package org.andengine.entity.sprite; import java.util.Arrays; import org.andengine.util.math.MathUtils; import org.andengine.util.modifier.IModifier.DeepCopyNotSupportedException; import org.andengine.util.time.TimeConstants; /** * (c) Zynga 2012 * * @author Nicolas Gramlich <> * @since 11:43:01 - 04.05.2012 */ public class AnimationData implements IAnimationData { // =========================================================== // Constants // =========================================================== // =========================================================== // Fields // =========================================================== private int mFrameCount; private int[] mFrames; private long[] mFrameDurations; private int mFirstFrameIndex; private int mLoopCount; private long[] mFrameEndsInNanoseconds; private long mAnimationDuration; // =========================================================== // Constructors // =========================================================== @Deprecated public AnimationData() { } public AnimationData(final long pFrameDurationEach, final int pFrameCount) { this.set(pFrameDurationEach, pFrameCount); } public AnimationData(final long pFrameDurationEach, final int pFrameCount, final boolean pLoop) { this.set(pFrameDurationEach, pFrameCount, pLoop); } public AnimationData(final long pFrameDurationEach, final int pFrameCount, final int pLoopCount) { this.set(pFrameDurationEach, pFrameCount, pLoopCount); } public AnimationData(final long[] pFrameDurations) { this.set(pFrameDurations); } public AnimationData(final long[] pFrameDurations, final boolean pLoop) { this.set(pFrameDurations, pLoop); } public AnimationData(final long[] pFrameDurations, final int pLoopCount) { this.set(pFrameDurations, pLoopCount); } public AnimationData(final long[] pFrameDurations, final int pFirstFrameIndex, final int pLastFrameIndex, final boolean pLoop) { this.set(pFrameDurations, pFirstFrameIndex, pLastFrameIndex, pLoop); } /** * Animate specifics frames. * * @param pFrameDurations must have the same length as pFrames. * @param pFrames indices of the frames to animate. * @param pLoopCount */ public AnimationData(final long[] pFrameDurations, final int[] pFrames, final int pLoopCount) { this.set(pFrameDurations, pFrames, pLoopCount); } /** * @param pFrameDurations must have the same length as pFirstFrameIndex to pLastFrameIndex. * @param pFirstFrameIndex * @param pLastFrameIndex * @param pLoopCount */ public AnimationData(final long[] pFrameDurations, final int pFirstFrameIndex, final int pLastFrameIndex, final int pLoopCount) { this.set(pFrameDurations, pFirstFrameIndex, pLastFrameIndex, pLoopCount); } public AnimationData(final IAnimationData pAnimationData) { this.set(pAnimationData); } @Override public IAnimationData deepCopy() throws DeepCopyNotSupportedException { return new AnimationData(this); } // =========================================================== // Getter & Setter // =========================================================== // =========================================================== // Methods for/from SuperClass/Interfaces // =========================================================== @Override public int[] getFrames() { return this.mFrames; } @Override public long[] getFrameDurations() { return this.mFrameDurations; } @Override public int getLoopCount() { return this.mLoopCount; } @Override public int getFrameCount() { return this.mFrameCount; } @Override public int getFirstFrameIndex() { return this.mFirstFrameIndex; } @Override public long getAnimationDuration() { return this.mAnimationDuration; } /** * @param pAnimationProgress in milliseconds. * @return */ @Override public int calculateCurrentFrameIndex(final long pAnimationProgress) { final long[] frameEnds = this.mFrameEndsInNanoseconds; final int frameCount = this.mFrameCount; for(int i = 0; i < frameCount; i++) { if(frameEnds[i] > pAnimationProgress) { return i; } } return frameCount - 1; } @Override public void set(final long pFrameDurationEach, final int pFrameCount) { this.set(pFrameDurationEach, pFrameCount, true); } @Override public void set(final long pFrameDurationEach, final int pFrameCount, final boolean pLoop) { this.set(pFrameDurationEach, pFrameCount, (pLoop) ? IAnimationData.LOOP_CONTINUOUS : 0); } @Override public void set(final long pFrameDurationEach, final int pFrameCount, final int pLoopCount) { this.set(AnimationData.fillFrameDurations(pFrameDurationEach, pFrameCount), pLoopCount); } @Override public void set(final long[] pFrameDurations) { this.set(pFrameDurations, true); } @Override public void set(final long[] pFrameDurations, final boolean pLoop) { this.set(pFrameDurations, (pLoop) ? IAnimationData.LOOP_CONTINUOUS : 0); } @Override public void set(final long[] pFrameDurations, final int pLoopCount) { this.set(pFrameDurations, 0, pFrameDurations.length - 1, pLoopCount); } @Override public void set(final long[] pFrameDurations, final int pFirstFrameIndex, final int pLastFrameIndex) { this.set(pFrameDurations, pFirstFrameIndex, pLastFrameIndex, true); } @Override public void set(final long[] pFrameDurations, final int pFirstFrameIndex, final int pLastFrameIndex, final boolean pLoop) { this.set(pFrameDurations, pFirstFrameIndex, pLastFrameIndex, (pLoop) ? IAnimationData.LOOP_CONTINUOUS : 0); } /** * @param pFrameDurations must have the same length as pFirstFrameIndex to pLastFrameIndex. * @param pFirstFrameIndex * @param pLastFrameIndex * @param pLoopCount */ @Override public void set(final long[] pFrameDurations, final int pFirstFrameIndex, final int pLastFrameIndex, final int pLoopCount) { this.set(pFrameDurations, (pLastFrameIndex - pFirstFrameIndex) + 1, null, pFirstFrameIndex, pLoopCount); if((pFirstFrameIndex + 1) > pLastFrameIndex) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("An animation needs at least two tiles to animate between."); } } /** * Animate specifics frames. * * @param pFrameDurations must have the same length as pFrames. * @param pFrames indices of the frames to animate. */ @Override public void set(final long[] pFrameDurations, final int[] pFrames) { this.set(pFrameDurations, pFrames, true); } /** * Animate specifics frames. * * @param pFrameDurations must have the same length as pFrames. * @param pFrames indices of the frames to animate. * @param pLoop */ @Override public void set(final long[] pFrameDurations, final int[] pFrames, final boolean pLoop) { this.set(pFrameDurations, pFrames, (pLoop) ? IAnimationData.LOOP_CONTINUOUS : 0); } /** * Animate specifics frames. * * @param pFrameDurations must have the same length as pFrames. * @param pFrames indices of the frames to animate. * @param pLoopCount */ @Override public void set(final long[] pFrameDurations, final int[] pFrames, final int pLoopCount) { this.set(pFrameDurations, pFrames.length, pFrames, 0, pLoopCount); } @Override public void set(final IAnimationData pAnimationData) { this.set(pAnimationData.getFrameDurations(), pAnimationData.getFrameCount(), pAnimationData.getFrames(), pAnimationData.getFirstFrameIndex(), pAnimationData.getLoopCount()); } private void set(final long[] pFrameDurations, final int pFrameCount, final int[] pFrames, final int pFirstFrameIndex, final int pLoopCount) { if(pFrameDurations.length != pFrameCount) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("pFrameDurations does not equal pFrameCount!"); } this.mFrameDurations = pFrameDurations; this.mFrameCount = pFrameCount; this.mFrames = pFrames; this.mFirstFrameIndex = pFirstFrameIndex; this.mLoopCount = pLoopCount; if((this.mFrameEndsInNanoseconds == null) || (this.mFrameCount > this.mFrameEndsInNanoseconds.length)) { this.mFrameEndsInNanoseconds = new long[this.mFrameCount]; } final long[] frameEndsInNanoseconds = this.mFrameEndsInNanoseconds; MathUtils.arraySumInto(this.mFrameDurations, frameEndsInNanoseconds, TimeConstants.NANOSECONDS_PER_MILLISECOND); final long lastFrameEnd = frameEndsInNanoseconds[this.mFrameCount - 1]; this.mAnimationDuration = lastFrameEnd; } // =========================================================== // Methods // =========================================================== private static long[] fillFrameDurations(final long pFrameDurationEach, final int pFrameCount) { final long[] frameDurations = new long[pFrameCount]; Arrays.fill(frameDurations, pFrameDurationEach); return frameDurations; } // =========================================================== // Inner and Anonymous Classes // =========================================================== }