package edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.utils; import ij.process.FHT; import ij.process.FloatProcessor; import ij.process.ImageProcessor; /** * This class is currently unused as all transforms in OSCAR are now based on JTransforms * However some of these methods may come in handy when dealing with the ImageJ implementation of * the FHT. * * Many of the methods are very similar to the ones in ij/plugin/ If code was partially * taken from there this is declared in the comment before the method. * * @author Andreas Maier * */ public abstract class FHTUtil { /** * Image is padded with 0. Code was partially taken from * * Thanks for the inspiration! * * @param ip the ImageProcessor to be padded. * @return the padded ImageProcessor. */ public static ImageProcessor padImageProcessor(ImageProcessor ip, int maxN) { ImageProcessor ip2 = ip.createProcessor(maxN, maxN); ip2.setValue(0); ip2.fill(); ip2.insert(ip, 0, 0); return ip2; } /** * Image is padded with 0. Size of padding is automatically determined. This means a slight increase in computation time. * * Code was partially taken from * Thanks for the inspiration! * * @param ip the ImageProcessor to be padded. * @return the padded ImageProcessor. * */ public static ImageProcessor padImageProcessor(ImageProcessor ip) { int maxN = FFTUtil.getNextPowerOfTwo(Math.max(ip.getWidth(), ip.getHeight())); ImageProcessor ip2 = ip.createProcessor(maxN, maxN); ip2.setValue(0); ip2.fill(); ip2.insert(ip, 0, 0); return ip2; } /** * Converts real and imaginary parts of an FFT to Hartley domain. * @param real FloatProcessor with the real values * @param imag FloatProcessor with the imaginary values * @return the values in Hartley Domain * */ public static FHT complexToFHT(FloatProcessor real, FloatProcessor imag){ FHT fht = new FHT(new FloatProcessor(real.getWidth(),real.getHeight())); float [] fhtPixels = (float[]) fht.getPixels(); float [] imagPixels = (float[]) imag.getPixels(); float [] realPixels = (float[]) real.getPixels(); for(int j=0; j<fht.getHeight();j++){ cplxFHT(j,fht.getWidth(), realPixels, imagPixels, false, fhtPixels); } fht.swapQuadrants(); return fht; } /** Build FHT input for equivalent FFT input * @author Joachim Wesner */ private static void cplxFHT(int row, int maxN, float[] re, float[] im, boolean reim, float[] fht) { int base = row*maxN; int offs = ((maxN-row)%maxN) * maxN; if (!reim) { for (int c=0; c<maxN; c++) { int l = offs + (maxN-c)%maxN; fht[base+c] = ((re[base+c]+re[l]) - (im[base+c]-im[l]))*0.5f; } } else { for (int c=0; c<maxN; c++) { int l = offs + (maxN-c)%maxN; fht[base+c] = ((im[base+c]+im[l]) + (re[base+c]-re[l]))*0.5f; } } } /** FFT real value of one row from 2D Hartley Transform. * @author Joachim Wesner */ private static void FHTreal(int row, int maxN, float[] fht, float[] real) { int base = row*maxN; int offs = ((maxN-row)%maxN) * maxN; for (int c=0; c<maxN; c++) { real[base+c] = (fht[base+c] + fht[offs+((maxN-c)%maxN)])*0.5f; } } /** FFT imag value of one row from 2D Hartley Transform. * @author Joachim Wesner */ private static void FHTimag(int row, int maxN, float[] fht, float[] imag) { int base = row*maxN; int offs = ((maxN-row)%maxN) * maxN; for (int c=0; c<maxN; c++) { imag[base+c] = (-fht[base+c] + fht[offs+((maxN-c)%maxN)])*0.5f; } } /** * Computes the imaginary values of an FFT given the values of an FHT. * * @param fht the FHT as input * @return the imaginary values as FloatProcessor. Use .log() if you want an improved visualization of the result. */ public static FloatProcessor imaginaryFromFHT(FHT fht){ FHT img = new FHT(new FloatProcessor(fht.getWidth(),fht.getHeight())); float [] fhtPixels = (float[]) fht.getPixels(); float [] imagPixels = (float[]) img.getPixels(); for(int j=0; j<fht.getHeight();j++){ FHTimag(j,fht.getWidth(), fhtPixels, imagPixels); } img.swapQuadrants(); return img; } /** * Computes the real values of an FFT given the values of an FHT. * * @param fht the FHT as input * @return the real values as FloatProcessor. Use .log() if you want an improved visualization of the result. * */ public static FloatProcessor realFromFHT(FHT fht){ FHT img = new FHT(new FloatProcessor(fht.getWidth(),fht.getHeight())); float [] fhtPixels = (float[]) fht.getPixels(); float [] realPixels = (float[]) img.getPixels(); for(int j=0; j<fht.getHeight();j++){ FHTreal(j,fht.getWidth(), fhtPixels, realPixels); } img.swapQuadrants(); return img; } /** * Computes the power spectrum of an FFT given the values of an FHT. * * @param fht the FHT as input * @return the power spectrum as FloatProcessor. Use .log() if you want an improved visualization of the result. * */ public static ImageProcessor powerFromFHT(FHT fht){ ImageProcessor imag = imaginaryFromFHT(fht); ImageProcessor real = realFromFHT(fht); ImageProcessor power = new FloatProcessor(fht.getWidth(),fht.getHeight()); float [] realPixels = (float[]) real.getPixels(); float [] imagPixels = (float[]) imag.getPixels(); float [] powerPixels = (float []) power.getPixels(); for(int j=0; j<(fht.getHeight()*fht.getWidth());j++){ double value = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(imagPixels[j], 2) + Math.pow(realPixels[j], 2)); powerPixels[j] = (float) value; } return power; } } /* * Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Andreas Maier * CONRAD is developed as an Open Source project under the GNU General Public License (GPL). */