package edu.stanford.rsl.tutorial; import ij.ImageJ; import; import; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.trajectories.Trajectory; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.phantom.NumericalSheppLogan3D; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.utils.Configuration; import edu.stanford.rsl.tutorial.cone.ConeBeamBackprojector; import edu.stanford.rsl.tutorial.cone.ConeBeamCosineFilter; import edu.stanford.rsl.tutorial.cone.ConeBeamProjector; import; import; import edu.stanford.rsl.tutorial.filters.RamLakKernel; import edu.stanford.rsl.tutorial.parallel.ParallelBackprojector2D; import edu.stanford.rsl.tutorial.parallel.ParallelProjector2D; import edu.stanford.rsl.tutorial.phantoms.DotsGrid2D; import edu.stanford.rsl.tutorial.phantoms.MickeyMouseGrid2D; import edu.stanford.rsl.tutorial.phantoms.Phantom; import edu.stanford.rsl.tutorial.phantoms.Phantom3D; import edu.stanford.rsl.tutorial.phantoms.Sphere3D; import edu.stanford.rsl.tutorial.phantoms.TestObject1; import edu.stanford.rsl.tutorial.phantoms.UniformCircleGrid2D; /** * Simple example that computes and displays a reconstruction. * * @author Recopra Seminar Summer 2012 * */ public class DisplayReconstruction { /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { // sinogram params double maxS = 200, // [mm] deltaS = 1.0, // [mm] maxTheta = Math.PI * 2, // [rad] deltaTheta = maxTheta / 200; // [rad] // image params int imgSzXMM = 100, // [mm] imgSzYMM = imgSzXMM; // [mm] float pxSzXMM = 1.0f, // [mm] pxSzYMM = pxSzXMM; // [mm] // fan beam bp parameters @SuppressWarnings("unused") double focalLength = 600, maxT = maxS, deltaT = deltaS, gammaM = Math .atan2(maxT / 2.f /*- 0.5*/, focalLength), maxBeta = Math.PI * 2, deltaBeta = maxBeta / 180; int phantomType = 1; // 0 = circle, 1 = MickeyMouse, 2 = TestObject1, // 3=DotsGrid // size in grid units int imgSzXGU = (int) Math.floor(imgSzXMM / pxSzXMM), // [GU] imgSzYGU = (int) Math.floor(imgSzYMM / pxSzYMM); // [GU] new ImageJ(); @SuppressWarnings("unused") ParallelProjector2D projector = new ParallelProjector2D(maxTheta, deltaTheta, maxS, deltaS); @SuppressWarnings("unused") ParallelBackprojector2D backprojector = new ParallelBackprojector2D( imgSzXGU, imgSzYGU, pxSzXMM, pxSzYMM); @SuppressWarnings("unused") FanBeamProjector2D fanBeamProjector = new FanBeamProjector2D( focalLength, maxBeta, deltaBeta, maxT, deltaT); @SuppressWarnings("unused") FanBeamBackprojector2D fanBeamBackprojector = new FanBeamBackprojector2D( focalLength, deltaT, deltaBeta, imgSzXGU, imgSzYGU); // image object // MickeyMouseGrid2D phantom = new MickeyMouseGrid2D(imgSzXGU, // imgSzYGU); // DotsGrid2D grid = new DotsGrid2D(imgSzXGU, imgSzYGU); // UniformCircleGrid2D phantom = new UniformCircleGrid2D(imgSzXGU, // imgSzYGU); @SuppressWarnings("unused") Phantom phantom; switch (phantomType) { case 0: phantom = new UniformCircleGrid2D(imgSzXGU, imgSzYGU); break; case 1: phantom = new MickeyMouseGrid2D(imgSzXGU, imgSzYGU); break; case 2: phantom = new TestObject1(imgSzXGU, imgSzYGU); break; case 3: phantom = new DotsGrid2D(imgSzXGU, imgSzYGU); break; default: phantom = new UniformCircleGrid2D(imgSzXGU, imgSzYGU); break; } Configuration.loadConfiguration(); Configuration conf = Configuration.getGlobalConfiguration(); Trajectory geo = conf.getGeometry(); focalLength = geo.getSourceToDetectorDistance(); //int maxU = geo.getDetectorWidth(); //int maxV = geo.getDetectorHeight(); int maxU_PX = geo.getDetectorWidth(); int maxV_PX = geo.getDetectorHeight(); double deltaU = geo.getPixelDimensionX(); double deltaV = geo.getPixelDimensionY(); double maxU = (maxU_PX) * deltaU; double maxV = (maxV_PX) * deltaV; int imgSizeX = geo.getReconDimensionX(); int imgSizeY = geo.getReconDimensionY(); int imgSizeZ = geo.getReconDimensionZ(); Phantom3D test3D = new Sphere3D(imgSizeX, imgSizeY, imgSizeZ); //"Sphere"); @SuppressWarnings("unused") NumericalSheppLogan3D shepp3d = new NumericalSheppLogan3D(imgSizeX, imgSizeY, imgSizeZ); // phantom.setSpacing(pxSzXMM, pxSzYMM); // // origin is given in (negative) world coordinates // phantom.setOrigin(-(imgSzXGU * phantom.getSpacing()[0]) / 2.0, // -(imgSzYGU * phantom.getSpacing()[1]) / 2.0); //; Grid3D grid = test3D; // Grid3D grid =shepp3d.getNumericalSheppLoganPhantom();"object"); ConeBeamProjector cbp = new ConeBeamProjector(); //Grid3D sino = cbp.projectPixelDriven(grid); Grid3D sino = cbp.projectRayDrivenCL(grid);"sinoCL"); ConeBeamCosineFilter cbFilter = new ConeBeamCosineFilter(focalLength, maxU, maxV, deltaU, deltaV); RamLakKernel ramK = new RamLakKernel(maxU_PX, deltaU); for (int i = 0; i < conf.getGeometry().getProjectionStackSize(); ++i) { cbFilter.applyToGrid(sino.getSubGrid(i)); //ramp for (int j = 0;j <maxV_PX; ++j) ramK.applyToGrid(sino.getSubGrid(i).getSubGrid(j)); float D = (float) conf .getGeometry().getSourceToDetectorDistance(); NumericPointwiseOperators.multiplyBy(sino.getSubGrid(i), (float) (D*D * Math.PI / geo.getNumProjectionMatrices())); }"sinoFilt"); ConeBeamBackprojector cbbp = new ConeBeamBackprojector(); Grid3D recImage = cbbp.backprojectPixelDrivenCL(sino);"recImage"); if (true) return; // create projections /* * Grid2D sinoRay = projector.projectRayDriven(grid); GridImage * sinoImage = new GridImage(sinoRay);"Sinogram - Ray"); */ // Grid2D sinoPx = projector.projectRayDriven(grid); //"P Sinogram"); // Grid2D fanBeamSinoRay = fanBeamProjector.projectRayDrivenCL(grid); //"FB CL Sinogram"); // // if (true) // // return; // RamLakKernel ramLak = new RamLakKernel((int) (maxS / deltaS), // deltaS); //ConeBeamCosineFilter cKern = new ConeBeamCosineFilter(focalLength, // maxU, maxV, deltaU, deltaV); // // ParkerWeights pWeights = new ParkerWeights(focalLength, maxT, // deltaT, // // maxBeta, deltaBeta); // // pWeights.applyToGrid(fanBeamSinoRay); // //; //for (int theta = 0; theta < sino.getSize()[0]; ++theta) { //cKern.applyToGrid(sino.getSubGrid(theta)); // // ramLak.applyToGrid(fanBeamSinoRay.getSubGrid(theta)); // // // ramLak.applyToGrid(sinoPx.getSubGrid(theta)); //} // // FanBeamBackprojector2D fbp = new FanBeamBackprojector2D(focalLength, // deltaT, deltaBeta, imgSzXMM, imgSzYMM); // System.out.print("Pixel:"); // long t0 = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Grid2D CLPixel = fbp.backprojectPixelDrivenCL(fanBeamSinoRay); // System.out.println(System.currentTimeMillis() - t0); // t0 = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Grid2D CLRay = fbp.backprojectRayDrivenCL(fanBeamSinoRay); // //"FB P/CPU Reconstruction"); // System.out.println("Ray: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - t0)); //"Ray"); //"Pixel"); } } /* * Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Andreas Maier * CONRAD is developed as an Open Source project under the GNU General Public License (GPL). */