package edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.phantom.renderer; import; import ij.ImagePlus; import ij.ImageStack; import edu.stanford.rsl.apps.gui.Citeable; import edu.stanford.rsl.apps.gui.GUIConfigurable; import; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.filtering.ImageFilteringTool; import; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.opencl.OpenCLMaterialPathLengthPhantomRenderer; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.opencl.OpenCLProjectionPhantomRenderer; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.pipeline.IndividualImagePipelineFilteringTool; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.pipeline.ParallelImageFilterPipeliner; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.pipeline.ProjectionSource; /** * Abstract class to describe a numerical phantom. * * @author akmaier * */ public abstract class PhantomRenderer implements ProjectionSource, Citeable, GUIConfigurable { protected boolean configured; protected int projectionNumber; protected boolean init = false; protected synchronized void init(){ //if (!init){ // createPhantom(); // init = true; //} } public void initStream(String filename) throws IOException { // } /** * Returns the name of the phantom */ public abstract String toString(); /** * Method to start the voxelization of the phantom. */ public abstract void createPhantom(); @Override public boolean isConfigured() { return configured; } /** * Returns a list of all known numerical phantoms. * @return the list. */ public static PhantomRenderer [] getPhantoms(){ PhantomRenderer [] phantoms = {new MetricPhantomRenderer(), new ParallelProjectionPhantomRenderer(), new OpenCLProjectionPhantomRenderer(), new OpenCLMaterialPathLengthPhantomRenderer()}; return phantoms; } /** * Creates an empty volume which can be used to render the phantom into. * * @param title the title * @param dimx the size in x direction * @param dimy the size in y direction * @param dimz the size in z direction (slice number) * @return the empty volume */ public static ImagePlus createEmptyVolume(String title, int dimx, int dimy, int dimz){ ImageStack stack = new ImageStack(dimx, dimy, dimz); for(int i = 0; i < dimz; i++){ stack.setPixels(new float[dimx * dimy], i+1); } ImagePlus projectionVolume = new ImagePlus(); projectionVolume.setStack(title, stack); return projectionVolume; } @Override public int getCurrentProjectionNumber() { return projectionNumber; } @Override public void getNextProjection(IndividualImagePipelineFilteringTool tool) { if (!init) init(); tool.setImageProcessor(getNextProjection()); tool.setImageIndex(projectionNumber); projectionNumber++; } public static Grid3D generateProjections(final PhantomRenderer phantom) throws Exception{ Thread thread = new Thread(new Runnable(){public void run(){phantom.createPhantom();}}); thread.start(); ImagePlusDataSink sink = new ImagePlusDataSink(); ParallelImageFilterPipeliner pipeliner = new ParallelImageFilterPipeliner(phantom, new ImageFilteringTool[]{}, sink); pipeliner.project(true); Grid3D result = sink.getResult(); return result; } } /* * Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Andreas Maier * CONRAD is developed as an Open Source project under the GNU General Public License (GPL). */