package edu.stanford.rsl.tutorial.cone; import; import java.nio.FloatBuffer; import com.jogamp.opencl.CLBuffer; import com.jogamp.opencl.CLCommandQueue; import com.jogamp.opencl.CLContext; import com.jogamp.opencl.CLDevice; import com.jogamp.opencl.CLImage3d; import com.jogamp.opencl.CLImageFormat; import com.jogamp.opencl.CLKernel; import com.jogamp.opencl.CLProgram; import com.jogamp.opencl.CLImageFormat.ChannelOrder; import com.jogamp.opencl.CLImageFormat.ChannelType; import com.jogamp.opencl.CLMemory.Mem; import; import; import; import; import; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.Projection; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.geometry.trajectories.Trajectory; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.numerics.SimpleMatrix; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.numerics.SimpleOperators; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.numerics.SimpleVector; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.opencl.OpenCLUtil; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.opencl.TestOpenCL; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.utils.CONRAD; import edu.stanford.rsl.conrad.utils.Configuration; public class ConeBeamProjector { final boolean debug = false; final boolean verbose = false; static int bpBlockSize[] = {16, 16}; //opencl variables protected CLContext context; protected CLDevice device; private CLProgram program; private CLImageFormat format; private CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> gVolumeEdgeMaxPoint = null; private CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> gVolumeEdgeMinPoint = null; private CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> gVoxelElementSize = null; protected CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> gInvARmatrix = null; protected CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> gSrcPoint = null; private CLBuffer<FloatBuffer> sinogram = null; private CLImage3d<FloatBuffer> imageGrid = null; protected CLCommandQueue queue = null; private CLKernel kernelFunction; // Length of arrays to process int localWorkSize; int globalWorkSizeU; int globalWorkSizeV; //imaging variables private int width; private int height; protected Trajectory geometry; private int currentStep = 0; private float [] voxelSize = null; private float [] volumeSize = null; private float [] volumeEdgeMinPoint = null; private float [] volumeEdgeMaxPoint = null; // buffer for 3D volume: private int subVolumeZ; public ConeBeamProjector() { configure(); initCL(); } private void initCL(){ context = OpenCLUtil.getStaticContext(); device = context.getMaxFlopsDevice(); program = null; // initialize the program if (program==null || !program.getContext().equals(context)){ try { program = context.createProgram(TestOpenCL.class.getResourceAsStream("")).build(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } // create image from input grid format = new CLImageFormat(ChannelOrder.INTENSITY, ChannelType.FLOAT); // Length of arrays to process localWorkSize = Math.min(device.getMaxWorkGroupSize(), 16); // Local work size dimensions globalWorkSizeU = OpenCLUtil.roundUp(localWorkSize, width); // rounded up to the nearest multiple of localWorkSize globalWorkSizeV = OpenCLUtil.roundUp(localWorkSize, height); // rounded up to the nearest multiple of localWorkSize queue = device.createCommandQueue(); kernelFunction = program.createCLKernel("projectKernel"); setEdgeMaxima(); prepareAllProjections(); gVoxelElementSize = context.createFloatBuffer(voxelSize.length, Mem.READ_ONLY); gVoxelElementSize.getBuffer().put(voxelSize); gVoxelElementSize.getBuffer().rewind(); queue .putWriteBuffer(gVoxelElementSize,true) .putWriteBuffer(gVolumeEdgeMinPoint, true) .putWriteBuffer(gVolumeEdgeMaxPoint, true) .finish(); } public Grid2D projectPixelDriven(Grid3D grid, int projIdx) { geometry = Configuration.getGlobalConfiguration().getGeometry(); int maxV = geometry.getDetectorHeight(); int maxU = geometry.getDetectorWidth(); int imgSizeX = geometry.getReconDimensionX(); int imgSizeY = geometry.getReconDimensionY(); int imgSizeZ = geometry.getReconDimensionZ(); Projection[] projMats = geometry.getProjectionMatrices(); int maxProjs = geometry.getProjectionStackSize(); if(projIdx+1 > maxProjs || 0 > projIdx){ System.err.println("ConeBeamProjector: Invalid projection index"); return null; } Grid2D sino = new Grid2D(maxU,maxV); // double spacingX = geometry.getVoxelSpacingX(); double spacingY = geometry.getVoxelSpacingY(); double spacingZ = geometry.getVoxelSpacingZ(); double originX = -geometry.getOriginX(); double originY = -geometry.getOriginY(); double originZ = -geometry.getOriginZ(); for (int x = 0; x < imgSizeX - 1; x++) { double xTrans = x * spacingX - originX; for (int y = 0; y < imgSizeY - 1; y++) { double yTrans = y * spacingY - originY; for (int z = 0; z < imgSizeZ - 1; z++) { SimpleVector point3d = new SimpleVector(xTrans, yTrans, z * spacingZ - originZ, 1); // for(int p = 0; p < maxProjs; p++) { int p = projIdx; // SimpleVector point2d = SimpleOperators.multiply(projMats[p].computeP(), point3d); double coordU = point2d.getElement(0) / point2d.getElement(2); double coordV = point2d.getElement(1) / point2d.getElement(2); if (coordU >= maxU - 1 || coordV >= maxV - 1 || coordU <= 0 || coordV <= 0) continue; float val = grid.getAtIndex(x, y, z); InterpolationOperators.addInterpolateLinear(sino, coordU, coordV, val); // // } } } } return sino; } public Grid3D projectPixelDriven(Grid3D grid) { geometry = Configuration.getGlobalConfiguration().getGeometry(); int maxV = geometry.getDetectorHeight(); int maxU = geometry.getDetectorWidth(); int imgSizeX = geometry.getReconDimensionX(); int imgSizeY = geometry.getReconDimensionY(); int imgSizeZ = geometry.getReconDimensionZ(); Projection[] projMats = geometry.getProjectionMatrices(); int maxProjs = geometry.getProjectionStackSize(); Grid3D sino = new Grid3D(maxU,maxV,maxProjs); double spacingX = geometry.getVoxelSpacingX(); double spacingY = geometry.getVoxelSpacingY(); double spacingZ = geometry.getVoxelSpacingZ(); double originX = -geometry.getOriginX(); double originY = -geometry.getOriginY(); double originZ = -geometry.getOriginZ(); for(int x = 0; x < imgSizeX-1; x++) { double xTrans = x*spacingX-originX; for(int y = 0; y < imgSizeY-1 ; y++) { double yTrans = y*spacingY-originY; for(int z = 0; z < imgSizeZ-1; z++) { SimpleVector point3d = new SimpleVector(xTrans, yTrans, z*spacingZ-originZ, 1); for(int p = 0; p < maxProjs; p++) { SimpleVector point2d = SimpleOperators.multiply(projMats[p].computeP(), point3d); double coordU = point2d.getElement(0) / point2d.getElement(2); double coordV = point2d.getElement(1) / point2d.getElement(2); if (coordU >= maxU-1 || coordV>= maxV -1 || coordU <=0 || coordV <= 0) continue; float val = grid.getAtIndex(x, y, z); InterpolationOperators.addInterpolateLinear(sino, coordU, coordV, p, val); } } } } return sino; } private void setEdgeMaxima(){ int test = currentStep; volumeEdgeMaxPoint[2] = (float) ((test * subVolumeZ) + subVolumeZ -0.5 - CONRAD.SMALL_VALUE); volumeEdgeMinPoint[2] = (float) ((test * subVolumeZ) -0.5 - CONRAD.SMALL_VALUE); gVolumeEdgeMaxPoint = context.createFloatBuffer(volumeEdgeMaxPoint.length, Mem.READ_ONLY); gVolumeEdgeMinPoint = context.createFloatBuffer(volumeEdgeMinPoint.length, Mem.READ_ONLY); gVolumeEdgeMaxPoint.getBuffer().put(volumeEdgeMaxPoint); gVolumeEdgeMinPoint.getBuffer().put(volumeEdgeMinPoint); gVolumeEdgeMaxPoint.getBuffer().rewind(); gVolumeEdgeMinPoint.getBuffer().rewind(); } protected void prepareAllProjections(){ float [] cann = new float[3*4]; float [] invAR = new float[3*3]; float [] srcP = new float[3]; //if (gInvARmatrix == null) gInvARmatrix = context.createFloatBuffer(invAR.length*geometry.getNumProjectionMatrices(), Mem.READ_ONLY); //if (gSrcPoint == null) gSrcPoint = context.createFloatBuffer(srcP.length*geometry.getNumProjectionMatrices(), Mem.READ_ONLY); for (int i=0; i < geometry.getNumProjectionMatrices(); ++i){ SimpleMatrix projMat = geometry.getProjectionMatrix(i).computeP(); double [][] mat = new double [3][4]; projMat.copyTo(mat); computeCanonicalProjectionMatrix(cann, invAR, srcP, new Jama.Matrix(mat)); gInvARmatrix.getBuffer().put(invAR); gSrcPoint.getBuffer().put(srcP); } gInvARmatrix.getBuffer().rewind(); gSrcPoint.getBuffer().rewind(); queue .putWriteBuffer(gSrcPoint, true) .putWriteBuffer(gInvARmatrix, true) .finish(); } public void computeCanonicalProjectionMatrix(float [] canonicalProjMatrix, float [] invARmatrix, float [] srcPoint, Jama.Matrix projectionMatrix){ double [] du = {geometry.getPixelDimensionX(), 0}; double [] dv = {0, geometry.getPixelDimensionY()}; // Assumed the vectors have only one non-zero element // use du[0] = 1; dv[1] = 1; /* --------------------------------------------------- * * Canonical projection matrix used for BP computation * * --------------------------------------------------- */ // T0 matrix Jama.Matrix T0 = new Jama.Matrix (3,3); double denom = 1.0f / (du[0]*dv[1] - dv[0]*du[1]); T0.set(0,0, denom * dv[1]); T0.set(0,1,-denom * dv[0]); T0.set(1,0, -denom * du[1]); T0.set(1,1, denom * du[0]); T0.set(0,2, -0.5); T0.set(1,2, -0.5); T0.set(2,2, 1.0); //T0.print(NumberFormat.getInstance(), 8); // T4 matrix Jama.Matrix T4 = new Jama.Matrix(4,4); T4.set(0,0, voxelSize[0]); T4.set(1,1, voxelSize[1]); T4.set(2,2, voxelSize[2]); for (int k=0; k<3; ++k){ T4.set(k,3, -0.5 * (volumeSize[k] - 1.0) * voxelSize[k]); } T4.set(3,3, 1.0); // New projection matrix in Canonical coord sys Jama.Matrix tmpMatrix; Jama.Matrix newProjMat; tmpMatrix = projectionMatrix.times(T4); newProjMat = T0.times(tmpMatrix); for (int r=0; r<3; ++r) { for (int c=0; c<4; ++c) { // 3x3 matrix 1st row (indices 0-3), 2nd row (indices 4-7), // and 3rd row (indices 8-11) canonicalProjMatrix[4*r + c] = (float) newProjMat.get(r,c); } } /* ----------------------------------------------------------- * * Canonical inverse projection matrix used for FP computation * * ----------------------------------------------------------- */ // Inverse of T0 matrix //T0.inverse().print(NumberFormat.getInstance(), 8); T0.set(0,0, du[0]); T0.set(0,1, dv[0]); T0.set(1,0, du[1]); T0.set(1,1, dv[1]); T0.set(0,2, 0);//0.5 * (du[0]+dv[0])); T0.set(1,2, 0);//0.5 * (du[1]+dv[1])); //T0.print(NumberFormat.getInstance(), 8); // Inverse scaling by dx, dy, dz Jama.Matrix invVoxelScale = new Jama.Matrix(3,3); invVoxelScale.set(0,0, 1.0/voxelSize[0]); invVoxelScale.set(1,1, 1.0/voxelSize[1]); invVoxelScale.set(2,2, 1.0/voxelSize[2]); // New invARmatrix in the Canonical coord sys Jama.Matrix invARmatrixMat = projectionMatrix.getMatrix(0, 2, 0, 2).inverse(); tmpMatrix = invARmatrixMat.times(T0); // invARmatrix_ * T0^{-1} Jama.Matrix invAR = invVoxelScale.times(tmpMatrix); // invVoxelScale * (invARmatrix_ * T0) for (int r=0; r<3; ++r) { for (int c=0; c<3; ++c) { // 3x3 matrix 1st row (indices 0-2), 2nd row (indices 3-5), // and 3rd row (indices 6-8) invARmatrix[3*r + c] = (float) invAR.get(r,c); } } //invAR.print(NumberFormat.getInstance(), 6); // New srcPoint in the Canonical coord sys Jama.Matrix srcPtW = computeSrcPt(projectionMatrix, invARmatrixMat); srcPoint[0] = (float) -(-0.5 * (volumeSize[0] -1.0) + invVoxelScale.get(0,0) * srcPtW.get(0, 0)); srcPoint[1] = (float) -(-0.5 * (volumeSize[1] -1.0) + invVoxelScale.get(1,1) * srcPtW.get(1, 0)); srcPoint[2] = (float) -(-0.5 * (volumeSize[2] -1.0) + invVoxelScale.get(2,2) * srcPtW.get(2, 0)); } public static Jama.Matrix computeSrcPt(Jama.Matrix projectionMatrix, Jama.Matrix invertedProjMatrix) { Jama.Matrix at = projectionMatrix.getMatrix(0, 2, 3, 3); //at = at.times(-1.0); return invertedProjMatrix.times(at); } public void configure(){ Configuration.loadConfiguration(); geometry = Configuration.getGlobalConfiguration().getGeometry(); voxelSize = new float [3]; volumeSize = new float [3]; voxelSize[0] = (float) geometry.getVoxelSpacingX(); voxelSize[1] = (float) geometry.getVoxelSpacingY(); voxelSize[2] = (float) geometry.getVoxelSpacingZ(); volumeSize[0] = geometry.getReconDimensionX(); volumeSize[1] = geometry.getReconDimensionY(); volumeSize[2] = geometry.getReconDimensionZ(); volumeEdgeMinPoint = new float[3]; for (int i=0; i < 3; i ++){ volumeEdgeMinPoint[i] = (float) (-0.5 + CONRAD.SMALL_VALUE); } volumeEdgeMaxPoint = new float[3]; for (int i=0; i < 3; i ++){ volumeEdgeMaxPoint[i] = (float) (volumeSize[i] -0.5 - CONRAD.SMALL_VALUE); } width = geometry.getDetectorWidth(); height = geometry.getDetectorHeight(); subVolumeZ = (int) volumeSize[2]; if (debug) System.out.println("Projection Matrices: " + geometry.getNumProjectionMatrices()); } public void unload(){ if(sinogram != null && !sinogram.isReleased()) sinogram.release(); if(imageGrid != null && !imageGrid.isReleased()) imageGrid.release(); } public int getMaxProjections() { return geometry.getProjectionStackSize(); } public void projectRayDrivenCL(OpenCLGrid2D[] sinoCL, OpenCLGrid3D gridCL){ imageGrid = context.createImage3d(gridCL.getDelegate().getCLBuffer().getBuffer(), (int)volumeSize[0], (int)volumeSize[1], (int)volumeSize[2],format, Mem.READ_ONLY); queue .putCopyBufferToImage(gridCL.getDelegate().getCLBuffer(), imageGrid) .finish(); for(int p = 0; p < geometry.getProjectionStackSize(); p++) { kernelFunction .putArg(sinoCL[p].getDelegate().getCLBuffer()) .putArg(width) .putArg(height) .putArg(1.f) .putArg(imageGrid) .putArg(gVoxelElementSize) .putArg(gVolumeEdgeMinPoint) .putArg(gVolumeEdgeMaxPoint) .putArg(gSrcPoint) .putArg(gInvARmatrix) .putArg(p); queue .put2DRangeKernel(kernelFunction, 0, 0, globalWorkSizeU, globalWorkSizeV,localWorkSize, localWorkSize) .finish(); kernelFunction.rewind(); sinoCL[p].getDelegate().notifyDeviceChange(); sinoCL[p].getDelegate().prepareForHostOperation(); } kernelFunction.release(); queue.release(); } //2d method /** * loads the actual OpenCL kernel and performs the projection * @param projectionNumber the projection number. * @return the image as image processor */ public void projectRayDrivenCL(OpenCLGrid2D sinoCL, OpenCLGrid3D gridCL, int projIdx){ imageGrid = context.createImage3d(gridCL.getDelegate().getCLBuffer().getBuffer(), (int)gridCL.getSize()[0], (int)gridCL.getSize()[1], (int)gridCL.getSize()[2],format, Mem.READ_ONLY); queue .putCopyBufferToImage(gridCL.getDelegate().getCLBuffer(), imageGrid) .finish(); kernelFunction .putArg(sinoCL.getDelegate().getCLBuffer()) .putArg(width) .putArg(height) .putArg(1.f) .putArg(imageGrid) .putArg(gVoxelElementSize) .putArg(gVolumeEdgeMinPoint) .putArg(gVolumeEdgeMaxPoint) .putArg(gSrcPoint) .putArg(gInvARmatrix) .putArg(projIdx); queue .put2DRangeKernel(kernelFunction, 0, 0, globalWorkSizeU, globalWorkSizeV,localWorkSize, localWorkSize).finish(); kernelFunction.rewind(); sinoCL.getDelegate().notifyDeviceChange(); } public Grid2D projectRayDrivenCL(Grid3D grid, int projIdx) throws Exception { configure(); OpenCLGrid3D gridCL = new OpenCLGrid3D(grid); OpenCLGrid2D sinoCL = new OpenCLGrid2D(new Grid2D(width,height)); sinoCL.getDelegate().prepareForDeviceOperation(); projectRayDrivenCL(sinoCL, gridCL, projIdx); gridCL.release(); Grid2D sino = new Grid2D(sinoCL); unload(); return sino; } public Grid3D projectRayDrivenCL(Grid3D grid) { configure(); OpenCLGrid3D gridCL = new OpenCLGrid3D(grid); OpenCLGrid2D [] sinoCL = new OpenCLGrid2D[geometry.getProjectionStackSize()]; for (int i=0; i < geometry.getProjectionStackSize(); i++) { sinoCL[i] = new OpenCLGrid2D(new Grid2D(width,height)); sinoCL[i].getDelegate().prepareForDeviceOperation(); } projectRayDrivenCL(sinoCL, gridCL); gridCL.release(); Grid3D sino = new Grid3D(width,height,geometry.getProjectionStackSize()); for(int i = 0; i<sinoCL.length; i++){ sino.setSubGrid(i, new Grid2D(sinoCL[i])); sinoCL[i].release(); } unload(); return sino; } // calculates the sinogram out of a volume grid at the projectionindex projIdx public void fastProjectRayDrivenCL(OpenCLGrid2D sinoCL, OpenCLGrid3D grid, int projIdx) { sinoCL.getDelegate().prepareForDeviceOperation(); grid.getDelegate().prepareForDeviceOperation(); projectRayDrivenCL(sinoCL, grid, projIdx); unload(); } // calculates the sinogram out of a volume grid at the projectionindex projIdx public void fastProjectRayDrivenCL(OpenCLGrid3D sinoCL, OpenCLGrid3D grid) throws Exception { OpenCLGrid2D sinoCLBuffer = new OpenCLGrid2D(new Grid2D(width,height)); sinoCLBuffer.setOrigin(0,0); sinoCLBuffer.setSpacing(geometry.getPixelDimensionX(),geometry.getPixelDimensionY()); sinoCL.getDelegate().prepareForDeviceOperation(); for(int pIdx = 0; pIdx < geometry.getProjectionStackSize(); pIdx++){ sinoCLBuffer.getDelegate().prepareForDeviceOperation(); fastProjectRayDrivenCL(sinoCLBuffer,grid,pIdx); sinoCLBuffer.getDelegate().notifyDeviceChange(); queue.putCopyBuffer(sinoCLBuffer.getDelegate().getCLBuffer(), sinoCL.getDelegate().getCLBuffer(),0,pIdx*(int)sinoCLBuffer.getDelegate().getCLBuffer().getCLSize(),sinoCLBuffer.getDelegate().getCLBuffer().getCLSize(),null).finish(); } sinoCLBuffer.release(); sinoCL.getDelegate().notifyDeviceChange(); unload(); } } /* * Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Andreas Maier * CONRAD is developed as an Open Source project under the GNU General Public License (GPL). */