append(this.mYMax) .append("]"); } // =========================================================== // Methods // =========================================================== private float getXMin(final BoundsSplit pBoundsSplit) { final float halfWidth = this.getWidth() / 2; switch(pBoundsSplit) { case TOP_LEFT: return this.mXMin; case TOP_RIGHT: return this.mXMin + halfWidth; case BOTTOM_LEFT: return this.mXMin; case BOTTOM_RIGHT: return this.mXMin + halfWidth; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected " + BoundsSplit.class.getSimpleName() + ": '" + pBoundsSplit + "'."); } } private float getYMin(final BoundsSplit pBoundsSplit) { final float halfHeight = this.getHeight() / 2; switch(pBoundsSplit) { case TOP_LEFT: return this.mYMin; case TOP_RIGHT: return this.mYMin; case BOTTOM_LEFT: return this.mYMin + halfHeight; case BOTTOM_RIGHT: return this.mYMin + halfHeight; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected " + BoundsSplit.class.getSimpleName() + ": '" + pBoundsSplit + "'."); } } private float getXMax(final BoundsSplit pBoundsSplit) { final float halfWidth = this.getWidth() / 2; switch(pBoundsSplit) { case TOP_LEFT: return this.mXMin + halfWidth; case TOP_RIGHT: return this.mXMax; case BOTTOM_LEFT: return this.mXMin + halfWidth; case BOTTOM_RIGHT: return this.mXMax; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected " + BoundsSplit.class.getSimpleName() + ": '" + pBoundsSplit + "'."); } } private float getYMax(final BoundsSplit pBoundsSplit) { final float halfHeight = this.getHeight() / 2; switch(pBoundsSplit) { case TOP_LEFT: return this.mYMin + halfHeight; case TOP_RIGHT: return this.mYMin + halfHeight; case BOTTOM_LEFT: return this.mYMax; case BOTTOM_RIGHT: return this.mYMax; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected " + BoundsSplit.class.getSimpleName() + ": '" + pBoundsSplit + "'."); } } public boolean intersects(final float pXMin, final float pYMin, final float pXMax, final float pYMax) { return FloatBoundsUtils.intersects(this.mXMin, this.mYMin, this.mXMax, this.mYMax, pXMin, pYMin, pXMax, pYMax); } public boolean contains(final float pXMin, final float pYMin, final float pXMax, final float pYMax) { return FloatBoundsUtils.contains(this.mXMin, this.mYMin, this.mXMax, this.mYMax, pXMin, pYMin, pXMax, pYMax); } // =========================================================== // Inner and Anonymous Classes // =========================================================== } }