package edu.stanford.rsl.tutorial.dmip; import; import; import; import; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.filtering.redundancy.ParkerWeightingTool; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.shapes.simple.PointND; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.shapes.simple.StraightLine; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.numerics.SimpleOperators; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.numerics.SimpleVector; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.utils.ImageUtil; import; import; import edu.stanford.rsl.tutorial.filters.RamLakKernel; import edu.stanford.rsl.tutorial.filters.SheppLoganKernel; import ij.IJ; import ij.ImageJ; /** * Exercise 7 of Diagnostic Medical Image Processing (DMIP) * @author Marco Boegel * */ public class DMIP_FanBeamBackProjector2D { //source to detector distance private double focalLength; //increment of rotation angle beta between two projections in [rad] private double betaIncrement; //number of pixels on the detector private int detectorPixels; //number of acquired projections private int numProjs; //spacing - mm per pixel private double detectorSpacing; //detector length in [mm] private double detectorLength; //max rotation angle beta in [rad] private double maxBeta; public enum RampFilterType {NONE, RAMLAK, SHEPPLOGAN}; public DMIP_FanBeamBackProjector2D( ) { } /** * Initialize all relevant parameters for the reconstruction * @param sino the sinogram * @param focalLength source to detector distance * @param maxRot maximum rotation angle in [rad] at which the sinogram was acquired */ public void setSinogramParams(Grid2D sino, double focalLength, double maxRot) { this.focalLength = focalLength; this.numProjs = sino.getHeight(); this.detectorPixels = sino.getWidth(); this.detectorSpacing = sino.getSpacing()[0]; this.detectorLength = detectorSpacing*detectorPixels; double halfFanAngle = 0;//TODO System.out.println("Half fan angle: " + halfFanAngle*180.0/Math.PI); //TODO this.betaIncrement = maxBeta /(double) numProjs; System.out.println("Short-scan range: " + maxBeta*180/Math.PI); } /** * A pixel driven backprojection algorithm. Cosine, Redundancy and Ramp filters need to be applied separately beforehand * @param sino the filtered sinogram * @param recoSize the dimension of the output image * @param spacing the spacing of the output image * @return the reconstruction */ public Grid2D backproject(Grid2D sino, int[] recoSize, double[] spacing) { Grid2D result = new Grid2D(recoSize[0], recoSize[1]); result.setSpacing(spacing[0], spacing[1]); for(int p = 0; p < numProjs; p++) { //First, compute the rotation angle beta and pre-compute cos(beta), sin(beta) float beta = (float) (betaIncrement * p); float cosBeta = (float) Math.cos(beta); float sinBeta = (float) Math.sin(beta); //Compute direction and normal of the detector at the current rotation angle final PointND detBorder = new PointND();//TODO final SimpleVector dirDet = new SimpleVector();//TODO final StraightLine detLine = new StraightLine(detBorder, dirDet); //Compute rotated source point final PointND source = new PointND(focalLength * cosBeta, focalLength*sinBeta, 0.d); //pick current projection Grid1D currProj = sino.getSubGrid(p); //pixel driven BP: iterate over all output image pixels for(int x = 0; x < recoSize[0]; x++) { //transform the image pixel coordinates to world coordinates float wx =0; //TODO for(int y = 0; y < recoSize[1]; y++) { float wy = 0;//TODO final PointND reconstructionPointWorld = new PointND(wx, wy, 0.d); //intersect the projection ray with the detector //TODO final PointND detPixel = new PointND();//TODO float valueTemp; if(detPixel != null) { //calculate position of the projected point on the 1D detector final SimpleVector pt = SimpleOperators.subtract(detPixel.getAbstractVector(), detBorder.getAbstractVector()); double length = pt.normL2(); //deal with truncation if(pt.getElement(0)*dirDet.getElement(0)+pt.getElement(1)*dirDet.getElement(1)<0) { length -= length; } double t = (length - 0.5d)/detectorSpacing; //check if projection of this world point hit the detector if(currProj.getSize()[0] <= t+1 || t< 0) continue; float value = InterpolationOperators.interpolateLinear(currProj, t); //Apply distance weighting //see Fig 1a) exercise sheet //TODO //TODO float dWeight = 0;//TODO valueTemp = (float) (value / (dWeight*dWeight)); } else { //projected pixel lies outside the detector valueTemp = 0.f; } result.addAtIndex(x, y, valueTemp); } } } //adjust scale. required because of shortscan float normalizationFactor = (float) (numProjs / Math.PI); NumericPointwiseOperators.divideBy(result, normalizationFactor); return result; } /** * Cosine weighting for 2D sinograms * @param sino the sinogram * @return the cosine weighted sinogram */ public Grid2D applyCosineWeights(Grid2D sino) { Grid2D result = new Grid2D(sino); //Create 1D kernel (identical for each projection) Grid1D cosineKernel = new Grid1D(detectorPixels); for(int i=0; i<detectorPixels; ++i){ //TODO cosineKernel.setAtIndex(i, 9999);//TODO } //apply cosine weights to each projection for(int p = 0; p < numProjs; p++) { NumericPointwiseOperators.multiplyBy(result.getSubGrid(p), cosineKernel); } return result; } /** * Parker redundancy weights for a 2D sinogram * @param sino the sinogram * @return parker weighted sinogram */ public Grid2D applyParkerWeights(Grid2D sino) { Grid2D result = new Grid2D(sino); Grid2D parker = new Grid2D(sino.getWidth(), sino.getHeight()); // Initialize parameters double delta = (double) (Math.atan((detectorLength / 2.d)/ focalLength) ); double beta, gamma; // iterate over the detector elements for (int t = 0; t < detectorPixels; ++t) { // compute alpha of the current ray (detector element) gamma = Math.atan((t * detectorSpacing - detectorLength / 2.d + 0.5*detectorSpacing) / focalLength); // iterate over the projection angles for (int b = 0; b < numProjs; ++b) { beta = b * betaIncrement; // Shift weights such that they are centered (Important for maxBeta < pi + 2 * gammaM) beta += (Math.PI+2*delta-maxBeta)/2.0; // Adjust beta if out of range [0, 2*pi] if (beta < 0) { continue; } if (beta > Math.PI *2.d) { continue; } // implement the conditions as described in Parker's paper if (beta <= 2 * (delta - gamma)) { float val = 0; //TODO if (Double.isNaN(val)){ continue; } parker.setAtIndex(t, b , val); } else if (beta < Math.PI - 2.d * gamma) { parker.setAtIndex(t, b , 1); } else if (beta <= (Math.PI + 2.d * delta) + 1e-12) { float val = 0;//TODO if (Double.isNaN(val)){ continue; } parker.setAtIndex(t, b , val); } } } // Correct for scaling due to varying angle NumericPointwiseOperators.multiplyBy(parker, (float)( maxBeta / (Math.PI)));; //apply the parker weights to the sinogram NumericPointwiseOperators.multiplyBy(result, parker); return result; } public static void main(String arg[]) { ImageJ ij = new ImageJ(); double focalLength = 600.f; //maximum rotation angle in [rad] double maxRot = Math.PI; //choose the ramp filter (none, ramlak, shepplogan) RampFilterType filter = RampFilterType.RAMLAK; DMIP_FanBeamBackProjector2D fbp = new DMIP_FanBeamBackProjector2D(); //Load and visualize the projection image data String filename = "D:/02_lectures/DMIP/exercises/2014/6/Sinogram0.tif"; Grid2D sino = ImageUtil.wrapImagePlus(IJ.openImage(filename)).getSubGrid(0);"Sinogram"); //getSubGrid() only yields rows. -> Transpose so that each row is a projection sino = sino.getGridOperator().transpose(sino);; //Initialize parameters double detectorSpacing = 0.5; sino.setSpacing(detectorSpacing, 0); fbp.setSinogramParams(sino, focalLength, maxRot); sino.setSpacing(fbp.detectorSpacing, fbp.betaIncrement); //apply cosine weights Grid2D cosineWeighted = fbp.applyCosineWeights(sino);"After Cosine Weighting"); //apply parker redundancy weights Grid2D parkerWeighted = fbp.applyParkerWeights(cosineWeighted);"After Parker Weighting"); //apply ramp filter switch(filter){ case RAMLAK: RamLakKernel ramLak = new RamLakKernel(fbp.detectorPixels, fbp.detectorSpacing); for(int i = 0; i < fbp.numProjs; i++) { ramLak.applyToGrid(parkerWeighted.getSubGrid(i)); }"After RamLak Filter"); break; case SHEPPLOGAN: SheppLoganKernel sheppLogan = new SheppLoganKernel(fbp.detectorPixels, fbp.detectorSpacing); for(int i = 0; i < fbp.numProjs; i++) { sheppLogan.applyToGrid(parkerWeighted.getSubGrid(i)); }"After Shepp-Logan Filter"); break; case NONE: default: } //setup reconstruction image size int[] recoSize = new int[]{128, 128}; double[] spacing = new double[]{1.0, 1.0}; Grid2D reconstruction = fbp.backproject(parkerWeighted, recoSize, spacing);"Reconstructed image"); //Compare our backprojection algorithm to the tutorial code FanBeamBackprojector2D fbp2 = new FanBeamBackprojector2D(focalLength, fbp.detectorSpacing, fbp.betaIncrement,recoSize[0], recoSize[1]); fbp2.backprojectPixelDriven(parkerWeighted).show("Tutorial reconstruction"); } }