package edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.opencl; import ij.IJ; import ij.ImageJ; import ij.ImagePlus; import ij.ImageStack; import; import ij.measure.Calibration; import ij.process.FloatProcessor; import ij.process.ImageProcessor; import; import; import java.nio.FloatBuffer; import java.nio.IntBuffer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Random; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Test; import com.jogamp.opencl.CLBuffer; import com.jogamp.opencl.CLCommandQueue; import com.jogamp.opencl.CLContext; import com.jogamp.opencl.CLDevice; import com.jogamp.opencl.CLKernel; import com.jogamp.opencl.CLProgram; import com.jogamp.opencl.CLMemory.Mem; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.AbstractShape; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.motion.timewarp.HarmonicTimeWarper; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.motion.timewarp.TimeWarper; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.shapes.simple.Cylinder; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.shapes.simple.PointND; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.shapes.simple.Sphere; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.splines.BSpline; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.splines.SplineTests; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.splines.SurfaceBSpline; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.splines.SurfaceUniformCubicBSpline; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.splines.TimeVariantSurfaceBSpline; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.splines.UniformCubicBSpline; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.transforms.Translation; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.numerics.SimpleMatrix; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.numerics.SimpleOperators; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.numerics.SimpleVector; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.opencl.shapes.OpenCLCylinder; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.opencl.shapes.OpenCLSphere; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.opencl.shapes.OpenCLTextureTimeVariantSurfaceBSpline; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.opencl.shapes.OpenCLTimeVariantSurfaceBSpline; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.opencl.shapes.OpenCLUniformBSpline; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.opencl.shapes.OpenCLUniformSurfaceBSpline; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.opencl.shapes.OpenCLUniformTextureBSpline; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.opencl.shapes.OpenCLUniformTextureSurfaceBSpline; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.phantom.AnalyticPhantom; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.phantom.MTFBeadPhantom; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.phantom.workers.AnalyticPhantomProjectorWorker; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.phantom.xcat.CombinedBreathingHeartScene; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.phantom.xcat.HeartScene; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.phantom.xcat.XCatMaterialGenerator; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.phantom.xcat.XCatScene; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.physics.PhysicalObject; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.physics.detector.XRayDetector; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.physics.materials.database.MaterialsDB; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.rendering.PrioritizableScene; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.utils.CONRAD; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.utils.Configuration; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.utils.ImageGridBuffer; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.utils.UserUtil; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.utils.VisualizationUtil; public class TestOpenCL { public double computeMeanError(CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> outputBuffer, double []x, double []y, double []z, int length, boolean out){ double distanceSum = 0; for(int i = 0; i < length; i++) { float read = outputBuffer.getBuffer().get(); if (out) System.out.println("x " +read + " " + x[i]); double componentwiseDistance = read - x[i]; double euclideanDistance = componentwiseDistance * componentwiseDistance; read = outputBuffer.getBuffer().get(); if (out)System.out.println("y " + read + " " + y[i]); componentwiseDistance = read - y[i]; euclideanDistance += componentwiseDistance * componentwiseDistance; read = outputBuffer.getBuffer().get(); if (out)System.out.println("z " + read + " " + z[i]); componentwiseDistance = read - z[i]; euclideanDistance += componentwiseDistance * componentwiseDistance; //if (Math.sqrt(euclideanDistance) > 1) { //System.out.println(Math.sqrt(euclideanDistance) + " " + i); //} if (out) System.out.println("error " + Math.sqrt(euclideanDistance)); distanceSum += Math.sqrt(euclideanDistance); } return (distanceSum)/length; } public FloatProcessor evaluateBSplineCPU(int elementCountT, int elementCountV, int elementCountU, int width, int height, TimeVariantSurfaceBSpline cSpline, double [] x, double y[], double z[], SimpleMatrix proj, boolean show){ long time = System.nanoTime(); int index = 0; FloatProcessor test = new FloatProcessor(width,height); for (int t = 0; t < elementCountT; t++){ for (int j = 0; j < elementCountV; j++){ for (int i = 0; i < elementCountU; i++){ SimpleVector point = cSpline.evaluate(i*(1.0f / elementCountU), j*(1.0f / elementCountV), t*(1.0f / elementCountT)).getAbstractVector(); //SimpleVector point = cSpline.evaluate(i*(1.0f / elementCountU), j*(1.0f / elementCountV), 0.3).getAbstractVector(); SimpleVector homPoint = new SimpleVector(point.getElement(0), point.getElement(1), point.getElement(2), 1); SimpleVector p = SimpleOperators.multiply(proj, homPoint); x[index] = p.getElement(0)/p.getElement(2); y[index] = p.getElement(1)/p.getElement(2); z[index] = p.getElement(2); if (show)test.putPixelValue((int)x[index], (int)y[index], 500); // multiple time points are not visualized index++; } } if(show) { VisualizationUtil.showImageProcessor(test, "CPU Result").show(); } } time = System.nanoTime() - time; System.out.println("CPU computation + projection using cubic splines took: "+(time/1000000)+"ms"); return test; } public CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> generateSamplingPoints(CLContext context, CLDevice device, float tIndex, int elementCountV, int elementCountU){ // prepare sampling points CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> samplingPoints = context.createFloatBuffer(elementCountU * elementCountV*3, Mem.READ_ONLY); for (int j = 0; j < elementCountV; j++){ for (int i = 0; i < elementCountU; i++){ samplingPoints.getBuffer().put(i*(1.0f / elementCountU)); samplingPoints.getBuffer().put(j*(1.0f / elementCountV)); samplingPoints.getBuffer().put(tIndex); //System.out.println(i*(1.0f / elementCountU) + " " +j*(1.0f / elementCountV)+ " "+t*(1.0f / elementCountT) ); } } samplingPoints.getBuffer().rewind(); CLCommandQueue clc = device.createCommandQueue(); clc.putWriteBuffer(samplingPoints, true).finish(); clc.release(); return samplingPoints; } public CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> generateSamplingPoints(CLContext context, CLDevice device, int elementCountT, int elementCountV, int elementCountU){ // prepare sampling points CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> samplingPoints = context.createFloatBuffer(elementCountU * elementCountV*3*elementCountT, Mem.READ_ONLY); for (int t = 0; t < elementCountT; t++){ for (int j = 0; j < elementCountV; j++){ for (int i = 0; i < elementCountU; i++){ samplingPoints.getBuffer().put(i*(1.0f / elementCountU)); samplingPoints.getBuffer().put(j*(1.0f / elementCountV)); samplingPoints.getBuffer().put(t*(1.0f / elementCountT)); //System.out.println(i*(1.0f / elementCountU) + " " +j*(1.0f / elementCountV)+ " "+t*(1.0f / elementCountT) ); } } } samplingPoints.getBuffer().rewind(); device.createCommandQueue().putWriteBuffer(samplingPoints, true).finish(); return samplingPoints; } public CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> generateSamplingPoints(CLContext context, CLDevice device, int elementCountV, int elementCountU){ // prepare sampling points CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> samplingPoints = context.createFloatBuffer(elementCountU * elementCountV*2, Mem.READ_ONLY); for (int j = 0; j < elementCountV; j++){ for (int i = 0; i < elementCountU; i++){ samplingPoints.getBuffer().put(i*(1.0f / elementCountU)); samplingPoints.getBuffer().put(j*(1.0f / elementCountV)); } } samplingPoints.getBuffer().rewind(); device.createCommandQueue().putWriteBuffer(samplingPoints, true).finish(); return samplingPoints; } public CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> generateScreenBuffer(CLContext context, CLDevice device, int width, int height){ CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> screenBuffer = context.createFloatBuffer(width*height, Mem.READ_WRITE); for (int j = 0; j < height; j++){ for (int i = 0; i < width; i++){ screenBuffer.getBuffer().put(0.f); } } screenBuffer.getBuffer().rewind(); CLCommandQueue clc = device.createCommandQueue(); clc.putWriteBuffer(screenBuffer, true).finish(); clc.release(); return screenBuffer; } public void readAndShowBuffer(int width, int height, CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> screenBuffer, String title){ float [] array = new float [width*height]; for (int j = 0; j < height; j++){ for (int i = 0; i < width; i++){ array[(j*width)+i] = screenBuffer.getBuffer().get(); } } screenBuffer.getBuffer().rewind(); FloatProcessor test = new FloatProcessor(width, height, array, null); VisualizationUtil.showImageProcessor(test, title).show(); } @Test public void TestOpenCLSurfaceBSplineRenderingYBuffer(){ CLContext context = OpenCLUtil.createContext(); CLDevice device = context.getMaxFlopsDevice(); int elementCountU = 100; int elementCountV = 100; int elementCountT = 1; boolean show = true; boolean out = false; if (show) new ImageJ(); Configuration.loadConfiguration(); HeartScene heartScene = new HeartScene(); heartScene.init(); heartScene.createArteryTree(heartScene); //heartScene.createLesions(heartScene); SimpleVector center = SimpleOperators.add(heartScene.getMax().getAbstractVector(), heartScene.getMin().getAbstractVector()).dividedBy(2); Translation centerTranslation = new Translation(center.negated()); CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> samplingPoints = generateSamplingPoints(context,device,0.0f, elementCountV, elementCountU); System.out.println("LocalMemSize " + device.getLocalMemSize()); int width = 640; int height = 480; CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> screenBuffer = generateScreenBuffer(context, device, width, height); HashMap<String, Integer> priorityMap = XCatScene.getSplinePriorityLUT(); CLBuffer<IntBuffer> priorities = context.createIntBuffer(heartScene.getVariants().size() +1, Mem.READ_ONLY); priorities.getBuffer().put(0); for (int i = 0; i < heartScene.getVariants().size();i++){ String name = heartScene.getVariants().get(i).getTitle(); priorities.getBuffer().put(priorityMap.get(name)); } priorities.getBuffer().rewind(); device.createCommandQueue().putWriteBuffer(priorities, false).finish(); CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> mu = context.createFloatBuffer(heartScene.getVariants().size() +1, Mem.READ_ONLY); mu.getBuffer().put((float)MaterialsDB.getMaterial("Air").getDensity()); for (int i = 0; i < heartScene.getVariants().size();i++){ String name = heartScene.getVariants().get(i).getTitle(); //System.out.println(name); mu.getBuffer().put((float) XCatMaterialGenerator.generateFromMaterialName(XCatScene.getSplineNameMaterialNameLUT().get(name)).getDensity()); } mu.getBuffer().rewind(); device.createCommandQueue().putWriteBuffer(mu, false).finish(); SimpleMatrix proj = new SimpleMatrix("[[-446.54410228325054 -511.663331416319 -3.105016244120407E-13 -224000.0]; [-233.8488155484563 53.98825304252766 599.0000000000002 -168000.00000000003]; [-0.9743700647852351 0.2249510543438652 0.0 -700.0]]"); OpenCLYBufferRenderer render = new OpenCLYBufferRenderer(device); render.init(width, height); OpenCLTextureTimeVariantSurfaceBSpline [] clSplines = new OpenCLTextureTimeVariantSurfaceBSpline[heartScene.getVariants().size()]; for (int ID = 0; ID < heartScene.getVariants().size(); ID++) { TimeVariantSurfaceBSpline cSpline = heartScene.getVariants().get(ID); cSpline.applyTransform(centerTranslation); clSplines[ID] = new OpenCLTextureTimeVariantSurfaceBSpline(cSpline.getSplines(), device); } CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> outputBuffer = context.createFloatBuffer(elementCountU*elementCountV*elementCountT*3, Mem.READ_WRITE); render.setProjectionMatrix(proj); double timePoints = 10; ImageStack stack = new ImageStack(width, height, (int) timePoints); for (int k =0; k < timePoints; k++) { samplingPoints = generateSamplingPoints(context, device, (float)((1.0/ timePoints)*k), elementCountV, elementCountU); long time = System.nanoTime(); for (int ID = 0; ID < heartScene.getVariants().size(); ID++) { // create spline points clSplines[ID].evaluate(samplingPoints, outputBuffer); // project points render.project(outputBuffer); // draw on the screen render.drawTriangles(outputBuffer, screenBuffer, ID+1); } time = System.nanoTime() - time; System.out.println("Open CL computation local took: "+(time/1000000)+"ms "); // evaluate absorption model time = System.nanoTime(); render.drawScreen(screenBuffer); //render.drawScreen(screenBuffer); time = System.nanoTime() - time; System.out.println("monochromatic screen buffer drawing took: "+(time/1000000)+"ms "); device.createCommandQueue().putReadBuffer(screenBuffer, true).finish(); float [] array = new float [width*height]; for (int j = 0; j < height; j++){ for (int i = 0; i < width; i++){ array[(j*width)+i] = screenBuffer.getBuffer().get(); } } screenBuffer.getBuffer().rewind(); stack.setPixels(array, k+1); render.resetBuffers(); screenBuffer = generateScreenBuffer(context, device, width, height); } ImagePlus image = new ImagePlus("GPU Projections", stack);; render.resetBuffers(); screenBuffer = generateScreenBuffer(context, device, width, height); long time = System.nanoTime(); for (int ID = 0; ID < heartScene.getVariants().size(); ID++) { // create spline points clSplines[ID].evaluate(samplingPoints, outputBuffer); // project points render.project(outputBuffer); render.drawTriangles(outputBuffer, screenBuffer, ID +1); } time = System.nanoTime() - time; System.out.println("Open CL computation local took: "+(time/1000000)+"ms "); time = System.nanoTime(); render.drawScreen(screenBuffer); time = System.nanoTime() - time; System.out.println("screen buffer drawing took: "+(time/1000000)+"ms "); device.createCommandQueue().putReadBuffer(screenBuffer, true).finish(); if(show) { readAndShowBuffer(width, height, screenBuffer, "GPU result"); try { Thread.sleep(1000000000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } } @Test public void testPlaneModel(){ float x_1 = 2; float y_1 = 1; float z_1 = 1; // float x_2 = 3; float y_2 = 3; float z_2 = 2; // float x_3 = 4; float y_3 = 1; float z_3 = 4; float A = (z_2-z_3)/(x_2-x_3); float B = (z_1-z_2)/(x_1-x_2); float C = (y_2-y_3)/(x_2-x_3); float D = (y_1-y_2)/(x_1-x_2); float n_2 = (A - B) / (C-D); float n_1 = B-(n_2*D); float n_0 = z_1 - (x_1 * n_1) - (y_1 * n_2); Assert.assertEquals(true, (n_0 == -1.7500)&& (n_1 == 1.5000)&& (n_2 == -0.2500)); } @Test public void TestCPURayTracer(){ XRayDetector detector = null; try { detector = (XRayDetector) UserUtil.queryObject("Select Detector:", "Detector Selection", XRayDetector.class); } catch (Exception e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } int elementCountU = 90; int elementCountV = 90; boolean show = true; boolean out = false; if (show) new ImageJ(); Configuration.loadConfiguration(); HeartScene heartScene = new HeartScene(); heartScene.init(); heartScene.createArteryTree(heartScene); //heartScene.createLesions(heartScene); SimpleVector center = SimpleOperators.add(heartScene.getMax().getAbstractVector(), heartScene.getMin().getAbstractVector()).dividedBy(2); Translation centerTranslation = new Translation(center.negated()); int antialias = 1; int width = 640*antialias; int height = 480*antialias; double timePoints = Configuration.getGlobalConfiguration().getGeometry().getProjectionMatrices().length; ImageStack stack = new ImageStack(width, height); // render the scene // the number of steps gives the number of volumes rendered. (k < 40) long time = System.nanoTime(); for (int k = 0; k < timePoints; k++){ ImageGridBuffer buffer = new ImageGridBuffer(); IJ.showStatus("Rendering State " + k); IJ.showProgress(((double)k)/timePoints); AnalyticPhantomProjectorWorker worker = new AnalyticPhantomProjectorWorker(); worker.setImageProcessorBuffer(null); worker.setLatch(null); worker.setShowStatus(false); worker.setSliceList(null); try { worker.configure(heartScene, detector); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } // tessellate scene -> convert to triangles -> render the triangles PrioritizableScene current = heartScene.tessellateSceneFixedUVSampling(elementCountU, elementCountV, 0); for (PhysicalObject s: current){ s.applyTransform(centerTranslation); } // the volume to the hyperstack stack.addSlice("Slice z = " +(k-1) + " t = " + k, worker.raytraceScene(current, Configuration.getGlobalConfiguration().getGeometry().getProjectionMatrices()[k])); } // finalize the hyperstack ImagePlus hyper = new ImagePlus(); Calibration calibration = hyper.getCalibration(); calibration.xOrigin = Configuration.getGlobalConfiguration().getGeometry().getOriginInPixelsX(); calibration.yOrigin = Configuration.getGlobalConfiguration().getGeometry().getOriginInPixelsY(); calibration.zOrigin = Configuration.getGlobalConfiguration().getGeometry().getOriginInPixelsZ(); calibration.pixelWidth = Configuration.getGlobalConfiguration().getGeometry().getVoxelSpacingX(); calibration.pixelHeight = Configuration.getGlobalConfiguration().getGeometry().getVoxelSpacingY(); calibration.pixelDepth = Configuration.getGlobalConfiguration().getGeometry().getVoxelSpacingZ(); hyper.setCalibration(calibration); hyper.setStack(heartScene.getName(), stack); IJ.showProgress(1.0); System.out.println("CPU computation took: "+(time/1000000)+"ms "); if(show) {; try { Thread.sleep(1000000000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } } @Test public void OpenCLCreatePhantom(){ CLContext context = OpenCLUtil.createContext(); CLDevice device = context.getMaxFlopsDevice(); long totaltime = System.nanoTime(); int elementCountU = 100; int elementCountV = 100; int elementCountT = 1; boolean show = true; boolean out = true; String out_path = "D:/PhD/Data/Conrad_Simulations/testauto/img"; int antialias = 1; boolean antialiasXonly = false; int width = 640*antialias; int height = 480*antialias; if (antialiasXonly) { height = 480; } double numberOfHeartBeats = 2.0; // HeartScene scene = new HeartScene(); // scene.init(); // scene.createArteryTree(scene); // scene.createLesions(scene); // scene.createPhysicalObjects(); // AnalyticPhantom phantom = heartScene; CombinedBreathingHeartScene scene = new CombinedBreathingHeartScene(); try { scene.configure(); } catch (Exception e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } AnalyticPhantom phantom = scene; if (show) new ImageJ(); Configuration.loadConfiguration(); SimpleVector center = SimpleOperators.add(phantom.getMax().getAbstractVector(), phantom.getMin().getAbstractVector()).dividedBy(2); Translation centerTranslation = new Translation(center.negated()); CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> samplingPointsVariants = generateSamplingPoints(context, device, 0.0f, elementCountV, elementCountU); CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> samplingPoints = generateSamplingPoints(context, device, elementCountV, elementCountU); System.out.println("LocalMemSize " + device.getLocalMemSize()); CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> screenBuffer = generateScreenBuffer(context, device, width, height); // priorities CLBuffer<IntBuffer> priorities = context.createIntBuffer(phantom.size() +1, Mem.READ_ONLY); priorities.getBuffer().put(0); for (PhysicalObject o: phantom){ priorities.getBuffer().put(phantom.getPriority(o)); } priorities.getBuffer().rewind(); device.createCommandQueue().putWriteBuffer(priorities, false).finish(); // absorption model CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> mu = context.createFloatBuffer(phantom.size() +1, Mem.READ_ONLY); mu.getBuffer().put((float) phantom.getBackgroundMaterial().getDensity()); for (PhysicalObject o: phantom){ mu.getBuffer().put((float) o.getMaterial().getDensity()); } mu.getBuffer().rewind(); device.createCommandQueue().putWriteBuffer(mu, false).finish(); SimpleMatrix proj = new SimpleMatrix("[[-446.54410228325054 -511.663331416319 -3.105016244120407E-13 -224000.0]; [-233.8488155484563 53.98825304252766 599.0000000000002 -168000.00000000003]; [-0.9743700647852351 0.2249510543438652 0.0 -700.0]]"); OpenCLAppendBufferRenderer render = new OpenCLAppendBufferRenderer(device); render.init(width, height); ArrayList<OpenCLEvaluatable> clEvaluatables = new ArrayList<OpenCLEvaluatable>(phantom.size()); for (PhysicalObject o: phantom) { o.applyTransform(centerTranslation); AbstractShape s = o.getShape(); OpenCLEvaluatable os = OpenCLUtil.getOpenCLEvaluatableSubclass(s, device); clEvaluatables.add(os); } CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> outputBuffer = context.createFloatBuffer(elementCountU*elementCountV*elementCountT*3, Mem.READ_WRITE); render.setProjectionMatrix(proj); double timePoints = Configuration.getGlobalConfiguration().getGeometry().getProjectionMatrices().length; TimeWarper warper = new HarmonicTimeWarper(numberOfHeartBeats); ImageStack stack; if (antialiasXonly){ stack = new ImageStack(width/antialias, height, (int) timePoints); } else { stack = new ImageStack(width/antialias, height/antialias, (int) timePoints); } //ImageStack stack = new ImageStack(width, height, (int) timePoints); for (int k =0; k < timePoints; k++) { SimpleMatrix matrix = Configuration.getGlobalConfiguration().getGeometry().getProjectionMatrices()[k].computeP(); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++){ matrix.setElementValue(0, i, matrix.getElement(0, i)*antialias); if (!antialiasXonly) matrix.setElementValue(1, i, matrix.getElement(1, i)*antialias); } render.setProjectionMatrix(matrix); samplingPointsVariants.release(); double sampleTime = (float)((1.0/ timePoints)*k); sampleTime = warper.warpTime(sampleTime); samplingPointsVariants = generateSamplingPoints(context, device, (float)sampleTime, elementCountV, elementCountU); long time = System.nanoTime(); for (int ID = 0; ID < phantom.size(); ID++) { // create spline points if (clEvaluatables.get(ID).isTimeVariant()){ clEvaluatables.get(ID).evaluate(samplingPointsVariants, outputBuffer); } else { clEvaluatables.get(ID).evaluate(samplingPoints, outputBuffer); } //// project points render.project(outputBuffer); // draw on the screen if (clEvaluatables.get(ID).isClockwise()){ render.drawTrianglesGlobal(outputBuffer, screenBuffer, ID+1, elementCountU, elementCountV, -1); } else { render.drawTrianglesGlobal(outputBuffer, screenBuffer, ID+1, elementCountU, elementCountV, 1); } } time = System.nanoTime() - time; System.out.println("Open CL computation for projection "+k+" global took: "+(time/1000000)+"ms "); // evaluate absorption model time = System.nanoTime(); render.drawScreenMonochromatic(screenBuffer, mu, priorities); //render.drawScreen(screenBuffer); time = System.nanoTime() - time; System.out.println("monochromatic screen buffer drawing took: "+(time/1000000)+"ms "); CLCommandQueue clc = device.createCommandQueue(); clc.putReadBuffer(screenBuffer, true).finish(); clc.release(); float []array = new float [width*height]; for (int j = 0; j < height; j++){ for (int i = 0; i < width; i++){ array[(j*width)+i] = screenBuffer.getBuffer().get(); } } screenBuffer.getBuffer().rewind(); ImageProcessor fl = new FloatProcessor(width,height); fl.setPixels(array); if (antialias > 1) { fl.setInterpolationMethod(ImageProcessor.BILINEAR); if (antialiasXonly) { fl = fl.resize(width/antialias, height); } else { fl = fl.resize(width/antialias, height/antialias); } } stack.setPixels(fl.getPixels(), k+1); render.resetBuffers(); screenBuffer.release(); screenBuffer = generateScreenBuffer(context, device, width, height); } totaltime = System.nanoTime() - totaltime; System.out.println("Open CL computation for all projections took: "+(totaltime/1000000)+"ms "); ImagePlus image = new ImagePlus("GPU Projections", stack);; render.resetBuffers(); long time = System.nanoTime(); time = System.nanoTime(); render.drawScreen(screenBuffer); time = System.nanoTime() - time; System.out.println("screen buffer drawing took: "+(time/1000000)+"ms "); if (out) { for (int i=1; i <= stack.getSize(); i++) { ImagePlus img = new ImagePlus("", stack.getProcessor(i)); FileSaver f = new FileSaver(img); f.saveAsPng(out_path + i + ".png"); } } if(show) { try { Thread.sleep(1000000000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } } @Test public void TestOpenCLSurfaceBSplineRenderingAppendBuffer(){ CLContext context = OpenCLUtil.createContext(); CLDevice device = context.getMaxFlopsDevice(); long totaltime = System.nanoTime(); int elementCountU = 100; int elementCountV = 100; int elementCountT = 1; boolean show = true; boolean out = true; String out_path = "D:/PhD/Data/Conrad_Simulations/testauto/img"; int antialias = 1; boolean antialiasXonly = false; int width = 640*antialias; int height = 480*antialias; double numberOfHeartBeats = 2.0; if (show) new ImageJ(); Configuration.loadConfiguration(); HeartScene heartScene = new HeartScene(); heartScene.init(); heartScene.createArteryTree(heartScene); heartScene.createLesions(heartScene); SimpleVector center = SimpleOperators.add(heartScene.getMax().getAbstractVector(), heartScene.getMin().getAbstractVector()).dividedBy(2); Translation centerTranslation = new Translation(center.negated()); CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> samplingPoints = generateSamplingPoints(context, device, 0.0f, elementCountV, elementCountU); System.out.println("LocalMemSize " + device.getLocalMemSize()); if (antialiasXonly) { height = 480; } CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> screenBuffer = generateScreenBuffer(context, device, width, height); HashMap<String, Integer> priorityMap = XCatScene.getSplinePriorityLUT(); CLBuffer<IntBuffer> priorities = context.createIntBuffer(heartScene.getVariants().size() +1, Mem.READ_ONLY); priorities.getBuffer().put(0); for (int i = 0; i < heartScene.getVariants().size();i++){ String name = heartScene.getVariants().get(i).getTitle(); priorities.getBuffer().put(priorityMap.get(name)); } priorities.getBuffer().rewind(); device.createCommandQueue().putWriteBuffer(priorities, false).finish(); CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> mu = context.createFloatBuffer(heartScene.getVariants().size() +1, Mem.READ_ONLY); mu.getBuffer().put((float)MaterialsDB.getMaterial("Air").getDensity()); for (int i = 0; i < heartScene.getVariants().size();i++){ String name = heartScene.getVariants().get(i).getTitle(); mu.getBuffer().put((float) XCatMaterialGenerator.generateFromMaterialName(XCatScene.getSplineNameMaterialNameLUT().get(name)).getDensity()); } mu.getBuffer().rewind(); device.createCommandQueue().putWriteBuffer(mu, false).finish(); SimpleMatrix proj = new SimpleMatrix("[[-446.54410228325054 -511.663331416319 -3.105016244120407E-13 -224000.0]; [-233.8488155484563 53.98825304252766 599.0000000000002 -168000.00000000003]; [-0.9743700647852351 0.2249510543438652 0.0 -700.0]]"); OpenCLAppendBufferRenderer render = new OpenCLAppendBufferRenderer(device); render.init(width, height); OpenCLEvaluatable [] clSplines = new OpenCLEvaluatable[heartScene.getVariants().size()]; for (int ID = 0; ID < heartScene.getVariants().size(); ID++) { AbstractShape s = heartScene.getVariants().get(ID); s.applyTransform(centerTranslation); clSplines[ID] = OpenCLUtil.getOpenCLEvaluatableSubclass(s, render.device); } CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> outputBuffer = context.createFloatBuffer(elementCountU*elementCountV*elementCountT*3, Mem.READ_WRITE); render.setProjectionMatrix(proj); double timePoints = Configuration.getGlobalConfiguration().getGeometry().getProjectionMatrices().length; TimeWarper warper = new HarmonicTimeWarper(numberOfHeartBeats); ImageStack stack; if (antialiasXonly){ stack = new ImageStack(width/antialias, height, (int) timePoints); } else { stack = new ImageStack(width/antialias, height/antialias, (int) timePoints); } //ImageStack stack = new ImageStack(width, height, (int) timePoints); for (int k =0; k < timePoints; k++) { SimpleMatrix matrix = Configuration.getGlobalConfiguration().getGeometry().getProjectionMatrices()[k].computeP(); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++){ matrix.setElementValue(0, i, matrix.getElement(0, i)*antialias); if (!antialiasXonly) matrix.setElementValue(1, i, matrix.getElement(1, i)*antialias); } render.setProjectionMatrix(matrix); samplingPoints.release(); double sampleTime = (float)((1.0/ timePoints)*k); sampleTime = warper.warpTime(sampleTime); samplingPoints = generateSamplingPoints(context, device, (float)sampleTime, elementCountV, elementCountU); long time = System.nanoTime(); for (int ID = 0; ID < heartScene.getVariants().size(); ID++) { // create spline points clSplines[ID].evaluate(samplingPoints, outputBuffer); //// project points render.project(outputBuffer); // draw on the screen if (clSplines[ID].isClockwise()){ render.drawTrianglesGlobal(outputBuffer, screenBuffer, ID+1, elementCountU, elementCountV, -1); } else { render.drawTrianglesGlobal(outputBuffer, screenBuffer, ID+1, elementCountU, elementCountV, 1); } } time = System.nanoTime() - time; System.out.println("Open CL computation for projection "+k+" global took: "+(time/1000000)+"ms "); // evaluate absorption model time = System.nanoTime(); render.drawScreenMonochromatic(screenBuffer, mu, priorities); //render.drawScreen(screenBuffer); time = System.nanoTime() - time; System.out.println("monochromatic screen buffer drawing took: "+(time/1000000)+"ms "); CLCommandQueue clc = device.createCommandQueue(); clc.putReadBuffer(screenBuffer, true).finish(); clc.release(); float []array = new float [width*height]; for (int j = 0; j < height; j++){ for (int i = 0; i < width; i++){ array[(j*width)+i] = screenBuffer.getBuffer().get(); } } screenBuffer.getBuffer().rewind(); ImageProcessor fl = new FloatProcessor(width,height); fl.setPixels(array); if (antialias > 1) { fl.setInterpolationMethod(ImageProcessor.BILINEAR); if (antialiasXonly) { fl = fl.resize(width/antialias, height); } else { fl = fl.resize(width/antialias, height/antialias); } } stack.setPixels(fl.getPixels(), k+1); render.resetBuffers(); screenBuffer.release(); screenBuffer = generateScreenBuffer(context, device, width, height); } totaltime = System.nanoTime() - totaltime; System.out.println("Open CL computation for all projections took: "+(totaltime/1000000)+"ms "); ImagePlus image = new ImagePlus("GPU Projections", stack);; render.resetBuffers(); long time = System.nanoTime(); time = System.nanoTime(); render.drawScreen(screenBuffer); time = System.nanoTime() - time; System.out.println("screen buffer drawing took: "+(time/1000000)+"ms "); if (out) { for (int i=1; i <= stack.getSize(); i++) { ImagePlus img = new ImagePlus("", stack.getProcessor(i)); FileSaver f = new FileSaver(img); f.saveAsPng(out_path + i + ".png"); } } if(show) { try { Thread.sleep(1000000000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } } @Test public void TestOpenCLSimpleObjectRenderingAppendBuffer(){ CLContext context = OpenCLUtil.createContext(); CLDevice device = context.getMaxFlopsDevice(); long totaltime = System.nanoTime(); int elementCountU = 100; int elementCountV = 10; boolean show = true; if (show) new ImageJ(); Configuration.loadConfiguration(); // Create phantom AnalyticPhantom phantom = new MTFBeadPhantom(); ArrayList<OpenCLEvaluatable> objects = new ArrayList<OpenCLEvaluatable>(); for (PhysicalObject o : phantom){ AbstractShape s = o.getShape(); objects.add(OpenCLUtil.getOpenCLEvaluatableSubclass(s, device)); } System.out.println("LocalMemSize " + device.getLocalMemSize()); int antialias = 1; boolean antialiasXonly = false; int width = 640*antialias; int height = 480*antialias; if (antialiasXonly) { height = 480; } CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> screenBuffer = generateScreenBuffer(context, device, width, height); CLBuffer<IntBuffer> priorities = context.createIntBuffer(phantom.size()+1, Mem.READ_ONLY); priorities.getBuffer().put(0); for (PhysicalObject o : phantom){ priorities.getBuffer().put(phantom.getPriority(o)); } priorities.getBuffer().rewind(); device.createCommandQueue().putWriteBuffer(priorities, false).finish(); CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> mu = context.createFloatBuffer(phantom.size()+1, Mem.READ_ONLY); mu.getBuffer().put((float)MaterialsDB.getMaterial("Air").getDensity()); for (PhysicalObject o : phantom){ mu.getBuffer().put((float) o.getMaterial().getDensity()); } mu.getBuffer().rewind(); device.createCommandQueue().putWriteBuffer(mu, false).finish(); SimpleMatrix proj = new SimpleMatrix("[[-446.54410228325054 -511.663331416319 -3.105016244120407E-13 -224000.0]; [-233.8488155484563 53.98825304252766 599.0000000000002 -168000.00000000003]; [-0.9743700647852351 0.2249510543438652 0.0 -700.0]]"); OpenCLAppendBufferRenderer render = new OpenCLAppendBufferRenderer(device); render.init(width, height); CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> outputBuffer = context.createFloatBuffer(elementCountU*elementCountV*3, Mem.READ_WRITE); CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> samplingPoints = generateSamplingPoints(context, device, elementCountV, elementCountU); render.setProjectionMatrix(proj); double timePoints = Configuration.getGlobalConfiguration().getGeometry().getProjectionMatrices().length; ImageStack stack; if (antialiasXonly){ stack = new ImageStack(width/antialias, height, (int) timePoints); } else { stack = new ImageStack(width/antialias, height/antialias, (int) timePoints); } //ImageStack stack = new ImageStack(width, height, (int) timePoints); for (int k =0; k < timePoints; k++) { SimpleMatrix matrix = Configuration.getGlobalConfiguration().getGeometry().getProjectionMatrices()[k].computeP(); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++){ matrix.setElementValue(0, i, matrix.getElement(0, i)*antialias); if (!antialiasXonly) matrix.setElementValue(1, i, matrix.getElement(1, i)*antialias); } render.setProjectionMatrix(matrix); samplingPoints.release(); samplingPoints = generateSamplingPoints(context, device, elementCountV, elementCountU); long time = System.nanoTime(); for (int ID = 0; ID < objects.size(); ID++) { // create points //float[] test = new Box(50, 50, 50).getRasterPoints(elementCountU, elementCountV); //OpenCLCylinder obj = new OpenCLCylinder(50, 50, 100, device); //OpenCLSphere obj = new OpenCLSphere(50, new PointND(10,10,10), device); // float[] test = obj.getRasterPoints(elementCountU, elementCountV); objects.get(ID).evaluate(samplingPoints, outputBuffer, elementCountU, elementCountV); // //float[] test = ((SimpleSurface) phantom.getObject(ID).getShape()).getRasterPoints(elementCountU,elementCountV); // // copy // // prepare sampling points // for (int j = 0; j < elementCountV; j++){ // for (int i = 0; i < elementCountU; i++){ // // strange way of storing & reading coordinates for triangleAppendBuffer // outputBuffer.getBuffer().put(test[3*(j*elementCountU+i)]); // outputBuffer.getBuffer().put(test[3*(j*elementCountU+i)+1]); // outputBuffer.getBuffer().put(test[3*(j*elementCountU+i)+2]); // } // } // outputBuffer.getBuffer().rewind(); // CLCommandQueue clc = device.createCommandQueue(); // clc.putWriteBuffer(outputBuffer, true).finish(); // clc.release(); // CLCommandQueue clc = device.createCommandQueue(); // clc.putReadBuffer(outputBuffer, true).finish(); // clc.release(); // for (int j = 0; j < elementCountV; j++){ // for (int i = 0; i < elementCountU; i++){ // // strange way of storing & reading coordinates for triangleAppendBuffer // System.out.println(outputBuffer.getBuffer().get()); // System.out.println(outputBuffer.getBuffer().get()); // System.out.println(outputBuffer.getBuffer().get()); // } // } // outputBuffer.getBuffer().rewind(); // project points render.project(outputBuffer); // draw on the screen if (objects.get(ID).isClockwise()){ render.drawTrianglesGlobal(outputBuffer, screenBuffer, ID+1, elementCountU, elementCountV, -1); } else { render.drawTrianglesGlobal(outputBuffer, screenBuffer, ID+1, elementCountU, elementCountV, 1); } } time = System.nanoTime() - time; System.out.println("Open CL computation for projection "+k+" global took: "+(time/1000000)+"ms "); // evaluate absorption model time = System.nanoTime(); render.drawScreenMonochromatic(screenBuffer, mu, priorities); //render.drawScreen(screenBuffer); time = System.nanoTime() - time; System.out.println("monochromatic screen buffer drawing took: "+(time/1000000)+"ms "); CLCommandQueue clc = device.createCommandQueue(); clc.putReadBuffer(screenBuffer, true).finish(); clc.release(); float []array = new float [width*height]; for (int j = 0; j < height; j++){ for (int i = 0; i < width; i++){ array[(j*width)+i] = screenBuffer.getBuffer().get(); } } screenBuffer.getBuffer().rewind(); ImageProcessor fl = new FloatProcessor(width,height); fl.setPixels(array); if (antialias > 1) { fl.setInterpolationMethod(ImageProcessor.BILINEAR); if (antialiasXonly) { fl = fl.resize(width/antialias, height); } else { fl = fl.resize(width/antialias, height/antialias); } } stack.setPixels(fl.getPixels(), k+1); //stack.getProcessor(k+1).filter(ImageProcessor.BLUR_MORE); render.resetBuffers(); screenBuffer.release(); screenBuffer = generateScreenBuffer(context, device, width, height); } totaltime = System.nanoTime() - totaltime; System.out.println("Open CL computation for all projections took: "+(totaltime/1000000)+"ms "); ImagePlus image = new ImagePlus("GPU Projections", stack);; if(show) { try { Thread.sleep(1000000000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } } @Test public void TestOpenCLSurfaceBSplineRenderingRayCast(){ CLContext context = OpenCLUtil.createContext(); CLDevice device = context.getMaxFlopsDevice(); int elementCountU = 1000; int elementCountV = 1000; int elementCountT = 1; boolean show = false; boolean out = false; if (show) new ImageJ(); Configuration.loadConfiguration(); HeartScene heartScene = new HeartScene(); heartScene.init(); TimeVariantSurfaceBSpline cSpline = heartScene.getVariants().get(0); OpenCLTimeVariantSurfaceBSpline clSpline = new OpenCLTimeVariantSurfaceBSpline(cSpline.getSplines(), device); CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> samplingPoints = generateSamplingPoints(context, device, elementCountT, elementCountV, elementCountU); int width = 640; int height = 480; CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> screenBuffer = generateScreenBuffer(context, device, width, height); CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> ranges = context.createFloatBuffer(elementCountU*4, Mem.READ_WRITE); for (int j = 0; j < elementCountU*4; j++){ ranges.getBuffer().put(0.f); } ranges.getBuffer().rewind(); device.createCommandQueue().putWriteBuffer(ranges, true); CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> outputBuffer = context.createFloatBuffer(elementCountU*elementCountV*elementCountT*3, Mem.READ_WRITE); long time = System.nanoTime(); clSpline.evaluate(samplingPoints, outputBuffer); time = System.nanoTime() - time; System.out.println("Open CL computation using cubic splines took (with data transfer): "+(time/1000000)+"ms"); SimpleMatrix proj = new SimpleMatrix("[[-446.54410228325054 -511.663331416319 -3.105016244120407E-13 -224000.0]; [-233.8488155484563 53.98825304252766 599.0000000000002 -168000.00000000003]; [-0.9743700647852351 0.2249510543438652 0.0 -700.0]]"); OpenCLRenderer render = new OpenCLRenderer(device); render.init(width, height); int length = elementCountU*elementCountV*elementCountT; double [] x = new double[length]; double [] y = new double[length]; double [] z = new double[length]; evaluateBSplineCPU(elementCountT, elementCountV, elementCountU, width, height, cSpline, x, y, z, proj, show); render.setProjectionMatrix(proj); time = System.nanoTime(); render.project(outputBuffer); time = System.nanoTime() - time; System.out.println("GPU projection took: "+(time/1000000)+"ms"); // fetch data device.createCommandQueue().putReadBuffer(outputBuffer, true).finish(); time = System.nanoTime(); render.computeMinMaxValues(outputBuffer, ranges); time = System.nanoTime() - time; System.out.println("GPU min max took: "+(time/1000000)+"ms"); device.createCommandQueue().putReadBuffer(ranges, true); time = System.nanoTime(); render.drawTrianglesRayCastRanges(outputBuffer, ranges, screenBuffer, length, 20); time = System.nanoTime() - time; System.out.println("triangle drawing took: "+(time/1000000)+"ms"); device.createCommandQueue().putReadBuffer(screenBuffer, true); time = System.nanoTime(); render.drawTrianglesRayCast(outputBuffer, screenBuffer, length, 20); // TODO fails time = System.nanoTime() - time; System.out.println("triangle w/o clipping drawing took: "+(time/1000000)+"ms"); device.createCommandQueue().putReadBuffer(screenBuffer, true); if(show) { readAndShowBuffer(width, height, screenBuffer, "GPU result"); try { Thread.sleep(1000000000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } double meanError = computeMeanError(outputBuffer, x, y, z, length, out); System.out.println("Mean error = " + meanError + " floating point precistion = " + CONRAD.FLOAT_EPSILON ); org.junit.Assert.assertTrue(meanError < 1.5E-2); } @Test public void TestOpenCLSurfaceBSplineRenderingZBuffer(){ CLContext context = OpenCLUtil.createContext(); CLDevice device = context.getMaxFlopsDevice(); int elementCountU = 1000; int elementCountV = 1000; int elementCountT = 10; boolean show = true; boolean out = false; if (show) new ImageJ(); Configuration.loadConfiguration(); HeartScene heartScene = new HeartScene(); heartScene.init(); TimeVariantSurfaceBSpline cSpline = heartScene.getVariants().get(6); OpenCLTimeVariantSurfaceBSpline clSpline = new OpenCLTimeVariantSurfaceBSpline(cSpline.getSplines(), device); // prepare sampling points CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> samplingPoints = generateSamplingPoints(context, device, elementCountT, elementCountV, elementCountU); int width = 640; int height = 480; CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> screenBuffer = this.generateScreenBuffer(context, device, width, height); CLBuffer<IntBuffer> zBuffer = context.createIntBuffer(width*height, Mem.READ_WRITE); for (int j = 0; j < height; j++){ for (int i = 0; i < width; i++){ zBuffer.getBuffer().put(0); } } zBuffer.getBuffer().rewind(); device.createCommandQueue().putWriteBuffer(zBuffer, true); CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> outputBuffer = context.createFloatBuffer(elementCountU*elementCountV*elementCountT*3, Mem.READ_WRITE); long time = System.nanoTime(); clSpline.evaluate(samplingPoints, outputBuffer); time = System.nanoTime() - time; System.out.println("Open CL computation using cubic splines took (with data transfer): "+(time/1000000)+"ms"); SimpleMatrix proj = new SimpleMatrix("[[-446.54410228325054 -511.663331416319 -3.105016244120407E-13 -224000.0]; [-233.8488155484563 53.98825304252766 599.0000000000002 -168000.00000000003]; [-0.9743700647852351 0.2249510543438652 0.0 -700.0]]"); OpenCLRenderer render = new OpenCLRenderer(device); render.init(width, height); int length = elementCountU*elementCountV*elementCountT; double [] x = new double[length]; double [] y = new double[length]; double [] z = new double[length]; this.evaluateBSplineCPU(elementCountT, elementCountV, elementCountU, width, height, cSpline, x, y, z, proj, show); render.setProjectionMatrix(proj); time = System.nanoTime(); render.project(outputBuffer); time = System.nanoTime() - time; System.out.println("GPU projection took: "+(time/1000000)+"ms"); // fetch data device.createCommandQueue().putReadBuffer(outputBuffer, true); time = System.nanoTime(); render.drawTrianglesZBuffer(outputBuffer, screenBuffer, zBuffer, 20); time = System.nanoTime() - time; System.out.println("triangle drawing took: "+(time/1000000)+"ms"); device.createCommandQueue().putReadBuffer(screenBuffer, true); device.createCommandQueue().putReadBuffer(zBuffer, true); //System.out.println("Access: " + access.getBuffer().get() + " " + 640*480); if(show) { this.readAndShowBuffer(width, height, screenBuffer, "GPU result"); float [] array2 = new float [width*height]; for (int j = 0; j < height; j++){ for (int i = 0; i < width; i++){ array2[(j*width)+i] = zBuffer.getBuffer().get(); } } FloatProcessor test = new FloatProcessor(width, height, array2, null); VisualizationUtil.showImageProcessor(test, "GPU zBuffer result").show(); try { Thread.sleep(1000000000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } double meanError = computeMeanError(outputBuffer, x, y, z, length, out); System.out.println("Mean error = " + meanError + " floating point precistion = " + CONRAD.FLOAT_EPSILON ); org.junit.Assert.assertTrue(meanError < 1.5E-2); } @Test public void TestOpenCLSurfaceBSplineRendering(){ CLContext context = OpenCLUtil.createContext(); CLDevice device = context.getMaxFlopsDevice(); int elementCountU = 1000; int elementCountV = 1000; int elementCountT = 1; boolean show = false; boolean out = false; if (show) new ImageJ(); Configuration.loadConfiguration(); HeartScene heartScene = new HeartScene(); heartScene.init(); TimeVariantSurfaceBSpline cSpline = heartScene.getVariants().get(0); OpenCLTimeVariantSurfaceBSpline clSpline = new OpenCLTimeVariantSurfaceBSpline(cSpline.getSplines(), device); // prepare sampling points CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> samplingPoints = generateSamplingPoints(context, device, elementCountT, elementCountV, elementCountU); int width = 640; int height = 480; CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> screenBuffer = generateScreenBuffer(context, device, width, height); CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> outputBuffer = context.createFloatBuffer(elementCountU*elementCountV*elementCountT*3, Mem.READ_WRITE); long time = System.nanoTime(); clSpline.evaluate(samplingPoints, outputBuffer); time = System.nanoTime() - time; System.out.println("Open CL computation using cubic splines took (with data transfer): "+(time/1000000)+"ms"); SimpleMatrix proj = new SimpleMatrix("[[-446.54410228325054 -511.663331416319 -3.105016244120407E-13 -224000.0]; [-233.8488155484563 53.98825304252766 599.0000000000002 -168000.00000000003]; [-0.9743700647852351 0.2249510543438652 0.0 -700.0]]"); OpenCLRenderer render = new OpenCLRenderer(device); render.init(width, height); int length = elementCountU*elementCountV*elementCountT; double [] x = new double[length]; double [] y = new double[length]; double [] z = new double[length]; this.evaluateBSplineCPU(elementCountT, elementCountV, elementCountU, width, height, cSpline, x, y, z, proj, show); render.setProjectionMatrix(proj); time = System.nanoTime(); render.project(outputBuffer); time = System.nanoTime() - time; System.out.println("GPU projection took: "+(time/1000000)+"ms"); // fetch data device.createCommandQueue().putReadBuffer(outputBuffer, true).finish(); time = System.nanoTime(); render.drawTriangles(outputBuffer, screenBuffer, 20); time = System.nanoTime() - time; System.out.println("triangle drawing took: "+(time/1000000)+"ms"); device.createCommandQueue().putReadBuffer(screenBuffer, true); if(show) { readAndShowBuffer(width, height, screenBuffer, "GPU Result"); try { Thread.sleep(1000000000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } double meanError = computeMeanError(outputBuffer, x, y, z, length, out); System.out.println("Mean error = " + meanError + " floating point precistion = " + CONRAD.FLOAT_EPSILON ); org.junit.Assert.assertTrue(meanError < 1.5E-2); } @Test public void TestOpenCLSurfaceBSplineProjection(){ CLContext context = OpenCLUtil.createContext(); CLDevice device = context.getMaxFlopsDevice(); int elementCountU = 100; int elementCountV = 100; int elementCountT = 100; Configuration.loadConfiguration(); HeartScene heartScene = new HeartScene(); heartScene.init(); TimeVariantSurfaceBSpline cSpline = heartScene.getVariants().get(0); OpenCLTimeVariantSurfaceBSpline clSpline = new OpenCLTimeVariantSurfaceBSpline(cSpline.getSplines(), device); // prepare sampling points CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> samplingPoints = generateSamplingPoints(context, device, elementCountT, elementCountV, elementCountU); CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> outputBuffer = context.createFloatBuffer(elementCountU*elementCountV*elementCountT*3, Mem.READ_WRITE); long time = System.nanoTime(); clSpline.evaluate(samplingPoints, outputBuffer); time = System.nanoTime() - time; System.out.println("Open CL computation using cubic splines took (with data transfer): "+(time/1000000)+"ms"); SimpleMatrix proj = new SimpleMatrix("[[-446.54410228325054 -511.663331416319 -3.105016244120407E-13 -224000.0]; [-233.8488155484563 53.98825304252766 599.0000000000002 -168000.00000000003]; [-0.9743700647852351 0.2249510543438652 0.0 -700.0]]"); OpenCLRenderer render = new OpenCLRenderer(device); int length = elementCountU*elementCountV*elementCountT; double [] x = new double[length]; double [] y = new double[length]; double [] z = new double[length]; this.evaluateBSplineCPU(elementCountT, elementCountV, elementCountU, 640, 480, cSpline, x, y, z, proj, false); render.setProjectionMatrix(proj); time = System.nanoTime(); render.project(outputBuffer); time = System.nanoTime() - time; System.out.println("GPU projection took: "+(time/1000000)+"ms"); CLCommandQueue clc = device.createCommandQueue(); clc.putReadBuffer(outputBuffer, true).finish(); clc.release(); double meanError = computeMeanError(outputBuffer, x, y, z, length, false); System.out.println("Mean error = " + meanError + " floating point precistion = " + CONRAD.FLOAT_EPSILON ); org.junit.Assert.assertTrue(meanError < 1.5E-2); } @Test public void TestOpenCLTextureTimeSurfaceBSpline(){ CLContext context = OpenCLUtil.createContext(); CLDevice device = context.getMaxFlopsDevice(); int elementCountU = 100; int elementCountV = 100; int elementCountT = 100; Configuration.loadConfiguration(); HeartScene heartScene = new HeartScene(); heartScene.init(); TimeVariantSurfaceBSpline cSpline = heartScene.getVariants().get(0); OpenCLTextureTimeVariantSurfaceBSpline clSpline = new OpenCLTextureTimeVariantSurfaceBSpline(cSpline.getSplines(), device); // prepare sampling points CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> samplingPoints = generateSamplingPoints(context, device, elementCountT, elementCountV, elementCountU); CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> outputBuffer = context.createFloatBuffer(elementCountU*elementCountV*elementCountT*3, Mem.WRITE_ONLY); long time = System.nanoTime(); clSpline.evaluate(samplingPoints, outputBuffer); CLCommandQueue clc = device.createCommandQueue(); clc.putReadBuffer(outputBuffer, true).finish(); clc.release(); time = System.nanoTime() - time; System.out.println("Open CL computation using cubic splines took (with data transfer): "+(time/1000000)+"ms"); time = System.nanoTime(); int number = 100; for (int i =0; i < number; i++) { clSpline.evaluate(samplingPoints, outputBuffer); } time = System.nanoTime() - time; System.out.println("Open CL computation using cubic splines took ("+ number+" calls without data transfer): "+(time/1000000)/number+"ms per call"); int length = elementCountU*elementCountV*elementCountT; double [] x = new double[length]; double [] y = new double[length]; double [] z = new double[length]; time = System.nanoTime(); int index = 0; for (int t = 0; t < elementCountT; t++){ for (int j = 0; j < elementCountV; j++){ for (int i = 0; i < elementCountU; i++){ PointND p = cSpline.evaluate(i*(1.0f / elementCountU), j*(1.0f / elementCountV), t*(1.0f / elementCountT)); x[index] = p.get(0); y[index] = p.get(1); z[index] = p.get(2); index++; } } } time = System.nanoTime() - time; System.out.println("CPU computation using cubic splines took: "+(time/1000000)+"ms"); double meanError = computeMeanError(outputBuffer, x, y, z, length, false); System.out.println("Mean error = " + meanError + " floating point precistion = " + CONRAD.FLOAT_EPSILON ); org.junit.Assert.assertTrue(meanError < 1.5E-2); } @Test public void TestOpenCLUniformTimeSurfaceBSpline(){ CLContext context = OpenCLUtil.createContext(); CLDevice device = context.getMaxFlopsDevice(); int elementCountU = 10; int elementCountV = 10; int elementCountT = 10; Configuration.loadConfiguration(); HeartScene heartScene = new HeartScene(); heartScene.init(); TimeVariantSurfaceBSpline cSpline = heartScene.getVariants().get(0); OpenCLTimeVariantSurfaceBSpline clSpline = new OpenCLTimeVariantSurfaceBSpline(cSpline.getSplines(), device); // prepare sampling points CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> samplingPoints = context.createFloatBuffer(elementCountU * elementCountV*3*elementCountT, Mem.READ_ONLY); for (int t = 0; t < elementCountT; t++){ for (int j = 0; j < elementCountV; j++){ for (int i = 0; i < elementCountU; i++){ samplingPoints.getBuffer().put(i*(1.0f / elementCountU)); samplingPoints.getBuffer().put(j*(1.0f / elementCountV)); samplingPoints.getBuffer().put(t*(1.0f / elementCountT)); } } } samplingPoints.getBuffer().rewind(); CLCommandQueue clc = device.createCommandQueue(); clc.putWriteBuffer(samplingPoints, true).finish(); CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> outputBuffer = context.createFloatBuffer(elementCountU*elementCountV*elementCountT*3, Mem.WRITE_ONLY); long time = System.nanoTime(); clSpline.evaluate(samplingPoints, outputBuffer); clc.putReadBuffer(outputBuffer, true).finish(); clc.release(); time = System.nanoTime() - time; System.out.println("Open CL computation using cubic splines took: "+(time/1000000)+"ms"); int length = elementCountU*elementCountV*elementCountT; double [] x = new double[length]; double [] y = new double[length]; double [] z = new double[length]; time = System.nanoTime(); int index = 0; for (int t = 0; t < elementCountT; t++){ for (int j = 0; j < elementCountV; j++){ for (int i = 0; i < elementCountU; i++){ PointND p = cSpline.evaluate(i*(1.0f / elementCountU), j*(1.0f / elementCountV), t*(1.0f / elementCountT)); x[index] = p.get(0); y[index] = p.get(1); z[index] = p.get(2); index++; } } } time = System.nanoTime() - time; System.out.println("CPU computation using cubic splines took: "+(time/1000000)+"ms"); double meanError = computeMeanError(outputBuffer, x, y, z, length, false); System.out.println("Mean error = " + meanError + " floating point precistion = " + CONRAD.FLOAT_EPSILON ); org.junit.Assert.assertTrue(meanError < 1.0E-3); } @Test public void TestOpenCLUniformTextureSurfaceBSpline(){ CLContext context = OpenCLUtil.createContext(); CLDevice device = context.getMaxFlopsDevice(); // select fastest device System.out.println("using "+device); int elementCountU = 100; int elementCountV = 100; SurfaceBSpline spline = SplineTests.createTestSurfaceSpline(); SurfaceUniformCubicBSpline cspline = new SurfaceUniformCubicBSpline(spline.getName(), spline.getControlPoints(), spline.getUKnots(), spline.getVKnots()); OpenCLUniformTextureSurfaceBSpline clSpline = new OpenCLUniformTextureSurfaceBSpline(spline.getName(),spline.getControlPoints(), spline.getUKnots(), spline.getVKnots(), device); // prepare sampling points CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> samplingPoints = context.createFloatBuffer(elementCountU * elementCountV*2, Mem.READ_ONLY); for (int j = 0; j < elementCountV; j++){ for (int i = 0; i < elementCountU; i++){ samplingPoints.getBuffer().put(i*(1.0f / elementCountU)); samplingPoints.getBuffer().put(j*(1.0f / elementCountV)); } } samplingPoints.getBuffer().rewind(); CLCommandQueue clc = device.createCommandQueue(); clc.putWriteBuffer(samplingPoints, true).finish(); // prepare output buffer CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> outputBuffer = context.createFloatBuffer(elementCountU*elementCountV*3, Mem.WRITE_ONLY); long time = System.nanoTime(); clSpline.evaluate(samplingPoints, outputBuffer); clc.putReadBuffer(outputBuffer, true).finish(); clc.release(); time = System.nanoTime() - time; System.out.println("Open CL computation using cubic splines took: "+(time/1000000)+"ms"); int length = elementCountU*elementCountV; double [] x = new double[length]; double [] y = new double[length]; double [] z = new double[length]; time = System.nanoTime(); int index = 0; for (int j = 0; j < elementCountV; j++){ for (int i = 0; i < elementCountU; i++){ PointND p = cspline.evaluate(i*(1.0f / elementCountU), j*(1.0f / elementCountV)); x[index] = p.get(0); y[index] = p.get(1); z[index] = p.get(2); index++; } } time = System.nanoTime() - time; System.out.println("CPU computation using cubic splines took: "+(time/1000000)+"ms"); double meanError = computeMeanError(outputBuffer, x, y, z, length, false); System.out.println("Mean error = " + meanError + " floating point precistion = " + CONRAD.FLOAT_EPSILON ); org.junit.Assert.assertTrue(meanError < 1.0E-2); //context.release(); } @Test public void TestOpenCLUniformSurfaceBSpline(){ CLContext context = OpenCLUtil.createContext(); CLDevice device = context.getMaxFlopsDevice(); // select fastest device System.out.println("using "+device); int elementCountU = 1000; int elementCountV = 1000; SurfaceBSpline spline = SplineTests.createTestSurfaceSpline(); SurfaceUniformCubicBSpline cspline = new SurfaceUniformCubicBSpline(spline.getName(), spline.getControlPoints(), spline.getUKnots(), spline.getVKnots()); OpenCLUniformSurfaceBSpline clSpline = new OpenCLUniformSurfaceBSpline(spline.getName(),spline.getControlPoints(), spline.getUKnots(), spline.getVKnots(), device); // prepare sampling points CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> samplingPoints = context.createFloatBuffer(elementCountU * elementCountV*2, Mem.READ_ONLY); for (int j = 0; j < elementCountV; j++){ for (int i = 0; i < elementCountU; i++){ samplingPoints.getBuffer().put(i*(1.0f / elementCountU)); samplingPoints.getBuffer().put(j*(1.0f / elementCountV)); } } samplingPoints.getBuffer().rewind(); CLCommandQueue clc = device.createCommandQueue(); clc.putWriteBuffer(samplingPoints, true).finish(); // prepare output buffer CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> outputBuffer = context.createFloatBuffer(elementCountU*elementCountV*3, Mem.WRITE_ONLY); long time = System.nanoTime(); clSpline.evaluate(samplingPoints, outputBuffer); clc.putReadBuffer(outputBuffer, true).finish(); clc.release(); time = System.nanoTime() - time; System.out.println("Open CL computation using cubic splines took: "+(time/1000000)+"ms"); int length = elementCountU*elementCountV; double [] x = new double[length]; double [] y = new double[length]; double [] z = new double[length]; //time = System.nanoTime(); //int index = 0; //for (int j = 0; j < elementCountV; j++){ // for (int i = 0; i < elementCountU; i++){ // PointND p = spline.evaluate(i*(1.0f / elementCountU), j*(1.0f / elementCountV)); // x[index] = p.get(0); // y[index] = p.get(1); // z[index] = p.get(2); // index++; // } //} //time = System.nanoTime() - time; //System.out.println("CPU computation using general Splines took: "+(time/1000000)+"ms"); time = System.nanoTime(); int index = 0; for (int j = 0; j < elementCountV; j++){ for (int i = 0; i < elementCountU; i++){ PointND p = cspline.evaluate(i*(1.0f / elementCountU), j*(1.0f / elementCountV)); x[index] = p.get(0); y[index] = p.get(1); z[index] = p.get(2); index++; } } time = System.nanoTime() - time; System.out.println("CPU computation using cubic splines took: "+(time/1000000)+"ms"); double meanError = computeMeanError(outputBuffer, x, y, z, length, false); System.out.println("Mean error = " + meanError + " floating point precistion = " + CONRAD.FLOAT_EPSILON ); org.junit.Assert.assertTrue(meanError < 1.0E-5); //context.release(); } @Test public void TestOpenCLUniformTextureBSpline(){ CLContext context = OpenCLUtil.createContext(); CLDevice device = context.getMaxFlopsDevice(); System.out.println("using "+device); int elementCount = 1000000; BSpline spline = SplineTests.createTestSpline(); UniformCubicBSpline cspline = new UniformCubicBSpline(spline.getControlPoints(), spline.getKnots()); OpenCLUniformBSpline clSpline = new OpenCLUniformTextureBSpline(spline.getControlPoints(), spline.getKnots(), device); // prepare sampling points CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> samplingPoints = context.createFloatBuffer(elementCount, Mem.READ_ONLY); for (int i = 0; i < elementCount; i++){ samplingPoints.getBuffer().put(i*(1.0f / elementCount)); } samplingPoints.getBuffer().rewind(); CLCommandQueue clc = device.createCommandQueue(); clc.putWriteBuffer(samplingPoints, true).finish(); // prepare output buffer CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> outputBuffer = context.createFloatBuffer(elementCount*3, Mem.WRITE_ONLY); long time = System.nanoTime(); clSpline.evaluate(samplingPoints, outputBuffer); clc.putReadBuffer(outputBuffer, true).finish(); clc.release(); time = System.nanoTime() - time; System.out.println("Open CL computation took: "+(time/1000000)+"ms"); int length = elementCount; double [] x = new double[length]; double [] y = new double[length]; double [] z = new double[length]; time = System.nanoTime(); for (int i = 0; i< length; i++){ PointND p = cspline.evaluate(((double) i) / (length)); x[i] = p.get(0); y[i] = p.get(1); z[i] = p.get(2); } time = System.nanoTime() - time; System.out.println("CPU computation took: "+(time/1000000)+"ms"); double meanError = computeMeanError(outputBuffer, x, y, z, length, false); System.out.println("Mean error = " + meanError + " floating point precistion = " + CONRAD.FLOAT_EPSILON ); org.junit.Assert.assertTrue(meanError < 1.0E-2); //context.release(); } @Test public void TestOpenCLUniformBSpline(){ CLContext context = OpenCLUtil.createContext(); CLDevice device = context.getMaxFlopsDevice(); System.out.println("using "+device); int elementCount = 1000000; BSpline spline = SplineTests.createTestSpline(); UniformCubicBSpline cspline = new UniformCubicBSpline(spline.getControlPoints(), spline.getKnots()); OpenCLUniformBSpline clSpline = new OpenCLUniformBSpline(spline.getControlPoints(), spline.getKnots(), device); CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> samplingPoints = context.createFloatBuffer(elementCount, Mem.READ_ONLY); for (int i = 0; i < elementCount; i++){ samplingPoints.getBuffer().put(i*(1.0f / elementCount)); } samplingPoints.getBuffer().rewind(); CLCommandQueue clc = device.createCommandQueue(); clc.putWriteBuffer(samplingPoints, true).finish(); CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> outputBuffer = context.createFloatBuffer(elementCount*3, Mem.WRITE_ONLY); long time = System.nanoTime(); clSpline.evaluate(samplingPoints, outputBuffer); clc.putReadBuffer(outputBuffer, true).finish(); clc.release(); time = System.nanoTime() - time; System.out.println("Open CL computation took: "+(time/1000000)+"ms"); int length = elementCount; double [] x = new double[length]; double [] y = new double[length]; double [] z = new double[length]; time = System.nanoTime(); for (int i = 0; i< length; i++){ PointND p = cspline.evaluate(((double) i) / (length)); x[i] = p.get(0); y[i] = p.get(1); z[i] = p.get(2); } time = System.nanoTime() - time; System.out.println("CPU computation took: "+(time/1000000)+"ms"); double meanError = computeMeanError(outputBuffer, x, y, z, length, false); System.out.println("Mean error = " + meanError + " floating point precistion = " + CONRAD.FLOAT_EPSILON ); org.junit.Assert.assertTrue(meanError < 1.0E-6); } @Test public void TestOpenCLCylinder(){ CLContext context = OpenCLUtil.createContext(); CLDevice device = context.getMaxFlopsDevice(); System.out.println("using "+device); int elementCountU = 100; int elementCountV = 100; Cylinder cyl = new Cylinder(5, 5, 10); OpenCLCylinder openclCyl = new OpenCLCylinder(5, 5, 10, device); CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> samplingPoints = generateSamplingPoints(context, device, elementCountV, elementCountU); CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> outputBuffer = context.createFloatBuffer(elementCountU*elementCountV*3, Mem.WRITE_ONLY); long time = System.nanoTime(); openclCyl.evaluate(samplingPoints, outputBuffer, elementCountU, elementCountV); CLCommandQueue clc = device.createCommandQueue(); clc.putReadBuffer(outputBuffer, true).finish(); clc.release(); time = System.nanoTime() - time; System.out.println("Open CL computation took: "+(time/1000000)+"ms"); float[] pointsOpenCL = new float[elementCountU*elementCountV*3]; for (int j = 0; j < elementCountV; j++){ for (int i = 0; i < elementCountU; i++){ pointsOpenCL[3*(j*elementCountU+i)] = outputBuffer.getBuffer().get(); pointsOpenCL[3*(j*elementCountU+i)+1] = outputBuffer.getBuffer().get(); pointsOpenCL[3*(j*elementCountU+i)+2] = outputBuffer.getBuffer().get(); } } outputBuffer.getBuffer().rewind(); time = System.nanoTime(); float[] pointsCPU = cyl.getRasterPoints(elementCountU, elementCountV); time = System.nanoTime() - time; System.out.println("CPU computation took: "+(time/1000000)+"ms"); } @Test public void TestOpenCLSphere(){ CLContext context = OpenCLUtil.createContext(); CLDevice device = context.getMaxFlopsDevice(); System.out.println("using "+device); int elementCountU = 100; int elementCountV = 100; Sphere theSphere = new Sphere(50, new PointND(10,10,10)); OpenCLSphere openclTheSphere = new OpenCLSphere(50, new PointND(10,10,10), device); CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> samplingPoints = generateSamplingPoints(context, device, elementCountV, elementCountU); CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> outputBuffer = context.createFloatBuffer(elementCountU*elementCountV*3, Mem.WRITE_ONLY); long time = System.nanoTime(); openclTheSphere.evaluate(samplingPoints, outputBuffer, elementCountU, elementCountV); CLCommandQueue clc = device.createCommandQueue(); clc.putReadBuffer(outputBuffer, true).finish(); clc.release(); time = System.nanoTime() - time; System.out.println("Open CL computation took: "+(time/1000000)+"ms"); float[] pointsOpenCL = new float[elementCountU*elementCountV*3]; for (int j = 0; j < elementCountV; j++){ for (int i = 0; i < elementCountU; i++){ pointsOpenCL[3*(j*elementCountU+i)] = outputBuffer.getBuffer().get(); pointsOpenCL[3*(j*elementCountU+i)+1] = outputBuffer.getBuffer().get(); pointsOpenCL[3*(j*elementCountU+i)+2] = outputBuffer.getBuffer().get(); } } outputBuffer.getBuffer().rewind(); time = System.nanoTime(); float[] pointsCPU = theSphere.getRasterPoints(elementCountU, elementCountV); time = System.nanoTime() - time; System.out.println("CPU computation took: "+(time/1000000)+"ms"); } @Test public void TestComputeWeights(){ CLContext context = OpenCLUtil.createContext(); CLDevice device = context.getMaxFlopsDevice(); try { // select fastest device System.out.println("using "+device); // create command queue on device. CLCommandQueue queue = device.createCommandQueue(); int elementCount = 1444477; // Length of arrays to process int localWorkSize = Math.min(device.getMaxWorkGroupSize(), 256); // Local work size dimensions int globalWorkSize = OpenCLUtil.roundUp(localWorkSize, elementCount); // rounded up to the nearest multiple of the localWorkSize InputStream programFile = TestOpenCL.class.getResourceAsStream(""); CLProgram program = context.createProgram(programFile).build(); // A, B are input buffers, C is for the result CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> clBufferC = context.createFloatBuffer(globalWorkSize, Mem.WRITE_ONLY); // get a reference to the kernel function with the name 'VectorAdd' // and map the buffers to its input parameters. CLKernel kernel = program.createCLKernel("ComputeWeights"); kernel.putArgs(clBufferC).putArg(elementCount); // asynchronous write of data to GPU device, // followed by blocking read to get the computed results back. long time = System.nanoTime(); queue.put1DRangeKernel(kernel, 0, globalWorkSize, localWorkSize) .putReadBuffer(clBufferC, true); time = System.nanoTime() - time; // print first few elements of the resulting buffer to the console. System.out.println("weight results snapshot: "); for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) System.out.print(clBufferC.getBuffer().get() + ", "); System.out.println("...; " + clBufferC.getBuffer().remaining() + " more"); System.out.println("computation took: "+(time/1000000)+"ms"); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } @Test public void testCLVersion(){ CLContext context = OpenCLUtil.createContext(); CLDevice device = context.getMaxFlopsDevice(); boolean foundAtomicsLocalBase = false; boolean foundAtomicsLocalExt = false; boolean foundAtomicsGlobalBase = false; boolean foundAtomicsGlobalExt = false; System.out.println(device.getName()); System.out.println("GlobalMem: " + device.getGlobalMemSize()); System.out.println("LocalMem: " + device.getLocalMemSize()); System.out.println(device.getVersion() + " with " + device.getMaxClockFrequency() +"Hz"); System.out.println("Extensions:"); for (String extension:device.getExtensions()){ System.out.println(extension); if (extension.equals("cl_khr_local_int32_base_atomics")) foundAtomicsLocalBase = true; if (extension.equals("cl_khr_global_int32_base_atomics")) foundAtomicsGlobalBase = true; if (extension.equals("cl_khr_local_int32_extended_atomics")) foundAtomicsLocalExt = true; if (extension.equals("cl_khr_global_int32_extended_atomics")) foundAtomicsGlobalExt = true; } Assert.assertEquals(true, foundAtomicsGlobalBase && foundAtomicsGlobalExt && foundAtomicsLocalBase && foundAtomicsLocalExt); } @Test public void TestVectorAdd(){ CLContext context = OpenCLUtil.createContext(); CLDevice device = context.getMaxFlopsDevice(); try { // select fastest device System.out.println("using "+device); // create command queue on device. CLCommandQueue queue = device.createCommandQueue(); int elementCount = 1444477; // Length of arrays to process int localWorkSize = Math.min(device.getMaxWorkGroupSize(), 256); // Local work size dimensions int globalWorkSize = OpenCLUtil.roundUp(localWorkSize, elementCount); // rounded up to the nearest multiple of the localWorkSize InputStream programFile = TestOpenCL.class.getResourceAsStream(""); CLProgram program = context.createProgram(programFile).build(); // A, B are input buffers, C is for the result CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> clBufferA = context.createFloatBuffer(globalWorkSize, Mem.READ_ONLY); CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> clBufferB = context.createFloatBuffer(globalWorkSize, Mem.READ_ONLY); CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> clBufferC = context.createFloatBuffer(globalWorkSize, Mem.WRITE_ONLY); // fill input buffers with random numbers // (just to have test data; seed is fixed -> results will not change between runs). fillBuffer(clBufferA.getBuffer(), 12345); fillBuffer(clBufferB.getBuffer(), 67890); // get a reference to the kernel function with the name 'VectorAdd' // and map the buffers to its input parameters. CLKernel kernel = program.createCLKernel("VectorAdd"); kernel.putArgs(clBufferA, clBufferB, clBufferC).putArg(elementCount); // asynchronous write of data to GPU device, // followed by blocking read to get the computed results back. long time = System.nanoTime(); queue.putWriteBuffer(clBufferA, false) .putWriteBuffer(clBufferB, false) .put1DRangeKernel(kernel, 0, globalWorkSize, localWorkSize) .putReadBuffer(clBufferC, true); time = System.nanoTime() - time; // print first few elements of the resulting buffer to the console. System.out.println("a+b=c results snapshot: "); for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) System.out.print(clBufferC.getBuffer().get() + ", "); System.out.println("...; " + clBufferC.getBuffer().remaining() + " more"); System.out.println("computation took: "+(time/1000000)+"ms"); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } private static void fillBuffer(FloatBuffer buffer, int seed) { Random rnd = new Random(seed); while(buffer.remaining() != 0) buffer.put(rnd.nextFloat()*100); buffer.rewind(); } } /* * Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Andreas Maier * CONRAD is developed as an Open Source project under the GNU General Public License (GPL). */