package edu.stanford.rsl.tutorial.scalespace; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import edu.stanford.rsl.tutorial.filters.RamLakKernel; import edu.stanford.rsl.tutorial.phantoms.SheppLogan; import edu.stanford.rsl.tutorial.phantoms.UniformCircleGrid2D; import edu.stanford.rsl.tutorial.atract.LaplaceKernel2D; import edu.stanford.rsl.tutorial.atract.LaplaceKernel1D; import ij.ImageJ; /** * Class to convolve projection images of a phantom with either a Gaussian, Laplacian or a Laplacian of Gaussian. * Different values for sigma are used to show the impact of their size. Moreover, it is possible to compare the * Laplacian of Gaussian with the successive application of filtering an image with the Gaussian and then with the * Laplacian. * * @author Markus Wolf */ public class ScaleSpaceStudies extends Grid2D { public static void main(String args[]) { new ImageJ(); // phantom respectively image parameters int phantomType = 4; // 0 = custom phantom // 1 = SheppLogan // 2 = UniformCircleGrid2D // 3 = Ring // 4 = Dartboard int phantomWidth = 256, phantomHeight = 256; int imgSizeX = phantomWidth, imgSizeY = phantomHeight; // parameters for Gaussian/Laplacian of Gaussian int kernelsize = 30; int method = 2; // 0 = Gaussian // 1 = Laplace // 2 = Laplacian of Gaussian (LoG) // 3 = Comparison between LoG referred to method 2 and applying Laplacian on a Gaussian double[] sigmaValue = {0.1, 1.0, 3.0, 5.0}; // fan beam bp parameters double gammaM = 11.768288932020647*Math.PI/180, maxT = (int)Math.round(Math.sqrt((phantomWidth*phantomWidth) + (phantomHeight*phantomHeight))), deltaT = 1.0, focalLength = (maxT/2.0-0.5)*deltaT/Math.tan(gammaM), maxBeta = 360*Math.PI/180, deltaBeta = maxBeta / 180; // create phantom Grid2D phantom; switch(phantomType) { case 0: phantom = new ScaleSpaceStudies(phantomWidth, phantomHeight); break; case 1: phantom = new SheppLogan(phantomWidth,false); break; case 2: phantom = new UniformCircleGrid2D(phantomWidth, phantomHeight); break; case 3: Grid2D outerCircle = new UniformCircleGrid2D(phantomWidth, phantomHeight, 0.4); Grid2D innerCircle = new UniformCircleGrid2D(phantomWidth, phantomHeight, 0.37); phantom = new Grid2D(outerCircle); NumericPointwiseOperators.subtractBy(phantom, innerCircle); break; case 4: phantom = phantomDartboard(phantomWidth, phantomHeight, 0.4); break; default: phantom = new SheppLogan(phantomWidth,false); }"phantom"); // create projections (sinogram) out of the phantom FanBeamProjector2D fanBeamProjector = new FanBeamProjector2D(focalLength, maxBeta, deltaBeta, maxT, deltaT); Grid2D projectionP = new Grid2D(phantom); Grid2D fanBeamSinoRay = fanBeamProjector.projectRayDrivenCL(projectionP);"sinogram"); // Laplacian image (method 1) if (method == 1) { // create sinogram Grid2D sinoLaplace = new Grid2D(fanBeamSinoRay); // apply Laplacian LaplaceKernel2D laplacianKernelSino = new LaplaceKernel2D(); laplacianKernelSino.applyToGrid(sinoLaplace);"laplacian sinogram"); // correct the sinogram RamLakKernel ramLakLaplace = new RamLakKernel((int) (maxT / deltaT), deltaT); CosineFilter cKernLaplace = new CosineFilter(focalLength, maxT, deltaT); // apply filtering for (int theta = 0; theta < sinoLaplace.getSize()[1]; ++theta) { cKernLaplace.applyToGrid(sinoLaplace.getSubGrid(theta)); } for (int theta = 0; theta < sinoLaplace.getSize()[1]; ++theta) { ramLakLaplace.applyToGrid(sinoLaplace.getSubGrid(theta)); } // do the backprojection FanBeamBackprojector2D fbpLaplace = new FanBeamBackprojector2D(focalLength, deltaT, deltaBeta, imgSizeX, imgSizeY); Grid2D recoWorkingGridLaplace; recoWorkingGridLaplace = fbpLaplace.backprojectPixelDrivenCL(sinoLaplace);"laplace reconstruction"); } // calculate Gaussian (method 0) or Laplacian of Gaussian (method 2) on projection images for different values of sigma if (method == 0 || method == 2) { for (int i = 0; i < sigmaValue.length; i++) { Grid2D workingGrid; switch (method){ case 0: workingGrid = gaussianSinogram(fanBeamSinoRay, sigmaValue[i]);"gaussian (sigma=" + sigmaValue[i] + ") sinogram"); break; case 2: workingGrid = laplacianOfGaussianSinogram(fanBeamSinoRay, kernelsize, sigmaValue[i]);"laplacian of gaussian (sigma=" + sigmaValue[i] + ") sinogram"); break; default: workingGrid = laplacianOfGaussianSinogram(fanBeamSinoRay, kernelsize, sigmaValue[i]);"laplacian of gaussian (sigma=" + sigmaValue[i] + ") sinogram"); } // correct the sinograms RamLakKernel ramLak = new RamLakKernel((int) (maxT / deltaT), deltaT); CosineFilter cKern = new CosineFilter(focalLength, maxT, deltaT); // apply filtering for (int theta = 0; theta < workingGrid.getSize()[1]; ++theta) { cKern.applyToGrid(workingGrid.getSubGrid(theta)); } for (int theta = 0; theta < workingGrid.getSize()[1]; ++theta) { ramLak.applyToGrid(workingGrid.getSubGrid(theta)); } // do the backprojection FanBeamBackprojector2D fbp = new FanBeamBackprojector2D(focalLength, deltaT, deltaBeta, imgSizeX, imgSizeY); Grid2D recoWorkingGrid; switch (method) { case 0: recoWorkingGrid = fbp.backprojectPixelDrivenCL(workingGrid);"gaussian (sigma=" + sigmaValue[i] + ") reconstruction"); break; case 2: recoWorkingGrid = fbp.backprojectPixelDrivenCL(workingGrid);"laplacian of gaussian (sigma=" + sigmaValue[i] + ") reconstruction"); break; default: recoWorkingGrid = fbp.backprojectPixelDrivenCL(workingGrid);"laplacian of gaussian (sigma=" + sigmaValue[i] + ") reconstruction"); } // difference between phantom and reconstruction // HINT: Only makes sense for Gaussian. if (method == 0) { NumericGrid recoDiff = NumericPointwiseOperators.subtractedBy(phantom, recoWorkingGrid);"gaussian (sigma=" + sigmaValue[i] + ") RecoDiff"); } } } // difference between LoG and Laplacian on Gaussian (method 3) if (method == 3) { for (int i = 0; i < sigmaValue.length; i++) { Grid2D workingGridLoG; Grid2D workingGridLaplace; // sinogram LoG workingGridLoG = laplacianOfGaussianSinogram(fanBeamSinoRay, kernelsize, sigmaValue[i]);"laplacian of gaussian (sigma=" + sigmaValue[i] + ") sinogram"); // applying Laplace on gaussian sinogram workingGridLaplace = gaussianSinogram(fanBeamSinoRay, sigmaValue[i]); // LaplaceKernel2D laplacianKernel = new LaplaceKernel2D(); LaplaceKernel1D laplacianKernel = new LaplaceKernel1D(workingGridLaplace.getSize()[0]); laplacianKernel.applyToGrid(workingGridLaplace);"laplacian on gaussian (sigma=" + sigmaValue[i] + ") sinogram"); // correct the sinograms RamLakKernel ramLak = new RamLakKernel((int) (maxT / deltaT), deltaT); CosineFilter cKern = new CosineFilter(focalLength, maxT, deltaT); // apply filtering for (int theta = 0; theta < workingGridLoG.getSize()[1]; ++theta) { cKern.applyToGrid(workingGridLoG.getSubGrid(theta)); cKern.applyToGrid(workingGridLaplace.getSubGrid(theta)); } for (int theta = 0; theta < workingGridLoG.getSize()[1]; ++theta) { ramLak.applyToGrid(workingGridLoG.getSubGrid(theta)); ramLak.applyToGrid(workingGridLaplace.getSubGrid(theta)); } // do the backprojection FanBeamBackprojector2D fbp = new FanBeamBackprojector2D(focalLength, deltaT, deltaBeta, imgSizeX, imgSizeY); Grid2D recoWorkingGridLoG; Grid2D recoWorkingGridLaplace; recoWorkingGridLoG = fbp.backprojectPixelDrivenCL(workingGridLoG);"laplacian of gaussian (sigma=" + sigmaValue[i] + ") reconstruction"); recoWorkingGridLaplace = fbp.backprojectPixelDrivenCL(workingGridLaplace);"laplacian on gaussian (sigma=" + sigmaValue[i] + ") reconstruction"); // Difference between LoG and applying Laplacian on a Gaussian NumericGrid diff = NumericPointwiseOperators.subtractedBy(recoWorkingGridLoG, recoWorkingGridLaplace);"LoG - laplacian on gaussian (sigma=" + sigmaValue[i] + ")"); } } } /** * create own phantom consisting of * <ul><li>a big circle with the intensity 1.0, * <li>a small circle with the intensity 1.5, * <li>an ellipse with the intensity 0.9, * <li>a rectangle with the intensity 1.5 */ public ScaleSpaceStudies(int width, int height){ super(width, height); // center of grid final double ctr_w = width/2; final double ctr_h = height/2; // put some concrete shapes in the phantom for (int i = 0; i < width; i++){ for (int j = 0; j < height; j++){ // big circle if(((i-ctr_w-10)*(i-ctr_w-10)+(j-ctr_h-10)*(j-ctr_h-10)) < Math.pow(19, 2)){ putPixelValue(i,j,1.0); } // small circle if(((i-ctr_w+10)*(i-ctr_w+10)+(j-ctr_h+10)*(j-ctr_h+10)) < Math.pow(1.5, 2)){ putPixelValue(i,j,1.5); } // left ellipse if((((i-ctr_w+35)*(i-ctr_w+35))/26+((j-ctr_h+20)*(j-ctr_h+20)))/32 < 1){ putPixelValue(i,j,0.9); } } } // rectangle for (int i = 10; i < ctr_w; i++){ for (int j = (int)ctr_h; j < height-15; j++){ if (getPixelValue(i,j) == 0){ putPixelValue(i,j,1.5); } else { putPixelValue(i,j, getPixelValue(i,j)+1.5); } } } } /** * create phantom that looks like a dartboard with 9 rings */ public static Grid2D phantomDartboard(int width, int height, double r){ Grid2D dartboard = new Grid2D(width, height); float[] val = {0.05f, 0.06f, 0.08f, 0.09f, 0.1f, 0.13f, 0.14f, 0.15f, 0.2f}; double[] radius = {r * width, (r-0.03)*width, (r-0.06)*width, (r-0.1)*width, (r-0.2)*width, (r-0.25)*width, (r-0.30)*width, (r-0.35)*width, (r-0.38)*width}; int xcenter = width / 2; int ycenter = height / 2; for (int k = 0; k < val.length; k++) { for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) { if (Math.pow(i - xcenter, 2) + Math.pow(j - ycenter, 2) <= (radius[k] * radius[k])) { dartboard.addAtIndex(i, j, val[k]); } } } } return dartboard; } /** * convolution of sinogram and Gaussian -> multiplication in Fourier Space */ public static Grid2D gaussianSinogram(Grid2D sinogram, double sigma) { Grid2D gausSinogram = new Grid2D(sinogram); for(int i = 0; i < sinogram.getHeight(); i++){ Grid1DComplex sinoRows = new Grid1DComplex(sinogram.getSubGrid(i)); // Fourier Transformation sinoRows.transformForward(); for(int j = 0; j < sinoRows.getSize()[0]/2; j++){ double omega = j*(2*Math.PI/sinoRows.getSize()[0]); float gausValueReal = sinoRows.getRealAtIndex(j)*(float)Math.exp(-0.5*Math.pow(sigma, 2)*Math.pow(omega, 2)); float gausValueImag = sinoRows.getImagAtIndex(j)*(float)Math.exp(-0.5*Math.pow(sigma, 2)*Math.pow(omega, 2)); sinoRows.setRealAtIndex(j, gausValueReal); sinoRows.setImagAtIndex(j, gausValueImag); } for(int j = sinoRows.getSize()[0]/2; j < sinoRows.getSize()[0]; j++){ double omega = (j - sinoRows.getSize()[0])*(2*Math.PI/sinoRows.getSize()[0]); float gausValueReal = sinoRows.getRealAtIndex(j)*(float)Math.exp(-0.5*Math.pow(sigma, 2)*Math.pow(omega, 2)); float gausValueImag = sinoRows.getImagAtIndex(j)*(float)Math.exp(-0.5*Math.pow(sigma, 2)*Math.pow(omega, 2)); sinoRows.setRealAtIndex(j, gausValueReal); sinoRows.setImagAtIndex(j, gausValueImag); } // inverse Fourier Tranformation sinoRows.transformInverse(); // copy again into sinogram for(int k = 0; k < sinogram.getWidth(); k++){ float val = (float)Math.sqrt((float)Math.pow(sinoRows.getRealAtIndex(k), 2) + (float)Math.pow(sinoRows.getImagAtIndex(k), 2)); gausSinogram.setAtIndex(k, i, val); } } return gausSinogram; } /** * convolution of sinogram and Laplacian of Gaussian */ public static Grid2D laplacianOfGaussianSinogram(Grid2D sinogram, int kernelsize, double sigma) { Grid2D sinogramLoG = new Grid2D(sinogram); for(int i = 0; i < sinogram.getHeight(); i++) { Grid1D sinoRow = new Grid1D(sinogram.getSubGrid(i)); Grid1D result = convolutionLoG(sinoRow, kernelsize, sigma); // copy again into sinogram for(int k = 0; k < sinogram.getWidth(); k++){ sinogramLoG.setAtIndex(k, i, result.getAtIndex(k)); } } return sinogramLoG; } /** * compute convolution with Laplacian of Gaussian */ public static Grid1D convolutionLoG(Grid1D signal, int kernelsize, double sigma) { int N = signal.getSize()[0]; Grid1D result = new Grid1D(N); for (int n = 0; n < N; n++) { // n is number of signal element float valueConvolved = 0.0f; result.setAtIndex(n, 0); // borders for kernel window int kmin, kmax; int kernelrad = kernelsize/2; kmin = (n > kernelrad) ? n - kernelrad : 0; kmax = (n < N - kernelrad) ? n + kernelrad : N - 1; // local sampling float deltaU; // additional factor (between 0.0 and 0.9) for sampling rate float v; // sampling rate float interpolSigVal; // interpolated signal value for (int k = kmin; k < kmax; k++) { for (int u = 0; u < 10; u++) { deltaU = 0.1f * u; v = k + deltaU; interpolSigVal = (1-deltaU)*signal.getAtIndex(k) + deltaU*signal.getAtIndex(k+1); // interpolation due to local sampling valueConvolved += interpolSigVal * laplacianOfGaussian(n-v, sigma); // actual convolution } } result.setAtIndex(n, valueConvolved); } return result; } /** * Laplacian of Gaussian -> second derivative of Gaussian distribution */ public static double laplacianOfGaussian(double index, double sigma) { double value = (-1/(Math.pow(sigma, 3) * Math.sqrt(2*Math.PI))) * (1 - (Math.pow(index, 2) / Math.pow(sigma, 2))) * Math.exp(-(Math.pow(index, 2) / (2*Math.pow(sigma, 2)))); return value; } } /* * Copyright (C) 2010-2015 Markus Wolf * CONRAD is developed as an Open Source project under the GNU General Public License (GPL). */