package edu.stanford.rsl.tutorial.dmip; import; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.numerics.DecompositionSVD; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.numerics.SimpleMatrix; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.numerics.SimpleMatrix.MatrixNormType; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.numerics.SimpleVector.VectorNormType; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.utils.ImageUtil; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.utils.VisualizationUtil; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.numerics.SimpleOperators; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.numerics.SimpleVector; import ij.IJ; import ij.ImageJ; import ij.plugin.filter.Convolver; import ij.process.FloatProcessor; /** * Introduction to the CONRAD Framework * Exercise 1 of Diagnostic Medical Image Processing (DMIP) * @author Marco Boegel * */ public class Intro { public static void gridIntro(){ //Define the image size int imageSizeX = 256; int imageSizeY = 256; //Define an image //Hint: Import the package //TODO //Draw a circle int radius = 50; //Set all pixels within the circle to 100 int insideVal = 100; //TODO //TODO //TODO //Show ImageJ GUI ImageJ ij = new ImageJ(); //Display image //TODO //Copy an image //TODO //"Copy of circle"); //Load an image from file String filename = "D:/02_lectures/DMIP/exercises/2014/matlab_intro/mr12.dcm"; //TODO. Hint: Use IJ and ImageUtil //; //convolution //TODO //TODO //define the kernel. Try simple averaging 3x3 filter int kw = 3; int kh = 3; float[] kernel = new float[kw*kh]; for(int i = 0; i < kernel.length; i++) { kernel[i] = 1.f / (kw*kh); } //TODO //write an image to disk, check the supported output formats String outFilename ="D:/02_lectures/DMIP/exercises/2014/matlab_intro/mr12out.tif"; //TODO } public static void signalIntro() { //How can I plot a sine function sin(2*PI*x)? double stepSize = 0.01; int plotLength = 500; double[] y = new double[plotLength]; for(int i = 0; i < y.length; i++) { //TODO } VisualizationUtil.createPlot(y).show(); double[] x = new double [plotLength]; for(int i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { x[i] = (double) i * stepSize; } VisualizationUtil.createPlot(x, y, "sin(x)", "x", "y").show(); } public static void basicIntro() { //Display text System.out.println("Creating a vector: v1 = [1.0; 2.0; 3.0]"); //create column vector //TODO //System.out.println("v1 = " + v1.toString()); //create a randomly initialized vector SimpleVector vRand = new SimpleVector(3); //TODO //System.out.println("vRand = " + vRand.toString()); //create matrix M 3x3 1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9 SimpleMatrix M = new SimpleMatrix(); //TODO //System.out.println("M = " + M.toString()); //determinant of M //System.out.println("Determinant of matrix m: " + TODO ); //transpose M //TODO //copy matrix //TODO //transpose M inplace //TODO //get size int numRows = 0; int numCols = 0; //TODO //access elements of M System.out.println("M: "); for(int i = 0 ; i < numRows; i++) { for(int j = 0; j < numCols; j++) { //TODO //System.out.print(element + " "); } System.out.println(); } //Create 3x3 Matrix of 1's SimpleMatrix Mones = new SimpleMatrix(3,3); //TODO //Create a 3x3 Matrix of 0's SimpleMatrix Mzeros = new SimpleMatrix(3,3); //TODO //Create a 3x3 Identity matrix SimpleMatrix Midentity = new SimpleMatrix(3,3); //TODO //Matrix multiplication //TODO //System.out.println("M^T * M = " + ResMat.toString()); //Matrix vector multiplication //TODO //System.out.println("M * v1 = " + resVec.toString()); //Extract the last column vector from matrix M //SimpleVector colVector = M.getCol(2); //Extract the 1x2 subvector from the last column of matrix M //TODO //System.out.println("[m(0)(2); m(1)(2)] = " + subVector); //Matrix elementwise multiplication //TODO //System.out.println("M squared Elements: " + MsquaredElem.toString()); //round vectors SimpleVector vRandCopy = new SimpleVector(vRand); System.out.println("vRand = " + vRandCopy.toString()); vRandCopy.floor(); System.out.println("vRand.floor() = " + vRandCopy.toString()); vRand.ceil(); System.out.println("vRand.ceil() = " + vRand.toString()); //min, max, mean //double minV1 = v1.min(); //double maxV1 = v1.max(); //System.out.println("Min(v1) = " + minV1 + " Max(v1) = " + maxV1); //for matrices: iterate over row or column vectors SimpleVector maxVec = new SimpleVector(M.getCols()); for(int i = 0; i < M.getCols(); i++) { maxVec.setElementValue(i, M.getCol(i).max()); } double maxM = maxVec.max(); System.out.println("Max(M) = " + maxM); //Norms //TODO matrix L1 //TODO vector L2 //System.out.println("||M||_F = " + matrixNormL1); //System.out.println("||colVec||_2 = " + vecNormL2); //get normalized vector //TODO //normalize vector in-place //TODO //System.out.println("Normalized colVector: " + colVector.toString()); //SVD SimpleMatrix A = new SimpleMatrix(3,3); A.setRowValue(0, new SimpleVector(11, 10, 14)); A.setRowValue(1, new SimpleVector(12, 11, -13)); A.setRowValue(2, new SimpleVector(14, 13, -66)); System.out.println("A = " + A.toString()); //TODO SVD //print singular matrix //System.out.println(svd.getS().toString()); //get condition number //System.out.println("Condition number of A: " + TODO ); //Re-compute A = U * S * V^T //SimpleMatrix temp = SimpleOperators.multiplyMatrixProd(svd.getU(), svd.getS()); //SimpleMatrix A2 = SimpleOperators.multiplyMatrixProd(temp, svd.getV().transposed()); //System.out.println("U * S * V^T: " + A2.toString()); } public static void main(String arg[]) { basicIntro(); gridIntro(); signalIntro(); } }