package edu.stanford.rsl.tutorial.truncation; import; import; import; import edu.stanford.rsl.tutorial.parallel.ParallelBackprojector2D; import edu.stanford.rsl.tutorial.parallel.ParallelProjector2D; import edu.stanford.rsl.tutorial.phantoms.SimpleGridsForTruncationCorrection; import ij.ImageJ; /** Jennifer Maier * * This class creates the sinogram of a simple grid, which is afterwards truncated. * The truncated sinogram is then corrected by extrapolating with a polynomial for each row. * */ public class PolynomialTruncationCorrectionExample { public PolynomialTruncationCorrectionExample(){} public static void main(String[] args) { new ImageJ(); PolynomialTruncationCorrectionExample T = new PolynomialTruncationCorrectionExample(); // create Phantom int imageSize = 200; double maxS = 200.0; double deltaS = 1.0; int numTheta = 360; int truncationSize = 40; // third parameter: // 0: circle, 1: ellipse, 2: sqaure SimpleGridsForTruncationCorrection original = new SimpleGridsForTruncationCorrection(imageSize, imageSize, 2);"original image"); // get and show Sinogram of the cylinder ParallelProjector2D projector2d = new ParallelProjector2D(Math.PI, Math.PI/(numTheta-1), maxS, deltaS); Grid2D sinogram = projector2d.projectRayDrivenCL(original);"original sinogram"); // apply ramlak filter to sinogram Grid2D origSino = new Grid2D(sinogram); T.ramlak(origSino); // backproject original ParallelBackprojector2D backprojector = new ParallelBackprojector2D(imageSize, imageSize, 1, 1); Grid2D backproj = backprojector.backprojectRayDriven(origSino);"original backprojected (ramlak filtered)"); // truncate Sinogram Grid2D truncatedSinogram = T.getTruncatedSinogram(sinogram, truncationSize); truncatedSinogram.setSpacing(sinogram.getSpacing());"truncated sinogram"); Grid2D truncatedSinogramCopy = new Grid2D(truncatedSinogram); T.ramlak(truncatedSinogramCopy); Grid2D truncatedBackprojected = backprojector.backprojectRayDriven(truncatedSinogramCopy);"truncated backprojected (ramlak filtered)"); // correct truncation using polynomials Grid2D correctedSinogram = T.polynomialTruncationCorrection(truncatedSinogram); correctedSinogram.setSpacing(sinogram.getSpacing()); // add black regions on each side to ensure correct reconstruction Grid2D broaderCorrectedSinogram = T.addBlackOnSides(correctedSinogram, sinogram); broaderCorrectedSinogram.setSpacing(sinogram.getSpacing());"corrected sinogram"); // apply ramlak filter to corrected sinogram T.ramlak(broaderCorrectedSinogram); // backproject corrected sinogram ParallelBackprojector2D backprojector2 = new ParallelBackprojector2D(imageSize, imageSize, 1, 1); Grid2D correctedBackproj = backprojector2.backprojectRayDriven(broaderCorrectedSinogram);"corrected backprojected (ramlak filtered)"); } /** * correct truncation with a polynomial in each row * * @param truncatedSinogram truncated sinogram that has to be corrected */ private Grid2D polynomialTruncationCorrection(Grid2D truncatedSinogram) { // get L for each angle int[] l = getL(truncatedSinogram); int maxL = max(l); // get derivative of truncated Sinogram Grid2D firstDerivativeTruncatedSinogram = derive(truncatedSinogram); // get width of the truncated sinogram int truncatedSinogramWidth = getSinogramWidth(truncatedSinogram); int R = truncatedSinogramWidth/2; Grid2D correctedSinogram = new Grid2D(2*maxL, truncatedSinogram.getHeight()); int posDerivative = (int) Math.floor(0.5f*(truncatedSinogram.getWidth()-truncatedSinogramWidth)); // correct Sinogram on right and left side for (int sinoRow = 0; sinoRow < correctedSinogram.getHeight(); sinoRow++) { //get L, p', p for computation of a, b, c double L = l[sinoRow]; double pPrime_left = firstDerivativeTruncatedSinogram.getAtIndex(posDerivative, sinoRow); double p_left = truncatedSinogram.getAtIndex(posDerivative, sinoRow); double pPrime_right = firstDerivativeTruncatedSinogram.getAtIndex(firstDerivativeTruncatedSinogram.getWidth()-posDerivative-1, sinoRow); double p_right = truncatedSinogram.getAtIndex(truncatedSinogram.getWidth()-posDerivative-1, sinoRow); double a_right = (p_right*p_right - 2*p_right*pPrime_right*(R-L))/(3*R*R-L*L-2*R*L); double b_right = 2*p_right*pPrime_right + 2*a_right*R; double c_right = -a_right*L*L - b_right*L; double a_left = (p_left*p_left - 2*p_left*pPrime_left*((-R)-(-L)))/(3*(-R)*(-R)-(-L)*(-L)-2*(-R)*(-L)); double b_left = 2*p_left*pPrime_left + 2*a_left*(-R); double c_left = -a_left*(-L)*(-L) - b_left*(-L); // add polynomial on left and right side for (int col = 0; col < L-truncatedSinogramWidth/2; col++) { correctedSinogram.setAtIndex(maxL-R-col, sinoRow, (float) Math.sqrt(a_left*(-R-col)*(-R-col)+b_left*(-R-col)+c_left)); correctedSinogram.setAtIndex(maxL+R+col, sinoRow, (float) Math.sqrt(a_right*(R+col)*(R+col)+b_right*(R+col)+c_right)); } // take original values in between for (int col = 0; col < truncatedSinogramWidth; col++) { correctedSinogram.setAtIndex(maxL-truncatedSinogramWidth/2 + col, sinoRow, truncatedSinogram.getAtIndex(posDerivative+col, sinoRow)); } } return correctedSinogram; } /** * truncate sinogram: delete values at left and right side * * @param sinogram sinogram that will be truncated * @param truncationWidth number of pixels that are deleted in each row * starting from left and right image boarder */ private Grid2D getTruncatedSinogram(Grid2D sinogram, int truncationWidth) { Grid2D truncatedSinogram = new Grid2D(sinogram); for (int row = 0; row < sinogram.getHeight(); row++) { for (int col = 0; col < truncationWidth; col++) { truncatedSinogram.setAtIndex(col, row, 0.0f); truncatedSinogram.setAtIndex(truncatedSinogram.getWidth()-1-col, row, 0.0f); } } return truncatedSinogram; } /** * add black on the sides of the corrected sinogram (for reconstruction) * * @param correctedSinogram sinogram to which black will be added * @param originalSinogram the resulting sinogram will have the same width as this Grid2D */ private Grid2D addBlackOnSides(Grid2D correctedSinogram, Grid2D originalSinogram) { Grid2D result = new Grid2D(originalSinogram.getWidth(), correctedSinogram.getHeight()); for (int row = 0; row < result.getHeight(); row ++) { for (int col = 0; col < result.getWidth(); col++) { result.setAtIndex(col, row, 0.0f); } } int begin = (result.getWidth()-correctedSinogram.getWidth())/2; for (int row = 0; row < result.getHeight(); row++) { for (int col = 0; col < correctedSinogram.getWidth(); col++) { result.setAtIndex(col+begin, row, correctedSinogram.getAtIndex(col, row)); } } return result; } /** * get actual width of sinogram (from first to last non-zero value) * * @param truncatedSinogram */ private int getSinogramWidth(Grid2D truncatedSinogram) { int start = truncatedSinogram.getWidth(); int end = 0; for (int row = 0; row < truncatedSinogram.getHeight(); row++) { boolean rowStartFound = false; boolean rowEndFound = false; for (int col = 0; col < truncatedSinogram.getWidth(); col++) { if (rowStartFound == false && truncatedSinogram.getAtIndex(col, row) != 0.0f && !Double.isNaN(truncatedSinogram.getAtIndex(col, row)) ) { if (col < start) { start = col; } rowStartFound = true; } if (rowEndFound == false && truncatedSinogram.getAtIndex(truncatedSinogram.getWidth()-1-col, row) != 0.0f && !Double.isNaN(truncatedSinogram.getAtIndex(truncatedSinogram.getWidth()-1-col, row)) ){ if (truncatedSinogram.getWidth()-col > end) { end = truncatedSinogram.getWidth()-col; } rowEndFound = true; } if (rowStartFound && rowEndFound) break; } } return end-start; } /** * get derivative along rows * * @param sinogram */ private Grid2D derive(Grid2D sinogram) { Grid2D firstDerivative = new Grid2D(sinogram.getWidth()-1, sinogram.getHeight()); for (int row = 0; row < sinogram.getHeight(); row++) { for (int col = 0; col < firstDerivative.getWidth(); col++) { firstDerivative.setAtIndex(col, row, sinogram.getAtIndex(col+1, row) - sinogram.getAtIndex(col, row)); } } return firstDerivative; } /** * find maximum of an positive integer array * * @param l */ private int max(int[] l) { int curr_max = 0; for (int i = 0; i < l.length; i++) { if (l[i] > curr_max) { curr_max = l[i]; } } return curr_max; } /** * get width L of polynomial for each row in the polynomial truncation correction * * @param sinogram */ private int[] getL(Grid2D sinogram) { double deltaTheta = 180.0f/sinogram.getHeight(); int[] L = new int[sinogram.getHeight()]; double mu_average = 1.0f; for (int row = 0; row < sinogram.getHeight(); row++) { double theta = row * deltaTheta; double thetaRad = theta * (Math.PI/180); double max = 0.0f; for (int rowPrime = (int) (row - 90/deltaTheta); rowPrime < (int) (row + 90/deltaTheta); rowPrime++) { boolean changedThetaPrimeMin = false; boolean changedThetaPrimePlus = false; if (rowPrime >= sinogram.getHeight()) { rowPrime -= sinogram.getHeight(); changedThetaPrimeMin = true; } else if (rowPrime < 0) { rowPrime += sinogram.getHeight(); changedThetaPrimePlus = true; } double thetaPrime = rowPrime * deltaTheta; double thetaPrimeRad = thetaPrime * (Math.PI/180); for (int s = 0; s < sinogram.getWidth(); s++) { double curr_L = sinogram.getAtIndex(s, rowPrime) * Math.sin(thetaRad - thetaPrimeRad) / mu_average; if (Math.abs(curr_L) > max) { max = Math.abs(curr_L); } } if (changedThetaPrimeMin) { rowPrime += sinogram.getHeight(); } else if (changedThetaPrimePlus) { rowPrime -= sinogram.getHeight(); } } L[row] = (int) max/2; } return L; } /** * RamLak filtering of the input sinogram * * @param sinogram */ public void ramlak(Grid2D sinogram) { Grid1DComplex[] sinogramTransform = new Grid1DComplex[(sinogram.getHeight())]; Grid1D[] filteredSinogram = new Grid1D[(sinogram.getHeight())]; Grid1DComplex ramlacFilter = new Grid1DComplex(sinogram.getWidth()); int middle = (int) ramlacFilter.getSize()[0]/2; ramlacFilter.setRealAtIndex(middle, 1.0f/4); for (int i = middle + 1; i < ramlacFilter.getSize()[0]; i+=2) { ramlacFilter.setRealAtIndex(i, (float) (-1.0f/((i-middle)*(i-middle)*Math.PI*Math.PI))); ramlacFilter.setImagAtIndex(i, 0); } for (int i = middle - 1; i >= 0; i-=2) { ramlacFilter.setRealAtIndex(i, (float) (-1.0f/((i-middle)*(i-middle)*Math.PI*Math.PI))); ramlacFilter.setImagAtIndex(i, 0); } ramlacFilter.transformForward(); for (int row = 0; row < sinogram.getHeight(); row++) { sinogramTransform[row] = new Grid1DComplex(sinogram.getSubGrid(row)); sinogramTransform[row].transformForward(); for (int i = 0; i < ramlacFilter.getSize()[0]; i++) { sinogramTransform[row].multiplyAtIndex(i, ramlacFilter.getAtIndex(i)); } sinogramTransform[row].transformInverse(); filteredSinogram[row] = sinogramTransform[row].getRealSubGrid(0,sinogram.getWidth()); } for (int row = 0; row < sinogram.getHeight(); row++) { for (int col = 0; col < sinogram.getWidth(); col++) { sinogram.setAtIndex(col, row, filteredSinogram[row].getAtIndex(col)); } } } } /* * Copyright (C) 2015 Jennifer Maier, * CONRAD is developed as an Open Source project under the GNU General Public License (GPL). */