package org.andengine.util.adt.transformation; import org.andengine.util.math.MathConstants; import android.util.FloatMath; /** * <p>This class is basically a java-space replacement for the native {@link} class.</p> * * <p>Math taken from <a href=""></a>.</p> * * This class represents an affine transformation with the following matrix: * <pre> [ a , b , 0 ] * [ c , d , 0 ] * [ tx, ty, 1 ]</pre> * where: * <ul> * <li><b>a</b> is the <b>x scale</b></li> * <li><b>b</b> is the <b>y skew</b></li> * <li><b>c</b> is the <b>x skew</b></li> * <li><b>d</b> is the <b>y scale</b></li> * <li><b>tx</b> is the <b>x translation</b></li> * <li><b>ty</b> is the <b>y translation</b></li> * </ul> * * (c) 2010 Nicolas Gramlich * (c) 2011 Zynga Inc. * * @author Nicolas Gramlich * @since 15:47:18 - 23.12.2010 */ public class Transformation { // =========================================================== // Constants // =========================================================== // =========================================================== // Fields // =========================================================== private float a = 1.0f; /* x scale */ private float b = 0.0f; /* y skew */ private float c = 0.0f; /* x skew */ private float d = 1.0f; /* y scale */ private float tx = 0.0f; /* x translation */ private float ty = 0.0f; /* y translation */ // =========================================================== // Constructors // =========================================================== public Transformation() { } // =========================================================== // Getter & Setter // =========================================================== // =========================================================== // Methods for/from SuperClass/Interfaces // =========================================================== @Override public String toString() { return "Transformation{[" + this.a + ", " + this.c + ", " + this.tx + "][" + this.b + ", " + this.d + ", " + this.ty + "][0.0, 0.0, 1.0]}"; } // =========================================================== // Methods // =========================================================== public final void reset() { this.setToIdentity(); } public final void setToIdentity() { this.a = 1.0f; this.d = 1.0f; this.b = 0.0f; this.c = 0.0f; this.tx = 0.0f; this.ty = 0.0f; } public final void setTo(final Transformation pTransformation) { this.a = pTransformation.a; this.d = pTransformation.d; this.b = pTransformation.b; this.c = pTransformation.c; this.tx = pTransformation.tx; this.ty = pTransformation.ty; } public final void preTranslate(final float pX, final float pY) { this.tx += pX * this.a + pY * this.c; this.ty += pX * this.b + pY * this.d; } public final void postTranslate(final float pX, final float pY) { this.tx += pX; this.ty += pY; } public final Transformation setToTranslate(final float pX, final float pY) { this.a = 1.0f; this.b = 0.0f; this.c = 0.0f; this.d = 1.0f; this.tx = pX; this.ty = pY; return this; } public final void preRotate(final float pAngle) { final float angleRad = MathConstants.DEG_TO_RAD * pAngle; final float sin = FloatMath.sin(angleRad); final float cos = FloatMath.cos(angleRad); final float a = this.a; final float b = this.b; final float c = this.c; final float d = this.d; this.a = cos * a + sin * c; this.b = cos * b + sin * d; this.c = cos * c - sin * a; this.d = cos * d - sin * b; } public final void postRotate(final float pAngle) { final float angleRad = MathConstants.DEG_TO_RAD * pAngle; final float sin = FloatMath.sin(angleRad); final float cos = FloatMath.cos(angleRad); final float a = this.a; final float b = this.b; final float c = this.c; final float d = this.d; final float tx = this.tx; final float ty = this.ty; this.a = a * cos - b * sin; this.b = a * sin + b * cos; this.c = c * cos - d * sin; this.d = c * sin + d * cos; this.tx = tx * cos - ty * sin; this.ty = tx * sin + ty * cos; } public final Transformation setToRotate(final float pAngle) { final float angleRad = MathConstants.DEG_TO_RAD * pAngle; final float sin = FloatMath.sin(angleRad); final float cos = FloatMath.cos(angleRad); this.a = cos; this.b = sin; this.c = -sin; this.d = cos; this.tx = 0.0f; this.ty = 0.0f; return this; } public final void preScale(final float pScaleX, final float pScaleY) { this.a *= pScaleX; this.b *= pScaleX; this.c *= pScaleY; this.d *= pScaleY; } public final void postScale(final float pScaleX, final float pScaleY) { this.a = this.a * pScaleX; this.b = this.b * pScaleY; this.c = this.c * pScaleX; this.d = this.d * pScaleY; this.tx = this.tx * pScaleX; this.ty = this.ty * pScaleY; } public final Transformation setToScale(final float pScaleX, final float pScaleY) { this.a = pScaleX; this.b = 0.0f; this.c = 0.0f; this.d = pScaleY; this.tx = 0.0f; this.ty = 0.0f; return this; } public final void preSkew(final float pSkewX, final float pSkewY) { final float tanX = (float) Math.tan(-MathConstants.DEG_TO_RAD * pSkewX); final float tanY = (float) Math.tan(-MathConstants.DEG_TO_RAD * pSkewY); final float a = this.a; final float b = this.b; final float c = this.c; final float d = this.d; final float tx = this.tx; final float ty = this.ty; this.a = a + tanY * c; this.b = b + tanY * d; this.c = tanX * a + c; this.d = tanX * b + d; this.tx = tx; this.ty = ty; } public final void postSkew(final float pSkewX, final float pSkewY) { final float tanX = (float) Math.tan(-MathConstants.DEG_TO_RAD * pSkewX); final float tanY = (float) Math.tan(-MathConstants.DEG_TO_RAD * pSkewY); final float a = this.a; final float b = this.b; final float c = this.c; final float d = this.d; final float tx = this.tx; final float ty = this.ty; this.a = a + b * tanX; this.b = a * tanY + b; this.c = c + d * tanX; this.d = c * tanY + d; this.tx = tx + ty * tanX; this.ty = tx * tanY + ty; } public final Transformation setToSkew(final float pSkewX, final float pSkewY) { this.a = 1.0f; this.b = (float) Math.tan(-MathConstants.DEG_TO_RAD * pSkewY); this.c = (float) Math.tan(-MathConstants.DEG_TO_RAD * pSkewX); this.d = 1.0f; this.tx = 0.0f; this.ty = 0.0f; return this; } public final void postConcat(final Transformation pTransformation) { this.postConcat(pTransformation.a, pTransformation.b, pTransformation.c, pTransformation.d, pTransformation.tx, pTransformation.ty); } private void postConcat(final float pA, final float pB, final float pC, final float pD, final float pTX, final float pTY) { final float a = this.a; final float b = this.b; final float c = this.c; final float d = this.d; final float tx = this.tx; final float ty = this.ty; this.a = a * pA + b * pC; this.b = a * pB + b * pD; this.c = c * pA + d * pC; this.d = c * pB + d * pD; this.tx = tx * pA + ty * pC + pTX; this.ty = tx * pB + ty * pD + pTY; } public final void preConcat(final Transformation pTransformation) { this.preConcat(pTransformation.a, pTransformation.b, pTransformation.c, pTransformation.d, pTransformation.tx, pTransformation.ty); } private void preConcat(final float pA, final float pB, final float pC, final float pD, final float pTX, final float pTY) { final float a = this.a; final float b = this.b; final float c = this.c; final float d = this.d; final float tx = this.tx; final float ty = this.ty; this.a = pA * a + pB * c; this.b = pA * b + pB * d; this.c = pC * a + pD * c; this.d = pC * b + pD * d; this.tx = pTX * a + pTY * c + tx; this.ty = pTX * b + pTY * d + ty; } public final void transform(final float[] pVertices) { int count = pVertices.length >> 1; int i = 0; int j = 0; while(--count >= 0) { final float x = pVertices[i++]; final float y = pVertices[i++]; pVertices[j++] = x * this.a + y * this.c + this.tx; pVertices[j++] = x * this.b + y * this.d + this.ty; } } // =========================================================== // Inner and Anonymous Classes // =========================================================== }